Love of Magic for android

Game description Love of Magic
Book 2:
- Typo fixes
- Temporarily disabled the new outfit events until their receive scenes are done
- New Dylan event (day 160+, after meeting up with him before. KD in the morning)
- Okay, I lied. Added another Dylan event (Day 159+, Need Dojo built)
- Typo pass
- Onsen party complete. Act IX+ done.
- Onsen Party almost done
- New Val event at the Onsen (after talking to her in the KD)
- Intro for hotspring party (day 156+, with Onsen built)
- New item to buy (Emily's bodysuit, day 167+). Will be Act X content, so likely locking it before release
- New item to buy (Giftwrapping, day 169+ if you've bought Emily's bodysuit). Will be Act X content, so likely locking it before release
- Aoife event. Day 154, night, King's Dragon. Requires Dining Room.
- Rebuild to include changes made to draco's fight
- Draco's fight now correctly does damage in starting convo, includes allies
- Added support for changing Draco's nickname, and what he calls MC.
- Natural Born Killer Pt II
- New Game of Friends: Leap of Faith
- New KD event after the Jannice event
- New Alexander Nakarade track for Xochi (Enchanted Forest)
- Added new trigger to save Act 7 silently
- Typo pass
- Fixed incorrect quest info triggering for A Home For the Chosen 4
- New event with Xochi in the Onsen (after your shared vision)
- New event with Akane, night in the dojo
- Fixed a bug where Mom was wearing the wrong clothing
- Reorganized the buttons on the Elsewhere map
- New KD event, triggers in the Evening day 162+, after you've received draco
- New Akane sequence, at least one day after KD Dining Room event (evening, KD Dining Room)
- Fixed a case where Molly could go missing.
- New event, KD Dining Room, Evening. You need to have done Akane's Nuru Gel Massage first.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't leave after talking to Val
- New drinking at KD event, day 138+, at night, after having used the Onsen at least twice.
- New Akane event, Onsen at Night (req 3+ times in onsen)
- New Xochi event, Day 145+ at the Teahouse in the Evening.
- New event with Kitsune no Aino, triggers at night after Akane receives her Shadowhunter gear
- Fixed Akane's shadowhunter event not having a map head.
- New event with Emily, triggers by talking to her in the Great hall after using the Onsen 5 times
- Fixed a bug where act VII end save wouldn't correctly advance
- Fixed game+ conversation for people who'd already had it before
- Fixed the incorrect background for the game+ scene
- Fixed a missing script causing an exception in non-editor mode
- Correctly clear the no-katie flag on day 144
- Fixed a bug where jumping locations while moving would cause the elsewhere path to jump
- Fixed a bug where speed transitions might survive to the next conversation/video
- Corrected the save/load image for act 8
- Added Game+ for act 8
- Fixed a bug in the video selective speed playback
- Typo pass
- Fixed broken new KE
- Act VIII complete
- Finished day 144
- Finished Second schwartalf delivery
- New Kingdom Event (LimitedProtection)
- First part of Day 144
- Rebuilt steam and added guards if it failed to properly initialize
- Fixing up Keith (day 142-148 evening/night KD event)
- New end of act cinematic is in
- Cleaned up the day 151 flow + added music
- New outfit for Aoife
- Generating correct end of act save
- Forced localization support for string parsing
- Rebuilding Steam support for OSX/Linux
- Moved day 128 event to 130 (it was clashing with a pre-existing event)
- Day 151 finished writing
- New event morning day 140+ in the Camelot Library. Unlocks new Dylan ability
- New day 128 event
- Fixed showering at night not advancing time
- Typo pass
- Added Mouse Over size effect for conversation options
- Fixed being able to sleep in Crowley bed after moving to Camelot
- Tweaked Akane's mesh a little
- Tweaked Arisune's meetup for better puppeteering and text
- Fixed a bug where you could prematurely trigger the date by going to the basement of the crowly day 139, and where you could stay behind and fail to trigger the evening event until next day
- Molly no longer remains behind after day 149
- Day 151 (morning) complete
- Tuned For the Horde to be 7 days
- Fixed Outsider 2 fight not triggering
- Added a new event with Keith (day 142-148, drinking at the KD)
- Added a new event with Emily day 143
- Day 149 complete
- Day 149 Molly section
- Fixed a bug where returning to mid conversation in a room that had an active character event could end up loading both the conversation and the event
- Fixed a bug where you could get stuck drinking until night-time with Katie (bad for the liver, good for the soul)
- Fixed day 141 player stuck in bedroom
- Added day 142.
- Fixed broken Outsider fight flags; X and Mjoelnir now do full damage against the Outsider
- Fixed broken exit flag after fight
- Various fixes to the combat UI, mouse-overs, Outsider forward visualization, etc
- Added new special effects to some of the ally attacks
- Finished the Warthog battle sequence.
- Fixed it so non-calendar events can fire in the morning (needed for Warthog to trigger cleanly)
- First part of Warthog questline (requires WARTHOG_AMMO, FOR_THE_HORDE at morning in Camelot Bedroom. Code needs updating to auto-trigger it if possible)
- Fixed an issue where fire/ice immunity were using Poison for checking
- New abilities; Fire and Ice mastery (all Fire/Ice damage and effect get a % bonus)
- New Katie passive ability post day 144, FireMastery+100%
- Molly no longer remains behind after visiting pervert
- Updated music after visiting pervert
- Katie not available day 138 - 144
- Fixed up Snowdrop's missing body
- Non-looping background videos now freeze on the last frame rather than hiding
- Fixed day 134 return to Camelot being broken
- Defuxed the Elsewhere map
- Day 141
- Fire damage was showing as Ice
- Emily was incorrectly tagged as being in charge of fistfull of bullets
- Malagareth battle had katie instead of Molly in the lineup
- Katie's armor at malagereth was incorrect
- Fixed up Arisune conversation to guard against players not having encountered the King's Dragon
- Fixed up incorrect skin for Cambion assassin
- Matthew is now available by default after day 120
- Olivia's stay at the private library truncated at day 117
- Musician's map cost -100 pounds
- Fixed a bug where a race condition in loading spines could cause the wrong spine to show
- Fixed a bug where using the jump to location interface to jump while panning/moving could lead to the wrong offset
- Typo pass
- Fixed up some character outfits the AI misguessed
- Day 140 (morning only)
- Fixed Arisune meeting going before Akane's introduction
- Fixed a possible race-condition that could prevent a character spine from correctly loading
- New casual outfit for MC
- New Shadowhunter outfit for Akane. You either need to replay Akane's visitor, or add the AKANE_SHADOWHUNTER flag manually to trigger the conversation. Go to Tea House 2 days after Akane's visitor has arrived.
- Fixed a bug where characters could end up with double spines.
- Fixed scripted battles breaking
- Fixed missing NPC character art / characters not changing correctly due to missing prefabs
- Fixed the cards in Elsewhere rendering incorrectly
- Fixed missing round table
- Fixed missing characters in some locations
- Added a new Akane character ability. Use SHADOW_HUNTER flag to enable it for now (will have a proper story sequence later)
- Fixed missing hellions
- Fixed the neutron bomb going off
- Fixed wrong cards in Elsewhere
- Rewrote how characters are stored and loaded to reduce memory overhead.
- End of day 139
- New end of day 138 conversation
- Beginning of day 139
- New game of friends
- Fixed a bug where new allies didn't show correct recharge
- Redid enemy VFX
- Added turn-counter until enemy attack triggers
- Fixed the enemy attack vis first turn
- All allied effects now clearly stating what they do
- Fixed Xochi's recharge ability
- End of Day 138
- Fixed a bug where outsider XP would hyper-scale
- Added VFX to outsider combat, still WIP
- Redid a bunch of the VFX for ally special abilities
- Now hiding outsider UI after combat
- Redid Katie's walk-animation in correct aspect (let nobody say her ass looks phat, on pain of extreme pain)
- Redid the outsider combat UI
- Added system for updating background images for special cases
- Added a new system for playing back audio files
- New ally added
- New ally abilities added
- New combat mode added
- Continuing day 138
- Beginning of Day 138
- Clamped elsewhere map camera to edge of map
- Added quick-jump functionality for edinburgh and camelot to the map
- Resized labels for android
- Day 137 Morning
- Jalsa (optional) arrival. Needs Dojo, day 135+, trained at least twice, train at night
- Increased the size of the quest popup to allow for longer strings
- Building the 4th room now correctly deducts cash
- Fixed a visual glitch where showering at night would jump back to bedroom and advance time in the same action, causing a visual glitch
- Timeline advanced to day 136 morning
- Can now use the cloud upload/download functionality for savegames
- Can no longer play with dragon late night
- Odin's eyepath no longer changes side
- Loading a worldmap scene from dialog will not jump to the menu
- Can no longer do kingdom events late night
- Fixed a bug where too many savegames could cause steam to nuke savegames
- Akane's visitor event advances time
- Nerfed Helion XP
- New Questline triggering off Draco
- New constructable room in the KD, dining room (requires teahouse)
- New Day 134+ event in the dojo
- Finished Day 134
- Typo pass
- Fixed a resolution issue with Emily's face
- Updated to unity 2020.3.8f1 LTS
- New Game of Friends
- Continuation of Day 134 (still missing the end)
- Rewind mechanism engaged. Act VIII is now go.
