Aurelia it’s an adult game set in a fantastic medieval world full of beauty and wonder where you will take the role of a young man that, on a sudden twist of fate, has become entangled with a girl and a mystical amulet. The game will be a high-quality visual novel, with skill-based minigames, RPG themes, datingSim mechanics, multiple character storylines to unfold and tons of gratuitous sex. Set yourself for an adventure, my friend!
Using cheat engine, I found some cheats, not sure if there's more.
SLUMDOG = 1,000,000 Gold TOTHEBRIM = Unlocks all the achievements VSZOMBIES = Plants saplings in the garden THEBLACKMAGES = Obsolete cheat, was used for the garden to grant loads of mana in earlier versions PANACEA = 100 of each potion LEWDMAGE = When talking to Ivy, she is naked APOTHECARY = 100 each of certain ingredients FUCKMEUPFAM = Deletes your entire savegame information WISEMAN = Instant level 100/ Max attribute points DEBUG = Debug menu (Type in DEBUGOFF to turn it off) DUORESET = Resets Ivy/Scarlet Questline
[Ivy] New HJ scene. New Paizuri scene Reworked Sex scene (Animation) Reworked Sex/Anal at the window scene (Animation) [Scarlet] Reworked oral scene (Animation) Added new art to the BJ scene. [Ivy + Scarlet] New Duo BJ scene. [Janet] Reworked Paizuri Scene [Lily] | Reworked HJ Scene Reworked HJ Scene Altered Lily’s questline for a better progression. [Elizabeth] New Paizuri scene New Anal scene [Eri] New sex scene [Elizabeth + Eri] New duo BJ scene. [Ivy + Scarlet + Duchess] New ending scene, includes 3 animated scenes. Other Story scenes related to the main plot. Other Changes
Reworked the entirety of Ivy’s questline, adding several NSFW and SFW scenes. Finished the main questline. Added 2 new locations: The Alcove The forgotten temple. Added 3 new characters: Gerard, the Merfolk. Gorgoth, god of fear. Ash, the necromancer. Streamline further the tutorial / first day experience. Fixed multiple instances of incorrect dialogues. Structural and polish changes to several questlines in an effort to make them easier to follow, including the following characters: Ivy Reworked her entire questline. Ivy will now grow her own plants and gift them to you. Scarlet Reworked some parts of her questline. Something with the sharpening tool in mind. Ivy / Scarlet Reworked their first duo scene and questline. Removed the requirement for the “Staff of wisdom”, as it felt like unnecessary padding. Erza / Dungeon The MC’s room chest will now indicate properly that it can’t be opened with a regular lockpick. The Clock Enigma will now show the notes found at the left side of the screen. Improved dungeon tutorial. The effigy will now guide the player into the silver crest. Reduced the amount of fruits Erza needs to sate her hunger to 3 (from 7). Fixed the “R” shortcut to the menu not working as intended. Melkor will now appear in the dungeon much sooner (floor 15) Crystal Reworked some of her dialogues. Lowered the requirements for Crystal’s first conversation after the Orson Bar minigame. Janet Slightly reworked the early parts of her questline. Added several ways of learning about Janet’s cooking. Janet and Crystal Eliminated the requirement for “Super Creamy Milk” and “Leefa Nut” in the questline, as they felt like unnecessary padding. Now the scene can be triggered at both Morning and Afternoon. Lily Reworked the early parts of her questline. Buy is now marked Changed Lily’s shop so she’ll sell potions after a certain point in her questline. Erza Melkor’s Tomb will now be available much earlier into the game (day 1). On touching Erza’s Effigy for the first time, It’ll clue the player on where to find the Silver Crest. Amber Reworked the early parts of her questline. And like, much more that I forgot to properly follow up in this patch notes. Just go and destroy your genitals already.
V0.31.0 New Dungeon + NSFW content Scenes with the following dungeon encounters: Mimic Nightmare (New) Green Dragon (New) Oni (New) Harpy (New) Fallen Angel (New) Canon Specialized Unit Other Changes Added a final reward floor at depth 29. Moved the Halloween portal to F29 Moved the Xmas portal to F29 Added a portal to F29 that brings you into “dungeon +” “Dungeon +” will loop you again to floor 1, making enemies harder. Added all 3 dungeon Merchants at F29. Added 4 gold chests as a reward at F29. Once activating the new “dungeon +” new enemy types will start spawning. V0.30.1 Other Changes Solved dialogue issues. V0.30.0 EXTRA NSFW content [Ginny] | Secrets [Lily] | Eureka!
