Monster Girl Dreams for android

Game description Monster Girl Dreams
Now you must venture across the home continent of the monster girls, Lucidia, in an attempt to get rich, or get fucked into submission trying. Also defeat the Demon Queen. Maybe.
v26.6 Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
You can now go on a not-so-spooky adventure with Perpetua to recruit ghosts to Sleim Vllge! Completing it also unlocks new items at Silver's shop. You can't yet visit the ghosts once the quest is complete. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Trisha now has a new 'Carrying fuck.' option upon defeating her when sparring at night. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Ancilla's services now include a 'Pampering service.' option, featuring several non-lewd relaxing scenes. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
Bed-chan now has a sex CG, which is used in her scene where you sleep in her then later try to get up. Art by ADOPOLICH.
Tweaked the names of menu options when getting a meal from Trisha.
Edited the Forest Tutorial event and Stop The Vandal quest at the start of the game for added information, lore, and characterization. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
The Slime Queen's Parade minigame is even fasterest than the last upgrade, by using more efficient movement checks and telling the slimes to bounce in the gpu instead. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Jumbo Mint Choco Chip Clarity Cookie now removes Charm and Sleep in addition to Trance.
Relaxi Appel Jelly removes 50% of your Arousal down from 75%, but now also removes Charm and Aphrodisiac.
Fresh Appel now removes Aphrodisiac, restores 50 Energy up from 25, and costs 250 Eros down from 500.
CritChanceBoostSelf now works as follows, for the sake of clarity: positive numbers increase the crit chance on self, while negative numbers decrease said crit chance.
Fixed Ancilla getting miffed at you for no reason if you picked her new service scene then left afterwards. By Valentin Cognito.
Fixed using the Temple shortcuts not changing the Temple background.
Fixed a missing orgasm call in the Imp Den's wakeup BJ scene.
Fixed Ceris having incorrect stand-in calls for her sex CG expressions.
Flipped the Temple main hall background to be more accurate to the Temple's layout.
Fixed a crash related to image changes when hidingCombatEncounter was turned on. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed the Hearty Meal Food Perk not getting removed when gaining another Food Perk.
Fixed a bug that would cause the map to display the name of a location that's not available yet. By Threshold and feltcutemightcleanlater.
Strange Collar is now properly tagged as a Collar for related scenes.
Potentially fixed a rare end-of-combat crash. Maybe.
The currently unused ChangeErosByPercent function now properly adds and subtracts from your money by the percentage instead of setting your money to that percentage.
The following Perks/status effects/Equipment now properly increase your chance to be critted, instead of lowering it: Touch of Ecstasy, Curry and Catastrophe Special, Taunted, Gilded Infatuation, Gilded Captivation, Gilded Enchantment, and Ninja Suit.
Tweaked the "Report about the candy." menu in Elly's quest so it doesn't overflow into the text box.
Assorted typo fixing and editing.
v26.5 Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Ancilla now has a 'Helpless domination service' scene in her services menu. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
There is now a double bubble slime scene at the inn, which has a chance to occur when working at the bar or as a waiter. By Oluap, edited by Threshold and Valentin Cognito.
Trisha's following conversations have been tuned up for consistency and clarity on her situation, as well as general improvements to her events' organization and logic: 'Call her out on her scheme.' and 'About the food.', as well as 'About the inn.' and 'Free room and board?' after you've revealed she's a succubus. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Trisha has the following new conversation options: 'Do you have any hobbies?', 'Tea Parties?', and 'Ars Delusia?', as well as an 'Intimacy.' menu. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Once you've taken Trisha's deal, you can now get a Hearty Meal from her, which gives you a food perk intended for the early parts of the game. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Trisha now has a 'Cuddle Fuck' scene available when she ambushes you in bed, provided you have agreed to her deal (and didn't fall over from aphrodisiac-laden cooking). By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
A new dream scene has been added, featuring Trisha. It has a chance to occur once you've agreed to her deal and have substantial progress with her. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
Elena has 3 new expressions: SmileContent, LickLips, and Kiss. These have been added to her existing scenes wherever relevant. Art by Jiffic.
There is now a night version of the world map. Art by Jiffic. Implemented by feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
The Will-Power Temple now has its own background. Art by Houra.
Ceris now has a cowgirl position CG, which is used in a number of her scenes. Art by Elakan.
Energy gains and losses from eating food or sleeping during the Mysterious Inn event are now percent-based rather than flat values, in general making the event more consistently dangerous and rewarding, provided your max Energy is higher than 50 or 100.
The Tied to Bed effect in the Mysterious Inn had its base durability increased from 15 to 20, and the Drugged Food effect now lasts 30 turns up from 15.
Trisha now levels up from lvl 5 up to a max lvl of 15 based on progress with her. Progress is gained from feeding her via her sex scenes in general. Also, the scenes available upon beating her now give a bit more progress.
You can now opt out of the generic lizard girl's sex scene when you beat her in the Sex stance.
The 'Skip the meal' option in Trisha's event is now called 'Skip the meal and go to bed.' to clarify what it does.
The world map is now compatible with keyboard and gamepad. By feltcutemightcleanlater, with troubleshooting from Threshold.
Applied VFX to some of Ceris' existing content.
Ensured better copy-paste support in input boxes from Renpy SDK bump. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Text to Speech no longer lists off the player's stats and current time when advancing through dialogue. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Imp Den lewds now make use of the new image functions to improve performance. Combat does not benefit. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added triggersOnce key to EndOfRound and StartOfRound line triggers, for preventing subsequent calls of the function. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added ForEvery and ForSpecific subfunctions to ChangeImageLayer, for making mass layer changes in a single function call. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added basic automated Night icon effect for mod locations. See the modding docs for instructions and resources on manual night icons. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The validator was overhauled again for further improved performance, reduced to roughly 30% overhead compared to disabled. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added ttf and otf font file extraction support to the in-game mod menu, for mods using custom fonts. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The Livewire rut scene now has an extra music change, for variety and signaling the end of the scene.
Autosaves will no longer sometimes add in a bunch of blank empty files to your auto saves. Fixed by a Renpy update.
Fixed long menu option buttons (like in the tavern nightlife menu) ending up bunched together instead of being spaced out properly. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Using any skill can no longer 'break' restraints, causing weird unintended issues.
Struggling Defence perk now actually works.
Fixed a bunch of old jank in the Mysterious Inn event file. No bugs, just internal jank.
The title text snippets now don't overextend off the sides. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed a display issue for healing estimations from items after using skills. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, clicking the hovering monster tooltip in combat would cause the game to auto select a combat event menu option.
Assorted typo fixing and editing.
v26.4b Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Fixed an issue with the Quick Menu not appearing properly. By feltcutemightcleanlater. This was hot fixed into the last patch.
Tiny Fungal Lantern now actually gives you 15% debuff resist.
The HP and MP bars are now as close as can be to angled accuracy to the frame. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
A singular typo/edit fix.
v26.4 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Added a very long sex scene at the Graffiti Queen Shop. Requires the player to have the Rut status when asking the shopkeep for sex options. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
You can now "Inquire about 'special services'." from Amber, featuring two expansive sex scenes with variants. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
There are 28 new facts that can be given out by Ancilla. By Threshold and Valentin Cognito. Also facts are no longer randomized and play in a specific order, and after she states the fact you are taken to the same talk menu instead of her first one, so you can easily ask for another fact.
Sofia's Mind Melting Makeout skill can now transfer into a MesmerizingMakeout-related skill check if you are Charmed or at 5 stacks of Trance (instead of just at max, deeper into that combat event).
Ushris now accounts for makeout stance when she's restraining you given the change to restraints.
Increased Amy's max arousal from 500 to 750.
Fetching json functions is now a near-instant calculation cost, regardless of what function is being fetched. This will greatly reduce performance variance of dialogue. The cost of running the functions themselves still stands. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
After getting a Perk, you no longer need to hit Confirm Stats to be able to take Perks with that previous Perk as a prerequisite (however, you still need to confirm the Perk).
When moving or interacting in the Labyrinth, your action is counted before any events occur. This means Aphrodisiac and Paralysis effects are now triggered before combat and events. This also means that being affected by Aphrodisiac in combat doesn't result in immediate Aphrodisiac damage right after combat.
Since you're given the choice to proceed onwards or go to Town after clearing the Labyrinth for the first time, the status effects on the player are now cleared, so you're not potentially still kiss-covered from Iabel while interacting with Perpetua.
The tooltips of the Struggle options in the combat menu will now display the hp bar of the restraints, just like the Restrained status effect tooltip. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Pressing Buy or Sell in item shops will now close the confirmation window. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Stance struggling tooltips now provide a stance hp bar for each stance, as well as the total of all stances on each monster. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
When hovering over the map, it now animates with a zoom and built-in glow that helps with selecting small icons. Backward compatible with mods. This can be toggled under the Animated UI setting in Options. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Greatly reduced memory being unnecessarily used by the map menu, owing to Ren'Py calculating lots of collision box data for map icons, due to previously using 1080p images with lots of empty alpha pixels for exact positioning. By feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
HP, SP, and EP bars are now animated rather than instantly changing values. This can be toggled under the Animated UI setting in Options. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Menu choices now have a small and brief zoom affect. This can be toggled under the Animated UI setting in Options. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The quick menu choices now have a drop down animation. This can be toggled under the Animated UI setting in Options. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added 13 new main menu snippets that can appear under the title.
The game validator was expanded and revamped again, it now checks json functions for invalid names/IDnames. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added IgnoreDebugChoices key to Event jsons to tell the validator to set choice values or whole choice numbers to be ignored. See modding docs for more info. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Defending now actually increases your Evade, as intended.
Fixed orgasms outside of combat not affecting blue balls and similar mechanics.
Fixed exploration rest points not properly restoring Favor.
Fixed the Double Kunoichi Trainee loss scene not triggering due to not having a name.
Flat Arousal losses from items now benefit from relevant bonuses, and flat Arousal gains are no longer affected (this was previously reversed).
Items that work off Skills (such as ones with percentage-based healing) no longer apply item bonuses twice.
Favor is reset and refreshed upon respeccing, to avoid potentially having more than you should.
Aphrodisiacs from Labyrinth tiles now properly last 10 turns instead of 11.
NPCs and player moving across the gridmap is now smoother, with greatly reduced jitter. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed tooltip information not resetting when pressing 'Return' in the map and grimoire menus. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The item shop now properly reflects the recovery value of items. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed exception when closing the character menu while hovering over the exp bar. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Stella's hidden StellasLipstick fetish tracker is now properly capped at 100 instead of scaling off forever. Found by the validator update.
Ushris' green tile temptation event's Offer your cock to her small breasts! scene now properly increases Kissing fetish instead of Kisses Fetish (which isnt real). Found by the validator update.
Fixed the restraint tooltip not working if the restraint is started outside of combat, alongside related restraint combat menu choices bugging out. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed an instance where Shizu could softlock you with her footjob attack chain in her clones fight if a clone was missing, effectively edging you forever if you couldn't pass the check to escape.
Fixed the defense bonus perks actually making your defend action worse instead of better.
Assorted typo/editing fixes.
v26.3a Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
If you have an existing save the game is giving you a free respec ticket.
Items utilizing skills now properly display their tool tips, taking into account boosts from item specific perks.
Cost display for non skill items now updates with Item Bonuses. By feltcutemightcleanlater. Yes this and the above are actually separate things don't worry about it.
Item Bonuses no longer increase the negative effects of items. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Text markup for: [ItemEnergy], [ItemArousal], and [ItemSpirit] now exist for adding adjustable information to nonskill items in their descriptions. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The crash in Trisha's innkeeper event when encountering her for the first time has been fixed. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The difficulty menu has enough space for its contents again. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Goddess' Favor and Strain no longer overlap with status effects in the character menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Bond Breaker and Swift now properly have their stat requirements of 10 Power and 10 Technique respectively. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Removed the "Favored One" Perk as it's actually called "Divine Favor" and was the first draft of the Perk, which I accidently left in.
Removed the extra Clingy perk from the general perk folder that caused a second one to appear.
Premium Quality now gets properly sorted with the other Perks.
Unequipping items that increase your Favor will now lower your current Favor to your new maximum if you take them off.
Extra imps don't linger on screen for one line of text upon the default imp loss scene.
If you have negative luck on hard difficulty, Favor can no longer overflow into the negative and give you infinite Favor.
RemovedOnOrgasm perks, like blue balls, are no longer removed if you're edged or endure your climax with heroic cumback.
Negative values from an item's 'hp' key will now damage the player as expected. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Energy and spirit reductions from items will now not display a negative number. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Favor no longer counts Luck gained from items towards its total.
The Livewire BJ scene now advances time like her other scenes.
Assorted typo and edit fixes.
v26.3 Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
You can now get a BJ from the Livewire shopkeep. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
The livewire shopkeep can now put the player into rut and has a smol scene for when it happens. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Balancing - General
Gildara Orb's base power has been increased from 25 to 50, putting it more on par with a glammed up Arousero Orb.
Fairy Dust now removes 5 stacks of paralysis instead of all of them.
Lowered Enamor's base damage from 40 to 35.
Channeling Thrust now regains you 25 energy, up from 10.
Endure now has a base damage reduction of 10% down from 15%, but now lasts 10 turns baseline instead of 5.
The Charm spell, and Favor's Misfortune now have a 10 turn base duration, up from 5.
Balancing - Labyrinth
You now need to interact with treasure chests in the labyrinth to open them, with the enter key or the button in the center of movement, much like the doors.
The third floor of the Labyrinth's second phase has been tuned up in the following ways:
Instead of some paths being blocked off, some walls are removed.
There are no hidden traps anymore. All are visible.
Some paths that were previously walled off are instead trapped with shadow trap tiles.
Beris tags out with Ceris.
Balancing - Stat Checks
Stats during stat checks for energy cost calculations no longer have their roll bonus reduced by 25%, meaning lower scores like a +1 will still apply a 5 EP cost reduction to the check. This will also make higher scores also more readable and effective for how much energy will be reduced.
Increased the energy costs of surpassing failed checks from 20x(DC/5) to 30x(DC/5). There is also no longer a flat -10 reduction to energy costs.
Every time you surpass a failed check with energy the energy costs for further failed checks increases by 25%. Resets on any form of rest.
Added Goddess' Favor mechanic to stat checks, when you fail a stat check you can now spend a goddess' favor to auto pass it. You get them = 1+Luck*0.1+ any applicable perks. Hard has 0 baseline.
Balancing - Perks
The Treasure Finder perk now requires 10 luck to take and is classified as a luck perk.
The Steady Pacing and Expert Pacing perks now requires 20 and 40 Willpower respectively, and each reduce recoil taken by 15% up from 10%.
The Sensual Pace perk now reduces recoil taken by 5% down from 10%.
The Endurance and Mindful Relaxation perks now only take 10 Willpower to learn, down from 20.
The Swift perk now requires 10 Technique to learn.
The Arcane Adept perk now requires 10 Intelligence to learn.
The Bond Breaker and Clingy perks now requires 10 power to learn.