- Added support for Cyrillic fonts
- Studying in Merlin's tower advances time
- Added the dining room
====================> Last public release
- Fixes OSX version being named incorrectly
- Playing with KD advances time
- Can only gain stat bonuses the first time in Elsewhere resting per day
- Fixes exceptions triggering
- Map is now dark at night
- Fixed a bug where snowdrop's second battle is unwinnable
- Typo fixes
- Changed Snowdrop's outfit when reporting for duty
- Fixed conversations triggering after entering from Elsewhere map, not before (causing missing characters)
- Snowdrop's second fortress is now online and working
- Fixed a possible logic bug in gem selling
- You can open the Kingdom events by talking to Emily in the throneroom once you get your first Kingdom event
- New Ally: you can now ask Matthew to join you on the paths. He has a static ability that adds +50% to X's slash damage, and an active ability called Cripple, which reduces enemy damage + increases damage they take by 10%
- Updated Katie's quest to not send the player to lancaster until later
- Can now train sword fighting with matthew
- Elsewhere camera can now pan (click drag)
- Hunting grounds now have labels
- Increased sized of enter location button for android
- Removed old Chloe dialog the first time you use her in combat0.1.8b
- You can open the Kingdom events by talking to Emily in the throneroom once you get your first Kingdom event
- New Ally: you can now ask Matthew to join you on the paths. He has a static ability that adds +50% to X's slash damage, and an active ability called Cripple, which reduces enemy damage + increases damage they take by 10%
- Updated Katie's quest to not send the player to lancaster until later
- Can now train sword fighting with matthew
- Elsewhere camera can now pan (click drag)
- Hunting grounds now have labels
- Increased sized of enter location button for android
- Removed old Chloe dialog the first time you use her in combat
- Fixes a bug where playing certain games would disable the config panel
- Fixed a bug where some emails were triggering incorrectly
- Hid the browser and dress express until there's new content for it
- Fixed an edge condition when loading from day 119 putting player in wrong room
- Fixed fireside quests being tagged as narrative when descriptive
- Scouts Quest needed "to be continued" tag
- Fixed some android textures missing alpha channel
- Fixed a bug when replaying Landlady & Flatmate game
- Fixed a text-bug in Merlin's Tower
- Fixed a bug where you could double-dip on the RealmPoints
- Updated meditation <10x to alternate between +STR and +INT with 50% probability
- Fixed Chloe's ingredient upgrade lagging 1 move after you receive the ingredients
- Fixed the shower being called Action
- Removed the initial RP gain
- Disable RMB when Party Select screen is up (since RMB is used to delete character)
- Rewrote the training at gym sequence
- Force-sleeping at day <118 should take you back to Crowley
- Added back ingredients to stats tracker
- The Garden icon has been hidden until the content is complete for it
- Removed Email attachements from book 1, marked the emails as read
- Fixed load from day calender being wrong
- Fixed load from day flags not being correctly updated
- Fixed Dresden Files book not being completable (add flagg BOOK_DRESDEN_COMPLETED if you've already finished it and are stuck)
- Fixed fighting in Elsewhere not advancing time
- Fixed Elsewhere location being locked on game+
- Fixed Elsewhere world map being accessible < day 118
- Fixed Load from Existing Book 1 savegame to give better feedback. Added an android-only message
- New wallpapers
- Can now access Pendragon Inc, though there isn't much to do
- Updated Emily's recurring scene with some ending graphics
- New game of friends: Wicked Choices
- Added scrolling to Game of Friends
- Added game+ mode
- Fixed chloe's trading.
- Fixed typos
- Fixed UI animation bug in replayable sex cutscenes
- Fixed a bug where reloading from the log tab would load a Book 1 quicksave
- Fixed a bug where movie speed changes could carry over from previous videos
- Can now sell ingredients to Chloe again
- Fixed typos + scripting tweaks
- Tweaked music
- Re-encoded videos
- Fixed broken Emily day 118
- Locked Lancaster Glade until day 124
- New replayable sex scene with Emily after day 121 (night, bedroom)
- Fixed showering at late night
- Fixed up music in Barney scene
- Fixed Merlin's tower recurring tasks (for now)
- Fixed missing end of act save
- Added UI for Kingdom RPgain
- Fixed bug where if you didn't buy the whisky immediately from Chloe, you couldn't buy it at all (breaking Lancaster quest)
- Fixed Kingdom Events progressing past 100% to complete
- Fixed bug where Edinburgh locations were closed in a Game started from a blank state
- Fixed a bug where initial level of a blank slate was 0
- Fixed several missing textures day 134
- Fixed the Ally UI incorrectly setting and clearing characters
- Added new resting dialog for all characters
- Tweaked character sizes to keep it more consistent
- Tweaked MC portrait resolution on Android
- Updated Armsdealer quest-flow
- Updated Trouble with Cambions quest flow
- Updated Lancaster quest-line. Currently ending Day 125+ at Crowely
- New Demon hunting grounds near Malagareth day 125+
- New event at Merlin's tower. Will expand to make it replayable
- Fixed Molly's late night sequence at the Crowley with broken images/video
- Act VII core content complete
- Fixed starting a new game from existing saves
- Fixed Katie softlock in Lancaster
- Removed unused locations in Edinburgh
- Day 132
- New Ally: Fia (day 132)
- Damnit, Molly
- Can now sell gems at the quartermaster
- removed some of the unused room connections in Edinburgh (dark alley, lecture theater, molly's dance studio)
- you can now read Dylan's book in Starcucks
- you can now read Dylan's book in Crowley
- Emily shows up in the Great Hall morning and evening after day 121
- Emily hands out RP after every monday morning
- Changed the Kings Dragon music
- Calendar now starts on 1/1/2020
- Fixed logic errors with Molly @ Dark Mansion
- Two new events with Molly at the Dark Mansion (Day 120+)
- New Kingdom Event: Fistfull of bullets
- Rewrote the progression for unlocking For the Horde to trigger after fistfull of bullets
- Fixed bug where it was possible to re-enter a map-node you'd previously arrived at even if the map is now supposed to be locked to a new node
- New Molly event, day 120+ at *late* night. Designed to be repeatable (and will get extended throughout Book 2)
- Added functionality to speed up / slow down videos from script
- Fixes to kingdomUI at different resolutions
- Fixed sorting on kingdom UI
- Cleaned up the font system; should be cleaner and faster now
- New Akane at Teahouse event
- Fixes bug where speed clicking allies could lock the UI
- Fixed a bug in quickloading from map
- New Kingdom Event: Toxic shock. Includes new true flawless gem
- Fixed aspect ratio scaling for kingdom events UI
- Setup for three new Kingdom events
- Finished kingdom event Merlin's Legacy
- Showering at night now correctly returns to bedroom
- Fixed bug where Katie killing the demon on day 124 leaves the game unable to proceed
- Fixed a bug with buttons that would make clicking on the edge of them not detect click
- Tweaked music for Merlin's Tower, Henry Faceoff and Bella's martial arts
- Fixed scrolling and sorting issue for Kingdom Events
- Added the ending for the For the Horde event
- New kingdom event (looting House Malgraleth.)
- First pass on the tea ceremony replayable content.
- Kingdom events now work (you'll have to replay to trigger them again)
- Kingdom management UI now in place (access from grand hall after the first kingdom event is triggered)
- First Kingdom Event implemented (For the Horde)
- New book: Starship Troopers
- New event with Molly, setting up Dark Mansion questline
- Fixed the black bars behind the video not disappearing after exclusive video
- Added guards for when we add MC to King's Dragon
- Added guards and cleaned up first draft conversation for drinking at the Crowley
- Fixed Bella's 35% damage reduction
- New day 129 (two slightly different paths depending on whether you've confronted Henry. Set the HENRY_PUNISHED flag to control)
- New day 127+ floating event, drinking at Crowley
- Updated all of Emily's nude, undressed and casual splines to have better contrast
- Tweaked various fullscreen images
- Restored black bars to videos only
- Fia now has ally abilities
- Opened up Lancaster glade with Katie as a replayable chunk of content
- Fixed a bug where sometimes returning to map after hunting would return to the wrong node
- Fixed a bug where you could click 'through' the popup to trigger another battle while exiting Elsewhere
- Added support for training STR at Castrum Prime (unlocks from morning 120)
- Android fixes
- Can now train martial arts at the dojo
- Added an event with Bella, night after 7 dojo training sessions.
- Fixed bug that didn't cleanly sleep past day 119
- Typo pass
- Guzzling corn liquor instead of grain liquor
- Fixed the martian; he'll not be chasing the Queen of Mars any more
- Onsen scene first pass. It's still missing one renders; will likely do a 0.0.20b to fix that up later
- New Seeing casual spine for Akane. Re-animated her casual spine
- Finished the first part of the meditation action. Triggers a new conversation at 10th time you meditate.
