JPDE - Sonata of Fire for android

Game description JPDE - Sonata of Fire
(2024-01-31) v4.6
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here... And the Road to Emerald begins.
What that means? It means that this is the first of the updates which will bring us to JPDE 5.0, which will include Emerald's Custom Ending and bring Sonata of Fire ever so close to its FINAL FORM.
This is a first step! This update, 4.6, contains a LOT of bug fixes -thank you, Renpy god, for the constant updates that make life so much easier!- and a much requested feature: YOU CAN NOW SKIP ALL THE BATTLE CONTENT IN THE GAME WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE STORY!
That's right! While we are reworking and updating the battle system to something more humane, helped by the experience we've gained in developing JPDE2 [which is A DIRECT SEQUEL TO JPDE1, it seems that a lot of people were confused about that!] you will now be able to skip everything, making repeated plays much quicker! Right now, you can only choose to battle or not battle at the beginning of the game but that will also disappear once the new battle system is in place.
More features are coming! A fully functional gallery, music player, and MORE! JPDE2 may be the future, but JPDE1 is not done just yet!
- Meinos Kaen
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here...! And it's finally time for 4.5! For the public, that is.
The update has been a while coming, but unfortunately, Patreon funding has gone a little down in the last few months, which means that we can only work on so many projects at the same time... And Team JPDE had to focus on GalaxiA! Our first original game, which is also necessitating actually making a real company out of us. The pilot for Galaxia is going to come out for free right on Itch and localized in Italian and Ukrainian.
But that doesn't mean that we can or have forgotten about JPDE... Or its sequel. On that front, be sure to keep your ears perked up...
Anyway, Sonata of Fire 4.5! This release contains:
- Extra Art for Blake's Ending!
- Extra, ahem, night-time activities for Blake
- A 2nd Date for Kali Belladonna!
- The prototype for the new Battle System, contained in the Blake VS Evelyn Battle!
- More Voice acting!
Thanks for your support and love so far! See you on the 5th of October with GalaxiA's pilot episode!
JPDE SoF Lewds - Blake's Dance AfterParty
It's finally here... The Blake Dance has been completed, with full CG art and the after-dance Lewd!
You just need to install the RPA as usual and enjoy!
Warning - This new version of the RPA needs JPDE Sonata of Fire version 4.5 to work.
- Meinos Kaen
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here... And it's finally complete.
With the addition of Blake Belladonna Team RWBY, in its entirety, now has a custom ending!
Alongside the fact that the battle system is being revamped and that we're running out of characters to nominate for the Supporters Polls, this release kind of signals the end of an era... From now on, updates for JPDE will be character focused: Supporters on Patreon and Ko-Fi will vote on which character to focus on next. After that character has had their content fully realized, we will then move to the next one.
Some big changes are coming for JPDE2 - Adagio of Darkness, too. If you've joined the Discord Community of Team JPDE you might already have an idea as to what those changes might be. If not, I invite you to join :D Also because it's the only place where you can report bugs of any kind~
Also, in case you haven't seen it, we've announced the title of our very first completely original game: GalaxiA! You can find the game's own website right here :D
Stay tuned for more information and I wish you a great month of May!
- Meinos Kaen
4.20 is here! Big shout out to Rasnec for being the main writer of this release's event, to MagnificentBeard for his work with editing and audio (you'll find more voice lines and emotional bits in the game, now), and to KorDen for his help with actually making sure the game works :)
With that said, please report any bugs to our Discord community and...
Professor Peach (2nd Event) - Rasnec has worked on this from beginning to end, with only minimal editing from me and Beard... So hope you're ready to lay into him as you would me ;D
Penny's Cheongsang Outfit, Evelyn's Maid Costume - As it says on the tin... Remember that once you finish the game for the first time, you're able to activate costume changes even from the beginning of the game ;)
New and Updated Voice Lines - Magnificent Beard keeps on delivering, and so do our voice actors :)
Amber Dreamscape - Ciel Soleil Episode - This should have come out before Halloween... It didn't. But I hope that even if it's out of season, you'll like it all the same. You may notice that the lewd doesn't have super-smooth animations this time but... Something else. ;) Hope you enjoy anyway~
That's it for this release, everyone! I will see you in the next one in 2023... With Blake's dance event and custom ending. :)
4.20.1 - Bugfixes for the new costumes for the girls
- Meinos Kaen
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here! JPDE is back with a few updates! I mean, on top of the usual ones.