V0.29.5 Other Changes
SAVEME cheat code now unlocks: Journal entries for all the main characters/scenes. This will not include: Unlockable scenes/characters added in this build. Dungeon enemies. All achievements All locations Level 100 10000 Gold Bugfixing
Fixed a game crash when accessing the bar board. Talking to Kivir about the church should now unlock the location. V0.29.4 Bugfixing
Changed how the game handles data to avoid initialization issues. Corrected the internal port “version” being lower than intended. V0.29.3 Other Changes
Did some changes in an effort for Android to import the save files. Kivir’s Brothel quest will now unlock the Church location. Bugfixing
Fixed Miza’s quest crashing. Removed a “black fade” into one of the Duchess conversations. Fixed Lirey’s scene crashing on the Journal. V0.29.2 Other Changes
Changed Eri’s Journal entry to be her name instead of “Elizabeth” Add Ginny/Lirey scene to the Journal Added Ivy’s scene to the Journal Added Ivy/Scarlet scene to the Journal. Bugfixing
Fixed the “Crystal’s Doll quest” dialogue with Ivy. Fixed Ivy’s “Misfired spell” scene having it’s dialogue displaced. Added a failsafe to the “SAVEME” code so it can’t be triggered on the first day. V0.29.1 Other Changes
Added the Cheatcode “SAVEME” that skips the main quest up to this build for those players who are having problems with migrating their saves (specially on android) Corrected some dialogue issues. (wrong speaker, grammatical errors) Bugfixing
Fixed many of Ivy’s questlines issues. Fixed several dialogues that would enter an unending “loop.” V0.29.0 IMPORTANT! Ivy’s Questline There are some changes to Ivy’s questline in this build, but we do not recommend to start a new game, as we will add even more changes to Ivy shortly, including reworking most of her NSFW content.
IMPORTANT! Ported the game to a new Engine We did this to hopefully solve many compatibility and resource consumption issues now that the final version of the game is approaching in a few builds.
Be aware that due to these two changes up above, there might be some visual/performance errors at the moment that we might miss on our testing. We will be working to have the game in it’s best form as shortly as possible while also delivering new content the meanwhile.
Thank you for your patience with us.
And now, the fun stuff!
NSFW content
[Ivy} | Misfired spell. [Ivy + Scarlet] | Double Danger [Elizabeth] | Duchess special care [Eri] | Problems with control [Ginny] | Channeling the divine Other Changes
Ported the game to a more modern engine (GMS2) Overhauled how Aurelia loads data into the game to make it less demanding. From this update forward save files will be interchangeable between devices. New Character: Elizabeth, the Duchess. New Character: Eri, the manor maid. New Location: Duchess Manor. Soran now sells/buys certain items. Reworked several sections of the game to add more clarity to the game questlines, including: The “first day” of the game to be a more guided experience for new players. Locked several locations at the beginning of the game. Added some visual animations for new discovered locations. Reworked “Drink Something with Orson” into “Latest news” Rewrote old dialogues for several characters. Getting Ivy’s questline ready for the Overhaul. Re-wrote Ivy’s first interactions with the player. Several interactions with Ivy will now appear on any day time, to avoid confusing the players with restrictive time frames to advance certain quests. Time sensitive effects (like HP/MP regeneration) will pause while the player is in the main menu. Reworked the “Drink something with orson” into “Latest News” Player will only be able to ask this once a day, to avoid offering new players too much information at once. Orson’s Bar Minigame Overhaul The game “time” will be limited by the players HP. Failing to deliver a drink to a costumer will not reduce HP anymore. “Slow Time” skill will now always be available, instead of only appearing after a certain progress has been made in the main quest. Costumers “patience” will decay slower if they hit the middle section of their patience, and much slower once they hit their last section. BlackJack Minigame Soran will now only have a limited amount of money to spend on blackjack, he’ll need to save up for 3 days. Soran’s money regeneration will scale with the day number, capping at day 100. Dungeon After defeating certain bosses Soran will sell their