Former name Dragon Ball Infinity (See developer Notes) You play as a young boy (age left to user choice due to patreon rules) who is chosen to be the next god of destruction in universe 7 following the exile of both Beerus and Champa. With the help of your angel Vados you must attend to the duties of a GoD and raise the mortal level of universe 7. The main aspect of this game is that it is focused more on customisation as opposed to quantity. You will be able to modify the costumes of nearly every character you meet in game.
HIGHLY recommended that you start a new game. Your game WILL encounter errors if you load an old save. Here's just some of what has been changed:
95% of ALL the old art has been replaced. 98 % of all CGs have been replaced Lots of new scenes, new content, new characters, new visuals have been added to old scenes, even some storylines have been changed slightly. Player can now free roam more You can interact with characters in a much better way Added a "New Game Plus" option that skips the early grinding Removed all the silly potions, puzzles and the grinding Removed the need to Sleep all the time.
v1.3 - Continued Player vs Angels storyline - New scenes with Aes - New scene with Android 18 - New character introduced (Archangel Wind) - More
(Remember every choice made in these releases matter very much so be very careful when choosing certain options!)
v1.1 - Changed Arc name from "Battle of the gods" to "Lost Children" - Morality added. (Almost every option you take now will have consequences and shape the type of god your character is/will be.) - Story updates! - New scenes! - New content and characters! - New exploration content - Choose your own adventure type of gameplay.
v1.0.8 Major Changes:
The massive conclusion to the betrayal arc!
Finally added side images to help with character scenes
Minor Changes:
- Added new scenes
- Added Kefla and scenes
- Added Cheelai scene
- Added Lady Aeshauria scene
- Added Vados scene (If you joined with her)
- Added new characters for the player (Spoiler)
- Fixed bugs
v1.0.7 - Story Update
- New scenes with Kale, Android 18, Aes and more
- Improved some older scenes
- More fixes!
v1.0.4 - The first "static" animation additions. From this version forward, almost all characters will have idle animations - Android 21 scenes and rework - Introduced the other planets - Changed the clone fight a little
v1.0.3 Story Updates: - Major plot advancement - Player now has creation powers - Introduced Purgatory location Lewd Updates: - Caulifla Scenes - Queen Phineapple Scenes - Android 18 Scenes - Heles Scenes Bugs: - Added a skip battle option for those stuck with the Clone
v1.0.2 - Introduced Universe 13 - Queen Viastra Content - Kale content - Chi Chi content - Introduced Vegito - More!
v1.0 Part 2 - Major Story Update - Added Potara Earrings - Added new important character - New character scene - Kale new body transformation - Vados and Android 18 CG scene - Gameplay changes
v1.0 Main Changes: Introduced some Multiverse Characters Introduced Player's son Introduced new enemy(The alliance)
Minor Changes: - Human Vados romantic path - Lewd scenes for whichever character you choose in the forest. - Moro's wife scene - Minor game changes
v0.9F Major Changes: - Completely reworked and added gameplay screens to make things easier and nicer looking - Added a personal shapeshift creature(Useful for future plans)
Minor: - Reworked a few transition scenes - Vados chained scene - Player can now select mortal to be the palace queen - Mortal (Queen) sex scene - Player can now summon guards and revisit the orgy scene. (More options coming) - Added shop reworks - Player can now wish for 100 coins - Story update Any bugs, let us know so we can fix them immediately.