First of all, you may have heard that Patreon has made some... Changes to their company. These changes, and the way they were communicated to the public, left a few not exactly feeling well.
Some of our supporters asked us if there were other ways to support the team since they didn't feel comfortable with Patreon anymore... Which is why we refurbished and opened a Ko-Fi Page!
Second, we may have already mentioned them in past posts, but we're adding the profiles of two new team members to the TEAM JPDE Profile page, so let me re-introduce them: MagnificentBeard, who's taking care of Audio Editing and Voice Acting Direction, and Rasnec, who's helping with Sonata of Fire's writing! Hope you will enjoy their work! ^^
With that said...
Ruby&Yang (1st Event) - This is not the first date Rasnec works on, but it's the first 'high-profile' one, so to speak. Ruby and Yang will have a day out and who knows how it will go... :p
New and Updated Voice Lines - With the addition of Magnificent Beard to the team, not only are we still adding new voice lines to the game but from now on we'll be able to fill the game with Emotive Sound Lines and re-work the audio of older voice lines. Playing JPDE - Sonata of Fire will become a completely new experience!
Amber Dreamscape - Neopolitan Episode - And, uhm, for those of you who enjoy... Spicy situations, there's a new addition, featuring everyone's favorite double-haired sociopath... Wearing a traditional Ukrainian dress (because of a bet, anyway... SLAVA!)
That's it for this release! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter (we've passed 1000 followers!) and join the community on Discord. And, boy...
Do we have something special for you coming soon in the spooky season~
- Meinos Kaen
(2022-07-31) v4.16
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here... BACK FROM VACATIOOOOOOOOON! The members of Team JPDE are going on vacation, each one on their own time. For me, it was from the mid until the end of July.
And now that I'm back, there's some stuff to do. Starting with this very public release...! :D
Gwen Darcy (1st Date) - There's more Team NDGO love coming your way! You may remember Gwen and Octavia being involved in Evelyn's 2nd date, and now Gwen gets her own character-specific event!
Cinder Fall (Epilogue Add On) - So, you may know that there are certain dates that are called Complementary, aka: they affect and change the ending of the main story even if the character involved isn't brought to the date... Cinder Fall is one of these. I'd suggest running the epilogue again...
New Outfits - As you can see from the above picture, this update includes a new casual outfit for Blake and the Beacon Uniform outfit for Weiss! Which means that now, there's only one member of team RWBY without her uniform...!
New Voice Lines - Evelyn and Penny get more voice-acted lines added to the game in this update! Thanks to the efforts of Magnificent Beard, a new member of the JPDE team who will be dealing exclusively with the voice-acting!
That's it for this release! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter (we've passed 1000 followers!) and join the community on Discord. And maybe follow the team here on Itch because, in case you hadn't seen it on our Patreon already, there's a brand new game coming your way... ;)
- Meinos Kaen
(2022-06-05) v4.15.1
Damn, guys. Today has been raining cats and dogs, but the weather says that tomorrow it's going to be puuurfect. Other than that though, I had my family come visit from Italy and it was a nice long weekend so I'm feeeling quite feline! ;D
Because, if the previous release was about Chocolate, this one is all about cats! Well, cat ladies, to be fair! Because, what you get this month is...!
Neon Katt (1st Date Rewrite/Upgrade) - Once again, Rasnec helped write this and he's coming into his own! Thanks to his ideas, I'm happy to say that Neon's first date has been rewritten and from now on Neon Katt's Route is Complementary, as mentioned Discord. That means that, just like Pyrrha's and Neo's routes, they will count as valid if you bring it to a certain number of dates and will affect the ending no matter who you bring to the dance!