respective “steal” items. Archery Minigame Slimmed the “time” bar sprite so it doesn’t obscure the minigame as much. Items Alchemy items will now display their “power” in their description. Alchemy items with special effects will now display said effects in their description. Changed the descriptions of many items to make their effects more clear. Changed the names of the potions from S/M/L/XL to Weak/Regular/Great/Exquisite Some collectable items (like the lake worms) will now be collectable only once, and grant several units in return. The following items are now consumables: Beer. Wine. Janet’s Pie. Strawberry Cake. Chilly and Beans. Revitalizer. Coffee. Artifact Changes Golden Bracer changed effect. Enhances all stats dramatically in exchange of gold. Once binded, this artifact can’t be removed. I’ll grow a hunger for gold until there is nothing left, at which point it’ll unbind and remove all stat enhancements. Mystic Cowl changed effect. Uses your MP to reduce damage received by 50%.##The artifact will only work if your mana is above 10%. Silver Crest is now an Artifact The mana of every 7th spell is refunded. Brimstone Improves POWER based on your missing HP, up to 100%. Removed 4 Achievements that we found unnecessarily obscure and not that fun: “Helping the community” “One of those stupidly obscure achievements” “Are you dead or something?” “Impostor!” DevNote: *We’ll most likely add more achievements lat+ Updated “Ohro’s advice” and “Loading message” from Patrons. Added a 1% change for Eri to call you “Meowster” v0.28.0 Extra This content is Early Access for Noble Tier Patrons (and above) and it’s contents will be introduced in the final version EXTRA SCENES content can only be unlocked in EXTRA BUILDS, but will stay unlocked in any posterior build. NSFW content [Crystal] | Crystal’s sneaky snack [Erza] | Dreamwalking [Scarlet] | Strategy testing
v0.27.1 Other Changes Added Journal entries Miza, Kai and the new brothel scenes. Changed a few dialogues and prompts to reflect the Brothel’s transformation. Corrected some dialogue issues. (wrong speaker, grammatical errors) Bugfixing Fixed the new Kai’s minigame crashing if trying to continue after level 5. Fixed some conversations overlapping each other. Fixed an issue with Amber/Bulgra scene displaying an incorrect first image.
v0.27.0 NSFW content Sex with Miza Anal finger play with Kai Threesome with Amber/Bulgra Fourthsome with Kiki, Maen and Sa Harem/Orgy with all the brothel characters (Excluding Ohro) Other Changes New Minigame Several SFW scenes to develop the story.
v0.26.0 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL NSFW content 4 New Scenes for the Halloween section - Ghost - Mummy - Zombie Horde - Witch
Other Changes - Added a new Halloween realm - Added 4 new monsters to the Halloween realm. - Added a portal to the Halloween realm in in depth 15
v0.25.2 DUNGEON NSFW content 4 New Dungeon Scenes for the Abyss section - Ice Elemental - Scylla - Ancient Robot - Vampire
v0.25.2 EXTRA Bugfixing Fixed the EXTRA SCENE for Ki-ki and Luna not triggering.
v0.25.1 EXTRA This content exclusive for Noble tier (or above) Patrons
NSFW content Kiki + Amber. Amber’s first anal. Breeding Ki-ki.
Other Changes Added a Journal entry for the EXTRA SCENES. The two older scenes need to be watched again for them to unlock in the Journal.
v0.25.1 Other Changes Removed prices for all brothel services. Added a Journal entry for Bulgra. Updated “Ohro’s Advice” Updated “King’s Board” Updated “Loading message” Improved the patchnotes website.
Bugfixing Brothel hats will only show up after the questline is completed, and only 1 day of the week. Black fade coming up in Bulgra’s first interaction before it should.
v0.25.0 What's new? New brothel character 2 Scenes Bugfixing Minor changes
v0.24.2.d NSFW content
Dungeon Scenes - Inferno Section Imp Succubus Cerberus Royal Duo
EXTRA SCENES from the latest Noble Build. Ivy / Scarlet Ki-ki / Luna
Fixed the dungeon Spell Statues not displaying a description. Fixed the [Hex Box] sold by Soran displaying an incorrect price of 2000.
v0.24.2 What's new? Scene for Luna/Ki-ki Scene for Ivy/Scarlet They'll be indicated by a heart in their specific locations. There's no way to replay them at the moment (other than loading back), as I'm working on a new system to integrate those scenes in. Hotfix .2 Fixed an issue that made accessing Ivy's room after the EXTRA SCENE crash the game. Fixed some dialogues.
