Bright Past for android

Game description Bright Past
However, this time we are doing it on a completely different level! In the current version you can meet the main characters, learn about their background and game setting in general.
As you can see in the screenshot, the game will take place in the modern world. The main character will be a girl. The genre of the project can be described as a sandbox with elements of the quest an RPG.
Added French language
Story and Characters
Added final concert
New final game scene
Completion of Sarah's storyline:
Alex tries his hand at being a spy
New character (MILF NPC)
Reworked Jill's diary in all languages
Audio Content
Improved quality of all music tracks
Added two new bands to the rock bar
Multiple new original compositions
Economy and Gameplay
New type of daily earnings after Sarah's Quest
Increased interest rates on bank deposits
Improved webcam career system:
Accelerated development
Removed limit on weekly broadcasts
After breakfast with Jane, you no longer have to go to work with her
Interface and Visuals
Updated main menu
Reworked opening scenes
Increased number of save slots
Display of book reading progress
Updated Alice Dark poster
Updated Sister's appearance
New original reflections in the shelter mirror
Content Changes
New television programs
Updated books in the library
New magazines in Evelyn's drawer
Replaced poster at the rehersal spot
Added new scenes to the gallery
Technical Improvements
Fixed multiple bugs
Improved user interface
Repair of old scenes
Tanya's appearance at college ahead of time.
Error in the yoga class shower.
Error at Ash's wedding when wearing an evening dress.
The Christmas costume can now be disabled in the smartphone menu.
As you probably know, I'm actively bringing the game to version 1.0. And it's not as exciting as I would like. I've been playing Bright Past for over a month and fixing all the problems I encounter along the way. These changes are not so noticeable at first glance, but they are necessary for the correct operation of all components and for the overall experience of the game.
First, before the release of version 1.0, I plan to get rid of all content that may violate copyright.
All bonus cards have been replaced with original AI versions.
The magazines in Rick's room and Snake's have also been replaced.
The "Strength of Impact" parameter has been completely removed. The cake that temporarily increases this parameter now increases Inspiration. In the gym, you can now pump up only Strength.
Many endgame bugs have been fixed. Many old scenes now take into account Alex's intimate haircut, including animations. Some scenes have received improved quality. Music and bugs have also been fixed.
Many scenes that were previously mandatory can now be skipped for more convincing roleplaying. The skipped scenes will not be included in the gallery.
New scene with Letty after the casting
1 new location.
Many missing scenes have been added to the gallery.
Ryder's buddies have received updated unique appearances.
-Reading system and 12 new magazines. Now you can read magazines at home or in the Vault. Some magazines can be bought at the Newsstand or in the Red Quarter, and some will have to be found in the world.
-Every 3rd magazine will have a bonus card hidden in it. This way, you will finally be able to collect all the cards!
-All the music in the game has been replaced with the original. There are no more "silent" locations in the game. Check out the new music and tell me what you think.
-The 4 remaining mirrors now have original images when used.
-On the beach, Alex can now completely n*ked with high courage. You can also now lie down with Adele and do something else with her.
-While smoking on the beach n*ked, Alex will be able to relax properly.
-All the images in PORHUBH have been replaced with original AI-generated images.
-When wearing a b*tt plug, Alex will always be aroused (the larger the size, the stronger the effect).
-Condoms are now available for purchase. They will now be needed in the event with the player in the casino. In the future, their scope of application will be expanded.
-The product icons in the store have been replaced with the original ones.
-It is now possible to refuse Jane and Penelope intimacy if you want to roleplay as heterosexual Alex. At the same time, Penny will continue to teach you. The design of the quests with her has been modified. I also removed the need to enter the elevator every time you visit.
-Updated old scenes:
Night with Jane
Date with Leo (including posters on the wall)
Gathering the group at Michael's
Changing clothes on the beach
-I also added some new images in a number of old scenes.
-I also replaced some posters in the magazine store
-New smoking scene in the wasteland
-Now for the scene with Paris in the toilet, you don't need a work suit.
-An ice cream kiosk appeared in the southern district.
-After working in the Glory Room, you can watch other girls. Also, now you can walk around the room n*ked.