Blake Belladonna (Sprite Update) - And speaking of dancing, may I remind everyone that Blake Belladonna won the latest Battle Royale on Patreon. Which means that this summer you're getting her dance event and custom event. Also, we upgraded her base sprite... And a sneak peek of her dance dress. ;)
...wait a minute, that third one is NOT in the game files this month! Where did it come from? Also, how many ribbons does she have?! O_O
Kali Belladonna (1st Date) - It's finally here! The 1st Date for Fan Favourite MILF Kali Belladonna! Her Date is the first of its kind as I wanted to try and code/write a new kind of event... Pay attention to this one ;)
And finally, the biggest update for this month might be that JPDE and CBLT (another RWBY fan-game with which we had, ahem, history) are now on good terms again and are thus collaborating! Check out CBLT's latest release here!
That's it for this month! Please remember to also follow us on our newly upgraded Twitter as we come closer and closer to JPDE2's first public release!
- Meinos Kaen
Ciel Soleil (2nd Date) - First of all, because Ciel got her 2nd date! Which is also the first date written in collaboration with Rasnec! People from our Discord know him as one of our admins, from today is a writer on the JPDE team ;D
Emerald Sustrai (4th Date) - Then, we have Emerald Sustrai's 4th and final date! Which means that she's now eligible for her custom date and special ending! By the way, did I mention that this month we're having another vote for the next custom ending on Patreon?
Amber's Dreamscape - And finally, Amber opens for us a new kind of -ahem- night-time activity. With this new release, we inaugurate a completely new kind of lewd! Completely new in how you access it in-game but also completely new as in the... Presentation. :) You'll see once you get there.
Enter Evelyn (CG UPDATE) - Ah, also, Evelyn's introduction now got updated CGs! :D
Russian Language Support - You can now switch from English to Russian without needing to download a totally separate version!
That's all for this month! I invite you to follow us on Twitter as well, and, again: this month Patrons will decide on the next custom ending!
- Meinos Kaen
Voice Acting Update - And by that I mean that we added around 300 new voice lines to the game! For Penny Polendina, we gave her lines all the way up to the Party at Junior. For Evelyn Damerot, we added lines all the way up to the Fight with the Oppel!
Penny and Ruby 1st Date - The doltz have their first event together! This includes, as always, a CG piece!
And next month... Oh boy >:3 Hope you've been following our Discord or Twitter, because while Patreon is the place where to find out the State of J.P.D.E. projects and nominate what comes next in them, for ToS reasons, the more adult-only stuff is to be discussed elsewhere, as the Discord goers have recently been discussing...
Before leaving you, I wanted to remind you all: Patreon doesn't allow me to put a cap on how much money you can give the team -which is kind of insane- so I want to remind you that at the end of the day, no matter how much you love our work, these are still videogames, and your hard earned money should go towards bettering your life first.
I appreciate your support but I ask you try and keep the pledge around the level of the Tier, or if you really want to give us extra, stop at 100$.
With that said, I hope you enjoy this update! I'll see you next month!
- Meinos Kaen
Damn it has been a WHILE! Last release was on the 15th of August! Apologies, everyone, but as you may know if you follow us on our Discord or my Personal Twitter, fall hasn't been... Easy. Let's not focus on difficult or sad things anymore, though, because 4.11 IS HERE! Which means that the YANG ENDING IS HERE! AND NOT JUST THAT!
This is an update also for Patrons, since I've added some fixes from 4.1 and some new stuff... Anyway!
Yang Xiao Long [DANCE+CUSTOM ENDING] - Three quarters of Team RWBY now have their own custom ending. Yang's own, in particular, is very intertwined with her mother's. So you will need to have more than her dates to go to her ending...! WHICH IS WHY:
Day 75 Crossroad FIXED - We've finally fixed that thing that forced you to choose between having access to Qrow, Raven, Winter and Kali! The only character that still needs you to be in time is Winter, since the scene that unlocks her path is tied to a main story scene so... Other than her, you can now unlock Qrow, Raven and Kali at any point, which should give you plenty of breathing room! And speaking of Kali.
Kali Meeting Rewrite - Kali's first date has been voted for by Patrons and will soon be coming to the game. This led me to review the small scene she has been into so far and made me rewrite it in light of where the route for cat-mom is going. Think of it as a preview of things to come...