v0.24.1 New scenes: 1 new scene for Ginny 3 new scenes for the dragons
Others 2 SFWish scenes for the dragons questline Expanded Ginny’s questline Introduced Dragon Lair questline New Location New Minigame
v0.23.1D NSFW content New scenes for dungeon enemies (Jungle Section): Lamia Alraune Tiger Fox New Tales (Flor): These become unlocked by default at the moment, they’ll locked and added to Flor’s store later. The Secret Princess of Alberad A Knight’s Heart Sin for Love The Trickster QoL Any update to END or WIS will update maximum Health/Mana accordingly. Karos defense will no longer prioritize Diamonds over other gem fragments. Artifacts
Many artifacts seemed to be direct upgrades from others or do specific tasks better than their peers, for this update we tried to give each artifact more concise mechanics that bring different gameplay styles to the table. Very Pointy Hat [Rework] Every time you use mana, it gains a stack. 3 stacks max. At 3 stacks any action that uses your POWER attribute will be enhanced. This consumes the stacks. Mystic Cowl [Rework] Improved defense (Up to 80% reduction) Slowly burns your mana. Arbac’s Horn [Rework] - Slowly regenerates MP. The effect ramps up with time. Orgo’s Heart [Rework] - Every time you use MP, it recovers 20HP in the next 20 seconds. Von Kamfeer’s Helmet [Rework] - Stores damage received, releases it on the next action that uses your POWER attribute.
v0.23 Amber Animation Amber Mini Scenes Amber/Luna Mini Scene Minigame, Ohro Run! Expanded Amber's Questline. Some scenes are not available through the Journal and will be added shortly in a hotfix.
Android Installation: If you download the .apk, please make sure that the filename hasn't changed after the download, some phones change the extension to .zip for security. If that's the case change it back to .apk and install. If this doesn't work, try using a different file manager to open the file.
v0.22.3 N/A
v0.21.5 Hotfix .5 Changes to the dungeon UI. You can interact with dungeon rooms with the map open. Dungeon UI shows Epox currency. Main menu / Settings are now accessible while in the Dungeon. Fixed the [Very pointy hat] not tracking maximum mana in some instances. Added a new monster: The Mimic Chests of higher rarity [Steel/Gold] are now more rare. From [33% Wood/Steel/Gold] to [50% Wood, 30% Steel, 20% Gold]
Dev Notes: There's no Naamu clues at the moment, to progress through the new content go into Janet's store at the mornings. (As long as you had completed both Janet's and Crystal's questlines) All the items required can be found in the dungeon (all can be found before floor 14).
v0.21.4 N/A
v0.19.1 Hotfix 2 Fixed the Journal Luna's and Ki-ki's scenes having incorrect dialogue. Fixed Ki-ki's Journal page displaying Luna instead. Fixed Arbac's horn (wasn't working in the dungeon) Decreased how much mana Arbac's horn gives in the Bar minigame. Increased the amount of mana needed to use the Bar minigame Slow time skill. Decreased the amount of time the Bar minigame slow time skill stays activated.
v0.19.1 Hotfix Added Ki-ki's and Luna's first scenes to the Journal. EXTRA ART added to the achievements gallery. Fixed the "reached X level" achievements not triggering if you surpased that level beyond their introduction. Dungeon enemies have now a chance of dropping items once defeated. Fixed a crash triggering in the GAME TIPS submenu. Bugfixed some dialogue issues. Very slightly improved file size.
v0.19 -Animated scene for Luna -Mini-scene for Luna -New Character, Ki-ki, the goblin whore. -Animated scene for Ki-ki -Mini-scene for Ki-ki -Brothel management
Build 0.18.6 **PLEASE READ**
Animated scene for Ivy/Scarlet Mini-scene for Ivy/Scarlet Mini-scene for Janet Mini-scene for Scarlet 4 more mini-scenes for other story segments. Added a progression system, with levels, experience and attributes. Reworked all the minigames so attributes affect them. Melkor's Domain Minigame (dungeon crawler) Lily's Alchemy Set (Potion crafting) Added 21 Potions Added Equipable Artifacts Complete visual rework of most of the menus. And another billion things.