Blessing of Serendipity (the one you get from the church temporarily) has been reworked, it now gives you one extra use of Goddess' Favor for a week, it used to give you 7 luck, and +1 minimum to stat checks. It now only costs 5000 holy power instead of 10k.
The Blessed Rosary accessory now gives 3 uses of Goddess' favor while worn instead of increasing your minimum stat roll by 4.
Added Steady Breathing and Meditative Breathing Willpower perks which regens 1% of your max arousal per turn each.
Added Enduring Mind and Enduring Soul, the Willpower and Luck counterparts to Enduring Body, which means they reduce your chance to be crit by 10%.
Added the Defender Willpower perk which increases how much damage you reduce when blocking.
Added Struggling Defence Willpower perk that apply damage to stances and restraints whenever you defend.
Added Focused Defender Willpower perk which increases your crit chance by 25% after defending.
Added the Rarity Hunter Luck perk as a follow up to Treasure finder, which boosts treasure find and item drop chance by 30%.
Added Top Shelf and Premium Quality Luck perks that improve the effectiveness of both damage and healing items by 25%.
Added Divine Favor and Celestial Favor Luck perks to increase Goddess' Favor uses by 1.
Added Expert Caresses Allure perk that increases foreplay damage by 20%.
Added Climactic Momentum a Technique perk that regains you 25 energy when you make an opponent climax.
Added Mystic Infusion Int perk that increases the duration of your status effects by 10%.
Added the Powerful Hips Power perk that boosts penetration damage by 10% and reduces recoil taken by 20%.
Levers on floor four of the labyrinth now have a text prompt to interact with them.
Treasure chests in the Labyrinth now look different depending on rarity. They also have a text prompt to interact with them.
Merged and condensed the contents of the Downloads tab into the mod list tab in the in-game mod menu, improving discoverability. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Temptation checks now better display their math.
You no longer need to click wait when paralyzed and too low on energy, and are given a notification about it before things move on.
Grid map NPC entities can now hold descriptions by using the "Description" tag if they're labeled as obstacles. When the player is on their space it will appear in the text box.
Added the DefendPower perk tag, which increases the amount defend decreases damage at every stage.
Added the DefendEscape perk tag which apply damage to restraints and stances at a percent of the total power.
Added the ItemBonus perk tag that boosts consumable item healing and damage.
Reworked the validator internals, improving performance and allowing for easier maintenance, and feature expansion. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added checks to the validator for unused choices in events, and for incorrect names/IDnames in jsons for all but in event funcs, adventure decks, and combatDialogue. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added stanceConditions to skills to allow for appending stance logic to other skills in a single file for ease of use. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added PrependScene and AppendScene to event additions for adding stuff to the beginning and end of a scene respectively. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed Anal stance not repositioning the text box for the Alraune CG.
UI elements will no longer eat up space of the Alraune's CG during her loss scene.
RemovePerkFromMonster will no longer remove random perks if it cant find the perk it's looking for.
Sofia can now use her Incite Dreams skill again as it was marked as an unusable status effect with new skill usability detection stuff.
When hovering a location on the map it now display the name of the location again. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed an issue where Sofia using Spiraling Kiss Addiction could result in the vfx of her face could remain on screen.
The Kunoichi Rope Trap event is now available in the Labyrinth.
Fixed a visual oddity with the fancy but jank perk scroll bar menu and normal perk list. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Blessing of Safe Travels no longer allows you to nab another temporary blessing if you get it first.
While respeccing you can no longer open the character menu and select the spend points option to level up while already doing respeccing, which caused your character to explode effectively.
The debt pay off scene no longer improperly replays itself every time you go back to the pay debt menu if you've paid off your debt.
You can no longer improperly repeat the "Do you have money problems?" conversation with Mika from it trying to detect a choice from the wrong event.
Beris' Hero roleplay scene now properly sets the choice to activate its weaknesses to her fight.
You can now complain to the oni sisters if you suspect Kotone is up to no good with her hypnosis before getting max into her trance stuff, the conversation somehow got broken due to a call change at some point.
The Sleep spell now lasts 5 turns baseline instead of 4.
Iabel can now actually use her Imperious Captivation and Royal Indulgence skills.
May have fixed an issue with Trisha's loss scenes, though they may have been playing despite the oddity.
Assorted typo and edit fixes.
v26.2a Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Fixed the Alraune's CG not triggering properly when she used her temptation event.
Fixed the Alraune's loss scene's use of her CG breaking her own expressions for the scene and then persisting the use of roled CG after into other fights and interactions.
The Alraune's CG no longer ends when you remove just make out or a penetrative stance when you have both.
Fixed defeating the mimic while she has you restrained leaving the background a black void.
Fixed sleep energy drain calculations using the wrong final value leading to decimal points in energy.
Fixed an issue where on some saves the map screen would stay on screen forever upon loading.
Smol typo and edit fixes.
v26.1a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Fixed ticket variable using the old one and not the new one causing a crash if you've never played the slime parade game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Mod menu drag and drop now copies rather than moves files to improve file permission compatibility. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Repeat Beris brothel visits now properly swap to an inn room BG.
Order a Shot Glass of Angel Ambrosia. scene now properly swaps from the bar BG to the player room BG.
Small typo fixes.
v26.1 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Sofia's third fight's second phase now has an ass focused follow up to enslaving embrace, similar to the kiss and breast focused versions, including a specific loss scene if you lose to it. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Ceris now has a 'I feel like I need a shower or a bath...' option/scene in the third phase of her sex rotation in her room when you're winding down. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
If you have Stella's Bag with you, a scene can now occur in the player's room whenever you sleep there until morning. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Nova now has a Thighjob scene. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
A long shift at Venefica's now has a new scene called 'Milk me with your mouth!' as an ending option. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
Lovol now has a pussy eating scene in the arcade if you've done her handjob scene at the kiosk, the new scene triggers at a random chance when you leave. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
Lovol now has a titfuck scene in the arcade if you ask her for it if you've done her handjob scene at the kiosk. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
The inn's lobby with Vivian now has its own background. By Houra.
Added save sync feature, allowing transfer of all saves between devices in one pass code, including between desktop and mobile platforms. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
NOTE: Ren'Py Sync is a new feature for MGD, and so the game might not gracefully handle switching between desktop and android in some situations. You may want to wait a minor patch or two before using it. If you do try it, please report any issues you run into.
Downloading in the mod menu from a URL has been improved with responsive step-by-step feedback through its interface. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now drag and drop a mod .zip file from your desktop onto the game window while in the Downloads section of the mod menu. This will place it in your mods folder. You still need to press 'Install'! By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Slime Parade Minigame
Completely overhauled how the slime parade minigame internals for better performance, also removing the jarring stutter. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fruit in slime parade now have an animation when appearing. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can no longer input your parade into the opposite direction you're moving and cause a game over. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Tweaked the speed intervals for progression, and as the game progresses it now overall moves faster.
More fruit now appear on screen as the game progresses.
Added IfDifficultyIs function, checking if the difficulty matches the given value. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added NoExp Perk Type, which disables all types of exp gain from winning and losing. Use it carefully. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed input persisting to the map menu while viewing the character menu on Android. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The tooltip for defense down and up effects properly reflects increases/decreases.
Fixed an incorrect call for the imp's guy silhouette layers.
Berri Cherri Jelly now actually heals your energy instead of your arousal.
Fixed a call for a random shuffle in the menu command using an outdated version of the function causing crashes.
May have fixed an issue where gridmap inputs were still getting registered after leaving the gridmap eventually leading to an overflow in the system and crashing, requires you to go into a grid map again or just in and out of town square.
Small tweak to Venefica's phase transition that should make it so the song swap doesn't get skipped, and should also be more dramatic for the scene.
Fixed an issue that a character image could linger on screen when using a shortcut on the power side of the temple.
Mobile has the ensured capability to rename saves again after an oversight. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed status effect text not being sent to the character menu dialogue box on hover. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed assorted typos and editing fixes.
v26.b Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Mini Game Balancing
The Rogue in Fertilia Fertilia now spends more time trying to ambush you before breaking off, can see 1 tile further, and will now eventually break off from directly chasing if it spots you to reposition.
Fixed an accidental crash related to new games and the shop. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed testedFor version check error in meta jsons for mods, and a formatting issue. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed crash related to characters with no art or with art toggled off. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed a misnamed event link when you choose not to get any bag of gummi slimes in the arcade.
Fixed some instances in the arcade of trying to exchange for items and not having enough tickets breaking the event.
Fixed a crash related to nightmare mode when trying to add new monsters to an ongoing encounter.
You can now actually catch a Fool's Goldfish when fishing and it's event isn't just floating off in the void.
Elena can now actually use her Frazzled expression.
Fixed an incorrect scene jump in Bed-Chan's room due to the temple short cuts.
Fixed an incorrect scene jump at the Big Lake for going to see people vs talking to Silver.
Fixed getting caught entering Venefica's garden triggering the caught in hallway variant.
Nightbane and Static rush now actually target your energy and don't try to heal arousal based on your max energy.
Consumable items that have multiple effects no longer chide you for wasting them if it's detecting you didn't have a status effect but get healed in some manner.
The Fragrance Rune perk no longer sneaks its way into the perks the player can take on leveling up.
Platinum Timekeeper's stat bonuses now match it's description.
If you've been playing Impchinko and no longer have the money to keep playing the Impchinko board no longer stays around as you're put to the main arcade menu.
Lovol and the arcade intro no longer share a variable allowing the intro to be repeated for both of them. Lovol arcade intro will need to be done again due to this change.
Fixed assorted typos and similar.
v26.a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Fixed gummi slime ticket exchange breaking.
Fixed the Fertilia Fertilia minigame breaking due to a missing "GoToMap", from accidental deletion.
Fixed checking what Fertilia Fertilia is about not properly jumping back to the menu and instead breaking the event as it's scene jump never got renamed.
Fixed an issue where escaping the CG with the capital intro boss would crash the game.
Fixed an issue where hitting Enter or similar commands would soft lock you on the grid map. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed displaying the last seen shopping feedback from previous shopping trips you had anywhere. Requires entering and exiting a shopping menu at least once. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed the chance of any shopping menu not listing the items/skills to purchase, requiring an interaction first. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed issue for mobile users renaming saves being unable to hit confirm. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed missing nameplates in two places.
v26 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
The Capital's Eros District is now available, featuring clothing stores, small restaurants, and the Arcade!
This includes interactions with new and old NPCs, and foundational worldbuilding for the rest of the Capital (mostly non-lewd stuff).
This update also introduces a total of 18 new Accessories, 9 new Runes, 3 new consumable items, and 4 new food Perks.
Two of the shopkeepers have lewd scenes that require progress, in one case through expensive purchases, and in the other from meeting them in a prior quest. Written by Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
The Arcade includes a few minigames and a ticket exchange system for prizes.
New Mountain event: "Lizard Toll Bridge". Currently requires having met Kyra. By Oluap, edited by Valentin Cognito and Threshold.
Lizard Toll Bridge event includes very slightly tweaked dialogue and combat for the lizard girls involved, but they currently still use the normal loss/win scenes. By Threshold. (More expansive lizard girl tune-ups are intended in the future.)
Stylish Jacket now gives 50 max Energy up from 25.
The Gildara Orb now has 25 base damage up from 20, and its damage range is now 50%-200% up from 50%-150%.
Nicci's hair had a slight tune up. Art by Jiffic.
Elena's art revision and her new expressions have been applied. Art by Jiffic.
The Capital intro boss now has a lewd CG used in both her fight and her loss scene. Art by ADOPOLICH.
The song Killer Roll is no longer ear-blastingly loud.
You can no longer input { or [ into save file names (which caused problems), and the way the game stops you from putting them into your name has been tweaked. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The description of difficulty changes has been moved to the character menu in the top right for smoother UI visuals, which also allows you to check what difficulty you're playing. Additionally, difficulty modifiers can now easily be checked during character creation. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
There is now a [PlayersInput] text function to swap between "click" and "tap" depending on your platform for some in-game instructions. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The "hover over tile" indicator is now gray beyond the four tiles immediately adjacent to the player for visual clarity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
There is now an exp bar in the character menu for visual readability. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now easily check how much Sensitivity or Fetish you can remove at the Church in the character menu by checking the stat tooltip. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Revamped character appearance menu with color picker, and colored hue sliders. By feltcutemightcleanlater. (You may need to redo your character appearance.)
Mods that users extract incorrectly now have a 'Fix Path' button in the in-game mod menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The save rename feature has been updated to a less disorienting pop-up menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now add in "NPC", "NameOfNPC" to "IfGridNPCSeesPlayer" to change it to look for another grid npc.
When using "GoToMap", you can now call "PlayerIcon" to then give an image to swap the player icon with.
On Hard difficulty, the Charmed status effect tool tip now properly tells you its effects instead of the Normal difficulty effects.
Fixed a few of Belle's bar scenes not clearing pent up status effects.
Fixed a few bar scenes not advancing time.
Unbound Rune now properly mentions it also boosts removal of restraints, not just resistance to restraints.
Fixed Allure, Technique, and Luck, not properly distinguishing between your base stat and a status effect-boosted stat, which meant the info shown was slightly wrong.
You can now use dissonantItems [Manticore Spike] at rest points properly.
You can now use dissonantItems [Manticore Spike] when the game pops up with "You continue on your adventure. You can access your inventory!". Yes, this was a different problem from the prior fix.
SFX no longer has fade in/fade out times, so as to not mess with shorter sound bites.
When you lose and it displays the 'shaking with lust' line, it no longer displays a name seemingly at random.
Fixed an incorrect image path for one of Venefica's expressions.
Turning down Beris or Mara while working at the bar now properly swaps the background.
Holding movement/Moving the player too fast for your computer/phone on the gridmap will no longer cause the game to stall and cause unintended turns to pass in most situations. By feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
Holding movement on the gridmap no longer stalls events triggering until you let go of the button. By feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
Ushris now actually has Nightshade Worship in her skill list to use when you're in the footjob stance with her and at full Paralysis.
Fixed a very rare chance for the game to crash when characters show or move around on screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed monsters being added mid-encounter not having properly scaled exp and eros drops while in Nightmare Mode in the Labyrinth.
Fixed an issue with player character brightness going out of whack. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed some status effects wearing off on monsters not displaying text properly.
Triggering multiple events on the gridmap now triggers all of them in sequence.
You can no longer input invalid characters in the mod menu nor proceed when link verification fails in certain situations. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
A few general typo fixes and edits.
v25.9b Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Belle now has her minotaur tail that I forgot to make sure she got, by Applehead! Also it turns out she had a bra layer that never made it to me so that's now also in!
Decreased frequency of auto saves.
Fixed an issue where toggling on art again while talking to an npc while art was off would cause a crash.
Fixed an issue where victory and loss scenes for scenes requiring multiple enemies would not be fetched properly.
Fixed a few typos and edits.
v25.9a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Undocumented change from earlier update I didn't realize happened but it's cool so I'm keeping it.