-New images when working in the casino.
-An advertisement with Alex and a hammer will appear at one of the stops after the second photo shoot.
-Fixed the moment when Adele was in college and on the beach at the same time.
-Fixed the dialogue with Ash, where she talks about her family.
-Fixes of minor bugs and small fixes.
0.99.4 - 2024-10-03
The end of Ash and John's story. A big event where you will visit a cemetery, a wedding and a prison. You will also learn what is hidden behind the conflict between Romeo and Juliet's families. Alex will be able to try on the dress given to her by Jesus once again.
At the event, you will meet a new character. This is Ash's sister, and I think she turned out very cute.
As an experiment, I added 2 new languages, Spanish and Ukrainian. This is a machine translation, and I would like to hear feedback from native speakers of these languages on how good this option is. And maybe some of you will want to edit the machine translation, who knows...
Ash's secret room has been updated, as have all the scenes in it.
Now you can use Ash's "machine" in the presence of the owner. Ash, of course, will not want to just watch.
The scene of using the "machine" has been updated. Animation has also been added.
A realism mode has been added to the game for the bravest. This mode is activated once and disables all hints in the game. If you have completed the game many times and now want to get a new experience, you can try it.
The scene of the first meeting with Rudo and Broom has been slightly changed.
The scene of "seduction" of the car dealership employee has been updated.
The scene of applying a tattoo has been updated
A new cameo character in "Arctic" from one of the top patrons.
The NPC menu has been slightly updated. Interface shifts have been corrected. Now everything looks much more equal.
v.0.99.3 - 2024-08-19
3rd ending. The last ending of the game is ready! This time you can ask the Mistress for help. To do this, you must have established a relationship with her. This ending turned out to be the longest.
Complete rework of the laptop. All sites, icons, and interface were changed. Now Alex has a certain story from the past associated with MugBook. Email has become fully functional. The selection menu has completely disappeared from the laptop. In other words, using it has become much more pleasant.
2 new locations. A shopping street and a place where you can eat a hearty meal have appeared in Chinatown.
The hospital hall and the entrance to the college are filled with people.
1 spam message on a smartphone
1 new bonus card
Noah has been added to the NPC menu
v0.99.2.5 - 2024-07-17
1 new NPC - swimming coach.
Two old NPCs will come here, including a hot scene.
Even more places for makeup received full-fledged images: a casino toilet, a staff room in a casino, a beauty salon, a toilet in a sports complex, the Red Quarter.
New scene with Barbara. This time she will have a very unexpected guest.
When attacked by a bandit with a bat, you can now use a revolver.
Several new interactive objects.
Barbara's warehouse is now open to Alex.
The sex shop has been visually updated.
Several new images for working in Glory Room
After the final webcam event, Valerie and Barbara will no longer be shy and will be able to walk around the apartment topless
All dialogue has been reworked to include the topless option.
Valerie will come to visit your secret hideout. And she will have a surprise for you.
+ 1 animation
Barbara's room has been redesigned
Reworking the sleep scene in the shelter + the “relaxation” scene before bed.
Washbasins are now combined with mirrors into one menu.
I want to make every mirror in the game interactive with unique images. Currently 3 scenes are ready (house bathroom, shelter bathroom, vanity). Images will show current clothing, makeup, tattoos, and "dirt" on the face and chest.
+ Mirror in "Hot Arctic".
Deposit account information is now available on your smartphone. You can manage your account and your money on the card at any time.
1 new achievement
Minor updates to some locations and scenes.
Fixes of dialogues with Paris and Rada in "Hot Arctic"
This is a special update for me because this version will feature original music tracks. Including songs that Alex and the band perform at concerts. Before this, I used random music from the Internet without caring about copyright, but it's time to change that. So far I have replaced only part of the music. I look forward to your feedback on how the new songs will sound from the lips of Alex and Alisa.
The branch with Ruby has been reset. I've added a few new scenes. Now the beginning of a relationship with a red-haired beauty will be more romantic. I also expanded and transformed some of the old scenes with her.