New Costumes - As you can see above, this release adds custom sprites for Nora (GOTH), Blake (UNIFORM) and Penny (MAID)! Blake's uniform is automatically unlocked, no need to buy it in the in-game shop!
That's it for this release! Big thanks to all the artists and fans, as always. I invite you to follow us on Twitter to not miss any updates and, if you feel inclined and have the money to spare, please support us on Patreon!
- Meinos Kaen
P.S.: Oh, right. You need this release to install the newest lewds, Ice & Fire! TWO new lewds, specifically the ones for Yang's and Weiss's endings!
(2021-08-18) v4.04
So apparently the RAM wasn't having a temp thing... It needed to be completely replaced. The new one is 20% faster too so, that's a gain... And speaking of gains, JPDE Sonata of Fire 4.04 is here, as promised! PUNCTUAL FOR ONCE!
No new dates in this one as we're prepping for Yang's dance, finale, and lewd, but you get more costumes -as you can see in the image-, more voice-acted points for Evelyn and Penny and some quality of life fixes... Including that you can now use all of Evelyn's costumes in the final stretch of the game. You won't get any errors trying to fight the final boss in her bikini. :p
Once again, please leave any bug reports and feedback on our usual community Discord server.
- Meinos Kaen
(2021-07-20) v4.03
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here with 4.03!
This mid-release update adds a few fixes to issues that have been signaled on our Discord Server and... it's finally time for a completely new lewd! A story lewd! It's time for ginger android lewds!
Penny takes front and center in this new lewd. Go to the link, apply the patch and enjoy!
Note - This version of the lewd patch needs JPDE version 4.03 to work.
- Meinos Kaen
Yeah, apparently, RAM can suddenly decide to be a dick and start making your computer act like a fool. Thankfully, it seems that now it's not doing it anymore and no data was lost in the process. Still, apologies for the slight delay.
JPDE Sonata of Fire 4.0.2 is here! You'll notice we changed the naming convention, that way we can keep integer numbers 3/4/5 for actual big updates. We're going with centesimal numbers, now... And what do these new numbers bring you? :3
Malachite Twins [3rd Event] - You're back on the job at Junior's and the more time you spend working there the more money you make but also, the more you get to know your senpais... ;D
Ciel Soleil [1st Event] - If one android girl in your life isn't enough then wait until you get a load of Ciel Soleil! What will our beret-wearing specialist bring to the table?
New Outfits x 5 - As it says on the tin, with this release we add: David's Work Clothes, Ciel's Android 18 Cosplay, Coco's Helltaker Justice Cosplay, Glynda's Swimsuit, May's Sleepwear :3
Voice Acting 1.0
In case you missed it, we held a casting call for the roles of Evelyn Damerot and Penny Polendina. Starting with this release, we're going to fill the game with their voice lines and emotional SFX! BUT THIS ALSO MEANS THAT WE NEED YOU TO GIVE US A NEW KIND OF FEEDBACK!
With voices involved, balancing audio levels of music, SFX and voice acting will be more important than ever. If you find any Audio tracks or sounds that are too loud/overpowering/distorted and impede clear hearing of the voice acting, or any errors/mistakes with the voice acting lines please report such instances on our Discord server.
That's it for 4.0.2! Hope you enjoy it and hope you're excited for more news about the sequel... We'll soon have more than just art to share. Just a little bit more! Losing our programmer set us back but didn't kill us ;3
- Meinos Kae
(2021-05-08) v3.9.1
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here and welcome to JPDE 3.9.1! Which marks the beginning of a de-typoization process which you can help with by joining our Discord and signaling them alongside the usual bugs...
Anyway, this is another but the last release which only contains a single date as content! Amaco, our sprite artist, is BACK which means new sprites are back which means he can make the new sprites I need for the dates. Fufufufu... Well, without further ado...!
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.9.1?
Glynda Goodwitch - 2nd Event - Glynda Goodwitch is back with a brand new event and a brand new batch of problems for our poor students subject to the particular kind of chaos she will bring down on us...!
BUG HUNT - We've started a regular process of collecting bug warnings from the community and acting on them, alongside the typos that the game still has in it... So from now on, whenever you come to the Community Discord, please be sure to tag in our bug-meister Rasnec. :p
If you know anyone who might be interested, please be sure to share the information from our Twitter account! This kind of stuff is only possible because of our Patreon supporters so if you can spare the support... You know :p
Have a good one and I'll see you very soon with another MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT...