You can now move into the square of a projectile on a grid map, and it now moves at the same time, meaning you now have more wiggle room on Iabel's floor.
Technically a bug fix but related to the above.
Moving into a grid map projectile's square from its movement direction now makes you get hit by it instead of it avoiding you. Approaching from the side or back is still safe!
Auto Saves
The Renpy auto saves weren't really working properly still, mostly due to MGD's moddable systems, so I revised some things into a different auto save feature that should make less blank autosave slots.
Auto saves now only occur when menus pop up, at the town square, when you close the game, or when triggered by a specific text function.
The game trying to auto save should no longer make the Labyrinth lag into the dirt, in part by not letting it try to do it there, and also by it not repeating its attempts to auto save until one goes through.
Fixed the shortcut to the town square in your room advancing time because I used GoToTown instead of BumpToTown like a potat.
Fixed a crash that could occur if you started an exploration with a single event or monster.
The character creator/level up screen should no longer flood your text history with helpful info.
Fixed activating levers or such in the grid map/labyrinth not playing the movement animations for npcs.
Fixed hitting enter (or similar inputs) while in the grid map counting as a player step and applying aphrodisiac damage and tickdown, as well as similar effects, despite nothing otherwise happening or moving.
The labyrinth aphrodisiac haze tiles can no longer stunlock you for multiple turns once you hit 100 aphrodisiac potency by making you unintendedly chain orgasm.
Fixed escape skills like teleport and distract using your opponent's stats to gauge your escape chance instead of your own.
Fixed an incorrect expression call in Perpetua's Electrify responses that made her arm vanish.
Toggling on Nightmare Mode in the Labyrinth then leaving to go to another location no longer leaves Nightmare Mode on for that location in secret.
Fixed a bug that caused specifically the unequip button to duplicate items while deleting whatever was at the top of the inventory stack. Which could include key items or otherwise.
Fixed a bug where the number of copies you're selling of a single item would apply to Sell Excess and Sell Junk, meaning you could basically make infinite money.
Updated the Nicci boobs close up used in Sofia's hypno attacks.
Fixed a few typos and edits.
v25.9 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
All of Nicci's existing content has been reviewed and updated to a better writing standard, with the exception of her relatively recent nursing handjob loss scene, as well as her Labyrinth-specific content. For example, her old base loss scene was 691 words. The new one is 2022 words. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
Auria now has a treasure chest gloryhole paizuri scene that has a 25% chance to trigger when you encounter her after you have spent at least 10,000 Eros. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
There's a new non-lewd bar event that can occur with Elena and a Blue slime when working at Vivian's, as well as a conversation you can have with Elly after it's happened. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
There's a new waiter scene at the brothel where Nara hires you to try out a new dance. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Lovol and Ampere now have new conversations about themselves. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Nicci's no-stance moves have been slightly buffed, and she now has 2 kiss variations that function the same as the original Skill, but offer new flavor text.
Nicci now has revised art, done by Jiffic who did her original art.
Added an option in town to go straight to your room, as well as an option in the room to go right back to town square.
Added shortcuts in the Temple to get from the main entrance to Feng or Aiko faster and back again, once you've acquired the Sigil Of Will-Power.
When removing fetishes, sensitivities, donating to the church, or shopping at Venefica or Auria, you can now see how many Eros you have.
Skills that deal recoil damage will display an estimate of how much you will take using the skill. It does not take into account enemy stats.
After using Analyze on a monster when hovering over them you can now see the relevant info you gain for the remainder of the battle.
There is now a dedicated page to list all the changes the different difficulties apply.
Hard Mode Difficulty Tweaks
Monsters no longer give you a grace period for stance moves, meaning group fights can lead to you getting swarmed much more rapidly.
Using an escape skill now only gives you a grace period for the remainder of the turn instead of 2 turns.
When charmed, escape skills have their odds cut down by 75% instead of 50%.
When charmed, temptation checks have their difficulty increased by 5 instead of 1.
Sleep drains 25% more energy from the player.
Energy costs to auto pass failed checks is increased by 25%.
The minimum possible cost to auto pass a check is 25 instead of 10.
Easy Mode Difficulty Tweaks
Energy costs to auto pass failed checks is reduced by 25%.
Item and Eros drops rates are increased by 25%.
Gain 20% more exp.
Fixed the dark elf glory hole event not advancing time.
Fixed a potential crash related to UseHeldBG being used without a held background.
Fixed UseHeldBG not accounting for a nighttime bg being held then going into the day in rare instances.
Gren's anal loss scene and the Generic Lizard Girl's sex loss scene now work again.
You can no longer put text functions into the name field for your character during the game start causing the game to kersplode.
Monsters healing by semen heal perks now have a minimum restore of 1 arousal regardless of how low your virility gets.
On Linux for mods the meta.json should be able to be read regardless of if its called Meta.json or meta.json. Probably.
Fixed a few typos and edits.
v25.8a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you went straight to exploring after skipping the intro.
Fixed a crash when starting the gridmap if you've never been on a gridmap prior.
Fixed a crash related to enemies struggling out of stances.
Fixed a crash related to the player struggling out of stances.
Fixed an issue where clicking/tapping anywhere on a gridmap would proc a tile event if you were on one, such as a trap, which could lead to a number of accidental lewds.
Tabitha's silhouette no longer has bits of her normal art peeking through in her initial intro.
Fixed using gridmap interact actions [like triggering a trap intentionally, or the door] not making the npcs move after that.
Fixed mods adding new victory scenes to monsters through additions to monsters who have 0 scenes not actually playing the added scenes.
Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v25.8 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Ushris now has a few new fluff conversations (accessible via the "Ask more about her." talk option), one of which unlocks a footjob scene. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Ambrosia now has a number of fluff conversations, a Slippery Sixty-Nine scene, and an option that unlocks a chance to fuck her while she's sleeping upon visiting her. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
Scenes for Ambrosia called 'Lazily lie together and let her slime suck you off.' and 'Languid Lovemaking.' added. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Ceris now has a CG of her pressing her breasts against glass for her pink tile temptation event. By Elakan.
Tuned up how the auto save logic works a bit. Given MGD has a lot of choice pop ups, it no longer triggers during those every time, and should instead do it on its own every 150 interactions, or whenever you close the game.
Added the ForceAutoSave function [Modders can use this too!], and added one call to Rika's convo scene in order to ensure players have a backup save for reasons.
Save and Load screen confirmation prompts now clearly state you are Overwriting/Loading instead of vaguely saying Yes/No, in order to help avoid accidentally being on the wrong screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The Quick Menu "Toggle" behavior, found in the Quick Menu settings (via Options), has been improved. It will now automatically close the Quick Menu upon pressing a Quick Menu button (excluding skip). By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The Quick Menu toggle button has been visually updated, primarily to be less distracting on mobile, in order to better fit its purpose. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
WASD can now be used as an alternative to the arrow keys anywhere. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now use a dpad and joystick on the gridmap. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Character menu confirmation prompts have been revamped to grab focus, have less vague names for buttons, and use more consistent styling that is also easier to press on mobile. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Nara's no-stance loss scene has been gone over with a tune up editing pass by Valentin Cognito.
Evasion now caps at 50%.
Beris can no longer spam her restraint Skills while you're still immune to restraints... excluding her super rush moves which can still occur in unfortunate situations.
Deep Fish traded in to Seafoam are now only worth 200 instead of 300 so as not to break economics if you buy a bunch from Silver and then give them to the village.
Monsters are now able to try and escape from single stances in situations where they are adverse to that one stance for some reason.
Spank is now available against monsters in the titfuck or blowjob stance, cause why not.
Auria's Perk now properly tells you how much money it's taking in exchange for its benefits. By Valentin Cognito.
In rare instances where you're restrained, Ushris no longer dodges attacks you can't make.
Fixed an issue where the very first .json event file loaded in would do weird stuff when using certain functions related to the call scene and return stuff. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.
Berri Cherri Jelly now recovers 50% of your energy instead of 100%.
[DamageToEnemy] can no longer double print crit and weak/resist text in some instances.
Fixed an issue where sometimes [SexWord] and [SexAdjective] would not display anything.
Fixed various scenarios where the in-game mod installer couldn't download a mod from Github and other websites, most notably by allowing for unknown file sizes on download. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed a bug where, if you had a skill or equipment confirm open in the character menu, you could go back at any time to use it, even in situations where that would be unavailable, such as mid-combat, allowing you to get a free heal.
When the player is in multiple stances against one monster and chooses to struggle against only one of them, that one's stance's hp pool will be correctly damaged instead of damaging all the stances.
Fixed an issue where the player being afflicted with Stun, Restraint, and similar effects didn't let monsters escape stances instantly when they tried.
Fixed characters with Perks that make them adverse to certain stances being totally fine with being in the stance if it was ordered differently, eg [Sex, Making out] ok, [Making out, sex] escape! So now they always do it.
Overlimit's debuff now refreshes properly whenever you use it, instead of the prior debuff staying with its duration if it was active.
Fixed a crash in the blowjob from Imp scene (the one happening during the Ancilla cleaning stuff) if you had low Virility.
When fighting the Imp den in separate groups, the proper song now plays the entire time for each battle.
Shizu's Punishment Training now clears Arousal and such with an orgasm call.
The little hovering thing for the Labyrinth now resets when you trigger an event, so it's not being highlighted when your mouse is no longer pointing at it.
When in the grid map, tile events will now properly trigger even if you triggered an npc event, meaning you can no longer run into Beris or Ushris on a tile that would restore your line of sight, leaving things dark when you should be able to see in phase 1.
Tuned up a bunch of movement animations when event triggers are involved while on the grid map.
Fixed an issue where StanceStruggleFree, StanceStruggleComment, and StanceStruggleFail lines were not being called correctly when the highest priority stance for dialogue wasn't first in the monster's current stances, leading to some weirdness like the blue slime CG staying on screen, as well as weird lines, when struggling from all stances.
Minor touch ups to some of the character bubbles on the main menu to fix small errors.
Trading in a lot of item fish (like over 700) to Seafoam should no longer cause the game to detect an infinite loop. Probably.
There should no longer be a niche crash situation when a status effect misses a monster that is resistant to the effect.
Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v25.7 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Ushris now has a few new fluff conversations (accessible via the "Ask more about her." talk option), one of which unlocks a footjob scene. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Ambrosia now has a number of fluff conversations, a Slippery Sixty-Nine scene, and an option that unlocks a chance to fuck her while she's sleeping upon visiting her. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
Scenes for Ambrosia called 'Lazily lie together and let her slime suck you off.' and 'Languid Lovemaking.' added. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Ceris now has a CG of her pressing her breasts against glass for her pink tile temptation event. By Elakan.
Tuned up how the auto save logic works a bit. Given MGD has a lot of choice pop ups, it no longer triggers during those every time, and should instead do it on its own every 150 interactions, or whenever you close the game.
Added the ForceAutoSave function [Modders can use this too!], and added one call to Rika's convo scene in order to ensure players have a backup save for reasons.
Save and Load screen confirmation prompts now clearly state you are Overwriting/Loading instead of vaguely saying Yes/No, in order to help avoid accidentally being on the wrong screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The Quick Menu "Toggle" behavior, found in the Quick Menu settings (via Options), has been improved. It will now automatically close the Quick Menu upon pressing a Quick Menu button (excluding skip). By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The Quick Menu toggle button has been visually updated, primarily to be less distracting on mobile, in order to better fit its purpose. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
WASD can now be used as an alternative to the arrow keys anywhere. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now use a dpad and joystick on the gridmap. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Character menu confirmation prompts have been revamped to grab focus, have less vague names for buttons, and use more consistent styling that is also easier to press on mobile. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Nara's no-stance loss scene has been gone over with a tune up editing pass by Valentin Cognito.
Evasion now caps at 50%.
Beris can no longer spam her restraint Skills while you're still immune to restraints... excluding her super rush moves which can still occur in unfortunate situations.
Deep Fish traded in to Seafoam are now only worth 200 instead of 300 so as not to break economics if you buy a bunch from Silver and then give them to the village.
Monsters are now able to try and escape from single stances in situations where they are adverse to that one stance for some reason.
Spank is now available against monsters in the titfuck or blowjob stance, cause why not.
Auria's Perk now properly tells you how much money it's taking in exchange for its benefits. By Valentin Cognito.
In rare instances where you're restrained, Ushris no longer dodges attacks you can't make.
Fixed an issue where the very first .json event file loaded in would do weird stuff when using certain functions related to the call scene and return stuff. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.
Berri Cherri Jelly now recovers 50% of your energy instead of 100%.
[DamageToEnemy] can no longer double print crit and weak/resist text in some instances.
Fixed an issue where sometimes [SexWord] and [SexAdjective] would not display anything.
Fixed various scenarios where the in-game mod installer couldn't download a mod from Github and other websites, most notably by allowing for unknown file sizes on download. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed a bug where, if you had a skill or equipment confirm open in the character menu, you could go back at any time to use it, even in situations where that would be unavailable, such as mid-combat, allowing you to get a free heal.
When the player is in multiple stances against one monster and chooses to struggle against only one of them, that one's stance's hp pool will be correctly damaged instead of damaging all the stances.
Fixed an issue where the player being afflicted with Stun, Restraint, and similar effects didn't let monsters escape stances instantly when they tried.
Fixed characters with Perks that make them adverse to certain stances being totally fine with being in the stance if it was ordered differently, eg [Sex, Making out] ok, [Making out, sex] escape! So now they always do it.
Overlimit's debuff now refreshes properly whenever you use it, instead of the prior debuff staying with its duration if it was active.
Fixed a crash in the blowjob from Imp scene (the one happening during the Ancilla cleaning stuff) if you had low Virility.
When fighting the Imp den in separate groups, the proper song now plays the entire time for each battle.
Shizu's Punishment Training now clears Arousal and such with an orgasm call.
The little hovering thing for the Labyrinth now resets when you trigger an event, so it's not being highlighted when your mouse is no longer pointing at it.
When in the grid map, tile events will now properly trigger even if you triggered an npc event, meaning you can no longer run into Beris or Ushris on a tile that would restore your line of sight, leaving things dark when you should be able to see in phase 1.
Tuned up a bunch of movement animations when event triggers are involved while on the grid map.
Fixed an issue where StanceStruggleFree, StanceStruggleComment, and StanceStruggleFail lines were not being called correctly when the highest priority stance for dialogue wasn't first in the monster's current stances, leading to some weirdness like the blue slime CG staying on screen, as well as weird lines, when struggling from all stances.
Minor touch ups to some of the character bubbles on the main menu to fix small errors.
Trading in a lot of item fish (like over 700) to Seafoam should no longer cause the game to detect an infinite loop. Probably.
There should no longer be a niche crash situation when a status effect misses a monster that is resistant to the effect.
Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v25.7 Change Log
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Part 1 out of likely 3 of helping Sleim Vllge's development has been added, which is primarily some small scenes on helping them out, a very small and simple mini game that can be unlocked, recruiting a bubble slime to join the town, and adding new items to the store there. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
Once the bubble slime is recruited (She only has sex options right now) you can repeat the normal bubble slime events massage scenes with slightly changed dialogue in a few spots. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
Said bubble slime also has a new Hugging Handjob scene in the village. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Auria now has a "Complimentary Compliments" scene if you have spent 25000 Eros or more... plus follow-up scenes if you've partaken of her naughty transactions. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Small additions and tweaks to Ampere's "How about we go to your place?" sequence to 1) make it clearer that she's subtly Voltlin-zapping you into horniness and 2) fix some parts that read oddly regarding size difference in the "Romantic passionate sex!" scene. By Valentin Cognito.
Ushris' feet CGs now have variations with one leg down to cover some scenes better. By ADOPOLICH.
The inn brothel rooms now have their own BG image. By Danimarion.
Added more and clearer hints for the Labyrinth floor 3 key hunt.
A 'Sell Junk' button was added to the item shop for conveniently selling looted items from enemies, with option to set an excess amount to keep, by default 3. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added quick menu settings to the options menu on all platforms. This allows you to sort, remove, and add buttons to the quick menu, including ones previously not available on Android. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added option to toggle the quick menu into view with a top right corner button instead of always on for mobile and on hover for desktop respectively. See the quick menu settings in the options menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed Analyze showing status effect immunities with a , instead of a . if there was only one, but other resistances.
Fixed Venefica not taking back the Raw Candy when she catches you in some circumstances.
Wild Venefica no longer uses her response dialogue to being hit with Demon Layer before she is hit with Demon Layer.
Ushris no longer crashes the game when you steal her hat inside exploration mode, aka not on the Labyrinth's grid map.
You can no longer get Auria's puff puff scene even if you don't have the money for it.
Fixed Venefica using the wrong expression in a number of occasions where she should be using her loving expression. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.
Fixed combat tooltip for targets staying up after choosing. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed an issue with some saves not being able to use items in the character menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Attempt to fix buttons and text overlaying in the load screen in certain scenarios. Please report the bug if it still occurs. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v25.6a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
v25.6 notice: All mods for prior versions will likely break in this one. If you've been using any mods, their authors will need to release an updated version.
v25.6 notice: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Mild update to the Ushris CG cross legged variation that is currently not used. By ADOPOLICH.
Camilla's Veil can now actually be toggled off when making mods or game content without her .json needing to get modded.
Fixed Nicci saying her name repeatedly in her Nursing loss scene. She now also applies fetish and sensitivity gains too, and you also don't go to town at 0 spirit.
Fixed the imp CGs anal coverage making their sex stance imp stop appearing.
Fixed a visual opacity bug with the text box with a few of the town locations.
Fixed a few of Selena's event ends not setting the background back in the labyrinth.
Fixed Beris' Blazing Gyration always saying pussy even in anal.
Waiting in combat will no longer briefly show your energy going over the maximum if it would.
Kotone no longer stays nude in a very specific instance after leaving her room.
Fixed a bug that caused combat menu items in combat to never be insensitive allowing you to do all kinds of things when you shouldn't. By Threshold+feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed bug where hover information on the map can make its way into combat tooltips. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed [SexAdjectives] and [SexWord] not randomizing correctly. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed an amount of assorted typos and editing things.
v25.6 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
All mods for prior versions will likely break in this one. If you've been using any mods, their authors will need to release an updated version. Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
Going to Ampere's place now presents a second option, Romantic Sex. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Auria now has a Puff Puff scene among her other paid options. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
There is now a harpy brothel scene when working at the bar. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
Lovol at the Capital entrance now has a dismissive handjob scene if you bother her enough. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
The Kunoichi Rope Trap event now has an option to surrender to the ninja's bondage and let her do as she pleases. By Zhuan. Edited by Game Salamander and Threshold.
Nicci now has a Nursing stance loss scene. By Zhuan. Edited by Game Salamander and Threshold.
Ushris now has a nude layer like her sisters. It's not used anywhere yet, but it's there! Art by ADOPOLICH.
Ushris now has a feet-focused CG set with 4 variations. Used in one of her combat attacks and in the black heart tile trap, though at the moment, she always uses both feet even though that trap mentions primarily using one. Art by ADOPOLICH.
Salarisi in the Labyrinth now change the BG to the Caverns to reflect their flavor lines.
Resized all menus to use more horizontal space. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Improved performance while advancing dialogue by reducing necessary operations to calculate markup via rewritten custom markup code. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Resistances now have tooltip descriptions in the Character Menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Mod menu now supports disabling dated mods and mods without meta jsons before reloading (both are disabled by default). By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Options menu overhauled with improved styling, spacing, and clarity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Selected buttons in the UI are now distinguished when hovered. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Main menu and side navigation menu have better touch/click detection. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
The write warning on Mac OS now instructs to move the game to the Applications folder with a guide link from Apple. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Inventory can now be sorted in a number of ways, with each category being separate, including a new Loot tab for sanity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Electrify now only takes 30 Int to learn down from 40. So it's only 10 away from the nearest similar Skill from other stats, instead of 20.
Modding - Modders, see Breaking Changes in the docs for reference on what needs to be done to update your mods, featuring a RegEx command for easy updating.
Monster combat dialogue now has an optional 'PlayerRanAway' line trigger for when the player successfully runs away. Made for the Salaris BG change, but could have other uses.
Added a IfEventExists function for modders who want to check for another mod being active in the game.
Added SetActiveGridNPC function for shifting focus to a different specific NPC in gridmaps.
Reworked [UseTextColor] into [StoredColor]. For now, {SetTextColor} is replaced by the SetStoredColor function meant for use with CallEventAndSceneThenReturn/CallSceneThenReturn. See the modding docs for more information. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
All text functions that used {} are now using [] for streamlining internal stuff and optimization, including the above color text functions. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
[SexWords] is now [SexWord] for a dumb internal reason that caused it to stop working. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Threshold.
Fixed Penetrate mistakenly including a test variable preventing it being used on restrained enemies.
Fixed two of Perpetua's scenes not triggering climax calls and not clearing Blue Balls effects.
Shizu will no longer use her temptation move in the Temple fight if both the clones are down, as they are referred to in the event text.
Fixed the Town's location descriptions when you first enter not being saved to the History Log.
The Imp lewd cg now displays and Imp riding when you put them in Anal stance for consistency, as otherwise it looks really weird with a blank CG display.
In rare instances where things match up, Ushris will no longer reposition to right next to or on top of the player when she runs away or is defeated in the Labyrinth Challenge.
Fixed the Character menu button not reliably being considered selected. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Can now view status effect descriptions in the Character menu by hovering over the corresponding status resistance. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Generally less buggy selectable/unselectable/hover tooltip behavior across the game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Eliminated various interface overlap issues in the Character menu on mobile (not accounting for mods). By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed accidental regression for mods not using the monster picture fields crashing the game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Typo and editing fixes.
v25.5a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Re-added the update save button for situations where the game doesn't think your save needs an update after you've loaded the save.
Combat that uses the default battle music, now use a new default song when it is night for variety.
To accommodate for the song being used like this now, the song that plays when ambushing Kaia has changed, and Ceris now has a new combat song. Beris does too by happenstance. With thanks to Val for helping find the 2 new songs.
Fixed a sneaky crash related to player skills not updating for unusableIfStatusPotency correctly.
Imps no longer ignore recoil climaxes when using Impish Insert, Mischievous Tighten, or Playful Grind.
Fixed hiding the UI also hiding CGs.
Separated the need for unusableIfStatusPotency to match unusableIfStatusEffect in array length. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.
A smol amount of typo fixies and edits.
v25.5 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
The imp CG by Otani is now in game and applied to their fight and group loss scene.
Rosaura now has an event fight you can do in Labyrinth exploration called 'Rosaura's Edging Garden'. Requires you to have met her, like many other character fight rematch events there.
Hovering over a Target button now shows the tooltip to display the enemy name.
All events within Labyrinth exploration should now properly swap backgrounds wherever appropriate.
Imps have slightly revised sex orgasm lines, and now have actual lines for when you're in sex+face sit. Edited by Val.
When buying items, you can now see at a glance how many of that item you own.
Ceris, Beris, Ushris, and Iabel now get nighttime buffs during exploration.
Allure of the Night now boosts monster damage by 20% down from 25%, boosts item and eros drops by 20% down from 25%, and also boosts the monsters' Initiative by 5.
The further you are into the night now boosts the effects of the nighttime buff, increasing both enemy strength and rewards. The progression is as follows: Moonlit Allure -> Moonlit Glamor -> Moonlit Mystique.
Slightly decreased the odds the imps will use one of their team attacks.
Updated the Ushris convo 'How do you tell the time down here?' to include a brief explanation on why night effects occur in exploration mode. Edited by Val.
"ChangeImageLayer" now has a new function option called "ImageSetRoleStart", intended to be used with multi-character CGs in combat such as the imps'. Otherwise, CGs like that would be basically impossible to use in combat. It's a bit too complex to explain here, so check out the modding documents if you're curious.
Added unusableIfStatusPotency Skill field option. Check Skill creation documentation for more information [Stance & Control Keys]. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
You can now use the C key to open the character menu.
Decreased the amount of text history stored for performance reasons.
Renpy v7.5 to 7.6 update applied by feltcutemightcleanlater
Game boot time halved thanks to the Renpy splashscreen bugfix exclusive to 7.6+.
Mobile users get inertia on swipe scrolling for feelgood juice for free.
Some preference settings may be reset, and there is also now a warning when loading saves seemingly not from your computer.
Fixed a missing BG change call in the oni massage event.
Fixed an issue where enemies reaching low hp when you used Distract could interfere with CG swapping. Escape lines will now always have priority over low hp lines.
Aiko's Loving Submission Skill can now actually apply its status effect.
Music properly returns to normal after lewds with Stella in your room.
Tweaked some background calls for the endings of glory hole scenes.
Fixed a visual bug with the return button when selecting between multiple enemies for targeting.
CGs are now always displayed on top of other characters in combat and out of combat.
One of Beris' checks is no longer a 1 from me testing things.
The kunoichi trainees now actually use their "hit by kiss" reaction lines.
Fixed a bug where removing a stance from an enemy with multiple stances in a fight with multiple enemies wouldn't reset the combat menu properly, allowing you to select as many stances to remove as you wanted.
The Church menu for Fetish removal should now work properly again, and accommodate for the changes that allow Fetishes to be more moddable.
If your turn starts and you have 0 Spirit, you now instantly lose.
Fixed a crash when monsters with no victory or loss scenes are given one from a mod addition but can't resolve a default victory or loss scene. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed status effect damage scaling interacting weird with Defend specifically. It now scales as a flat x1 if Defend is up. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
A smol amount of typo fixies and edits.
v25.4a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Nara is no longer affected by the night time monster buff... Because she's not a monster, and she now has a unique combat start line instead of the generic one.
The victory scene with the Lizard Girl now swaps to a song other than the battle track after a bit.
There is now a very smol difference in the UI if you're using mods to help with bug reporting and stuff. Desktop only. By Felt+Thresh.
Fixed the now renamed Proceed to the Capital option not removing itself when you did it, or reappearing even if you had already completed the capital intro.
In the labyrinth explore, Camilla's event should no longer set the BG to the mountain forever once it's done.
Fixed an issue that could cause crashes when loading saves outside of town in gridmaps.
Fixed and issue with stat checks that could cause them to loop in on themselves with the addition of the StatCheckRollUnder compatibility.
Fixed Ushris trying to spawn a gridmap npc in normal exploration when she runs away leading to some weirdness.
The mod/file validator debug stuff is no longer improperly available on android and is always toggled off on android startup, which if toggled on in options or inherited from imported desktop save data, it would've slowed load times. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.
The perk list order is no longer borked by a load speed increase Felt did. Is still faster. By Felt.
Mod made menu, and shop additions now work properly again. By Felt.
A smol amount of typo fixies and edits.
v24.4a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Perverted Talisman and Sealing Talisman now have an Eros value of 1000, and can be purchased from Amber's shop once the Temple is cleared.
Magus staff now boosts magic arousal dealt by 25 up from 20, but now also only apply to non-penetrative skills.
Added new items to temple drop tables and unlocked after clearing the temple: Mystic Hat, Megami Staff, Snowstorm Rune, Frozen Regalia, Ofuda Rune, Okami Gi, Shimenawa Chime, Steel Flash Rune, Ninja Suit, Demon's Loincloth, and Tiger Print Thong.
Both oni sisters can now drop a Twin Oni Rune.
Ceris now has a nude variation and some slight tweaks to her standing CG. By Elakan.
Crown of Regality no longer incorrectly gives you a perk from another item.
Fixed an incorrect music call in Ceris' doggy style type scene that left no music playing. Or crashed the game. Depended.
Camilla's titfuck loss scene now properly gives you sensitivities/fetishes.
There is now a BGM change for the bubble slime's scene where you fuck her after winning.
Fixed a potential crash when loading in combat.
Gold mimics titfuck scene now has climax calls.
Shizu's punishment training scene now accounts for if you are in an exploration or not, so it doesn't play a scene that makes no sense after.
Fixed an issue where out of combat dream scenes with Sofia would potentially not display her name, and where beating her for the first time when you meet her could display the Tengu name, for some reason.
The sleep effect's drowsy phase no longer keeps persisting even if the duration has hit 0 through normal means.
The blue slime now displays her sex cg properly if you start it even if she's at high arousal for her dialogue line.
Fixed an issue where info variables where stat info was not being displayed properly in the character menu. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.
Fixed an issue where the quick menu wouldn't appear on new saves on desktop. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.
Assorted typo fixes and stuff.
v24.4 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Added the golden mimic event to the game, which is unlocked once you have beaten the mountain. By Thresh. Edited by Valentin Cognito. Art by Otani.
You can now have sex for fun with Ceris once you clear her floor! Lots of sex. By Thresh. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
There is now a sex scene option when defeating the Bubble Slime. By Oluap.
There is now a new loss scene for the Minotaur if you're only in the Breast Smother stance. By Game Salamander.
There is now a Punishment Training scene option when defeating Shizu in the dojo when rematching her. By Zhuan.
There is now a titfuck loss scene for Camilla. By Zhuan.
Reduced the Mimic exp drop by 30%.
The mimics energy drain skills, Accursed Draining Abyss and Possessively Draining Sex now scale up their draining at certain level intervals for her.
Increased the value of silver runes from 1000 to 2000 eros.
When pulled into the mimic's chest fully the background now changes to black until you escape, also occurs in her loss scene now too.
Updated the character menu to have a separate tab for perks, while also fixing some assorted menu jank. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Android QoL
Increased the size of the arrow buttons for preparing exploration or ease of tapping.
Fixed an issue where the Hide-UI button would not appear on tablet devices.
Added "AlterByPercent" option to "RecalculateMonsterExpDrop" and "RecalculateMonsterErosDrop" functions, allowing more control over recalculated exp and eros, given the base for RecalculateMonsterExpDrop is a full boss drop for that level.