Here's the official change-log that I have edited neatly for your convenience. Please remove the old change-log for 0.17.3 since that one is outdated and incomplete.
-------Start of Change-log-------
Build 0.17.6 -New character: Karos, the Minotaur. -One animated scene for Scarlet. -Two mini-scenes for Scarlet. -Updated BG for Ivy's room. -New minigame: Karos defense. -Bug-fixing and QoL changes.
How to start the new content: Talk to Ivy in her room at the morning.
Hotfix .1: -Added 2 EXTRA ART to the game. -Fixed Scarlet's sleeping in Ivy's room crash error. -Removed Scarlet from the couch at night. -Corrected some dialogues where the name of the player was substituted by "MC." -Fixed the back buttons on both the Kings list and Orson's board. -Fixed visual glitches happening at the archery and bar minigames. -Added a click buffer to the Karos Defense minigames, so controls feel more fluid. -Fixed a control glitch that made the player enter on a reloading loop on the Karos Defense minigame. -Keybinded the Karos Defense Skills/Spells to Q-W-E. -Added a wave counter to the Karos Defense minigame. -Added a wood counter to the Karos Defense minigame, and it will inform the player of how much wood is needed. -Fixed a small visual error on the Achievements sub-menu.
Hotfix .2: -Fixed one of the EXTRA ART pieces not displaying correctly. -Fixed the "Arrow barrage" animation getting stuck on some situations. -Fixed a bug that was causing background events to be clickable while still on a conversation.
Hotfix .3: -Fixed "Arrow barrage" freezing the player. -Removed some unintended testing code in the Karos defense minigame.
Hotfix .4: -Added ENDLESS MODE to Karos Defense. -Balanced gold received from Karos Defense. -Karos Defense will now display your higher wave completed. -Karos Defense will now display two different messages, in case you lose or leave. -Fixed a visual bug that was causing some background elements to stay on conversations.
Hotfix .5: -Fixed a bug added in Hotfix .4 that was disabling events in the evening/night.
Hotfix .6: -Reverted the changes done to events in Hotfix .4. -Fixed a crash error that happened when shooting the Golem on Karos Defense as soon as he was spawning.
Android Installation: If you download the .apk, please make sure that the filename hasn't changed after the download, some phones change the extension to .zip for security. If that's the case, change it back to .apk and install. If this doesn't work, try using a different file manager to open the file.
-------End of Change-log-------
NEW New animated scene for Scarlet. New mini-scene for Scarlet. New side-character, Karos. Scarlet dialogues. Ivy dialogues. Karos dialogues. Soran dialogues. Orson dialogues. New minigame: Clock's enigma. New minigame: Karos defense. New interactuable items on Ivy's room. 16 new items. UPDATED Ivy's room background Added a new option to give Merah different fruits. Reworked inventory pop-ups. Added inventory pop-ups to old dialogues for consistency. Changed how music is played in-game to avoid memory issues. Changed how transitions from place to place are handled to avoid memory issues.
With: New character: Amber, the dark elf dancer. New character: Luna, the dryad madam. One animated scene for Amber. One mini-scene for Amber. New location: The brothel. Bugfixing and QoL changes. Hotfix .1: Fixed the Journal not adding Amber scenes at the correct moment in her questline. Fixed the EXTRA ART scenes starting on image 2. Corrected the "All content completed" so it accounts for Amber scenes. Fixed Amber's deepthroat scene [Outside cumshot] incorrect animation. Hotfix .2: Fixed Janet not giving the guitar correctly if her questline wasn't advanced enough. Android Installation: If you download the .apk, please make sure that the filename hasn't changed after the download, some phones change the extension to .zip for security. If that's the case change it back to .apk and install.
-A new animated scene for Janet. -Mini-scene for Janet. -Two new backgrounds. -New Intro. -Bugfixing.
Hotfix .1: -Fixed Janet BJ loop scene not loading properly, fixed some minor dialogue issues.
Build 0.13.2
-New character: Ezra, the demoness warlock. -One animated scene for Erza. -One non-animated scene for Erza. -Updated Background for Melkor's tomb. -Updated visuals for the start menu and scene frame. -Bugfixing.
Hotfix .1: -Updated the kings list. -Fixed the "All content completed". -Fixed dialogues using "MC" rather than the player name. -Fixed visual issues in the exit menu. -Erza will now give an option to repeat the scenes once all her events are done.