I also updated the early scenes with Valerie (pizza event and trio with Ruby)
After the final webcam event, Alex will be able to spend the night with Barbara. And not only to spend the night...
The smartphone interface has been completely redesigned. Now it looks more like a modern phone. I also added some new features:
- New contacts menu has the ability to rename your contacts
- You can change the wallpaper. There are 20 options, including hot ones.
- 3 new puzzles with original images
- Also, the settings menu and cheat menu have moved here. (Only some functions remain in the cheat menu. I left only those variables that cannot break your game)
The stats window, NPC menu and inventory items have also been improved. Now, I think it will be more convenient for you to use them.
Changed main screen UI. Many icons now have tooltips to reduce confusion.
When you start the game you will see a loading bar
New scenes in the gallery
New bus and metro icons
Many bugs have been fixed and a lot of minor improvements have been made. Thanks to Biggus Dickus and everyone who submitted reports.
Some animations were not displayed. This has been fixed
Display of cum on Alex's face and chest.
Now this will be displayed during dialogues. I had to remake more than 1000 images in different clothes and with different emotions.
The liquid can also be seen on Alex in some scenes.
The reactions of some NPCs have also been added. Some will express disdain, some will express interest, some will express excitement. This option is not yet implemented for all NPCs and not for all possible situations.
In toilets and bathrooms, Alex can wash away everything “extra.” Also, 2 new toilets were added from Pearl Beach and in the Red Quarter.
Several situations have been added that this "special" appearance can trigger:
Jane will be very excited by what she sees
A bandit with a baseball bat will be afraid to touch the “marked” girl.
One of the cafe clients will offer Alex to earn extra money.
A trip on the subway will provoke comments from others.
Margie will get inspired while jogging and want to try it too (if you paired her with Fred)
When searching for Kian, a new item will appear in the dialogue with the administrator.
The locker room in the gym has been updated. A coffee machine and a little secret have been added. You can also meet Barbara changing clothes.
A scene of changing clothes in the gym was also added.
An emergency game repair button has appeared if your interface disappears. Should only be used in emergency cases!
Amanda will sometimes smoke outside the cafe while working. Alex can join her (and get a free cigarette).
The store now has chips to quickly satisfy hunger in addition to cookies.
The game menu has been fixed, namely the page switching buttons. Now they are more convenient, and the page with quick saves has been removed.
The beginning of the line with Ruby has been slightly changed. For older saves, progress will be set back due to several bug complaints.
The book reading system in the library has been updated. Reading progress for old saves will be reset, but your rhetoric will not decrease.
2 new bonus cards
1 new achievement
Alex's "night" jacket has become more revealing, and her pajamas have become more transparent.
Some scenes were redone to take into account the new type of jacket.
Several new dialogues with Barbara
1 new image when working in a cafe
Old images of Alex and Penny in the shower have been remade.
Several new scenes have been added to the gallery.
Updated scene with the "doll" in the red quarter.
Correction of some old scenes, dialogues, interface and balance issues.
Added a second ending option. If you're not comfortable with Colonel White as your assistant, you now have a choice.
New scene with Valerie. You need to watch the series with her. The stage will open only after the final event in the webcam studio.
Alex had the opportunity to relax right in bed before going to bed. The option is available both at night and during the day.
The image of sleeping in her room also changed.
Sister Jesus' appearance has been updated. (My girlfriend said she's sexy now).
3 old scenes have been updated to include pubic hair.
An opportunity arose to stay the night with Valerie.
Alex will sweat if he is in the heat for a long time.
Several graphics and UI edits.
0.98.8 - 2023-11-26
The beginning of the final quest. More precisely, one of its options. At the end of the game, Alex will have some problems, and she will have a choice of who to turn to for help. There will be 3 such options in total. In this version, the first of them will be available to you.
Tanya will go on a date, and you will find out with whom.
The scene of the first visit to Barbara, where Alex watches the broadcast, consisted of 2 images. I expanded this scene. If you have already completed it, you can see it in the gallery.
The scene of resting and relaxing on a park bench has been completely redone. Now it is available in any clothing.
The relaxation scene in the sports complex toilet was also redone. Now Alex will not take off his clothes, which looks more believable.