- meditation at the Dojo (if it's unlocked)
- locking elsewhere map up properly after Day 124 raid
- Fixing time advancement and good night with Emily, day 124
- Fixed MC stuck day 127
- Fixed Sir Henry's event only being doable in the morning
- Day 127
- Various small polish items and fixes
- various small bug-fixes
- New party selection screen
- Finished day 124. Kicked some cans doon the road
- Fixed big-text not increasing narration text
- New book, Dresden Files
- Books now pay out statc increases
- Fixed a bug where the second book can not be returned
- Fixed facial app replaying original story sequence
- Fixed Saving/loading from Elsewhere Map
- Fixed the ability to trigger new paths to newly visible nodes
- Fixed all 3 of the Home for the Chosen triggering
- Rewrote how DelayFlags are triggered, so you can now use JumpToDay to trigger them
- Updated the A Home for the Chosen quest-line
- Map now destroys when entering main menu
- Rewrote the fullscreen image code, should handle different aspect ratios better
- fixed log file overlapping buttons
- Removed the old Slice of Life stories. I'll need to write new ones that fit into Edinburgh 2020
- New conversation with Diana
- New conversation the last night you can work as a bouncer
- Cleaned out a bunch of the old conversations
- Fixed issue where some hunting grounds would throw errors
- Fixed error where quickjump didn't work in Camelot
- Hooked up the Home for the Chosen buildings
- Typo pass
- Fixed Elsewhere locking between days
- Fixed incorrect alignment for slots in Lancaster
- Updated map camera with gradual pan, improved zoom options and ability to highlight areas
- New location: Lancaster (unlocks day 124)
- Hunting grounds now functional
- Start of Day 124
- Kings Dragon new locations open (for now; they'll be closed shortly and reopen when their events are done)
- Fixed books not advancing time / not being returnable
- Fixed drinking not advancing time
- Fixed a bad savegame bug that made the game feel unresponsive
- Added snowdrop in bath day 120+, starting the questline Scouts
- Updated the Coursework links to the new Wiki
- Power unlock day 121 now engages
- Camelot bathroom now functional
- Day 121 (Visiting American Embassy)
- Grunts and Locke Lamora now advance time
- unable to read a book with Molly if you don't have a book to read.
- Added two new books (Grunts! by Mary Gentle and The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch)
- You can now read in the Kings Dragon. You can also drink, but no content written for that yet
- Fixes Dylan's books not being repatable reading
- Fixes Pendragon Inc breaking on exit
- Fixed up the broken bed in Camelot
- Dylan in the Library with a couple of conversations
- Can now read Dylan's books (5/13 complete).
- Quickjump from Bedroom in Camelot, and from Basement in Crowley
- New outfit for Emily
- New event: arrival at Camelot day 118
- New event: Emily at day 125 + Chosen at Kings Dragon afterwards.
- Loading a save after entering Elsewhere fixed
- QJump from debug menu goes to camelot bedroom after day 118
- increased minimum zoom resolution, flipped zoom axis
- fixed alignments of Elsewhere icons
- Pathfinding
- Building the backend logic for Pendragon Enterprises (will be accessible from Prime Portal)
- Elsewhere saving/loading and progression fix
- Elsewhere Zoom options added and saved
- Hiding a node now hides the path to it
- Added functionality to hide hunting-grounds
- Added transitions from Elsewhere nodes => real world
- Added support for exiting back to the map from a room with existing characters
- Added blockers for Elsewhere hunting when you're not supposed to waste time (NO_HUNT flag)
- First pass world map
- Day 118 morning
- New game of friends: Harem Highlander
- Restored Bella's attacks
- Bloom intensity now kicks in higher
- Fixed Elsewhere card text alignment issues
- Optimizing quick-save path for large savegames
- Fixed bug where Emily and Bella were still unavailable for use (Katie remains unavailable, she's off to Lancaster shortly)
- Fixed bug where some conversations were ignoring the fact that they'd already triggered.
- Most of the game should now be back to working
- Deleted old conversations from Jenny and Olivia, setting the path for the next generation of dialog with them.
- Added a new Chloe conversation (evening or night, Crowley)
- Added experimental post-processing stack. Enable from Settings Menu
- Cleaned up various broken text elements
- Added Excalibur attacks
- Optimized card handling
- Fixed Katie's fire immunity
- Typo pass
- Fixed incorrect savegames used for Qload and rewind.
0.0.2 [29/12/20]
- Quest images updated
- Day 117 morning event
- Fixed the bulk of room unlocks
0.0.1 [28/12/20]
- Stripping down existing build and creating a new project.
- Added a default path for new players with default names and a decent gem setup
Book1: v.1.0.7b
1.0.7b [31/12/20]
- 1.0.7 added a bug that caused cards to disappear when returned to hand. Fixed the fix to the fix.
- New shortcut: Space to Auto (as well as 1-3 to trigger ally in combat)
- Katie's Fire Immunity didn't actually make you immune to fire. Oops.
- Fixed a bug where cards that were discarded were still rendering, causing performance drop over extended battled
- Fixed a bug after Snowdrop's combat, UI being broken
- Ultra and Hard difficulty now recharges allies slower (60% and 80% of default)
- Added more bulletproofing to Memories UI
- Disply the player's level from frontend and conversation UI
- Fixed a bug where second trigger of Katie's firegem during combat would force the Fire9 gem
- Resized some of the character textures to give a crisper look
- Tuned ultra difficulty. Monsters now show up slightly later (125% of normal unlock speed, not 150%), player has slightly more HP (100%, not 90%, of base) and do less damage (60%, not 80%, of base)
- Dropped difficulty in achievements for Inferno (1000->500), Thunderstorm (1000->150) and Anger Management (1000->500)
- Fixed a bug that prevented Act III achievement from triggering
- Fixed achievement Toxic Environment not triggering correctly
- Updated probability of triggering Black Rose 1, and shifted where the flag is set that enables the quest line up
- Spelling pass
- Fixed Bella's defensive ability (10% and 25%) triggering correctly. The 10% bonus was triggering at the same time as the 25%, giving 35%
- Reduced the HP of townhouse Golem
- Fixed a bug where invalid images could throw an exception, potentially halting script
- Fixed a bug where you could lose the poker UI after dragon combat
- Fixed an achievement (Man of Culture) claiming there are 9 books (there's 8 in book 1)
- Fixed Emily's Dragonslayer attack to only trigger after she hits the power threshold
- Start screen now represents correct chapter
- Spelling pass
- Fixed an error where QSave was incorrectly triggering an animation if the frontend UI is hidden
- fixed a bug where you could hide your UI from combat menu (and not retrieve it)
- Helion Captains shifted minimum level to show to 40 (from 25)
- Implemented Snowdrop Questline
- Fixed the computer being able to change character names that didn't exist by day 2
- Gate Matthew in Elsewhere event < day 90
- Gate first meeting with Keith to be < day 60
1.0.1 [09/12/20]
- Fixed coffeeholic not triggering for all paths
- Made some of the quests (reading all the books, rejecting all the optional sex scenes) be savegame local rather than global counters
- Rewrote the memory system, recreated all the memory files
- Fixed audio and music bugs caused by the new Addressable version
1.0.0c [07/12/20]
- Updated addressable library and rebalanced addressables for improved performance
- Redid hit-effects for combat
- Tweaking achievements
- Typos and small contiuity fixes.
1.0.0b [06/12/20]
- Fixed three achievements not triggering correctly
- Fixed a bug where Emily's costume picture reply might not trigger correctly
- Fixed various clipped images
- fixed a couple of places with incorrect expressions
- Fixed catwoman achievement not triggering. Fixed Chosen Run not incrementing Bella/Akane/Molly elsewhere achievements
- Added Ultra difficulty :
1. Reduced jokers from Molly from 5->3
2. Damage received is 150% of base
3. Damage dealt is 80% of base
4. Enemies range cap gets a 75% boost from your level
5. HP is 90% of base
1.0.0a [03/12/20]
- Fixed Crowley 1 conversation having some dangling pointers
- Various small touch updates to character emotions
- Typo pass
1.0.0 [03/12/20]
- Fixed some achievements not triggering correctly
- Steam Release Candidate
0.9.5a [02/12/20]
- Val convo 1 wasn't triggering correctly
0.9.5 [02/12/20]
- Hopefully fixed the recurring Crowley conversation that wasn't saving cleanly
- Redid the dragon animation
- New Day 104+ passive ability for Katie (triggers from the Troll Lich combat, or using the keyword KATIE_POWER). Gives player immunity to Fire (similarly to a fire elemental)
- Kath House Kafe pt II
0.9.4 [30/11/20]
- Fixed Shield achivement triggering off enemies as well as player
- Fixed videos in computer screen opening main UI and blocking exit
- Fixed music sometimes not playing correctly in transitioning from world -> scripted combat
- Added the first of the Kath House Kafe series
0.9.3 [29/11/20]
- Typo check
- Removed Patreon references from links to two game-of-friends
- Updated Rage requirement from 100->500 (in code... I'd forgotten it was hardcoded)
- Updated Shield requirement from 1000 -> 1500, to prevent Emily triggering it the first time she calls Excalibur
- games and references hidden in Steam mode
- Added better visual feedback for drag interface
- Start game now gives the player 1/1/1 in STR/CHR/INT, so he's not quite that newb
- Added flags to keep the hidden stats always open after Chloe tells you about them
- Kitsune gets a Day 105 boost from 100 damage -> 300 damage after she gets her third full tail (she's a 2 1/2 tail when you meet her, the third tail red and still growing)
- Katie gets a day 105 boost to all her spells
- Katie's icebox reunion drinks at Grassmarket officially closes off Slice of Life
- Rewrote the conversation tracking system. Kept the old legacy system as a backup
0.9.2 [26/11/20]
- Removed debug-key that would trigger an achievement
- Fixed a bug where the log file wouldn't scroll to correct location first time
- Fixed Enstantenous achievements triggering ON a full board, rather than before
- Turned the notification popup size and location
- Fixed a bug where using the keyboard to trigger allies wouldn't correctly close the box
- Added a hard minimum limit timer for battles that need to time out
- Rewrote the trigger-at turn logic to add better guards for players able to jump past it
- bumped up the Rage achievement from 100 to 500; 100 is altogether too easy to reach by game end
- Added functionality for force-clearing a quest
- Added mouse-over tips for allies + ally attacks
- Rage now does 10% rage applied damage back to caster
- Tweaked damage gems
- Tweaked 8/9 tier gems to make them more significant
0.9.1 [21/11/20]
- Preparing game for Steam launch
- First pass Achievements architecture added
0.6.22b [20/11/20] : Bugfixes / cleanup from public release
- Fixed a bug where using the Overwrite save caused the Yes/No popup to remain in the background.