v.0.9d Changelog: Main Changes: - Added a planet minimap for locations on your planet. - Added BASIC animation for some scenes. (It will be greatly improved as time goes on.) - Filled all the guest rooms in the player's castle
Minor changes: - Added Android 21's lab - Changed the structure of other planet's a little for future set ups - You can now travel to Earth (Bulma's house for now) - Added the player's queen in your bedroom (Will be able to change and select in future) - Added random interactive events when walking through your castle - Player can talk with all women in the castle. - Added Android 21 scenes - Added Android 18 scenes - Added Videl Scenes - Added extra CG scenes - Fixed some bugs
v0.9b Story Changes: Restored every dead character Introduced all Z fighters Began exploring the god of destructions Many many more
Lewd Changes: Added Heles scenes Cleaned up some old Vados scenes Changed resolution for some lewd scenes
Misc Changes: Added Senzu beans (Can only be wished right now) Added Tuffle bomb (Tuffalia) More
v0.9a Main Changes: Added new location Story Update Minor Changes: Added Chi Chi Scenes Added new costume for Vados Story update Fixed some bugs
v.0.9 Main Changes:
Timeline has been changed Introduced new enemy: Player's Clone Introduced Chi Chi Introduced Kale Added new tool "Ring of Customisation" Minor Changes:
Added Bulma Scene Added Kale Scenes Added new costumes Added new room in the player's castle Story update Fixed some bugs
v0.8c: Main: Introduced new storyline Minor: - Bulma Scenes - Mortal Scenes - Videl Scenes - Vados Scenes - New Player technique
v0.8b: Main: -Introduced new character: Queen Viastra -Introduced new storyline -Introduced a new area (Past)
Minor: – Android 18 Scenes – Panchy Scenes – Queen Viastra Scenes – New Player technique
v0.8a -Two new scenes with Caulifla and Mama briefs -Introduced new fetish
v.0.8 Changelog:
Major additions: - Cinematic Lighting Overhaul - Added lots more save slots - Cleaned up some in game systems Story Additions: - Introduced new story arc "Time Travel Arc" - Added Android 21 and scenes - Added Videl scene (Use the dragon balls to reset prisoner progress to get this) - Added Bulma's mother - Videl is now released Any issues let us know!
We will be releasing updates in smaller doses now due to the large flle size and to deliver the project quicker.
v0.7c Major addition: Introduced Caulifla Flirting
Story Additions: - Android 18 scene added (Sleeping in her room) - Queen Phineapple scene added - Caulifla flirting scenes added - General story updates
v0.7b Major Changes: - Adjusted the starting section of the game to remove grinding - Higher quality images - Introduced shop system - Introduced costume CG system - Added option to reset Videl's scenes via summoning the Dragon (For those who want to experience it)
Story Additions: - Android 18 route continued - Videl scene - Vados scenes - Introduced some new story characters
General NOTES:
Videl's scenes ONLY appear if you having the summoning ability.
v0.7 Major Changes: - Added Space Map Screen - Added Both Universes - Added Android Save Capability (Player's Room) - Added Free Roam style gameplay Story Additions: - 18's route added - Introduced player's mortal (Every planet has a scene!) - Universe 7 Planets: - Kal - Lok - Antosia Universe 6 Planets: - Sadala - Zoret - Adala - Sirloin - Plus some more additions!
v0.5 Changelog:
Main Changes:
- Added Save Compatibility
- Introduced new style of fighting
- Extending Prayers
- Added Bulma
- Added Capsule Corp location
- Added Yamcha
- Added Yamcha placeholder
- Added Freiza
- Added Sidra
- Added Ivan
- Added new outfits to be placed in future updates
v.0.4 Main Changes:
- Graphic overhaul
- Menu overhaul
- Image and text scaling issues
- Introduced CYOA type gameplay
- Added Android 18
- Added Android 18 path and scenes
- Added Heles
- Added Oracle Fish
- Added Reputation stat
- Added Morality stat
- Added Tuffle soldiers art
- Added Towa warriors art (Placeholder)
- Added Player's field background
- Added Prayer system
- Added Planet destruction minigame
- Reduced Training numbers
- Reduced stats required to progress
- Many more
If you find any bugs, please drop us a message or let us know so that we can fix it immediately!
Remember to leave any suggestions, story ideas and character ideas in the comments so that we can take a look at them!
Thanks to those supporting us , and those who write and leave feedback for us to read, it is all incredibly important and appreciated.
v.0.3 Changelog: Main Changes:
- Removed ALL placeholder art
- Mac, Linux and Android version
- Added new Logo
- Added new home screen
- New Menu Interface
- Zeno introduction scene
- Added flirt option for Vados
- Added Vados handjob scene
- Added flirt option for Queen Phineapple
- Added Queen Phineapple blowjob scene
- Introduced North Galaxy storyline
- Player Planet Background
- Tuffle Space Station Background
- Many more
v.0.2 - Added Caulifla
- Added Training sequence
- Added reaction style sequence
- Added Vados Sparring scenes
- Added first style UI
- Added World Map
- Added new images
- Under the hood stuff
7-08-2024 the english version of the Divine Adventure game has been updated.
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