1 new scene with Irma
3 new selfies
1 new scene in gallery
The bug with antidepressants has been fixed.
Several random dialogues with NPCs
People appeared at the metro station in the center.
The old movie theater voyeur scene has also been updated.
A number of visual bugs have been fixed.
v0.98.7 - 2023-10-25
Continuation of the main quest, or rather, the beginning of the last quest. You will chat with Alice and will be able to spend time with Bonnie (if you have already “talked” to her on the beach before).
New Halloween event. For the first time I decided to address this holiday in my game. You will need to collect secrets scattered throughout the city at night. You will get some hot character pictures as a gift.
The Red Quarter has been redesigned. There will be more NPCs there, and the quarter itself has become larger. On your first visit, you can walk around and take a closer look at everything.
A new hot service in the Red Quarter that Alex can use
2 new achievements
New holiday main menu
The “relaxation” scenes in Alex’s room became animated. They take into account tattoos, pubic hair, time of day.
Continued career as a fashion model. Alex will take a lesson from Simone and conduct his second photo shoot.
A new danger is near the house. This time the criminal will be armed with a baseball bat. You can escape from him, but failure can be costly. Alex may get injured and will “work off” his insolence.
Evelyn is depressed due to hard work. Alex helps her find a new dream.
31 new scenes in the gallery
Dialogues at breakfast. Meals with Barbara and Valerie will sometimes be accompanied by small dialogues that will take into account some of the events that have occurred. There will be more of them in the future.
Now you can sunbathe on the beach with Barbara.
The looping quest with Barbara has been fixed. I was finally able to find the reason! Everything will work correctly in the new game. If you have already fallen into this “loop”, a button “Fix Barbara’s quest” has appeared in the settings. Click on it and it should fix the situation.
- Depiction of pubic hair in old scenes:
- Shower
- Anal training
- Training with Ruth
- Barbara's visit in the bathroom
- Valerie's night visit
An option has been added to skip the long bidding dialogue in the casino harassment event.
More images of Alex's work process in the cafe.
The ice cream making scene has been reworked
On weekends you can meet Valerie in a cafe.
2 new poses for posing in painting class. Now the scenes will change not randomly, but in turn.
Night scenes with Ruby on the beach have been reworked.
Motel shower scene.
Several new “question marks” near the house that will tell more about Alex’s impressions.
The old scene with Valerie in the bathroom has been updated
Your relationship with Valerie will stop growing at some point if you have unpaid debts.
A short dialogue with Barbara in the morning when she is changing clothes + dialogue in the evening while reading
Changing clothes scene in yoga class
I’m starting to rework Tanya’s character. As development progressed, this character deviated from the original concept. I changed the very first dialogue, and will continue to adjust this character.
A short dialogue with one of the prostitutes in the Glory Room
New event with Leo and Snake. Will open if Alex had a relationship with both.
A small event with Irma (the girl in the library). To activate, you need to read at least one book.
Alex's dressing scene in the cafe.
The magazine shop in the Red Quarter will no longer be open in the morning.
1 new recipe and 2 ingredients for it.
You can also make apple pie again. It will be more expensive to manufacture, but it improves mood more.
The motel has been updated, including an overnight meeting with the police.
In the scene with the Mistress and Paris, Alex will display pubic hair.
Beer in a can went on sale.
I also fixed some bugs of the previous version.
v0.98 - 2023-06-26
!Due to global changes in this version, old saves will not work! Only new game. But I will give you the option to jump straight to the new content.
Complete reworking of ALL dialogues in the game. Now the game will not have character sprites against the background of the location. Each dialogue is a "live" render. (I might have missed something. Please tell me if you find it.
The list of all NPCs has been completely redone. Now the characters are divided into categories and will be displayed as a sticker book. As you get to know the NPCs, the sticker book will be filled out. The NPC menu has become much more convenient.
Also, I started the creation of the Gallery of hot scenes. At the moment it has 47 scenes.
New webcam scene with unexpected guests.
New beach event with Tanya and Bonnie
Along the way, some scenes and locations have undergone changes:
- Appearance of the Director and the scene with him.