- Added guard for battles that shouldn't be winnable from normal play
- Prevent you from editing the name of the end of act save
- Moved the quest popup so it's less intrusive, moved the Quest button to the top right
- Fixed Day 100 blowjob where some of the animations could time out
- Keyboard character 1-9 would trigger the wrong attacks when used for ally attacks
- Fixed some minor tweaks on the settings UI
- Computer navigation was triggering QSave, not AutoSave. Fixed
- Typo pass
- Fixed INT XP bonus calculation
- Unable to hide conversation in EndAct UI
- triggering the ally power by keyboard now hides the UI
- Fixed debug conversation attached to jenny
- New game of friends: Paradise Lust (Flexible Media)
- Fixed MC sticking around on day 112
- New card back: Snowdrop. Unlocks when she gives you the gem
- Katie hitbox in gym fixed
- Fixed end of content save
- Added a proper end of game screen
- Fixed auto-saving for computer conversations
- Fixed help text on computer UI being incorrect position on some resolutions
- Fixed overlapping images on jukebox on some resolutions
- You can now trigger ally abilities on the normal menu using 1,2,3,4,5 keys
- You can no longer delete or overwrite the end of act saves
- Quickload would ignore the "return to start of game" popup
- Talking to Katie and Emily at fireside day 90+ will unlock KATIE_FIREMASTER2 (her upgraded Fire9 attack)
- Fixed missing names in log
- Fixed missing music in credits/jukebox for some songs
- New song: Berserker (again Alexander Nakarada)
- Day 115 / end of book 1
- Fixed Emily wearing the wrong dress day 111
- Updatead music choices for day 109-111
- Day 112 morning
- New recurring event: Night Curry at Khukuri
- Typo pass
- Fixed Emily's clothes on day 110
- Fixed being stuck after morning 110
- Day 111 (Emily birthday) until end of day
- New game of friends: Lucky Paradox.
- Day 109 / Day 110
- Typo pass
- Fixed up Quickjump navigation to handle multiple distinct locations
- Kings Dragon quickjump fixed
- Fixed Katie's outfit on xmas eve
- Fixed Emily not being visible day 107 with Henry
- Talking to Matthew closes the A Man's Home questline
- Returning to Edinburgh
- Fixed workflow occasionally leaving \r control characters in text, causing narration to look messed up
- Fixed bug where the bed icon in Camelot is playable twice
- Added gate to Henry to stop him from appearing too early
- Sorted debug flags by name
- Fixed a bug where starting a new quest would reset the STARTED_ACT_6 flag
- Xmas Eve
- End of Day 106 + morning 107
- Molly conversation 107
- Henry conversation 107
- Day 108 conversation with Emily/Matthew
- Opened up map elements, fixed zooming of transitions
- Opened up King's Dragon
- Opened up the round table
- Fixed some text overlaps caused by invalid control characters
- Fixed Formal dress overlapping
- Typos and minor fixes
- Camelot now sorts with elsewhere in the quick - jump menus
- Exits from Camelot map: Prime Portal exits to Edinburgh for now, Elsewhere exits to the glade
- Fixed up the flow of rooms, unlocking of rooms, day/night cycle, etc
- Did some character resizing and repositioning
- Cleaned up some text
- Fixed Emily's night time discussion not triggering properly
- Added Camelot
- Added new character; Anton
- Added day 105
- Added day 106
- Added a new recurring night-time sequence with Emily at the pub
- Molly and Chloe returns after day 100
- Typo pass
- Fixed computer icon notification not refreshing until you exit the room / restart the computer
- Fixed being able to escape Bella's Chosen event
- Fixed Royal Flush / 5 of a kind visualization being incorrect
- Day 104 complete
- Day 101 and 104 (up to night)
- Fixed bug in gem interface
- Day 100 evening/night
- Full typo pass
- Fixed Game+ loads missing one of the Strangest Pub events
- Fixed missing end of act cover on savegames for Act IV-VI
- Added a guard to stop Slice of Life events from triggering during Strangest Pub
- Fixed day 99 morning not triggering as planned
- History button added to top-bar
- Added a guard on quick load
- Day 100 morning
- Updated Strangest Pub with additional renders, bug-fixes and typo checking
- Fixed a bug that hung the first fight
- Fixed unlocking card_back_minotaur and card_back_bella2
- Added a short day 99 event
- silly typos
- New animation for Katie in the Repo scene
- two new Strangest Pub scenes (I might go back and add some more visuals to one of them)
- Various bug-fixes and tweaks.
- Tweaked Homework 1
- new Day 98 event (Emily's gear Repo)
- new Strangest Pub sequence (The Scholar)
- Intro video audio is back. Now respects audio settings
- Lots of little continuity fixes from Feedback
- Fixed the appearing/disappearing UI
- Fixed Chloe missing in two scenes
- Bella now only trigger after you get her email
- Bella/Katie strip poker event is no longer tied to single day (so you can find them at the gym any night after meeting Bella). Fixed bug where it wasn't triggering cleanly
- Slice of Life 1 (Drink at Grassmarket) now triggers after you can go drinking there (After first date)
- Fixed a bug where discarding during a hint would leave the hint sitting around
- 2/5 events in the Strangest Pub sequence set up and running
- Fixed Threads of Love not setting _NIGHT_ACTION
- Fixed some images clipping badly
- Chloe was missing day 89
- Was able to take a Chosen run with Molly while Molly is gone with Chloe
- Fixed some characters missing in the JumpUI
- Fixed entering the gem setup screen first time
- Fixed a bug that let people change gems in mid-combat
- Shifted Sarah disappearing back to the exit line of the dialog
- Added in two new songs (Bella's Theme and Akane's theme), and added it to their key events
- Fixing offset error on fullscreen images in non-standard configuration
- Bella's searching treasure was broken. Fixed
- Incorrect mouse-over for Shower
- Rewrote GemUI; it now auto-sorts, adds the ability to store multiple gemsets
- Day 97 continues.
- Fixed some text box alignment issues for prompt + quest
- Fixed quests missing images
- Fixed post-BR2 no longer studying in Crowley
- Added a new Quest Love of Magic, for the introduction of the Portal
- Fixed bug where debug UI won't refresh first time in a conversation
- Fixed bug where max HP wasn't recalculated if you loaded a game saved from Elsewhere combat screen
- Redid some of the animations for the frontend (location/time)
- Typo pass
- Did a full walkthrough for incorrect starting outfits
- Fixed up lingering enemy wraith
- Added fixes where loading will double-add characters
- Added a backstop for players first meeting of Keith in the pub (if they don't meet him until after day 60)
- Fixed a number of places where UI animations had a potential to break
- Shifted around triggers for quests
- Fixed quests double-triggering at beginning/end of quest
- Fixed quest notification popup being stuck if you load while it's open
- Start of Act IV wasn't cleanly triggering
- Made Bella/Katie strip take place any night after you meet bella (not making it a single-day thing)
- Fixed Emily wearing casual clothes training sword day 71
- Added a guard in case the second email doesn't successfully open the studio from Molly
- Fixed Chloe not triggering at Day 1
- Fixed flicker when a card is created
- Fixed enemies cards occasionally sorting under when playing
- Fixed incorrect faces on new Elsewhere dialog
- Fixed incorrect audio after BR1/2
- Fully integrated Bella into the search treasure event
- Fixed a continuity / savegame issue tied to a previous conversation transition point killing the next conversation if it triggers from calender
- Fixed Katie's fireball9b not being correctly setup and triggered
- Fixed unclickable popup
- Cleaned up the Jump to Day interface
- Fixed Emily possibly showing up underdressed for her Lich encounter
- Fixed Akane's nick being settable before you make her a Chosen
- Added in quest system + 1st pass quest data
- Fixes to UI, made the interface more android friendly
- New Elsewhere events; 5% probability of random event at shrine
- new event with Bella at the fire after she becomes Chosen; raising her Guard from 10% of damage received to 20%
- Added Katie event (day 50+ w/Dylan in party) at Elsewhere, unlocking her upgraded fireball2
- Added Katie event (day 90+ w/Emily in party) at Elsewhere, unlocking her upgraded fireball3 and Upgraded Fireball9b
- Day 87
0.5.14b (PUBLIC)
- Typos and fixes
- Increased card movement speed
- Rewrote the Threads of Love 2 event
- Fixed Setting UI layering issue
- Fixed up how saves were generated in the computer to make it more consistent (always save *before* the conversation triggers, but in the sub-window if there is one)
- Rewrote the help text button and cleaned up the computer interface
- Finished up Diana's Threads of Love II event.
- Fixed new cards not having alpha enabled
- Fixed size incorrect across resolutions
- Added support for collecting cards
- Added support for card visualizer
- Added support for setting / keeping card backgrounds
- Used card backgrounds in Elsewhere outing
- Rewrote the Card rendering / dragging code
- Added 3 new enemy classes (Hellion Guard, Lieutenant and Captain)
- Added a new Day 97+ purchaseable outfit for Emily
- Did some very aggressive speed optimizations for Addressables; let's see if it worked.
