Gail & Cindy are both secretaries in the firm, XYZ_Corporation. They both wish to grow at their work place and aim to be the Personal Assistant/Project Manager of their CFO (i.e Dave). Gail is an independent women in her late 20's who works works very hard to make a fruitful career. She has been working at the firm for three years now. Cindy is a newly recruited woman, in her early 40's and is very clever to get her ways at work. She tries to sleep her way to the top, Gail feels her career is at stake and decides to play the game herself, in spite of her morality trying to restrict her.
2022-11-07 The Magical Hobo (Fan-fiction, commissioned by a fan/client)
Episode 3 v0.2 Now you can hide the in-game buttons at the top right corner. To make these changes you guys can go to preference -> Ingame button -> to hide the top right corner buttons.
You can tweak the dialogue/text box. To make these changes you guys can go to preference -> dialogue box -> to change the text box-related things and
Changes that you can make in the text box : - Box background - Text Outline - Text-box Height - Text- box Width - Text-box Opacity - Text Size
I've introduced an animation player in this update. You can change the speed of the animations (as of now I've only introduced 2 pre-defined speeds but later on you'll be able to change it between 5 different speeds according to your needs) To change the speed you can either use left-right keys on your keyboard or use the slider on the left corner. After you've watched the animation use the button next to the slider to move forward/ proceed with the content. Instead of adding WebM videos directly (which loses 90% of the video quality after the conversion), I feed in WebP images to the animation player which complies it and runs the animation for the user.
Added approx 1150 new renders for this update.
Added 7 new animations each of 90 frames.
Added one more animation (Please check the 'Flashback' scene)
For previous episodes, now you can choose to skip the scenes with Nathan
Situational texts and thoughts can be now customised. Go to -> preference ->Dialog box -> scroll down and makes the changes you want.
Added 5 different speeds to the animations. (Use the left-right keys or the slider on the top left corner)
Errors regarding relationships/names not showing correctly have been fixed.
Replay Gallery updated to the current version.
The text after the spa event which was showing the wrong dialogues has been fixed as well.
Ep.3 v0.1 Fix Was receiving a lot of complaints regarding the textbox so I got it fixed in this update. Also now you can hide the in-game buttons at the top right corner. Fixed minor bugs and spelling mistakes as well.
To make these changes you guys can go to preference -> dialogue box -> to change the text box related things and preference -> Ingame button -> to hide the top right corner buttons.
Changes that you can make in the text box :
- Box background - Text Outline - Text-box Height - Text- box Width - Text-box Opacity - Text Size
Ep 3 v0.1 - All known and reported bugs are fixed. - All known and reported typos are fixed. - Update contains 1500+ renders. - 6100 lines of text added. - Gallery updated with the latest wallpapers. - Replay Gallery updated, contains all scenes up to ep3v0.1. - The cab scene has been removed from the main plot but not to worry you can easily find it in the replay gallery.
- Added two very short scenes a. Small wardrobe malfunction in the pink dress right after removing the bra. b. Upskirt in the black dress right after removing the thongs.
- Quite a lot of GUI customization for better visuals a. Changed fonts, in-game text, character name and normal dialogue text. b. Changed size of the fonts as well. c. New text box added and made it more transparent for better visuals. d. Changed the frames and borders as well.
- Added new animated main menu background. - Added background music to the main menu. - Credits section is updated.
2021-09-21 Added: The Meeting
Episode 2 v0.2 ~300 new renders. 3 new animations. ~ 1500 new lines of code. Fixed few bugs and errors from the previous release. Fixed typos found in earlier episodes.
Episode 2 v0.1 ~ 2000-3000 new lines of code ~ 450-500 new renders Added cheat mod to the game ( please only use it if you’re stuck in btw options or else don’t otherwise the point system becomes useless) Fixed almost all the bugs found in earlier episodes (Specially the boutique one too) Fixed typos found in earlier episodes Gallery and credit section not updated for this release.
~350 New Renders v0.3 itself. ~3000 New codes of line. Updated credits Updated gallery All bugs found in beta fixed Rework done on previous version in this update ~100 New Renders for v0.2 & v0.1 Fixed the first animation Added 2 new animation A lot of script changes done Redid the character 'Cindy'
v0.2 ~400 new renders ~2000 lines of code Added morality points (Corruption, Lesbianism, Loving_girlfriend) Added relationship points with each character in the game Added credits section Added gallery section Its totally interactive and choice based. Depending on the choices made future actions/scenes will be affected.
v0.1 First release
28-07-2023 the english version of the The Office game has been updated.
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