Added IfAttackCrits function. By Feltcutecleanlater.
Added DenyGridInventory to gridmap initialization. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.
Added "PurchasesToProgress", as an option to apply to "ShoppingMenu" and "SkillShoppingMenu" for later usage.
Choosing to be the imps semen dispenser in their den willingly no longer improperly sends you back to church.
The option to Cuddle with Jora is now available, the menu option for it was unavailable somehow.
Iabel's petrification event should now properly end combat if you run out of spirit during it rather than leave you at 0 spirit and back in combat.
Fixed a small issue where used items increasing your arousal would display with a negative infront of the text, which makes no sense in context.
The Fuck the curvy woman. option with Aiko can no longer leave you at 0 spirit.
Assorted typo fixes and editing.
v24.3a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Vili's Treasure Chest Event now uses the proper treasure chest art call.
Mimic AI after level 50 will no longer mess up it's bonus attack attempt and say it's plans were messed up.
Fixed issue where wrong intro might play when triggering the Mimic's loss scene.
Maybe fixed a display issue on android with the treasure find event.
Possibly fixed another issue where you could get yeeted to an event you went through prior to loading your save.
Added a failsafe for if a treasure roll gets a blank option, though you get 0 treasure drops when this occurs, but it will only occur as far as I know due to modding issues.
v24.3 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
The mimic encounter has been completely redone, making her a proper mid-boss type encounter, as well as adding a new loss scene when in no stance.
Revised Mimic Art by Otani.
Golden Treasure Chest art by Otani. Only used for the rare loot pick ups for now.
After interacting with Mara in the bar while sitting down with her, you now take an extra % of your max arousal to help move things along if you're very high-leveled.
Updated the Labyrinth's BGM calls, every sister now has their own floor ambient music, the tutorial, stage 3 and stage 4 also now use their own music, while stage 1 and 2 both use the music that used to pervade the ENTIRE location with the exclusion of the fights. The first-time initial "cleared a stage" events also have proper music calls.
Added Vivian boob and butt visuals to their respective fetish triggers in the game intro.
Added IfMonsterLevelGreaterThan option to the ChangeStatCheckDifficulty function.
Added RecalculateMonsterExpDrop and RecalculateMonsterErosDrop functions.
The original mimic art and files are still stored in a nested folder for potential use.
Fixed a bug that would cause returning to the Labyrinth after leaving it to unlock the third floor regardless of progress. Gj past me with that fix for the floor vanishing on people, you overdid it by leaving in a thing.
Fixed an issue where winning a battle with recoil damage would not apply the player's bonuses to exp.
Fixed an issue that could cause the quick menu to vanish on some mobile devices.
Fixed an issue that could cause you warp to another event you were in before saving in some cases. Generally your bedroom I think.
Fixed assorted typos.
v24.2a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Added congratulations scenes for completing the Labyrinth to the main 5 town NPCs.
Added an option to back out of Elly's experiment menu with a more boring mundane option.
Added a new training sequence to Vivian focused on Ass worship, unlocking it requires you to have an ass fetish and a measure of progress with her, but is otherwise random when leaving your room at night.
Added a scene where Vivian gives you a lap pillow, written by Valentin Cognito.
New content scenes edited by Valentin Cognito.
Fixed an issue where 'Pin' would break events when defeat monster or remove monster functions are called. Notably causing Shizu's fight to spawn endless clones where you couldn't win.
Fixed an issue that could cause non-persistent effects to stay active on the player, like charm, on the gridmap navigation in some cases, like when Ushris runs away.
Fixed another of Ushris' combat events using the Int pass line instead of the luck pass line.
Fixed asking Aiko to sculpt her body saying Bed-Chan was talking instead of Aiko.
Dancer's Two Step Seduction and Harpy Insert no longer let Nara and Harpies respectively escape their current stance if they're charmed.
Fixed an escape line for Ceris' restraint skill always saying pussy even if you were in anal.
Erotic Mist is no longer usable in Breast Smother or Face Sit stances.
Fixed a missing event call in Stella's content if you repeated a thing.
Assorted typo fixes and editing.
v24.1a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
Beris' combat events have been edited by Valentin Cognito. Which I now actually put into the game unlike last time where I didn't add it in like a foolish fool.
Fixed a crash in Iabel's purple heart event cause I missed a part of an event call.
Fixed Iabel's combat events from breaking her intro due to a "IfChoice" being there when it should have been a set choice.
v24.1 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.
The tooltip for Iabel's kiss marks better signifies that they can't be removed via normal means.
If a hidden+randomized trap on Iabel's floor rolls to not trigger, there is no longer a text display.
The randomized traps on floor 4 will no longer roll the same trap twice in a row, and the odds of a trap not going off [secretly as mentioned above] are slightly increased.
The randomized traps, once triggered or not, will now become visible on the map. (Excluding when they become a heart tile or shadows tile, as those are already visible.)
Once you're invited to Tabitha's home and have cleared the caverns, you can take a shortcut to visit her from the world map. Special thanks to Epickark.
All heart tile traps in the labyrinth now have a cooldown state. But if for some reason you want to activate them immediately again you can interact with them to trigger them.
A few tiles on floor 3 start dormant.
Added treasure tiles to floors 2, 3, and 4 of the labyrinth.
Removed 2 keys from floor 3 and floor 4.
The black heart tile no longer stuns the player on the gridmap for 1 turn if they refuse to cooperate.
The paralysis status effect is now able to stun you while on the gridmap.
Tabitha now has a fallen-over sex CG for her tripped-then-fucked-silly scene, by Jiffic.
The cg and vfx for the scene were implemented by Epickark. There's even some smol vfx applied to her intro scene when you first meet her and when entering the event!
Added a GiveTreasure function that takes Common, Uncommon, or Rare, and gives the player a reward from the Location/Adventures treasure table.
Re-added the quick save and quick load buttons to the quick bar.
Beris' combat events have been edited by Valentin Cognito.
Fixed a syntax-related crash in Ceris' pink heart tile temptation.
The Anal Crusader perk is now visible again to provide info.
Cock Ring of Satisfaction no longer accidentally reduces cock sensitivity by 5.
Fixed NPC cards being super high up when art is toggled off or unavailable.
Fixed Iabel not reappearing if you go to leave her floor then pick the stay here option.
Fixed one of Ushris' combat events luck check using the int pass text if cleared instead of the luck one.
Fixed an issue in one of Sofia's combat events not letting you replay the scene properly once you lost.
Added a failsafe to correct the move to floor 3 issue if you had beat the floor prior, but hadn't triggered the original break.
Vili now has her auto counter event to Demon Layer again.
Fixed an issue where Iabel would not get naked in her purple tile event if you had max infatuation.
Fixed a potential issue where calling the function "AdventureComplete", before "QuestComplete", could potentially change the location target of quest complete. (This may be what was causing the toxitango break.)
Ceris' Infernal Compulsion skill now properly applies its damage debuff.
Ushris now properly counters Arachne Webbing.
Iabel will no longer secretly keep her counter attack at the ready if you run away while it's active.
The purple heart trap will no longer let a fight to act like you were bound up by a shadow trap.
Iabel's petrification event should now be better about checking when you run out of spirit in some cases.
v24.d Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
The Labyrinth location is now here! Finally! Bringing 3 new characters (Beris' sisters) with content related to the new Labyrinth location.
One of Ushris' extra trap scenes was written by Valentin Cognito.
Added a Kunoichi Trainee scene to the brothel written by Oluap. Requires clearing the Will-Power Temple.
Added a Glory Hole scene for Mara written by Oluap. Requires you to have fully progressed her relationship to trigger.
Carrying Fuck: Decreased the recoil on Carrying Fuck from 50% to 40%. Decreased energy cost from 25 to 20. Decreased base damage from 80 to 75. Carrying fuck now has a chance to apply a debuff to the opponent's willpower stat.
The Circlet of Seduction, Lovers' Rune, and Heart Rune are now available after beating the Allure dungeon, rather than reaching the temple check point.
Cloak of Shadows is now valued at 5k Eros, up from 2500.
Lion's Amulet now increases your power by 15, up from 10, and now also gives 50 energy.
Blessed Cock Ring now increases the arousal dealt to your dick by 100%, up from 75%.
Added 9 new accessories and 2 new runes that are available once you have cleared the caverns.
The world map now has new art! By Jiffic.
Aiko has a new cg for when she pulls you into her kimono. By ADOPOLICH.
Aiko has VFX applied to many of her scenes. By Epickark.
Vili now has a titfuck cg. By Otani.
Vili's titfuck cg and related vfx have been applied to the game. By Epickark. Keep in mind that it doesn't apply to any of her 'harem' type scenes.
Mika now has a butt CG by Applehead.
Mika's new cg is applied to her scenes. By Epickark.
Blue Slime now has a sex CG by Nick Beja.
Blue Slime's new cg is applied to her scenes. By Epickark.
Imps now have new art by Otani.
New imp art implemented by Valentin Cognito.
Perks given by items are no longer visible in your perk list to declutter the perk list, as this info is in the item itself. If you notice any information missing due to this change, please let me know.
Restructured a portion of Elly's Healing Circle Amplification scene to allow for more proper player consent, and more importantly, make Elly not come off as an incompetent weirdo for the sake of humor.
Modding and Systems
The S key no longer takes screen shots in order to allow for wasd support in gridmaps. (Alt S should still take screenshots though.)
Lots of functionality and stuffs for the new gridmap function. (Check the modding docs, there's too much junk to record and explain here.)
Three types of movement for grid mode: arrow keys and enter, clicking on the map directly, and a keypad on the side.
Added IfRanAway jump function for post fights. Kind of thought I already had something for this tbh.
Added LevelUpMonster function, which either uses a number, MatchPlayer, GoUpByProgress or GoUpByProgressFromOtherEvent.
Reorganized a number of file folders so they're easier to go through when checking stuff.
Added MajorHazeToBlackOut VFX option.
Added OpponentRunChance perk type to alter the player's run chance via an enemy.
The perk tag: 'NonPen SeductionBoost' is now properly 'NonPenSeductionBoost'. Please update your modded perks if you used this.
NonPenSeductionBoost is now listed in the list of perk types for modders.
Added ChangeMonsterEnergy function.
Added IfMonsterEnergyGone function.
Added IfPlayerHasStatusEffectWithPotencyEqualOrGreater as an option to StatCheck as a difficulty mod.
Added RemovablePersistantEffect to perk types.
Continuing to nap with the imps will make time continue to move forward instead of leaving it the same.
Added music calls to Belle's milking scenes.
Fixed a minor display issue when defeating 2 kunoichi trainees.
Fixed some issues with how characters' Y position is determined in groups. Let me know if anyone ended up in the ceiling again.
Skills that require a status effect will now fail if they are selected to be used, then the enemy removes the status effect before your turn comes around somehow (such as a restraint).
Mika's scene where you beat her in sex stance now properly clears your arousal with an orgasm with no spirit loss.
Made a minor line change for when you run into Himika at the bar after you've met her and haven't done the bar scene yet.
If you interrupt the Ghosts' team attacks somehow, their AI no longer breaks.
Did a band-aid fix for now on mod-created fetishes so they show up in the player's list, and also won't crash the game. Will later allow for proper full descriptions based on progress. (Addictions are still fine though.)
Fixed being able to use demon layer or holy headpat on Sofia in phase 3 pt 2 of her fights while restrained.
The Kunoichi Trainee Dream now requires you to have the will-power temple beaten (as well as a foot fetish), rather than play whenever.
Amy's angry fight progress now properly resets if you fight her again.
Fixed rare instances where Shizu could get her counter move in her temple fight and totally break the fight.
Fixed the Wandering Oni event having the ability to have the sister it has you fight at full power.
Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v23.9e Change Log
**Remember to update your save in town square.**
* All of Stella's original content has been gone over and revised. She is the bag mimic. In case you forgot.
* Walking past Stella is no longer always a safe option, and she has new lewd scenes.
* Revised how Stella's temptations are handled when you do pick her up. It is no longer a flat willpower requirement.
* You can take Stella with you, this only allows doing her scenes in your room at this time.
* Indulging too much in Stella's 'service' may have some 'detriments'...
* A bevvy of new content for Selena has been added, and you can now ask to remove her perk, written by Valentin Cognito.
* Mimics and Bag Mimic event have been split into two separate events.
* Vili now has revised art by Otani. She now has 2 new expressions, and a nude variant.
* Vili now has 2 bust sizes you can toggle between either when you first meet her, at the start of her challenge, or in her room.
* Vili tits close up now appears in her Puff Puff Parlor event scene like it was supposed to.
* Stella (the bag mimic) now has art by ADOPOLICH.
* Sofia now has a nude ver for her laid back form. Art by Jiffic. (Not currently used.)
* Sofia now has an Ass focus shot for both of her forms which is used in some of her existing scenes.
* Increased Unbridled Passion's stat requirement to 40 Allure from 20. And Lovers Pasion to 20 from 10.
**Balancing -The following changes have been done to boost early game progression by a decent measure.**
* Lowered the following perks level requirements (Level, not stats): Unbridled Passion(40->20), Ass Handler(20->10), Ass Connoisseur(40->20), Breast Lover(20->10), Breast Expert(40->20), Domineering(40->20), Expert Pacing(40->20), Expert Tongue(20->10), Intimate Lover(20->10), Pussy Lover(40->20), Pussy Pleasurer(20->10), Resistance Training 3(40->20), Resistance Training 2(20->10), Sadistic(20->10), Sensual Lover(40->20), Sex Expert(20->10), Sex Master(40->20), Spiritual Ocean(60->30), Spiritual Reserves(20->10), Spiritual Reservoirs(40->20), Steady Pacing(20->10), Unbounded(20->0)
* You now get 1 extra perk at lvl 5, 2 at lvl 10, and 2 at lvl 20.(Retroactively given to older saves.)
* Upon Leveling up you now get 3 stat points, up from 2. (Retroactively given to older saves.)
* Giving a free respec ticket to older saves.
* Fixed a new line not occurring in one of the ghost orgasm lines.
* Slightly increased history log spacing.
* Fixed typos and editing things.
* Fixed RequiresLessProgress and RequiresLessProgressFromEvent for menu option calls activating if it equaled the number given as well, instead of being less than the number given.
* Fixed RemoveStatusEffect crashing if used to specify a buff or debuff instead of a normal status effect.
* Fixed issues with InverseRequirement had with RequiresItem and RequiresItemEquipped when displaying what the item was.
* Harpies can no longer sit on your face while making out with you.
* Fixed Aiko not getting naked in her cuddle scene with bed-chan at a certain point.
* Fixed typos and editing things.
#V23.8b Change Log
**Remember to update your save in town square.**
**Modding and Systems**
* Added PlayerSpeaksSkill function. Fixed some dialogue lines with the ghosts.
* Minoni is no longer in the floor.
* The Manticore addiction event now sets addiction progress back down to 50 instead of reducing it by 50, which should prevent the event from looping again if you turn her down or don't have enough affection with her and get the cure. This should fix that potentiality.
* Fixed requires skill menu options not showing the skill required when failed.