- Fixed the Arachnids not triggering correctly
- Named the Defiler
- Dirty Dancing now advances time
- Enter advances dialog
- Typo pass
- Fixed Bella not correctly granting you the gem
- fixed overlapping characters in Crowley + Bar tending action
- Cleaned up the main menu
- New enemy set (Arachnid Guard/Princess/Queen) for Elsewhere
- Redid Mom's character, added more animations and emotions
- New event with Molly (Studio day 80+)
- Added a small recurring event to Black Rose II
- Added in the first part of Diana's Threads of Love event
- Bella's event at the Gym (day 92+ morning)
- Added a task progress tracker
- Added the option to have external wallpapers by placing PNG/JPGs into the savegame folder
- Fixed a bug where wallpapers wouldn't save out
- Fixed a bug where you can start a fight with Katie after losing Strip MMA on the same day
- Jump to day now includes a jump to bedroom
- Typos fixed
- Fixed a bug where IsEmptyConversation could cause a null pointer exception
- Fixed a bug where Katie doesn't update her clothes day 76
- Added in a new Book (Threads of Love). Trigger it from Elsewhere Shrine after you have finished the Art of War
- Fixed Video not playing in loading screen
- Molly was draining HP from player if her ability was triggered
- Emily had space for 3 images in Lingerie II email, only 2 were provided
- Chosen outing to Elsewhere wasn't gated correctly, and could only be run once
- Typo pass
- Automated builder for calender + conversation data
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to end the first fight before it started
- Fixed a bug where, if you let the video play out on day 1, Chloe won't show up for several sentences
- Player was stuck in his room when triggering Game+ for ActV
- Added support for a pure Chosen allied Elsewhere run. Added a new Rest event in Elsewhere for when you do.
- Val could show up twice in one night, and during the day-time in subsequent runs
- Fixed videos not transitioning cleanly into board combat
- Fixed some cases where characters were overlapping
- Zenia, Kulbir, Soldier was missing their names in the log
- Molly's emails weren't correctly unlocking
- Molly's failsafe wasn't correctly unlocking
- Typo pass
- Fixed missing images in Molly's email / shopping for her dress
- Fixed android build pipeline
- Fixed localization issue for Month names
- Chloe was unlock basement day 2
- Added the option for bordered fonts
- Added a fix for Play From Day advancing past morning (will only affect future saves)
- New Val event (night day 85+ at the crowley)
- Fixed a bug in memories.
- Cleaned up Molly's Day 19 session
- Cleaned up various small continuity / dialog issues
- Background animations fixed to retire gracefully
- Characters without existing savegame slots (new characters added since the save was created) auto-defaulted to existing positions
- Correctly saves the current music and reloads it
- Opening an already open location doesn't repeat the New Location popup
- Fixed up memory (added new Act V memories, created a memory file for Molly)
- Sorting Fullscreen videos below UI.
- Pre-emptively hiding conversation UI if loading a fullscreen exclusive video
- Fixed the Show Conversation icon being 0 pixels high
- Added optional skip video :`(
- Removed ability to exit Crowley during Black rose III
- Fixed a bug in panning images caused by changes made to the fullscreen image code. Added hermite curve to the pan algorithm
- Redid the Chosen Call and Exploding Gates animation with new MC
- Spellcheck pass
- Game+ setup
- Fixed 5 of a kind being evaluated higher than straight flush
- Fixed up Matthew's conversation having a safeguard if you hadn't met him before Emily's day90 date
- Added a new outfit for Molly. Added a safeguard to trigger automatically if you hadn't purchased it by day 95
- Added a new character, Val. New event triggers nighttime, day 70+
- Added a gate to Akane's talk in the Coffee-shop so it only triggers between dat 72->92
- Finish day 97
- 2 new videos
- Fixed a bug where clicking on the Swimming email would trigger the sequence from the computer
- Updated Homework 2 with new scrolling images
- Updated Game of Friends : What a Legend with scrolling image
- Fixed Elsewhere having a pure white background
- Fixed bug where going to the gem UI during a battle would leave effects still visible.
- Fixed a bug where Music wasn't retained between saves
- Raging was missing icon
- Quickjump from City map was incorrectly set to Elsewhere
- Rebuilding with fixed Addressables
- New game of friends: What a Legend
- Rewrote how fullscreen images/videos are handled; hopefully fixes up some issue (like the end of Act IV's text). Will need to test better.
- Fixed video audio not correctly using system settings
- Fixed up Molly remaining behind after missing her Chosen 4some
- Chosen 4some
- Start of End Game Sequence (Day 97 morning)
- New video system for playing binary/switch videos
- First pass of the Call to Action video
- Continue Day 96 (ends at the lake)
- Chloe event day 93
- Evoker lessons day 96
- Akane's Chosen event (Day 92)
- Finished Emily's date night
- Started The 3rd Chosen sequence
- Fixed calender sorting above conversations
- Day 90 (up until night)
- Typo pass
- Fixed mouse-over being locked after load
- Fixed a bug where Emily could fail to trigger Start of Act V
- Fixed a bug where Bella's date was moved incorrectly to the end of the game
- New day 89 event
- Fixed a bug where effects were missapplied
- Fixed a bug where progression from end of Act IV was treated being in mid-conversation
- Fixed a bug in Bella's date where cyclic recursion could be break the dialog
- Tweaked the day 81 + 82 conversations
- Minor edits to Day 77 opening with dad
- Fixed bugs and visual errors in Elsewhere / CardUI
- Fixed savegame bugs in Elsewhere
- Fixed effects being applied with +1
- Fixed Raging icon missing
- Finished Bella's day 84
- Fixed a bug where restarting a game wouldn't necessarily reset the default locations of characters
- Cleaned up UI getting reset incorrectly in card game
- Fixed a bug in exits not showing properly
- Fixed up Bella's and Akane's memories
- Added Booker event on day 82
- Added the Date with Bella day 84. Still need to finish the actual Chosen ceremony
- Fixed incorrect mug on Olivia in memories
- Fixed typos in discussion with X
- Fixed a bug in loading old savegames with the new tracking system that would fail to execute the last chunk of code
- Fixes broken builds
- Rewrote how quickjump worked, made it universal and added support for detecting characters
- Fixed up a counting bug that might cause Royal Flush to misdiagnose
- Added achievements (Story events only)
- You can now save in Elsewhere, while using the computer and in dialogs
- Dialog with X about Bella (day 81)
- Email from Bella
- Cleaned up the UI flow in Elsewhere
- Added changelog to the settings menu
- Emily morning day 78
- Akane Chosen Pt 1, day 80
- Typos and spellchecking
- Finished Day 77
- Redid memory
- Typos and fixes
- Setting music correctly for first knights of the lake meeting in act IV
- Wallpapers now split between friends and droid
- Fixed shield blowthrough
- Fixed cards in elsewhere being accessible while menus is open
- Fixed saving from elsewhere through options menu
- Fixed changing volume by dragging on currently playing song
- Added quick fix for adding damage to existing effect adding one too little
- Fixed some of the songs not being playable from the jukebox
- Realligned the disclaimer text for different resolutions
- New game of friends (Milky Touch)
- Added support for VO's into the editor and game
- The never-ending day 77 extended to Chloe's talk. I swear I'll finish this the next time.
- Removed the auto-play in settings; having it tied to the Auto button does everything it needs to, without breaking dialog and companions
- Disclaimer scene
- Continued Act V's starting scene (until Crowley basement)
- Fixed automatic regaining HP after battle
- Small visual fixes and tweaks
- Screenshot functionality added (S for normal resolution, Ctrl+S for 4x resolution)
- Jukebox in Crowley and Cafe can now remember last music played and resume it later
- Rewrote memory system
- Act V start
- Fixed a bug where some characters weren't correctly added to the team
- Changed how characters interact with videos, and used that to improve emily's first appearance and Chloe's cat transform
- Fixed a bug where cards reset in Elsewhere when exiting combat
- Fixed how Battle 1 is set up (auto-trigger at round X, bumped up HP and damage for minotaur).
- New Akane slice of life event at starcucks, triggers past day 63. Secondary optional trigger for the Act V date
- Last typo pass
- Drinking at grassmarket shifted to avoid triggering after date 1
- Bella won't trigger her nudge email until you meet her
- adjust the space used by the narrative text
- adding effect stack when there's already an effect applied does -1 effect
- possible to exit elsewhere with UI still present
- possible to enter elsewhere with calender UI enabled
- not scrolling to bottom of page when chosing log
- RMB click should dismiss save/load UI and log
- shield blowthrough returning incorrect values
- jukebox UI was overlapping the topmost title
- added a new theme (Val's theme, used in Act V)
- New Chloe scene (triggers after day 65, purchase from computer)
- New renders for Akane's elsewhere session
- typo pass
- Two new scenes with Akane at Rest in Elsewhere
- Cleaned up the Gem Shop screen
- Added a potential fix for shield blow-through
- Added additional guards for exiting elsewhere with the wrong UI
- New outfit for Molly
- New scene with Molly at the Studio
- Cleaned up some of the video sequences in Act IV
- Fixed the bug where the first line after a fullscreen video plays strangely
- Fixed missing/incorrect faces in a couple of scenes
- fixed a bug where you could get Bella's strip poker even happening at grassmarket
- Fixed a bug that could cause Olivia's dialog setting up Black Rose III to fail
- Added a check to stop video for Chloe's transformation before proceeding too far into the questline
- Fixed bella sends her e-mail on day 24, but it's possible to meet up with her and have the event at the gym on day 23
- Added a new email from Molly, triggering day 71, and a follow-up the triggers one day later. Followup opens up the new Studio location (nothing there yet)
- Redid Mollys's facial animation
- Timeline checked the kissing scene with Emily in Elsewhere to be <54 (when he starts using the Schwartalf armor)
- Finally nailed down the bug that caused some turkish players to be unable to play the game
- Matthew event (day 80, moved into Act V, but visible as a preview)
- Added a gem shop, triggers from Quartermaster after day 30 (if you've bought something)
- Added a bunch of guards to get rid of exceptions in Quicksave and Addressables
- Added support for auto-triggering a mail if day > X.