- Updated music store and Bonnie and Ash casual outfit.
- Changed appearance of Leyla + one additional scene with her.
- Updated image of Colonel White.
- Updated college entrance.
- Updated cinema. New movies in the cinema, categorized by genre.
New car park on Rose Street
Now you can work in the Glory Room 2 times a week, and on webcam broadcasts - 3 times.
Intimate haircuts were added to some old scenes.
The "Webcam Broadcast" section has appeared in the character's menu
Characters with new dialogues will be marked with a special icon (does not work everywhere yet)
The starting quest has been slightly changed.
3 new magazines in the kiosk
Read magazines will be marked with the words "read"
New bonus card
Basement renovation prices have been reduced
Anal training was greatly accelerated
Accidental night meeting near the house.
The sports round will now be always available
I also made a lot of minor edits and improvements.
Main plot:
Alex will visit Jill and Michael's house.
There will be unexpected changes in the composition of the group.
Alice will invite Alex and Tanya to visit. Most likely this will be the last event before the big final quest.
If Alex walks around the apartment topless and wants to have breakfast alone with Barbara, there will be consequences...
I replaced the old images and animations from the very first webcam in Barbara's room. Pubic hair is also included.
After this broadcast, Barbara will give Alex her glass toy. (If you have already completed this event, the toy will appear in your inventory automatically)
New animations:
The glass toy given by Barbara can now be used in Alex's room.
The suction cup toy given to Molly can also be used more than once.
Animations take into account the time of day, the presence of pubic hair, etc.
Now Alex can buy a new car!
The car is fully functional, including relaxation scenes.
A new car costs more, drives faster, holds more fuel, but uses it faster.
The gas station has also been updated.
Now there you will be served by a pretty gas station worker.
Your car will be displayed next to the gas station and the soda machine will start working.
Another scene with a trucker. This time there will be three of you. The meeting point will also be new.
The newsstand has been completely renovated. Now the location will be available even at night. A salesman appeared inside. I also added my AI cover images, including explicit ones. Near the kiosk you can meet background NPCs. In the future, I plan to add some magazines to buy and read.
Updated images:
I completely replaced the dialogues with Valerie (including the intro) and partly with Barbara, Jane, Amanda and some other NPCs. I want to get rid of the "visual novel" presentation of "background + sprite" dialogs.
I updated the "relaxation" scene in the cafe (hand and vibrator). Now Alex will not fully undress, and her actual clothes will be taken into account in the scene. The scene also includes pubic hair.
Updated subway near the house, including background NPCs.
I also "refreshed" the images of the hallway and bathroom.
New start page of the site for adults.
I decided to add a feature that I wanted to implement a few years ago, but changed my mind. Now if you have available dialogues with this character, a special icon will appear above the NPC. I want to save you from having to click on each character to check for new dialogue. So far, this feature has only been implemented for Valerie, Barbara, and Jane. So far, some gaps are possible, but everything will be decided as testing progresses.
I have changed some news in the phone. The branch with Schuttenbach and strikes in the mines did not realize itself, and I decided to remove it altogether. I replaced 2 news with neutral ones. The electronics store ad image has also been replaced, and the rest of the images have been updated.
1 new dialogue with Rick about getting naked on stage.
Some old bugs have also been fixed. If you find others - write to me. No bug will remain unfixed.
This update contains the biggest event in the history of the game. This is a porn casting for Letty's movie. 8 people will participate in the casting, and Letty, Mistress and Alex will act as a selection committee.
The event contains a lot of hot content. I hope you will enjoy.
But the update doesn't stop there:
I further reduced the amount of grind in the main story. The number of required rehearsals, vocal and guitar lessons has been reduced.
The system of correspondence with characters was also redesigned (not all dialogues yet). Now you will see images of the interlocutors. An imitation of the fact that the interlocutor is typing a message has also been added. And a few more visual details.