* Did some assorted tune ups to the menu function requirements for skills and perks.
* Fixed multiple ghosts riding you not all being hit by your sex moves in some cases.
* Fixed typos and editing things.
#V23.8a Change Log
**Remember to update your save in town square.**
*Remembered to update the Credits section.
*Fixed Venefica's Calamity Rush skill crashing the game.
*Fixed Aiko not ending the Titfuck CG in combat when you get out of the stance if you got her to change her body type.
*Fixed "Escape" skill dialogue lines being grabbed and displayed twice.
*Fixed an issue where Aiko's titfuck cg could be slightly misaligned if you entered into her loss scene already in it.
*Fixed the harpy alternative reverse spitroast starter (facesit and sex), Harpy Double Trouble not being usable.
*You can no longer use Pinch Nipples while in the foot job stance like all other breast targeting skills.
*Fixed multiple VFX breaking again, (from another renpy update change, again.(?)), including all the ones for Sofia, Vivian, and Kotone.
*Fixed the Y position of the following characters: Camilla, Awakened Sofia, Galvi, Trisha, Kyra, Gren, Nicci, Selena, Perpetua, Matango, Mika, Jora, Nara, the succubus trio, Minoni, Feng, Kotone, Bed-Chan, Aiko, The oni twins, Kunoichi Trainees, Salarisi, Toxic Matango, Lumiren, and Amy.
*"InverseRequirement" for menu options with perks and skills should now properly display the perk or skill you need to not have.
*"HideMonsterEncounter" now properly works again. Notably it wasn't in Sofia's fight.
*Fixed the holy power option to get Panaceas not working.
*Fixed Ambers intro talk about custom sex toys repeating again if you asked about people in town.
*May have fixed some issues with backgrounds and sleeping and dreams?
*Fixed typos and editing things.
**Modding and Systems**
*ChangeImageFor is going to be depreciated and removed for a lot of reasons, (not right now you have time to move stuff over, just letting you know.) and in accordance the following characters and their content have had "ChangeImageFor" calls swapped to "ChangeImageLayer", "Expression",: Lillian, Ancilla, Imp, Matango, Mimic, Harpy, Kyra/AngryLizard gal, Blue Slime, Elf, Kyra, Lizard Gal, Nicci, Perpetua/perpLvl5.
*If you are using these characters or this system I would recommend shifting over to the proper layer system at minimum by, replacing the name of the layer in the monster file with 'Expression', ctrl-shift-f and replace |f|ChangeImageFor|/| with |f|ChangeImageLayer|/|Expression|/|, and "ChangeImageFor", with "ChangeImageLayer", "Expression",
*At this time those characters still all use the static images they used before, and just use the newer system, overtime I will slowly shift and correct these characters to be fully layered like everyone else.
V23.7 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
Note: This update will break all mods until those mods get updated to work with the changes made.
-Tabitha's art by Jiffic is now in game.
-Bubble Slime's art by Jiffic is now in game.
-Preemptively set up systems for color-shifting the player's art in lewd cgs to come eventually.
-Added a 'Player Appearance' button in options that allows you to adjust the colour of the character for lewd cgs, as those don't exist yet, this is there as a test bed for people to mess with the system. This system is still a work in progress, so things may change. The torso for this was made by ADOPOLICH.
-Exp boost effects are now halved with loss exp effects. To accommodate for them working correctly now.
-Running away is now done in turn initiative, with a massive bonus to going first, this allows monster counters to actually affect your run away attempt as it says in the modding docs.
-If you surrender, you now auto fail stat checks when they pop up, which is to say, they are bypassed entirely and you enter the fail path for them with no chance to spend energy to resist.
-You can now click and drag any scroll bar by clicking/tapping in the box and moving up or down, this doesn't work if you hit any buttons inside the box. This should aid in menu navigation on android especially. So long as you tap right of the combat menu as you drag it will move the most recently opened menu. Special thanks to Noeru.
-Added SetFetish field, which sets a fetish to the value given. This is primarily for resetting addictions, but could be used in other ways. Keep in mind this change is PERMANENT and cant be cleansed at the goddess statue. So be very careful with it.
-Additions have been changed to globally require a related feild, "Addition": "Yes", in the file, instead of the addition field being split across multiple random fields between different file types which should hopefully alleviate confusion. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater. Be sure to update your mods with this!
-Blank examples have been added to all file types, as well as blank addition examples. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-GetEventAndIfChoiceIs is now GetEventAndIfChoice for consistency and so I stop typing in the wrong thing causing needless issues. Be sure to update your mods with this!
-The monster line triggers "onOrgasm" and "onEdge" are now "OnOrgasm" and "OnEdge" for consistency with other line triggers. For this and the above you can likely use cntl-shift f to find and mass replace the changes.
-Added the "Player": "Yes", field to pictures in monsters files, to mark the image as the 'player' so it is recoloured via the colour shifting system in lewd scenes. Probably wont be useful to modders overall.
-Completely reorganized the games internal skill folders to be much easier to navigate for both me, and modders alike, as before they were an absolute atrocity when trying to find a skill you wanted as an example.
-RefocusOnInitalMonster to RefocusOnInitialMonster.
-ChangeBGM-OverideCombatMusic to ChangeBGM-OverrideCombatMusic
-Edits and Revisions to Tabitha's scenes by WilliamTheShatner.
-I went over and Edited Galvi's content a bit to make it all flow together a bit better, mostly the intro stuff.
-Assorted typo and editing fixes.
-Fixed Loss Exp and Exp boosting effects stacking incorrectly as all hell.
-Trisha's titfuck combat event now drains your energy and heals her like the stance would if you cum.
-Melting Dark Matter Cascade's hit tracker now resets properly, meaning you wont get slapped with effects despite dodging it.
-Fixed Calamity Rush not clearing its name properly in Venefica's fight.
-Some issues with losing to Aiko and her art displaying incorrectly should now be fixed.
-Fixed Vili and her phantasms battle music, it now plays properly again. And wont crash your game.
-Fixed being unable to talk to Mika about her financial situation in a menu due to an improper menu call.
-Aiko now gets properly naked when you cuddle her and bed-chan at the same time.
-Manticore Spike's can now be used if your opponent is restrained.
-Fixed purging Vili's Curse potentially crashing the game if the value was really high.
-Fixed a weird bug report pathing thingy on android.
V23.6 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
-The Venefica/Elly questline now has a confrontation and conclusion that is unlocked by getting enough evidence for Elly.
-A new Venefica focused dream has been added, written by Valentin Cognito. Becomes available with high affection with Venefica, and having completed at least one of 3 specific conditions with her.
-Amber's revised art is now in game, by Applehead. While yet to be used she now also has these new expressions for later: SmileRelaxed, Shy, Sad, Pleasure Struck, Orgasm, Needy, Excited, Dominant, and Bashful.
-Added the Town Church background to the game. By Houpo.
-Added Sofia's Room Background to the game. By Jiffic.
-Added the basic Bag art into the game. By ADOPOLICH.
-Changed the store music in 'Bon Bon Bun' to something less bombastic.
-Vili's sex scenes when visiting now have background music calls.
-Breast Nuzzle's status effect no longer scales like freaking madness.
-Tweaked sleep and restraint bonuses to applying status effects, and immunity effects, so you can't still apply a status effect despite an immunity being in place.
-Tweaked random loot drops to be a bit more certain to be at least 1, while making 2-3 in one run less likely.
-Long presses on the store buttons to confirm you want to click it no longer makes the phone or device vibrate for no good reason.
-Slightly tweaked some android button sizes to be more clickable.
-Menu addition info in the mod manual has been corrected for clarity, and the addition example in the game files has been split in two.
-Added EmptySpiritCounter function for specific uses when looping orgasm text and displaying spirit lost so it doesn't stack itself in the display.
-Added RemovableEffect perk type that allows the effect to be cleared on use of a panacea(currently just this), or on combat end like NonPersistentEffect.
-Added IfHasPerk option to ChangeStatCheckDifficulty function.
-Added DamageMonsterFromMonster function.
-Fixed hitting monsters with a skill not changing their expression when they use their response line.
-Fixed the Android version crashing when you press a text button on the character stats menu. At least it's fixed on my end now.
-Fixed rare instances where monster name tool tips could stick around after combat.
-Fixed random loot not spawning AT ALL during exploration.
-Fixed Pin (GiveSkillThatWasTemporarilyRemoved/RemoveSkillFromPlayerTemporarily functions) not properly saving data if you saved the game then loaded, removing the skill, this is fixed once you return to town square.
-Quicksaves now go up to 12 like the slots suggest.
-Fixed Sofia defaulting to her first fight even if you beat her on your first visit.
-Fixed one of the temptation scenes in the oni fight scaling with ass instead of breasts.
-StartOfRound and StartOfTurn calls for both monster and events respectively are now called at the very start of combat before the player's turn, this fixes instances like with Rosaura's edging element not functioning properly on the first turn of combat.
-Orgasm event cards are now called right before in combat ejaculation lines, similar to how it works in events, this is for consistency, and to stop some specific calls from not working correctly like PlaySoundEffect in said OrgasmEvent calls.
-Fixed a bug where changing a character's image set wouldn't take into account their image overlays, breaking some images.
-Fixed ApplyStatusEffect and ApplyStatusEffectToMonster function not applying crit buffs or debuffs to the target.
-Assorted typo and editing fixes.
V23.4 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
For pre v23 saves - Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky. Very janky.
-Do no open your character menu when you load your save, it will crash. Move around town, or manually update your save in options first.
-If you load your save in a town location and not town square, you will only have the option to leave that location due to an internal change, but you can go back into that location no problem afterwards.
-You can now report back on your time at Venefica's to Elly at night. (The Venefica/Elly Quest is still incomplete, with a new notice in a convo that hints at what you should do next.)
-You can now unlock helping Elly with experiments at night with enough affection, this also unlock night visiting. The amount needed will be increased later when it's possible to actually reach the intended affection level.
-You can now also talk to Elly at night if you have access to the guild at night.
-There is one new conversation with Venefica that is unlocked after you report back to Elly at night the first time.
-The town now has a proper main background art, by Jiffic.
-MonsterHasPerk, is now IfMonsterHasPerk for consistency.
-MonsterHasSkill is now IfMonsterHasSkill for consistency.
-Fixed the Oni phase 2 status effect resistances, they are no longer immune to restraints, and one can be stunned while the other can be put to sleep. As per their phase 1.
-High chance I fixed the issue where immunity perk timers would get stuck at 0.
-Fixed a break with the MonsterHasPerk, MonsterHasSkill and IfHasSkill functions.
-Removed the notification in the respec menu saying you dont have a respec ticket.
-The percentile boost to damage via allure is now correct in the player menu display.
-The perks that affect the percentage damage increase from Allure are now properly added to the percentage part of the equation instead of the flat damage.
-Core skill damage will now properly display on the character menu, and no longer gets the entirely incorrect numbers.
-Fixed a crash in awakend sofia's fight due to an incorrect audio call.
-Fixed a small event break in venefica's choco honeymoon scene where she would ask you about it after every time instead of just once.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V23.3b Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
For pre v23 saves - Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky. Very janky.
-Do no open your character menu when you load your save, it will crash. Move around town, or manually update your save in options first.
-Added a new event to the mountain called Fizzy Spring, that includes a new enemy to fight. This event is now also part of the first mountain run.
-Amy's fight now has a new combat event where you basically play predator and prey. Or you catch your breath.
-Added a simple event to the forest dungeon that allows you to fight Ancilla in a run. Similar to the ones for the temple with the oni's.
-Post status effect immunities are now handled entirely different on the inside via perks. The important thing is you can now actually tell when someone is immune to something like charm after clearing the affect. Including yourself. I'm currently not sure if these are overly obtrusive/noisy or not at this time? So feedback would be appreciated.
-Many enemies have had their status effect resistances change, generally to lower their resistance to stun and restraint effects. Though in a few cases it was increased.
-Stun now has a cool down period before someone can be stunned again. (3 turns generally. But monsters can have different delays.)
-Restraint now has an immunity once escaped for all now, 3 turns. Also gives a bonus 100% to escaping restraints in case an enemy is using stat checks to get you into them.
-Sleep immunity now lasts for 5 turns up from 4 after waking up from sleep.
-Charm immunity now lasts 2 turns, down from 3.
-Toned down Amy's oral restraint move a bit. Also her pre-existing stat checks were lowered to 15s from 20s. Her Tech was also lowered from 35 to 30. Base damage of her 3 main sex attacks were decreased to 40 from 45.
-Amy's max arousal has been lowered to 500 from 700, and she no longer has the 'Nerves of Steel' perk lowering all damage she takes by 5%.
-Reworked Amy's aphrodisiac to incentivise getting out of her oral stance by having it wear off very fast.
-You can now use Enamor, Seduce, and Smoldering Seduction while in the make out stance.
-Restraint durability is no longer increased by status effect duration via perks or Int.
-Lowered Enfeebles stat scaling with int from 35% to 25%.
-Magical Binding and Bondage Net now only require 10 of their related stat to learn, down from 20, and both now cost 500 eros, down from 1000.
-Schemer and thoughtful Schemer now only give 5% increase to status effect chance, down from 10%.
-Tricky now requires Schemer.
-The Black Knight now has new art by ADOPOLICH.
-Nova now has art by Jiffic.
-Elly is now a bit shorter in game.
-Made Galvi's steam layer more transparent.
-There is now a loading screen/presplash when opening the game on PC and Mac to inform you the game is opening while it loads database stuff. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-The options settings for on and off have been changed to match with the other buttons in that menu. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-Updated how perks are given to enemies to work similar to the player. Meaning some perk types that didn't work before now do.
-Added the StunDelay perk type to mostly change the delay rates for monsters. (eg shizu's is short, sofia's is longer.)
-Fixed RequiresFetishLevelEqualOrLess and RequiresFetishLevelEqualOrGreater menu requirements not using the correct variables causing weirdness
-Fixed Lumiren cave event checking an addiction the wrong way. This was making the check to move on from her cave WAY harder in some cases than intended.
-Fixed menus in combat gaining quotations when they shouldn't have quotations.
-Fixed some instances where the speaker wasn't getting cleared. Like after location enter events in town.
-Fixed ChangeEnergyByPercent setting energy instead of adding or subtracting.
-Lizard gals and Kyra now have Huntress' Pin instead of Pin to stop causing weirdness with the actual player's pin skill, such as giving it to you for free once you break out.
-Stopped extra s' getting added to plural item drops in some cases.
-Fixed some errant Willpower checks not being temptation checks in trisha's fight.
-Turn Timed perks now work correctly on enemies.
-Fixed ChangePerkDuration not affecting turn based perks and only longer time based ones.
-Fixed Aiko fight having some broken menus that led to an unintentional and janky instant loss.
-Belles sex scenes now remove backed up perks.
-Fixed an out of date fetish check in Minoni's content.
-Ordering a drink and lacking the money no longer breaks the event and kicks you out of the bar.