- Added a new mail from Molly
- Dragonslayer limited to once per run for now
- 1st Fight, Minotaur bumped up in HP
- Black Rose III. To trigger, make sure you've completed Olivia's quest-line. Go back there, chat with her. That'll unlock Black Rose III at night in Starcucks
- Disabled the load-from day code. Needs more time in QA before setting it global
- Changed up the URLs for musicians with patreons
- Cleaned up the About game page
- Fixed up some small UI tweaks
- Fixed up Jukebox issues, added additional guards for playing music and tracking errors
- Cleaned up Wallpaper UI behavior at wierd resolutions
- Tweaked Olivia's dialog prep for Black Rose III, and temporarily removed Jenny (not done yet)
- Cleaned up the calendar
- Entering Elsewhere sets music bg_elsewhere
- Removed Kitsune/Akane as people you can talk to at a rest-stop
- Speed clicking now works in Elsewhere
- Fixed up missing calender dates in Act IV
- Cleaned up the close button in GemUI (had some legacy text)
- Wallpapers were re-added each time you opened the wallpaper UI
- Fixed exiting to menu while in a video makes the music stick around while in the menu.
- Exiting to main menu from elsewhere would leave UI on screen
- Cleaned up aspect ratio correct for super-wide screens
- Force clear video first frame (fixes a problem where a one-frame hangover from a previous video would persist)
- Fixed a bug where a character would sometimes 'pop' for a single frame, before appearing
- Fixed "load from day" functionality not working properly
- Typos and bug-fixes
- Added new animation to Day 75 with Emily
- Olivia event
- Fixed up scrolling issues for credits
- Added a jukebox at the Crowley
- Cleaned up initial savegame feel
- Fixed a buggy export of Emily that made her new armor look low-res
- Katie event in grassmarket (day 69+)
- Fixed missing exit widget for wallpapers
- Fixed My New Family not re-triggering
- Fixed up how background videos are triggered and stopped
- Full typo pass
- Added ability to change Lady Aoife's name to the PC
- Added additional guards to dragon fight
- Fixed Schwartalf missing (he was actually there, just 5 pixels high)
- Fixed up Kitsune handing out both Special and normal Ingredient
- Disabled state-changing behaviour from Settings screen during poker game
- Fixed up some UIs that were badly behaved in ultra-wide (mainly android widescreen) aspect ratios)
- Fixed the issue that Visual Effects + Videos didn't respect audio volume
- Rewrote Akane's scrying to allow vertical and horizontal sorting
- Kitsune event at shrine
- Updated the easter egg
- Added guards/triggers for two Act IV calender events that were visible
- Junk gems no longer drops as loot
- Added guards to prevent discards, lightning-stun, etc from disrupting planned combat dialog
- Fixed auto-saves for start of day events (was broken by the new experimental 'save at the start of each day' code; need to update the UI to display those)
- Redid the end of act screen
- Muted loading-screen video until I can track down what's going on with the high volume
- Fixed a bug where the remainder of a hint-card could cause an exception when using Molly as the chosen
- Act complete's autosave added to the save-list without having to restart the game
- Added a first pass Reload last "day start" calender
- Easter Egg added, triggers after day 55 drinking at Grassmarket at night
- Dragon loadout modified
- Wraith loadout modified
- Fixed Ice Elemental Grunt having an fire4 gem for straight flush
- Redid Sarah's office outfit
- Resized some of the character sprites that were a little fuzzy
- After talk with dylan in coffeeshop, MC remains behind
- Need to trigger Emily's theme at the start of Day 62 date
- Incorrect head in one of the lines for Molly/Schwartalf
- Some minor typos
- Rewrote how videos are applied to make them work on Android
- Rewrote the Computer shader to make it work on Android
- Fixed a possible Act III end to Act IV transition issue
- Fixed a bug in Knights of the Lake scene where emily could be ignored
- Resized Schwartalf portrait to avoid clipping
- Fixed shield overflow returning the wrong value
- Elsewhere portal open from day 13 instead of day 14
- Lich & Dragon are now immune to stun damage
- Molly's date adds two continuity guards (not destroying golem, not asking about the restaurant)
- Various typos fixed
- Fixed bug in reading in starcucks (caused by Repeat flag being toggled off)
- Bella's special bolt can trigger once/day
- Fixed CardGame UI remaining on fullscreen videos triggered from Card battle
- Exiting to main menu from pokergame now correctly shuts down the UI
- Changed dialog for Keith if it's the first time you meet him
- Updated Emily's Armour Outfit (re-rendered with better lighting, and multiple pieces)
- Emily's Theme remastered.
- Poison now bypasses shields
- Rewrote Dylan's Coffee Shop dialog, and extended it a bit
- Improved chloe transform video
- You can now train with Emily at the Glade (trigger from portal)
- Dylan will get a book from Diana, you can read and discuss it with him at the Coffee Bar. Relevant for Book 2.
- Fixed Cluster gems
- Typo pass cleanup
- Main Menu tweaks to remove cards getting clipped, icon video being half-sized on android
- Redid Chloe's cat transformation as a video
- Game+
- Bella e-mail triggers 2 days after meeting her and katie at the grassmarket at night
- First meeting with Matthew Burke (Enter Shrine in Elsewhere with Emily / Sword > 10)
- Re-rendered and tweaked several videos
- Rewrote how videos are applied and cleaned up the control I have from script
- Fixed up the missing End of Act savegame sticker
- Emily's Day 75 night
- Fixed bug in Elsewhere and Companion abilities
- Can now play videos in battle mode
- Added support for shield-breaker move
- Added support for Secace ability
- First pass of Act IV ending
- Evoker Lecture + Meeting at the lake (day 75)
- Fix for broken addressables in 0.3.37
- Emily's sword lessons (day 71)
- Fixed sounds not working properly under the new Unity build
- Added new Act IV opening video
- Fixed a bug that would boost partial shield blow-through, instead of reducing it
- Molly's date
- Additional cleanup on triggering videos from conversations (loading/rewinding, speed-clicking, etc)
- Evoker lecture
- Katie's return
- Added more debug guards / logging for daily events
- Added a fallback for the background shader (android devices)
- Added another guard for addressables, and cleaned up the process
- Videos and music moved to uncompressed asset bundles
- Fixed a bug in advancing time
- Fixed log UI giving debug text when reading text from an unnamed character
- Fixed mouse scrolling speeds in Wallpaper
- Wallpaper setting now has feedback popups
- Black rose II no longer replayable
- Wallpaper bug-fix on Unix. Added support for copying wallpaper to Pictures folder
- Fixed retained conversation UI after click
- Fixed snowdrop returns bug
- Fixed sorcery in the middle of a hint breaking the visuals of the hand
- Added new Olivia at Bar event
- Rewinding from Courseware soft-locks the game
- Typos and spell-checking
- Fixed images not scaling correctly on small-format screens
- Added a guard popup for exiting Elsewhere
- Fixed a possible soft-lock if speed-clicking into Elsewhere
- You can now click on an object that's being shown (there's a bit of a jerky animation, but at least it feels less laggy)
- Fixed the memory saving system. Now I need to populate it and show a UI
- Added a Dylan event at the Starcucks
- Working evenings in an upgraded crowley had a chance of advancing time twice
- Fixed a bug where there was a possibility of triggering one event on top of another
- Tweaked difficulty level for Easy mode and very hard
- Fixed initial setting on UISpeed
- Fixed exiting from computer -> main menu breaking UI
- Added a proper Game+ function to the game. Trigger by loading the End of Act III savegame
- Keith / Aoife event implemented
- Shifted probabilities for Keith/Aoife around. I might need to pull them down a little, since they trigger quite fast now
- Talking to Bella at rest-stop now gives the option to add 5 turns to Elsewhere
- Talk to Katie to recharge the Nuke
- Typos and continuity fixes
- Gated various monsters to player levels to stop the player from being destroyed by high-tier enemies too early
- Dropped non-combat probabilities
- Added Aoiefe's first event
- Re-jigged ordering of elsewhere companions to prevent "finish" from being first
- Fixed various broken dialogs and missing heads
- recoded the main menu video with a different codex
- Night time at Crowley is now replayable
- Fixed Chloe stalking us on date 6
- Demon Prince had the wrong weapon
- Rebalanced Fire damage output +50% residual damage, and pull fire-damage down faster (-10%, instead of -1)
- Pixie now has 4 events (pub evening, night, shower night, elsewhere)
- New characters: Keith Machlachlan and Aoife
- A bunch of converation fixes in the Crowley work scenes
- Split the Elsewhere action pool between combat/non-combat
- Optimization for combat; only pops up Ally UI if there's more than one choice, otherwise immediately selects that
- Story combat can now trigger from an Elsewhere cutscene, and will remember the correct allies
- Fixed Black Coffee not triggering cleanly
- Triggering Black Rose I now reduces rose count back to 0
- first two Pixie scenes (afternoon work with Crawley > 3, night time work 1+ day after). Shower scene in 0.3.21
- Fixed offering to sell ingredients to chloe, then changing your mind, causing ingredients to disappear
- fixed how night time activities are set up to avoid multiple uses
- Increased fire damage dealt
- Added new night time event: Katie's brother (need to update his Mug, still rendering).