I decided to gradually redo the scenes where the dialogue is presented in the style of a visual novel (sprite on the background of the location). Now I don't like how it looks anymore, and the graphics power allows me to create full-fledged scenes. The following scenes have been changed:
- Dialogue with Jane in the cafe
- Conversations with Ash and John in the cafe
- Ash and John in the Chamber of Secrets
- Barbara in her room at night
- Rick next to Qian's car
- The first meeting of Kian and Michael
- Valerie and Barbara invite Alex to breakfast
- Conversation with Leo in the Bar (the appearance of the bar has also been slightly redesigned)
- Ruth and Tina in the dance studio (some dialogues)
The appearance of the porn shop has been changed. Now, as posters, I use images created by me using a neural network.
Pop-up messages have been completely redesigned. I use a completely new module for this. Messages should no longer get stuck on the screen. Also, you should no longer see strange and inappropriate messages.
I slightly changed the quest with the search for a rock club. Now you won't need to give Ash your poster. The dialogue of the first acquaintance with Ash and John has also been changed. These characters have subsequently changed, and now the dialogue looks more believable.
The list view has been removed from the inventory and store, but a title has been added under each product.
The Portuguese translation has been substantially improved. Thanks Zero for that.
And some other little things:
- Flavi and Celeste will not appear in the rain and at night.
- In the sports complex you can pay for subscriptions by card.
- Now when you save the game, you will see a confirmation window.
Bright_Past-0.95 - 2022.12.17
Alex will be able to visit Barbara at work and learn her next secret. In a hot new scene, Barbara will help Alex discover new secrets of her own body.
Now Alex can relax in the kitchen. Fresh vegetables will help with this.
Trucker Magnus will be able to talk Alex into closer contact.
A food cart appeared near the bus stop. A juicy hot dog will help satisfy your hunger. + Hot dog eating scene.
New scene with Leo. Now you can have fun with him right in the forest.
Sarah's secret business. What leads to the thirst for easy money ...
Small nude scene with Ruth in the dance studio
Depilation scene in the bathroom of the shelter
Smoking scene next to the house
Updated scenes:
Scene at Leo's house (completely updated lighting and added pubic hair)
One of Barbara's webcam scenes (pubic hair added)
Broom sex scene (pubic hair added)
Barbara scene in living room (pubic hair added)
Dressing up for a basketball game (pubic hair added)
Morning wake up scene after concert (pubic hair added)
The ending scene of Flavi and Broom has also been redone.
Picture of Jane in the yard
1 new bonus card.
In the music store you can hear the music played by Owl
Slightly updated appearance of the rector of the college
Interface changes and improvements
Bug fixes and some minor gameplay improvements.
Bright Past 0.94 - 2022.10.26
The main story received the most content.
The group is recording their first single, which will be played on the radio.
Owl invites Alex to visit. There we learn something about her intimate life.
Alex again goes to visit Alice, and meets the guitarist "Steel Maiden" (the appearance has been changed). There is also a new character waiting for you. In other words, you will have a long and hot event.
The fourth concert, where Alex allows himself something obscene.
After the concert, the group goes to the after-party. After a dose of rock and roll, it's time to get a dose of sex and drugs.
The bad client event has been updated and expanded. All images will display intimate haircut and butt plugs. It will also be possible to go further and have sex with a client. The event includes animation and the ability to choose safe sex.
Several polls have shown your interest in this character. I started her storyline. You will have to find a new seller for her store. Hot content is also present.
Intimate hair will now grow back after some time. Alex will be able to shave them completely or leave a little. The hair growth option can be turned off.
Intimate haircut display has been added to some old scenes:
Solarium (including animation)
Harassment at the casino
"Room of Glory"
Night with Jane
Home yoga
v.0.93 - 2022-08-22
Updated toilet in the Hot Arctic. Well... Now it's not really a toilet... The opportunity to "work" in it is also provided.
Nude Alice and her frank memories of a turbulent youth.
New scene with Flavi and one of our friends.
Alex will now have pubic hair. Yeah, you didn't ask, but I did it anyway:) While this function works in test mode and is enabled in the settings menu. In total there are 2 degrees of "unshavenness". Scenes in which pubic hair is displayed are listed below.
Alex notices his face in an advertisement.