- Meinos Kaen
(2021-04-12) v3.8
Hey, everyone! Hope you've had plenty of yummy food and chocolate eggs on Easter, despite not being able to go outside to pick them up... In the meanwhile, please accept this offering!
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.8?
Professor Peach - 1st Event - Professor Peach has her first event in the game! What kind of interactions will you have with the vanguard of DUST SCIENCE in Beacon?!
Bug Fix and Typo: we've started a community effort to find all the typos I've missed in the game! Also, from 3.7 we fixed a MAJOR bug that made you go to the Dance with Weiss no matter what.
That's pretty much it for this month but in May, Amaco comes back which means we can do more... Also, we're 25$ away from the first Voice Acting goal on the JPDE Patreon! I invite you to support us and notify us about any bugs and typos on the community Discord and to follow us on Twitter! Also, if you want to follow me personally, I have a new official Twitter account.
And after long deliberation, I've decided what kind of story I'm going to write...!
- Meinos Kaen
Hallo thar, Meinos Kaen here with a smol update for you! Why smol? Because our beautiful Patrons, when asked, decided that they wanted all of Weiss's Endgame in one release instead of breaking up Dance and Vytal Events in two releases.
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.7?
Gwen Darcy - Hinata (Naruto) Costume - As it says on the tin! Gwen's got a new costume and it's ninja inspired ;D Speaking of, Amaco -our sprite and concept artist- is on break for March and April, which means we'll see new artwork only starting in May.
Weiss Schnee - Dance Event & Alternate Ending - The meat of this release! Weiss Schnee is the second person to get their Dance Event and Alternate Ending! What happens to Weiss during the Fall? What changes does she bring to the Vytal Festival? Only one way to find out...!
Random Fixes - Writing a new alternate ending for the game allowed me to go through the finale again with a fine toothed comb. Typos are gone, some things have been added, others have been modified... The works.
That's it for this month! As always, notify us about any bugs on the community Discord, the best place to be for JPDE fans. :3 I invite you to support Team JPDE's projects on our Patreon (voice acting is coming!) and to follow us on Twitter! Also, if you want to follow me personally, I have a new official Twitter account and...
The people have spoken.
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.6?
Just three things, really.
Titania's 1st Date - Our blob-born amazon has now her first route event! This includes a CG Piece by the talented Sa-Dui, as always!
Pyrrha Nikos - Starfire (Teen Titans) Costume - You read that right. Red for red! And speaking of costumes...
Shopping Trick Fix - Some of the more entrepreneurial-minded players had found a little trick to get all the costumes in-game without spending money... That's gone, now. :3
That's it for this month! As always, notify us about any bugs on the community Discord, the best place to be for JPDE fans. :3 I invite you to support Team JPDE's projects on our Patreon and to follow us on Twitter! Also, if you want to follow me personally, I have a new official Twitter account and a couple of personal projects coming...
Also, just to show you we are actually working on Weiss's, here's a little preview ;)
(2020-12-07) v3.5.1
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.5.1?
Freezeburn 2nd Date - Things come to a close as Yang and Weiss realize that their respective romantic interests are actually...!
Qrow's 1st Date (Bug Fix) - Fixed a bug that prevented people to go on the first date with Qrow Branwen!
Coco's 3rd Date (Bug Fix) - Fixed a bug that prevented people to go on the third date with Coco Adele!
Bolin Hori's Introduction - Last time we added Bolin Hori in the game, as per Patreon request... This month we actually have him interact with the main cast!
Sprites System Overhaul - From now on extra sprites will have to be unlocked in-game. Some can be bought at the Main Street Shop, others can be automatically unlocked by going on certain dates, etc... The common thing to all of them is that once you unlock something in one playthrough they will be available to you from the beginning of each subsequent one, just like Coco's phone number.