- Added a basic replayable night-work entry, so you're never stuck
- Typo pass
- Android build restored
- Fixed bug where using the calendar would reset the next probability matrix
- Fixed bug where 11/12/etc cards weren't named for their card properly
- Tuned slider speed for memories
- Fixed bug where it enemies would use the default loot table regardless of loot table overrides
- Fixed bug where Daemons wouldn't pay out correctly
- Black Rose 2
- Black rose added to world
- Molly Slice of Life event in crowley.
- Emily slice of life event at Grassmarket evening
- You can now go drinking at the Grassmarket at night
- Computer now notifies you if there's something new to do.
- Ingredients / Special Ingredients added to UI
- Upgraded the Crowley
- Animating main menu logo for fun
- First pass on Wallpaper design. I'm going to need to rwrite the assignment code.
- You can now adjust the PokerUI speed, if you want additional time to read back effects
- You can now read in Starcucks at night, after Black Rose 1
- improved auto-gen documentation
- typos and fixes
- Spelling mistakes and final testing for release.
- Fixed a possibility to break the Black Rose progression
- zone folder was missing (breaking tutorial funnel).
- Changing center with sorcery no longer returns any placed cards
- Rage was dealing damage to self
- Added a delay between winning and victory UI playing
- New guards to stop effects spilling over from battle to battle
- Fixed cards returning to hand properly if reset from sorcery
- Fixed a possible bug from resume act II savegame
- Full typo pass
- Fixed Ally UI being too large
- Reduced XP multiplier for Knight/Lord from 3x/5x to 2x/3x
- ET can now call home (Added new app, Facial, and allow conversation to call mom)
- DressXpress opens day 47 instead if day 42
- Fixed cards not returning if you drop them at the wrong location
- Slowed down the info-box on what move was triggered
- Fixed applying shields to self using the wrong effect
- Added ingame support for changing names
- Added ingame support for accessing the game documentation
- Cleaned up the systems for cards discarding. Should hopefully fix the overlapping cards issue
- Added big-text mode
- Fixed up cluster gem damages + texts
- tuned the music in Molly's spanking event
- Added support for tagging memories correctly. Fixed up friends + Olivia
- Tuned rage gems output
- Added Grunt/Knight/Lord ice elementals
- Fixed a bug where clicking on the edge of a card could consume a turn without turning the card
- Played with the music in Molly's spanking scene (it might be too much)
- I've been deeply suspicious of a Coroutine for moving cards to destination. I rewrote it without the co-routine, and with more guards.
- New friend game, Bad Memories
- Added a new video rendering engine. Let me know what compatibility and performance is like, especially on Android
- Tweaked lightning stun values: (4, 10, 20, 30, 40, ...)
- Added clustergems (do 3xbaseDamage, each hit benefiting from bonuses and reductions)
- Rewrote how loot is calculated in terms of giving out gems
- Added better feedback systems to poker
- Added visual effects to spells + gems
- Changed the buttons around to make it clear what is interactive in the poker menu
- Fixed popups fading wrongly
- Fixed Calender events showing too early
- fixed mouse-over not working properly
- reduced the size of Chloe's hit-box
- Weak now does -25% damage, rather than -5 points of damage
- Bella has an active attack now
- 50% extra damage to the poison gems
- Dylan has an optional regen, and receives a Heal bonus from 25->50 by day 30
- Chloe has two different sorcery powers (replace card on hand, replace center of board)
- Akane can now sort ascending and descending, by suit or value
- Emily gets a boost to Shield by day 40
- New Game of Friends, Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance
- The email images were not connected properly (apart from the last swimsuit ones)
- Typo pass
- Fixed the possibility of UIs retaining past poker battle
- Opening the memory UI twice from computer would shut it down immediately
- Memory UI didn't properly set a first character on popup
- Shuffling deck on startup
- Tweaked atlas definitions for splines
- Fixed repeated visits to memory setup duplicating the selection options
- Put the memory setup on a co-routine for responsiveness, cleaned up memory usage
- Added a memory setup animation when showing fullscreen
- localization update for memory display, fixed tall spines rendering incorrectly
- trips to elsewhere could skip afternoon events
- tweaked treasure even reward drop probability
- Could trigger wrong end of act scene from basement on the day of day 3
- Fixes to sell-poker code
- Lightning stun changed (stun level is now 3-7-14-21-etc)
- tweaked the RNG seed
- Removed access to bed & gateway when you have visitors
- Added alpha version of the memory replay
- Fixed Emily's swimsuit sequence. Added a new dedicated clothing store to keep things cleaner moving forward
- when typing the group name in the input field, hotkeys were still active
- if you look at the cat outfit but don't have enough money, then go back to it once you do, you can't buy it, the dialogue just closes
- Fixed bug in date 5 that would cut it in half if wrong path chosen (it was supposedly fixed in 0.3.5, but it appears unity crashed)
- Fixed purchasing Emily's swimsuit
- Fixed unnecessary double-comment regarding trip to elsewhere
- Moved beach party until second week to fit Emily/Molly's relationship arc
- UI update broke ally, fixed.
- Shower now has a 10% chance of giving a CHR bonus. Fixed shower advancing time breaking
- Fixed a bug the could leave effects behind in the poker game
- Added support for selling gems to the Quartermaster
- End of Act image for savegame
- Emily's swimming adventure
- Beachparty
- Loading a game with blur on would leave blur active later when you returned to that room
- New clothing: bikini for Emily, Molly and Katie (Bella doesn't get one yet, I don't need to talk to her directly)
- Added continuity fallback if Olivia's tentacle adventures happen after Sarah's unavailable
- Allow compressed spine textures to go up to 4k (fixed a couple of grainy textures)
- Fixed Ally UI being oversized
- Fixed level ui dialog missing stats
- Fade screen was broken by the optimized UI
- Hide UI was broken with the new UI
- Added Chloe catgirl scene
- Added new browser event, purchasing swimsuit for Emily
- Allies could be added twice
- Rewrote UIs to improve performance
- Added cheat to jump to specific day (may cause bugs, of course)
- Added cheat to enable/disable FPS overlay
- Did a memory pass to reduce Spine memory consumption
- Finished Monday's visit to Nimue's lake
- Added new friend game: Ataegina
- Chloe's nude animation wasn't animating
- Autoplay after you put down a card would break the game
- autoplay while hinting could leave the hints visible
- hints and discard/autoplay could conflict
- The cutscene for beginning of act III could play on the wrong day if you returned to the khukuri
- poker hand: straight flush had higher priority than 5 of a kind
- Height offsets for Dylan was wrong compared to MC
- Could activate save/load UI with F5/RMB from inside the poker game, possibly breaking things
- hints would activate while dragging card
- Fixed progression bug caused by not having talked to Katie / Chloe about Elsewhere before date 3
- End of Act III
- Fixed a bug where Akane and Kitsune couldn't be brought into elsewhere
- Torman wasn't resetting his portrait at the beginning
- Fixed Emily not triggering end of act I scenario
- STR damage bonus (1% additional damage / STR level)
- Dates are now correctly showing in the calender
- Fenced off calender events that were showing prematurely
- RMB triggers save/load UI (same as F5), CMB triggers show/hide (same as H)
- Ceremonial Magic lecture added
- Spellchecking pass
- Date 6 + aftermath
- Two new allies, Kitsune (who does a flat damage) and Akene (who does board manipulation). Playable in Date6 + day50 onwards
- Fixing up hinting effect not cleanly disappearing when discarding
- fixing up discard occasionally leaving behind cards
- Fixed broken spine for molly's tentacle adventures
- Ceremonial Magic Homework VI
- Evoker lesson VI
- Continuity and spelling mistakes for date5
- Re-enable blur at the right point in date 5
- Ceremonial magic VI
- Straights took priority over 4/5 of a kind when using jokers
- Fixed some bugs in date5
- Fixed missing theme playing in certain scenarios
- Fixed typos
- Date 5 implemented
- Add debug text if there's double dialogs
- Credits now scrolling
- New character: X
- Day 40 Evoker class dialog finished
- Purchase sequence for Emily's lingerie finished (remember to check email to finish the cycle)
- Spelling mistakes and typos reported
- Bella could be added to the group even if it's full if added last
- Cleaned out how the Main menu is set up, and made it systemic instead of code
- Ceremonial Magic V class, Ceremonial Homework V homework, Night after homework scene implemented
- Patch notes pathched to reflect that Katie now aids in Olivia's ceremonial magic session
- Escape now opens / closes settings UI. Also closes other popups that can be closed simply
- Percentage damage resist from [Bella] could heal you above your max hp if you have shield
- Katie now helps out in Molly's Ceremonial Magic session
- Katie was getting triggered in lecture theater after Molly session
- Added a nudge to remind you to go find Bella
- Molly's starcucks event no longer firing after she becomes loyal
- Credits now correctly setting up patreon mugs + taglines. Added support for images
- It was possible to speed click through elsewhere conversation to leave behind an image
- You could skip two turns using the Erotic book in the coffeestore
- Added new enemy type, draugr (grunt/knight/lord)
- Bella could be invited twice to elsewhere
- Added conversation to Bella in Elsewhere Rest
- Added button to trigger auto-play a single turn (middle ground between full auto and manual)
- Overwriting savegames now correctly disabled when in conversation, and re-enabled when you can save properly
- Various typos and
- Added shield gems 2-8
- Reblanced loot, damage, XP curve
- Jenny's black rose 1 event didn't advance time
- Fixed an alignment issue on main menu at different resolutions
- Fixed missing textures for Guilty Force
- Hold down Ctrl to speed up the level up process
- Katie's firegem could be used repeatedly
- Fixed lack of initial cash
- Rewrote the world triggers to use conversation triggers
- Fixed Defile VFX and defiler not looping
- Fixed third homework advancing time twice
- Some continuity bugs.