The ability to walk around the apartment topless (Barbara and Valerie will not leave this without attention)
The song quality system has been removed. Now you can't write a song without enough inspiration. The writing skill has also been removed. You don't need it to write songs. The inspiration UI will be hidden after writing 10 songs, as there is no need to improve the quality now.
But now you can rename your songs.
The part of the main quest with the old mine has been completely removed. Now, instead of looking for pyrotechnics, Owl will immediately send us to acting classes.
Alex and Alice's kiss will be in the news.
Sex with Snake became repetitive
The kitchen cleaning scene with Barbara can also be repeated
Bonus art with Tanya in the NPC menu
New font
Several new dialogues with Rick at night. Some appear during the story.
Alex will be able to use wet wipes without opening the bag.
Status icons have been moved to a different location. Now they won't move when pressed.
Kian found a replacement for Tina
Added the ability to quickly use the pill Plan B
The underwear in the garberobe is now placed on a separate tab. Now it may be different from home clothes.
The taken pills will be displayed on the status icons
New news is shown immediately when you open the phone.
Few people appeared in the center
New scenes:
Drying hair in a shelter.
Coffee on Rick's Bus
Evening at Michael's house with family
Updated scenes:
Old bus at night and nightly gatherings with Rick
Rick and Owl's first meeting scene
Breakfast with Barbara
Updated scenes with new underwear:
Strapon with Barbara in the kitchen
Guitar lessons at home (now you can play without clothes)
Hugs with Tanya
Watching a series in Val
Sex with Ash and John
Relax on Rick's Bus
Updated scenes with pubic hair:
Sex with Ash and John
Relax on the beach
Relax on Rick's Bus
Relax in the casino toilet
"Cleaning" the kitchen with Barbara
Laundry scene
Sex with Snake
Bright Past 0.92.5 (announcement)
A new quest related to Jesus and his mafia family.
Alex will try on a new image and meet influential people. Will she like this acquaintance?
+ 2 new NPCs
A new set of frank translucent underwear. Underwear will be displayed in game scenes.
Alex and the band will participate in the first photo session.
+ 1 new NPC
Random event with a naked stranger in a clothing store.
Alex was first recognized on the street!
Beach smoking scene
Updated wash scene.
Updated clothes shopping scene.
Continuation of the plot. The love triangle in Kian's life.
New level of cam modeling (very hot)
Molly's piquant secret from the casino and a nice gift from her.
Will Valerie and Alex remain friends or will they become something more?
Now Alex has the opportunity to practice yoga at home with Valerie. After completing the Penelope branch, you will be doing it naked.
A new opportunity to go for a massage in a beauty salon, as well as watch hot additional services for men.
Completely new appearance of the secretary Tina, including all the old scenes with her.
New character - Qian's wife.
New toy for Alex. Currently used only for the quest.
Qian's office is available at any time
1 new bonus card.
Fixed some old bugs (including bug with apples and rain)
Bright Past 0.91
Attention! Version 0.91 does not support old saves. Only new game. For those who only want to see the new content, I've attached an up-to-date save to this post.
Attention2! The new content is not translated into German. I have lost contact with the good man who has been creating the German version for you all these years. I can't say anything about the translation in the future yet. Sorry.
Directory for my save (windows):
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\BF-1490368329\
Have a nice game!
Alex will attend the concert of Alice Dark and will be on stage.
First hot scene with Tanya.
New heterosexual relationships. Very close relationship...
The next visit to the Mistress will end extremely unpredictably.
The quest menu is now displayed on the main screen in an abbreviated form. Turns off with one key.
The amount of grind in the main story has been greatly reduced. This applies to rehearsals, vocal and guitar lessons.
New sexy outfits for Tanya and Ash.
2 new achievements
Dressing up scene on the beach.
A separate button for writing songs.
The appearance of the clock has been changed. Rewinding time has become more convenient.
Interface and bug fixes.
Attention! The new content has not yet been translated into German. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Attention 2! Cooking in the kitchen may not work on older saves. I can't fix it yet. All is well in the new game.
The game supports save version 0.80 and higher.
Bright Past 0.90 (announcement)
Alex can now work in Hot Arctic.
New uniform for a new job.
A new level of webcam work (including 2 animations)
Barbara "takes revenge" for the incident in the kitchen.