Hotfix .2: -Fixed visual issues in the "name selection" screen when starting the game.
v.0.10.2 Note: [Some Android devices will open the apk as a folder rather than install the game, use another file manager (like Zarchiver) to install the game.
Hotfix .1: Fixed the garden's exit button. Hotfix .2: Fixed some minor visual issues.
v0.09.1 Hotfix Updated the kings board, fixed some minor visual issues.
v0.09.0 New Expanded Scarlets's questline -1 new animated scene -2 new Items -New Minigame -New location. The dwarven tomb -The fountain at Aurelia's village will now give clues/hints in exchange of gold -Added a 'report bug' to the game's main menu -New notification pop-up -Added two new Font size options for dialogues on the settings menu -Dialogue and option boxes improved animations -Option boxes are larger and more comfortable to click on. especially on mobile -Added the loading phrases at the start of the game
UPDATED -Outside house BG has a new placeholder and art -Fixed display bugs on the Journal -Fixed the Main character selection screen problems with the CAPS lock and Shift -The player name will be editable at any point in the game through the main menu -Scarlet s role will be editable at any point after meeting her through her Journal section -Fixed a minor bug with Scarlet's BJ scene, where the last animation section (cumshot) looped itself -Fixed some quest line items not being removed/required -The archery minigame now locks the cursor inside the window (on PC) to avoid clicking outside the window itself -The archery minigame time has been raised with the agility potion from 30 to 60
REMOVED -Removed the 'Journal notes' entire!
v0.08.3 Bugfix .1: Fixed some minor visual issues. Bugfix .2: Fixed an error that made Ivy's questline crash. Bugfix .3: fixed an error that would made the game crash if using the stump with 2 or more axes.
v0.07.1 A new animated scene for Lily, a few minigame changes, new achievements and dialogues.
v0.06.2 A new character (Scarlet), a new scene for Scarlet, and a new minigame Hotfix .1: Fixed the lockpicking minigame bug and other minor issues, added more kings on the board Hotfix .2: Fixed resolution issues on some devices, reworked the "name selection" room. Added Scarlet's voice Scarlet's portrait Scarlet's scene Finished bedroom BG Finished "Kings board" BG New minigame BG New minigame assets 1 new item icon DIALOGUES Coded Ivy, Lily, Janet and Scarlet dialogues and questlines. Added Ivy garden dialogues SYSTEM Inventory will show only the used/ocuppied item slots
Build 0.04.0
With: -1 new character
-1 new scene
-Improved Journal
-Improved particle effects
-Gallery mode for the scenes Aurelia, it’s an adult game set in a fantastic medieval world full of beauty and wonder where you will take the role of a young man that, on a sudden twist of fate, has become entangled with a girl and a mystical amulet.
The game will be a high-quality visual novel, with skill-based minigames, RPG themes, datingSim mechanics, multiple character storylines to unfold and tons of gratuitous sex. Set yourself for an adventure, my friend!
v0.03.0 Most of the 0.03.0 content is a re-work and new content of the intro and early stage of the game. To enjoy the 0.03.0 patch to the fullest, we recommend you to (re-) start the game again in a new save slot NEW - New Ivy scene - New minigame: the garden - New dialogues for Ivy - New MC and Ivy portraits - New sprites for inventory - New art for the game’s Intro. - Dialogue "Emotes" // i.e: heart, exclamation mark, question mark... - More text animations. - Visual spell magic effects. - Added a new board for king tier patrons in the bedroom. - Added the cheats menu - Added a Buy/Sell sub-menu for Janet and Orson - Added a progress bar in the Journal menu for Ivy and Janet. - Added new voices to all new characters. UPDATED - Portraits are mirrored - Smoothed the speed of the bar minigame waves - Reworked some of Ivy’s old dialogues. - Cleaned the Journal menu. (It will be expanded in future updates) - Improved the scrolling bar sprite - Restructured Ivy questline to make it more smooth the rhythm of her storyline - Wait time between Janet events will be, at least, 1 day - Added a relationship progress bar for Ivy and Janet (on the journal) - Included all patrons names in the Orson board - A different color is assigned to every character name. - The new garden mini-game art is finished. - Janet's shop will open in the morning. REMOVED - New mini-game achievements got cut from this build.
1) Download the apk file 2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen 3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
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