-The android loading screen presplash image thingy now works again.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V23.2a Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
For pre v23 saves - Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky. Very janky.
-Do no open your character menu when you load your save, it will crash. Move around town, or manually update your save in options first.
-Menu requirements can now properly check for multiple different item, perk, and skill requirements before letting the option be available.
-The specialty menu burger now actually has its effect description when picking through the menus.
-Reconsidering your drink choice or ordering elven wine no longer bugs out the event and tosses you out of the bar.
-Fixed Belle's recipes only checking the last item instead of ALL the items needed. This led to people potentially losing items they shouldn't.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V22.5 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
-Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky.
-Additionally all mods will be broken at the launch of this game version, and will need to be updated. I'm very sorry for this.
-Galvi now has a Titfuck scene, written by Subject Alpha. It will always trigger on your second time with her (or next in the case of save file that have met with her prior), and after wards you'll get given a menu on subsequent meetings with her on which scene you want.
-Ive gone through and updated all of the camper trio's erotic scenes. Some more than others.
-The succubi campers now have a shortcut to their location once you've completed the quest.
-After completing Jora's quest you can easily visit her.
-The camper trio, Jennifer, Heather, and Catherine now has art by Otani.
-Simplified the ChangeProgressBasedOnVirility function to be a base line Virility x 0.1 before the multiplier set by the user. This is to make the function less confusing and easier to understand how fast it will act.
-I've revised the pent up perks build up via Virility, and it should ramp up slower later, but faster earlier on in Virility amount, overall it should be less punishing until you get past the 500 and 800 marks.
-Recoil damage can now make you and enemies orgasm.
-Increased the Alarune and Nicci's resistance to sex and anal by 10%, as well as their resistance to recoil damage by giving them the Pacing Perk.
-The wait command now restores 5% of your energy.
Systems and Modding New Stuff
-Added the HoldCurrentVirility function, which grabs the current virility of the player and uses it for all checks until HoldCurrentVirilityEnd is called.
-There's now a .json file in the perk folder with a list of all perk types and their effects, neatly organized, with special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-When using DisplayCharacters, you can now use the names of the characters instead of the number they are in the speaker list. eg: "DisplayCharacters", "Belle", "Nara", "Vivian", "EndLoop",
-Added 'Speak' Function that allows you to put in any name and have it be used as a speaker, even if not listed at the top. eg "Speak", "Vili and Nara", "Give us hugs!" or "Speak", "Trisha", "Hi", and it will use the given line as a speaker and then the following line as a line of dialogue similar to the speaks function, just keep in mind speaks always gets the first speaker from the supplied list in the file, while speak needs you to give it a name to use. Speak will also be handy when handling multiple characters talking given it can be a little hectic with 3 people talking.
-You can now use 'EventJump' in menus to jump right to the event you want without needing to make a scene for it. eg "EventJump", "'Bon Bon Bun'", "MenuOptionName". I have also added the ability to specifiy a scene to jump to. Eg. "EventJump", "'Bon Bon Bun'", "ThenJumpToScene", "StoreMenuReal", "MenuOptionName". These can also be used with the "FinalOption", function if desired.
-Added the CallSceneThenReturn Function which allows you to jump into a scene then return to where it was called initally. These can be called inside eachother as well. Exiting one of these calls is the same as ending an event, leaving it with no jump. Be sure to end a call or weird shit will happen, like rewinding time. Check TimePassed.json or EndOfDay.json for examples of its use.
-Added CallNextSceneJumpThenReturn which turns the next scene jump into a call and returns to where it was called from, works the same as CAllSceneThenReturn, but you can put a check with it, eg: "CallNextSceneJumpThenReturn", "IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreater", "Breasts", "3", "quickTiddyCheck", - This is NOT to be used with event jumps. The jump must be called directly after this is called or it will fizzle.
-Added CallEventAndSceneThenReturn which funtions the same as CallSceneThenReturn, but allows you to call a new event. ed: "CallEventAndSceneThenReturn", "Enter 'Amber's Adventuring Shop'", "AmberEventCallTest",
-Putting "ShuffleMenu" before any option in a menu will randomly shuffle the entire menu every time it's seen.
Systems and Modding Overhauls
-All game .json files have been moved out of the renpy folder and into the game folder, then reorganized to be easier to look through. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-IfDealyingNotifications is now properly named IfDelayingNotifications
-The "ApplyStatusEffectQuietly" function has been removed, and should be replaced with "ApplyStatusEffect". It functions the same.
-"ApplyStatusEffect" no longer is able to display a line of text from the skill itself in outcomes, and has been made permanently queit, move and skill text you may have been using into the actual event. Note that this only occured out of combat, and in combat it never did this, because it was jank.
-EndRandom in JumpToRandomScene calls has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-EndStances in IfPlayerHasStances has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-loopEnd in PlayImagePulseLoopingList, PlayImagePulseLoopingList2, PlayImagePulseLoopingRandom, and PlayCustomBarrage has been chaned to EndLoop for consistency.
-endStoreMenu in SkillShoppingMenu and ShoppingMenu has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-endSwap in SwapLineIf has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-EndMenu in Menu has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-End for display characters has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-The "questComplete" function is now "QuestComplete". For consistency.
-The following text functions have been capitilized for consistency (example: thePlayerName->ThePlayerName): thePlayerName, finalDamage, damageToPlayer, damageToEnemy, attackerName, attackerHeOrShe, attackerHisOrHer, attackerHimOrHer, targetName, targetHeOrShe, targetHisOrHer, targetHimOrHer, targetYouOrMonsterName, attackerYouOrMonsterName, attackerName2, attackerName3, attackerName4, attackerName5, sexWords, sexAdjective, displayPlayerChoice, displayMonsterChoice, playerOrgasmLine, progressDisplay, playerMoney, pink and colorEnd.
-The following perk types have had their spaces removed (example: "Foreplay Energy Regen" -> "ForeplayEnergyRegen") for the sake of ease of use.: Foreplay Energy Regen, Foreplay Arousal Regen, Foreplay DefDown, Get Out Of Stance, Remove Restraints, Run Chance, Better Prices, Buy Prices, Sell Prices, Damage Reduction, Recoil Boost, Allure Recoil Boost, Recoil Damage Taken, Crit Chance Boost, Crit Damage Boost, Out Of Stance Evade, Loss Exp, Eros Boost, Item Drop Chance, Treasure Find Chance, Give Sensitivity Points, Gain Spirit, NonPen Magic Boost, Breast Boost, Seduction Boost, Kiss Boost, Sex Boost, NonPen Sex Boost, Ass Boost, NonPen Ass Boost, Pain Boost, Penetration Boost, Baseline Allure Flat Buff, Baseline Allure Flat Percent Boost, Virility Boost, Trance Stun Chance, Orgasm Energy Drain, Aphrodisiac Turn Cure, Stance Stuck, Crit Chance Boost Self, Crit Damage Boost Self, Aphrodisiac Amp, Initiative Bonus, Sleep Amp, Status Chance Boost, Paralysis Amp, Exp Boost, Status Icon, Multiply Spirit, Removed on Orgasm, Gain Energy, Gain Arousal, Stun Res, Charm Res, Aphrodisiac Res, Restraints Res, Sleep Res, Trance Res, Paralysis Res, Sex Sensitivity, Ass Sensitivity, Breasts Sensitivity, Seduction Sensitivity, Magic Sensitivity, Pain Sensitivity, Holy Sensitivity, Unholy Sensitivity, Increase Fetish, Decrease Fetish, Oral Boost, Monstrous Boost, Feet Use Boost, Breast Use Boost, Ass Use Boost, Foreplay Boost, Indulgent Boost, Sex Toy Boost, Resist Final Orgasm, Semen Energy Drain, Semen Heal, Semen Attack Boost, No Anus, No Chest, No Mouth, No Pussy
-The perk type: Start Deeper in trance, is now StartDeeperInTrance, and Cant Break Free of Trance Without Items is now CantBreakFreeOfTranceWithoutItems
-The following line triggers in monster files have been capitilized for consitencey. eg: "hitWith" -> "HitWith" List of altered functions: hitWith, hitWithA, usesMove, escape, lowHealth, playerLowHealth, onSurrender, onPlayerOrgasm, stanceStruggle, stanceStruggleComment, stanceStruggleFree, stanceStruggleFreeComment.
-restraintStruggle, restraintStruggleCharmed, restraintEscaped, restraintEscapedFail have also been capitilized for line triggers, just be sure you dont accidently apply the capitilization to a skill file by accident.
-Removed the "CallEvent" function, trust me you weren't using it.
-CallEventThenScene has been changed to CallCombatEventAndScene for the sake of clarity and sanity.
-Fixed Elena and Elly's normal intro scenes not displaying unless you got all their special intro scenes.
-Fixed a spacing issue in combat menus involving items (or skills) with very long names.
-Time now properly advances with Elena's bar event if nothing lewd occurs.
-During the forest inn event if you win the combat it now properly returns to day if it was day when you got there.
-Fixed a song not playing when you touch Venefica's ears.
-Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when timed perks wear off.
-The succubus glory hole event and Venefica's milking job now properly check for the player's Virility prior to the first orgasm, so pent up perks properly apply to the end result
-Fixed Mara paying u even if u didn't work for the bar in one specific instance.
-Ancilla's service scenes, and the one imp bj during a cleaning event, now have proper orgasm calls.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V22.4a Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
-Altered character menu displays to space out long names of items or perks better.
-Increased size of scroll bars on android.
-Restructured the layering of the buy/sell shops to decrease chance of clicking an item instead of the middle scroll bar.
-Fixed a crash when trying to shop.
-Fixed a conversation with Venefica constantly repeating while wearing a collar, it will occur one more time then stop.
-Added some missing orgasm calls to Venefica's scenes.
-Fixed being left with 0 spirit being able to happen when first meeting Vili.
-Aiko now drops eros when you beat her.
-Fixed an issue where Camillas face layer was clipping over her outfit.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V22.4 Change Log
V22.3 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
-Added a few convos to Beris' content that require you to lewd her multiple times before she'll talk with you.
-Added in a hoof stepping scene for Minoni by Valentin Cognito, requires a lvl 3 foot fetish or lvl 3 monstrous fetish to attempt asking her to do it.
-EndVictoryEvent function has been removed, as it's now no longer needed.
-Added RequiresFetishLevelEqualOrLess function option to menu requirement checks.
-Menu fetish requirements can now be properly stacked as requirements.
-Load Validator has been updated with special thanks to dfs on hypnopics collective, i'll also be commenting it out in release builds, so if you want to turn it on to check your mod you'll need to scroll to the bottom of LoadDatabase.rpy and uncomment 'validator.printToFile()'
-Removed the incredibly depreciated SetChoice command inside the Menu Function.
-Added a "MaxMenuSlots", function for Menus, that must be called first to work. Can condense menus if descriptions get too long or menu is expect to be long, currently for the nightlife menu in case me or modders add to it. Is not used for the food menu yet because reasons. does not count the final option as a menu option, and that will still always show up with one option if set to 1. Does not go above 6.
-The healing circles in the temple and before Vili's boss fight now send you back to the option to rest or not when you rest there, when you can't heal fully, this should allow you to heal back up faster after already using the circle.
-You can now meet Mara in the bar at night.
-The sensitivity removal menu now uses arrows if you have more than 4 sensitivities to fix, and if applicable holy and unholy can now appear to be removed.
-Fixed fetish page arrows not dissapearing if you lack the money to pay.
-Kaia's at home scenes now have proper orgasm calls.
-Beris' scenes now have proper orgasm calls.
-Fixed Beris' cuddle check not resetting if you meet her at the bar instead of work.
-Fixed Minoni not taking off her clothes for a sex scene.
-PlayImagePulseLoopingRandom and PlayImagePulseLoopingList no longer use the same variables and can be used at the same time.
-Fixed surrendering to Feng in her room not removing the status effect.
-Amy's alt reaction for kissing when stunned now properly works.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
V22.2a Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt for thee older saves have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Fixed a crash related to perk lists not updating correctly.
-Fixed an issue with a guild entry conversation.
-Fixed a bug that would stop you from going adventuring, which would be an issue with the time step events.
-Fixed a bug that would cause a menu to pop up and force you to return to town.
-You now need to actually pay for food at the bar.
V22 Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
Keep in mind that many of the new system changes (Such as the night and day system) are very tentative and are heavily subject to change still.
-Added an inital run to the forest similar to that everywhere else has before you unlock its explore mode and also the forest dungeon. Old saves can do it again as well and re-fight perpetuas first fight again one time if they want.
-Tuned up Elly and Elena's existing dialogue lines.
-Gave Elena and Elly multiple new conversations.
-Made some revisions to Mika's backstory convo.
-Nara now has a new loss scene for when you lose in no stance. Written by SubjectAlpha.
-Nara's original loss scene is now sex stance specific.
-There's a new Brothel event featuring the first Voltlin. Scene written by Subject Alpha, Character description and editing handled by Threshold.
-A new Solo elf brothel event, written by Subject Alpha.
-A new Solo imp brothel event written by Subject Alpha.
-Multiple new dream scenes with varying requirements to trigger.
-The Elf Sex Fetish Dream is written by Subject Alpha.
-The Kunoichi feet Dream is written by Game Salamander.
Day/Night System
-Time now passes, and night can fall, increasing the deadliness of monsters, but also the rewards.
-If you dont orgasm for an extended time or have high virility you get a perk/status effect that lasts until your next orgasm, increasing how much spirit you lose and how much arousal you take.
-You can now get week long blessings after unlocking the blessings menu.
-Moved around Lucuille's talk options to add in Temporary Blessings.
-You can now enter the bar and eat food that buffs your stats for a day.
-The health, spirit, and energy UI is now always displayed.
-Manticore Venom addiction and Sofia Addiction now fade a little every day. Manticore doesn't if you have mate bonded.
-Returning to town no longer refreshes your arousal, energy or spirit, but does clear all status effects, it also always advances time forward 1.
-Leveling up no longer re-fills spirit, but still refreshes arousal and energy.
-Losing and returning to church leaves you with 1 spirit instead of refreshing you to full, it also advances time forward 1.
-Sleeping at your room fully refills your spirit and energy, and proceeds to the next morning.
-Working at the brothel during the day is now always safe, (May change in a later patch.), and the glory holes dont open until night.
-Greatly increased the chances of Feng's howling at moon event, but it now only occurs at night.
-Until you romance Kaia, she will not show up at night for her event, and will instead ambush you once you have romanced her 66% of the time.
QoL Changes
-On game start save files are given the player's name. You can now also rename the save file you're currently using in the save menu, but you need to save over a file for the change to take place.
-Made the inital mountain run less punishing, and added an actual break spot before the boss.
-Rest ambush events now heal you with a rest before the ambush.
-Revised rest point placement to be done right after treasure spots are shuffled in, and the luck stat no longer affects them. This will ensure at least one rest point will always be placed in the explore run, and should be in the first 25%-50% of the journey. Overall this change should make resting more reliable without having them always appearing with high luck.
-There will now always be a break spot provided before a quest event location when in exploration mode.