New Sprites Added - This month we're adding a booming six new sprite sets! You get:
Pyrrha Nikos - Swimsuit
Sierra Taipan - Swimsuit
Amber - Casual Outfit
David di Kabegis - Walter C. Dornez Outfit
Evelyn Damerot - Zatanna Outfit
Velvet Scarlatina - Pyjama Outfit
More additions and modifications are coming! Also, there's probably not going to be a major release in December since I'll try and go back to my home country for Christmas and, obviously, I won't be able to bring my desktop with me. But there's something special coming your way...
With that said, I hope you enjoy this new release! Don't forget to notify us about any bugs on the community Discord, or just drop in for a chat. :3 I invite you to support Team JPDE's projects on our Patreon and to follow us on twitter! Also, if you want to follow me personally, I have a new official twitter account!
- Meinos Kaen
What's new in Sonata of Fire 3.4?
October has been mostly an adjustment month for us. Reviewing our workflow, redistributing resources and people to see how to better go forward with our projects... But that doesn't mean this release brings nothing new to the table! ;D
Ren's 1st Date - The very first manxman romance route IS FINALLY STARTING! :D
Malachite Twins' 2nd Date - Go back to Junior where secrets are revealed... Well, hinted at, and a new very special member of the club appears...
New Sprites - This month we have one new character joining us, Bolin Hori, and two extra outfits for already established characters... As you can see below.
extra outfits.jpg
Dreams of Jade (Full Version) - You may have heard this track already while fighting the game's final boss... But did you know that there's a version with vocals? That version now plays in the ending scene of JPDE and soon will be the background of the credits! You can check the lyrics video for it right below... With Vocals by the talented AnnaPantsu (and me)!
- Meinos Kaen
(2020-10-13) v3.3.1
JPDE 3.3.1.jpg
Ladies and gentlemen... It's finally here.
Four years in the making. Four years since I first started creating this little project that has evolved beyond my wildest expectations and brought me places I would never have expected and now, the finish line: the main story for JPDE - Sonata of Fire is complete.
First of all, a small apology. This release is entirely main story focused. There are some small QoL improvements but most of our focus over the last two months has been almost exclusively on the main storyline... Which is not to say that we haven't also been working on the rest of the stuff, as you can see here. ;3
So, as not to spoil the final act of this story, instead of the usual What's new? we bring you...
What's next for JPDE now that the story is finished? October is going to be a transitory month, meaning we're going to catch up on the two Route Events -Ren's and the Malachite's- that need to be inserted, the extra outfits and characters. Also, we're going to decide on a schedule to add more Dance Dates and Final Events, Lewds, Updated CGs, Lewds, proper credits, Lewds, an updated version of a song with a vocalist... The main story may be complete but JPDE still can be polished up. :)
Other than that, there are the other projects we are working on which you can find out about on our Patreon, Website or Discord. And then, of course, there's JPDE2 which is already in the works. :) It's going to be a pretty different beast from JPDE so... Be ready. ;D
With that said, there's nothing for me to do but remind you, as always, to come to our Community Discord to signal any bugs and get tech assistance and enjoy this final chapter in the story of Sonata of Fire!
- Meinos Kaen
(2020-07-30) v3.25
Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here and SWIMSUITS!
Okay, yes, there's also the fact that I've added a number of sprites to a lot of characters so that their extra outfits don't randomly disappear in certain events...
Also, I've added a direct in-game link to the JPDE Encyclopaedia I'm now writing on World Anvil. Just like the lewds and Coco's Costume changes, you can access it through your scroll.
JPDE SoF Lewd - Bella A. Ivory, Madonna Arc Story
This lewd actually marks the end of a cycle. You see, back in the day when I first started making JPDE, we would have a monthly Lewd Poll... Except both my skills and the lack of a good artist for it made the lewds pile-up and it's literally only now, four years in, that that list of lewds to do is now complete.
So, to celebrate, I invite you to download the BELLA, MADONNA lewd pack, and follow the installation instructions on the inside. To unlock it in-game, you must first have passed day 154 and then talk to Madonna Arc.
Have fun!
Hope you're having a great summer, I will be going on vacation myself from the 1st of August until the 16th. See you in two weeks!
- Meinos Kaen
(2020-07-27) v3.20
Sprite Selection Fix - Fixed a small bug with the sprites in the new phone-based system.