- blood splatters remain after losing
- Removed Dylan the stalker
- Added in Adrian
- Spelling and continuity error
- Fixed bug where diana would reuse last mugshot
- After black rose event, you would be stuck next time you purchase a coffee
- Fixed events showing up on calender before they were ready
- Fixed up the Landlady & Flatmate supporter email
- Adrian restored (was dealing with a prefab instead of the scene object)
- Emily not joining portal until after reuniting (day 30)
- XP curve moved up, level rewards dropped to 1 character point / gain, fixed a bug where going up 2 levels would give you 3 picks
- Added a second loot-table for Minotaur Lord, doubled his XP gain
- You can no longer skip forward in situations where you have no_exit flag enabled. Fixes a bunch of events being breakable by using skip time.
- Fixed a drag-and-drop gem bug
- Dragging a gem now correctly updates the visuals of gems returned to the pool
- Fixed a bug where a rewind from a computer message could break the savegame
- Hid Guilty Force until day 2
- Fixed various typos
- New friend game (Dark Executor's Guilty Force)
- Fixed a bug with Black Rose event not triggering
- Fixed the wrong variable been triggered for ingredients
- Black rose now has a 20% probability of spawning from treasure
- Updated Molly's face to have more expressions, and updated her tentacle experience to
- stats shown in level up screen
- Hp remaining shown in elsewhere
- Chloe now starts fully charged, but recharges at 1/2 speed compared to the others
- second time you lose wouldn't advance time
- each time you enter elsewhere you'll get to pick your team
- If player lost a battle, they'd be stuck with blood splatters afterwards
- cleaned up the game of friends
- Can't jump straight from Elsewhere to City map
- Added guards for speed-clicking in Elsewhere
- Adjusted XP curve
- Adjusted cash gain curve
- Some enemies weren't correctly giving XP
- fixed a bug where sorcery could break the deck if applied while a card was placed
- fixed a bug where effects could linger longer
- redid the mouse-over / unable to reuse message
- added optional recharge scale for allies (Chloe was OP, now she charges slower)
- remove chloe from the world after she accepts joning for elsewhere raid
- Katie's new mug wasn't animating
- Added new attack for Katie once she's received the True Flawless gem
- Fixed a bug where mugs could get overlaid
- Day26 doesn't advance time anymore (lecture was cancelled, after all). Gives us another day to visit Elsewhere
- Updated the rose event, it now trigger the next day (or later) after you give her the vibrator
- Updated Jenny's mug, two new animations (fear and pleasure)
- Trigger tutorial first time you return to your room after Katie gives you the gems
- Added a tutorial and fixed up some visual elements in the gem UI
- fixed a bug where 5-of-a-kind wasn't properly setting up
- fixed a bug where dragging a gem to an invalid slot made it look like it disappeared
- fixed the calender rendering incorrectly in second month
- cleanup of various card game UI issues
- Chloe will now purchase resources from you at the crowley
- Fixed a bug where effects for enemies would linger visually
- Molly's first sorcery added, and Molly shifted to after Act II ends
- Fixed a bug where you could trigger drunk in Basement conversation before end of Act I
- Jenny, first rose complete
- Victory screen after combat
- 5 new elsewhere enemies (minotaur knight and lord, tentakun, wraith grunt and wraith knight)
- Levelup dialog
- Guarded the combat UI so you can only activate it on your turn, etc
- (hopefully) fixed the soft-lock that could happen when an enemy discard caused a deck shuffle
- Int now gives XP bonus
- Fixed a bug where it's possible to hide conversation UI and not find it back
- Starting a new game from main menu after playing wouldn't reset some flags
- Restored Adrian's conversation options
- Adrian was using Bella's body, fixed
- Chloe correctly unlocking on main menu after Act I
- Fixed bug in Act II end (wrong parameters to texture)
- Chloe shouldn't show up on in loading screens
- Fixed Act I auto-save not firing correctly
- Fixed Act II loading icon showing incorrectly.
- Fixed End of Act savegame names
- Redone Katie's mugshots
- Katie was not clickable
- Fixed bug when returning from combat in elsewhere
- Fixed Defiler not having a weapon
- Fixed mugshots appearing correctly in ally window and alleybar
- Dylan and Molly wasn't showing up correctly as allies
- Finishing the last move as a conversation would end up with a faded screen
- Player HP wasn't correctly reset at beginning of elsewhere.
- Notification bar wouldn't reset (animation cut-off halfway through)
- Ally UI could remain behind when leaving the poker game
- Player clothing not correctly set before entering elsewhere
- Added a browser (DemonFox) for ordering. Replaces the shop, which was underutilized.
- Added a new scene with Emily, using the browser + email system
- Added a patreon email from Landlady & Flatmate (triggers on day 5)
- Added a new scene with Jenny/Diana related to the black rose
- New friend game : Killer7 / My New Family
- New friend game : Neko Paradise
- Updated timelines for final week of Act II to make things a little less hectic
- Fixed master setup not saving correctly
- Added a new event with Bella
- Redid Katie's casual animaiton
- Expanded elsewhere, added several random events
- Can now fight in Elsewhere
- Can now recruit allies, and they show up in combat in Elsewhere
- Can return from Elsewhere back to Crowley
0.2.1 -> YAY! We're finally done with the core story for Act II
- Fixed various logic issues
- Fixed a bug in rewrind that broke a bunch of conversations (temp variables getting wiped on load)
- Added a trigger to force Molly's Sorcery experience.. time is quite dense in that week, and I couldn't rely on players going there manually
- Quicknav now correctly updates the textures for destinations based on time of day.
- Play the correct themes for the various encounters
- New Molly event
- New Emily event (Date IV)
- Fixed a bug that made Chloe unresponsive
- Fixed a bug where ambient characters could trigger too early
- Fixed a bug where I clear out temp variables on load, breaking rewind
- New Evoker class event
- New Katie event (purchase the special gem at the Quartermaster's)
- Run-up to end of Act II started
- Remove quicknav icon when the NO_EXIT flag is set
- Fixed up how damage is calculated (to allies and effects into account)
- Some rewrites for Homework IV and some new renders
- New friend game, Polarity
- New entrance animation to Elsewhere, and a rewritten content harness for it
- New startup dialog for Elsewhere (when triggered random)
- New event (Olivia DGN1)
- Fullscreen images and spines can now be either horizontally or vertically maximized (for screens that cut on the edges; see Homework IV)
- Battles can now use custom stat overrides (Tentaclekun II)
- Various spelling and continuity fixes
- Press Space or Enter to step forward a single conversation (in addition to Ctrl to speed through the conversation)
- Use Keypad or numbers to pick answers 1-N. Not shown visually (should I?)
- Cleaned up some UI issues
- Fixed the losing Strip MMA path (chloe would sell you the wrong spirits, time would advance twice, player wouldn't fully strip, and you could farm the event once you won it)
- New event with Molly, triggers 4 days after Homework III, when you enter the university
- New friend game, Game of Whores
- Poison gems were tagged as giving lightning damage
- Spell checking and general progression cleanup
- Fixed a bug where player cannot be clicked on if nude (missing bounds box)
- Added support for auto-playing poker for people who didn't enjoy the poker game
- Added new Friend-game, Dante's Depravity (accessibly from the computer game screen)
- Added new dialogs for Chloe and MC after the end of Act II
- Added Homework III and IV, as well as two new Ceremonial magic lessons
- Rewrote how the end-of-act sequence was handled; added a formal "end of act" savegame, with special visualization
- Fixed oversized fullscreen images in some resolutions
- Fixed bug where mouse-over/off on effects doesn't always work in combat
- fixed a bug in poker if you discarded with one card placed
- Fixed incorrect positions in poker combat
- Fixed a bug where books wouldn't be properly removed after reading
- Fixed a bug where some dialogs with Olivia would jump forward 2 timeslots
- Fixed MC being nude at the barrista after homework II
- Fixed the tentacles not animating correctly
- Fixed lightning stun using the wrong output message
- Added new slice of life sequences with Adrian and Olivia
- Fixed being able to trigger First pathwalking at night.
- Fixed being able to trigger Chloe's dialogs during dates
- You could derail the final date by ignoring Emily. Fixed.
- Fixed Emily haunting the khukuri after date1
- Fixed only being able to purchase black coffee once. Also added a guard to not let you purchase black coffee if you were broke
- Various spelling issues
- Added ability to trigger discussion on round 0 (used to let Dylan chat; previously it was possible for the player to kill the enemy on round 1, so the talking never triggered)
- fixed fullscreen images not being fullscreen on higher resolutions
- fixed some positioning issues for characters
- Fixed typos from slice of life events
- Added blood splatter VFX to poker combat
- fixed settings -> credits not working
- Added QA credits
What's changed:
- Tons of spelling issues fixed (thanks to the fine users at )
- Made it easier to close the Email UI
- Made it easier to train strength
- Changed the card-picking code to prioritize Right-to-left rather than Left-to-right, should make picking things easier
- Fixed up desinations not having human friendly names
- STR/INT swapped in the UI
- Made it possible to purchase coffee in a single-tap
- QSave disabled in dialog
- Adrian won't sell you stuff at night
- Computer in room would be visible when there are people in the room (overlapping their images, and causing accidental clicks)
What's changed:
- Quick bug-fix for progression blocker (Ceremonial Magic II)
Initial release
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