-Belle now has art by Applehead.
-Perpetua now has a Pout expression, by Jiffic.
-Shizu now has 6 new expressions, though two of which are old expressions with an eye glow effect, and her caring expression is now more caring. By Jiffic.
-The oni sisters now both have art by Jiffic.
-The DisableRun perk type can disable the players ability to run from all fights.
-JumpToRandomScene can now use any of the same requirement functions Menu options can use to filter options out.
-Added a scene jump function validator for the .json files made by dfs on hypnopics collective. It prints a txt file into the game folder. Just ignore any for scenes that are intended to not be jumped to.
-I set it up so if it turns to night it will auto get a night bg equivelent if it has Night after it's normal name, like townNight.png if there is a night bg as above the game will auto select it when getting a new bg with changeBG function.
-"IfTimeIs" function, can check for the following: Day, Night, DayFaked, DayTrue, NightFaked, NightTrue, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Dusk, Evening, Midnight
-"SwapLineIf", "IfTimeIs", works like a normal iftimeis function mixed with a swaplineif
-"RequiresTime" like above but for menu options.
-TimeBecomesNight sets the time to night, will clear false days and start false nights. TimeBecomesDay does the above but for daytime. False nights last until you return to town or the next day starts, false daytime during night ends in the next time advancement or when returning to town.
-"AdvanceTime", "1" function now exists to move forward time. 6 chunks in a day.
-"DelayNotifications" can be put after it, or RestPlayer, or SleepPlayer, to delay perk decay notifications unitl the next time roll over, so you don't interrupt a scene
-Added a RestPlayer function so events can use the rest call rest points do and benifit from rest point related perks. It also increments time forward.
-SleepPlayer refreshes the players everything, and advances time until next morning.
-"IfDealyingNotifications", lets you jump to a different scene if notifications are being delayed, same reason as above, but for events, it's not auto skipped so you can still count progress, just not inform about it.
-Added HealingSickness and IfHealingSickness functions so time doesn't freeze at healing circle spots like the oni twins, you can still farm there though.
-Events with the type EndOfDay will now be called at the end of the day's cycle.
-Events with the TimePassed ttpe will be called every time, time advances.
-Events with the StepTaken type will be called every player step, outside of town.
-Events with the EndOfTurn type will be called at the end of EVERY turn in combat, this is for player combat events and stuff.
-Events with the PlayerOrgasm type will be called whenever the player orgasms, including out of combat with the PlayerOrgasm function.
-Events with the Dream tag will be called when the player sleeps, but can be ignored in event if the "DelayNotifications" function is used.
-Added Damage Boost perk type, which boosts all damage dealt by the perks owner by that percent.
-Added Status Icon perk type which lets you assign an image to the status effect bar when somone has this perk.
-If Item Drop Chance, Exp Boost, or Eros Boost is put on an enemy, it now increases their respective thing on that monster.
-Added the Multiply Spirit Loss perk tag, multiplys the current spirit loss by an amount, more instances of this perk will multiply seperately.
-Added the Removed on Orgasm perk tag to have the perk removed when the owner orgasms.
-The perk tags TurnDuration and TimeDuration can be used to make the perk dissapear after a set duration, TurnDuration being steps/combat turns and TimeDuration being increments of the day.
-The perk tag EndMessage can be used to display a message when the perk ends via TurnDuration or TimeDuration.
-The perk tag NonPersistentEffect can be used to remove the perk when all non-persistent status effects would be removed, like Charm or sleep.
-|perkDuration| can be used in a perks description to have the remaining time displayed. If it's a turnDuration it says turns, if it is a time duration, it says time increments or days.
-When making a perk you can now use the "PlayerCanPurchase" feild like this,"PlayerCanPurchase": "HiddenCompletelyFromPlayer" to hide a perk from showing in the players list of perks.
-Added GivePerkQuietly function.
-Added "ChangeProgressBasedOnVirility", "1", with the number feild being a speed multiplier, primarily desined for the pent up system, but can have other uses.
-BumpToTown function that sends player to town square without advancing time.
-Fixed an issue that would cause line breaks in monster attack dialogue with no actual dialogue and only functions to have a pointless space.
-Fixed a crash when using a ??? character as a blank display spacer, such as with Sofia's 2nd loss scene.
-Fixed damage buffs/debuffs checking for duplicates in the user not the target.
-Fixed sorting skills then saving, not always keeping your changes when you load that save.
-Fixed Kaia's art disapearring after you lose to her and she drags you home.
-Fixed a broken scene jump in Lillians quiz
-Fixed an issue with 2 of the awnsers in Lillians quiz being reversed
-Fixed a crash with activating image overlays
-Fixed a bug with not having money to buy holy water the first time you talk to lillian about holy water.
-Fixed a broken link in Mika's content when doing reverse cowgirl anal and three in her combat events, two of which were for her stance struggle lines for sex.
-Fixed a broken event jump in Jora's quest if you praised her and then attacked her for somereason.
-Fixed a broken event jump with Mara, the succubus glory hole, Toxic Matango, Vili, Kyra, Imp Den, Imp combat events, Oni twins combat events.
-Fixed 3 broken event jumps in sofia's combat events, and 1 minor one in her 3rd fight.
-Fixed imps using the playful tease blowjob line in cases where they should have been using the Glans Teasing skill/line.
-Fixed Trisha's conversation about Succubi not showing up. Also fixed talking with her removing your ability to turn down the meal after you've made progress with her.
-Fixed Tengu Harpies not using their final hypnosis effect! At max hypnosis, while charmed, they should deal a bit more damage, especially during sex.
-Fixed 2 of Trisha's oral combat events leading to the wrong orgasm scenes.
-Music now plays during the Lumiren event as it was supposed to.
-Edits to Amber's store events and writing by WilliamTheShatner.
-Multiple assorted typo and grammar fixes.
V21.8a Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Made revisions to Lillian's entire character.
-Aiko is now thicker than before, and after clearing the will trials, heading back with her, and talking to her about Yuki-Onna (again if you already have) will unlock the ability to get her to sculpt her form a little.
-Revised image layers to accommodate 'imageSets', you can check Aiko's monster file for an example. Changing a set is done by using this "ChangeImageLayer", "ImageSet", "1", "Plush", and depends on the name of the set, you can also call a name for the target like with image layers changes, and it will automatically carry over any current expressions and stuff. Note this is not held persistently thought and would need to be called every time.
-There is also the option to do "ChangeImageLayer", "ImageSetPersist", "1", "Plush", so that set is always used when that character appears on screen initially. It also changes the set then and there.
-In about 2 updates (on your end from here onward) the update glitch will be fixed.
-Fixed being able to spam headpat and hug with Lillian to get as much affection/progress you want.
-Fixed an issue with a dead end with Mika.
-Cleared out depreciated files and duplicate files hanging around in skills.
-If you're rented out by the manticore it now displays manticore instead of ??? if you don't know her yet.
-Fixed a broken menu option in Vivian's stuff.
-Fixed an infinite loop in Sofia's 3rd fight if you had max trance and 10+ kissing fetish.
-An issue with CombatEncounter putting enemies into the fight in the wrong order should be fixed now.
-Fixed an issue where enemy expressions in group encounters wouldn't change
-Fixed a scene break in the succubus glory hole brothel event.
-Assorted typo and editing fixing.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.8 Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Made revisions to Lillian's entire character.
-Aiko is now thicker than before, and after clearing the will trials, heading back with her, and talking to her about Yuki-Onna (again if you already have) will unlock the ability to get her to sculpt her form a little.
-Revised image layers to accommodate 'imageSets', you can check Aiko's monster file for an example. Changing a set is done by using this "ChangeImageLayer", "ImageSet", "1", "Plush", and depends on the name of the set, you can also call a name for the target like with image layers changes, and it will automatically carry over any current expressions and stuff. Note this is not held persistently thought and would need to be called every time.
-There is also the option to do "ChangeImageLayer", "ImageSetPersist", "1", "Plush", so that set is always used when that character appears on screen initially. It also changes the set then and there.
-In about 2 updates (on your end from here onward) the update glitch will be fixed.
-Fixed being able to spam headpat and hug with Lillian to get as much affection/progress you want.
-Fixed an issue with a dead end with Mika.
-Cleared out depreciated files and duplicate files hanging around in skills.
-If you're rented out by the manticore it now displays manticore instead of ??? if you don't know her yet.
-Fixed a broken menu option in Vivian's stuff.
-Fixed an infinite loop in Sofia's 3rd fight if you had max trance and 10+ kissing fetish.
-An issue with CombatEncounter putting enemies into the fight in the wrong order should be fixed now.
-Fixed an issue where enemy expressions in group encounters wouldn't change
-Fixed a scene break in the succubus glory hole brothel event.
-Assorted typo and editing fixing.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.8 Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Added a scene where you stare at Vivian's breasts a lot. Like, a lot. Seriously.
-Added an automatic dialogue to Vivian for when you clear the caverns.
-You can now talk to Vivian about the other people in town.
-Touched up Vivian and Amber's old dialogues for when you progress to a new location.
-Amber and Vivian now have short one off lines for when you approach them like Lillian does.
-Amber now has some proper conversations, as well as more events on entering her store based on location progress.
-Amber now has an incredibly bare bones (essentially non-existent) sex toy upgrade menu, that can currently be only access if you talk to Vivian about Amber.
-Added a small scene about what Venereae uses the money donations for to the prayer statue.
-Added a sex scene on loss with Kyra, written by Game Salamander
-Blessed Rosary now increases your minimum dice roll by 4, up from 2.
-Ghost art by Houpo has been added.
-Toxic Matango art by Applehead has been added.
-Sex Toy is now it's own tag similar to Indulgent and Foreplay, and has a Damage Boost perk type. I'll be looking to expand on this in v23.
-Calling a VFX that is still active will no longer make it do weird stuff if you don't manually end the prior one first.
-Pulsing loops and image barrages can now have their parameters changed without recalling the entire image list every time by calling endLoop after the variables.
-Added IfHasItemInInventory to check only the player inventory for the item, as well as an amount, and ignore equipment.
-In Android, Increased the size of combat text buttons so it's easier to select the option you want.
-You now need to have met the person in town to talk to someone else about them, (vivian or lillian currently.)
-Fixed incorrect layer calls in one of Aiko's loss scenes.
-The combat menu options are now correctly held between saves, so when opening the game and the save in combat the menu wont be back to initial selection. More importantly it wont let your combat menu skills slip through space and time so you can load another save that's in combat, getting the menu you had open in your current combat, allowing you to pick skills you don't actually have and crash the game.
-The character menu's eros display should now be able to handle larger sums of money.
-Fixed an issue with Trisha not tying you to the bed in some cases.
-The combat menu tabs for waiting and items now stay open next turn unless you get stunned or restrained.
-When buying skills the skill damage estimate now takes into account your damage boosting perks.
-Assorted typo and editing fixing.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.7b Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Fixed leveling up sending you back to town and other weirdness.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.7a Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
Quality of Life
-Added a line at initial character creation that any unspent points will be lost once you start.
-You can now only lower cock sensitivity by a max of 5% at character creation, down from 10%.
Modding and Systems
-Removed multiple instances of old depreciated code that's unused.
-Reorganized code so some functions are in more sensical locations and some classes aren't in their own file alone. Notably I move a bunch of crap out of functions.rpy into places the functions actually belong in.
-Moved the reader diction into a single function instead of having like 3 separate instances of it.
-Condensed the sensitivity change and stat change functions for character creation and level ups.
-Fixed Bed-Chan missing a face in her duo cuddle scene.
-Fixed selecting the Hidden Glade option in blessings removing the option from your menu even if you didn't buy it. Note this will not fix the issue if it's already been removed from your options.
-Fixed monsters not struggling against restraints.
-Fixed an event break with someone in the brothel changing forms.
-Renamed a minor off screen character from Lucille to Aria to avoid confusion with the on screen Lucille.
-Fixed a crash with the out of combat scene layer. (Vili glory hole event for example.)
-Selling items with price increase/decrease perks now properly displays the total cost of the items. It was still giving you the correct payout before.
-Fixed assorted typos and grammar issues.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.7 Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
Art and Content
-1 new conversation with Vivian.
-Bed-Chan's art by ADOPOLICH is now in game.
Modding and Systems
-You can now put in names instead of numbers for the "ChangeImageLayer" function, to keep better track of which character in the scene you're changing the images for, and not needing to care if you re-order them, note that this uses the IDname field from the monster file not the name one. For example "ChangeImageLayer", "Expression","Bed-Chan", "JoySilly"
-Added "lineTrigger":"escape", to monster dialogue response options for after the player escapes using moves like distract or teleport successfully. You can also choose a specific skill for it if you want instead of a general response.
-Added proper skill calls for Wait, Struggle, Push Away, and Defend so they can be responded to by monsters. Run Away is now called 'Run Away' instead of 'Flee!'. The monster dialogue 'AnyCounter' is not triggered by these skills, if you want to counter them you need to use 'AutoCounter' and specify them.
-Added the optional requiresEvent field to Items, Monsters, Events, Locations, and Adventures. Which allows you to check for progress or choices from multiple different events to see if the thing should be allowed. Instead of forcing you to use items. Check the mod manual or one of the blank templates in the files for an example.
-also added FullyUnlockedByEvent optional field for locations which works the same as the requiresEvent field, but for the unlock status, which lets the player properly explore the location.
-changed FullyUnlockedBy to an array to match the requires field. BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR MODS IF YOU HAVE A LOCATION. "" -> [""]
-Updated the example mod to accommodate for changes to the games systems.
-Fixed Vili using the wrong expression in reaction to Holy Headpat.
-Fixed elves using the wrong expression in an orgasm line and when the elven ambush fails in one case.
-Fixed ChangeImageFor ignoring the AlwaysOn Layer tag.
-Fixed calling "ClearStanceFromMonsterAndPlayer" "All" clearing every stance on the player instead of just the one's with the focused monster, which could lead to issues in multi enemy fights.
-"setXalign" and "setYalign" in individual images now actually do stuff.
-May have fixed a potential crash when opening the character menu, if you were having this issue, enter into town square, if you loaded there, leave and come back, that should fix the issue.=
-Perks that boost attack on player orgasm no longer infinitely stack, and just get their duration refreshed.
-The surrender option while restrained has been renamed to other to match with the option while not restrained.
-Working at the brothel now properly checks the description field for if an event should trigger in more than one location.
-Manticore Venom Injection can now make you orgasm.
-Fixed a few instances of DeactivateExpressionOverlay still existing in Shizu's victory scene.
-Fixed assorted typos and grammar issues.
-Remember to load your save in town.
V21.6a Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Fixed monsters being added mid fight crashing the game
-Fixed overlay layers not starting on correctly.
-Fixed enemies when added mid fight not being added to the end of the encounter list and instead the spot before it causing all kinds of weird things.
-Fixed the x align of image layering doing wonky stuff. Such as the kunoichi trainee and tengu.
-Fixed Elly's face and one sleeve from dissapearing into the void in her convos.
-Remember to load your save in town.
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