Endgame Content 70% Complete - Team JPDE goes to the Quarter-Finals, where they face off against Team FNKI! Will the go to the semi-finals? This includes two CG pieces, one from Sa-Dui and one from Chocojax!
Freezeburn (1st Date) - You can now go on your first event with both Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao-Long! This includes a CG piece by Sa-Dui!
Coco Adel (3rd Date) - You can now go on your third event with Coco Adel! This includes a CG piece by Sa-Dui!
Velvet's 3rd Date (Bug Fix) - Fixed a bug that rendered impossible progressing Velvet's route.
Team FNKI Battle Theme (Music) – This month's Jonathan Johnson takes charge of musical endeavors, with a battle theme tailor-made for the Team FNKI battle...
Advanced Ultimatum (Music) - And another variation of JPDE's main theme, battle style. :D
That's it for 3.2 but! Keep an eye out for 3.25 later this week, because... It's gonna be sexy ;D
- Meinos Kaen
(2020-06-22) v3.15
Meinos Kaen here with some bug fixes and QoL of life updates that I bet will make many people happy!
It's about Sprites Changes. So far, it's been a tricky thing to make happen, since it made the player jump through a couple loops... Well, no longer! You can now change a character's sprite just by accessing your scroll in-game, which means you can change sprites at any time!
Not only that but I've made the sprite-change tied to a permanent switch. What does that mean? It means that, once you've unlocked it, it will be unlocked by default on every subsequent playthrough from the moment you get your Scroll! It's the first step towards New Game+, everybody!
Just the first step, because, we're planning on completely reworking the way sprites are obtained and with that, many more aspects of the game's social activities.
New Lewd: Winter Schnee, Madonna Arc
(2020-06-16) v3.10/v3.11
Endgame Content 50% Complete - Vytal Tournament has started, and the Round of 16 is here! This includes two CGs, one by Sa-Dui and one by ArsonicArtz!
?.?.?.L.E. Class L????ip (Background) - BunnyVoid is working round the clock on another massive background which is a learning opportunity for new processes that will help us tremendously in the future...
Nora Valkyrie (3rd Date) - You can now go on your third event with Nora Valkyrie! This includes a CG piece by Sa-Dui!
Nora Valkyrie (4th Date) - You can now go on your fourth event with Nora Valkyrie! This includes a CG piece by Sa-Dui!
Team NDGO Battle Theme (Music) – After the main theme of Team NDGO, now comes to their battle theme, made by our very own OddTillTheEnd.
Final Advance (Music) - Another variation on JPDE's main theme Advance, this time in an... Epic fashion. ;)
Yatsuhashi Daichi (New Character) - Team CFVY is now complete!
Note - As we're currently overhauling the Sprite Selection system, the following sprites are not available to use in the game yet.
Evelyn Damerot (Swimsuit Sprite) - The Summer is Magic! Maaaaagic!
Penny Polendina (Swimsuit Sprite) - Woohoohooo!
Titania (Swimsuit Sprite) - The Summer is magic!
Ruby Rose (Slayer Outfit) - ...not summery but still good :3
Gallery (Code) - The gallery is now open! We're going to gradually add all the CGs from the game!
Music Room (Code) - As above, the music room is now open and we're going to gradually add all the music tracks from the game!
That's it for 3.1! As an added PSA, ArsonicArtz is closing commission work to focus on his studies. Fortunately, there are a few images that have been worked on already you still have to see... Still, I want to thank him for all his work so far and hope to see him working with us again very soon.
As always, I invite you to support us on Patreon and to signal any bugs on our Discord. Since we've only recently applied the new GUI, any feedback on hard to read colors and positions is very welcome.
- Meinos Kaen
v3.11 fixes an issue with older save files compatibility and also a wrongly assigned string of dialogue.
How to install JPDE - Sonata of Fire for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
If you don't see the channel, open in your browser, log in, then Menu > Settings > Privacy and Security > Disable Filtering

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If you have questions about installation, feel free to refer to the "installation help" section for detailed instructions. Don't forget to also share your impressions and leave a review of the game JPDE - Sonata of Fire, the latest update of which took place on 1-02-2024.
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