Alex helps Jill get back to normal. Will she succeed?
Alex and the band are invited to the radio.
The beginning of a future relationship with one of the male characters.
+ 1 sexy new NPC in the Hot Arctic.
Alex's new erotic dream
Casino staff room + mirror + dressing scene
Alex dressing scene before the basketball game
One of the characters has a twin sister.
Separate button for calling a taxi.
Early Wake Bonus + Morning Image
Jane will talk to you personally instead of the first call if you are in a cafe.
2 new images in the intro.
The café uniform hat has been completely removed.
Images of Alex in uniform have been updated.
A help menu with basic symbols has been added.
Alex will smell bad after work.
1 new bonus image with Valerie.
Animated rain while riding in a bus, taxi and car.
Some fresh images in the scene with Valerie and pizza.
Hotkeys for some menus (Q - NPC menu, M - mood menu)
Lots of UI fixes
Updated scenes:
A conversation between Alex and Barbara on the couch.
Work in a cafe
Diary reading
Visiting Jill's house during the rain.
Driving a car
Updated locations:
Living room (total overhaul) and watching TV
Paris' new office (total overhaul)
Bus stop near the house
Updated sprites:
Naked Barbara
Valerie and Ruby's tennis sprites have been updated.
Continuation of the main story and Rick's love affairs.
The next level of webcam show.
Unexpected meeting in the Glory Room + 1 animation.
Hot chatting with Ruby.
Animated rain.
Christmas decoration (can be turned off in the UI menu)
Updated kitchen cleaning event with Barbara.
Updated cooking system.
1 new food recipe.
Several new food items and soda.
Collectible pickup notification.
A usable washbasin in a cafe.
Jill will be at Michael's house.
1 new achievement.
Many minor fixes and improvements.
Continuation of the main plot and close acquaintance with Alice.
Colonel White takes over the security of the quarter.
Alex finds Flavi at work and gets to know her personally.
Flavi has a new hairstyle.
The news about the last concert will appear on the phone.
New menu for buying clothes.
Alex will be able to feed the kitten.
Updated and expanded trucker scene.
Bonnie and Tanya's updated daily routine + home outfits for them.
In the bathroom, Alex can open or close the front door + Barbara's light visit while taking a bath.
The ability to display only characters with quests in the NPC menu.
In "Hot Arctic" you can meet Paris.
2 new achievements.
Minor fixes to the starting history.
Changing the time of day in the Castle.
Multiple fixes.
A big event after the 3rd concert with many familiar ladies. If you have already played this concert, then this event will start automatically.
Tanya will now sometimes paint in the park. You can talk to her.
Alex will be able to visit the Mistress in her office. You can learn more about the Red Quarter and about the Mistress personally.
Webcam broadcasts have become repeatable. There are now 2 stages of nudity available.
New collectible - Tara's paintings. At the moment there are 3. For them you will receive special art points. Points can be spent on changing the appearance of some characters in the NPC menu. Just for fun.
New hot event from Kevin and Julia.
Alex's new outfit is a robe. Alex will wear it after showering.
Acquaintance with the competitors of the Mistress. Go to the highway. (+ 2 new NPCs)
Lots of new pornhub images.
During casino harassment, you can afford more.
During pregnancy, Alex will feel nauseous until she has an abortion.
+ 5 new achievements
After creating a tattoo, the mood spoils.
Ingrid's new appearance
Security guard in the casino. If you get harassed, he can help.
If you persuaded Margie to buy a sexy dress, she will sometimes wear it.
Alex will be able to shower while Valerie is in the tub.
Alex can get rid of nicotine addiction by abstaining from cigarettes. However, quitting smoking causes depression. We'll have to endure.
A new state: depression and pills for it.
Ash and John are now shown in the park.
Fix display of goods from a candy store.
+ 1 bonus card
Some interface improvements.
Many other fixes.
New scenes:
Hair drying scene after shower and bath.
Lack of panties on the subway.
You can show off your new car to Valerie.
A reading scene has been added in the library.
Vaping on a park bench.
New locations:
Bathroom in the dorm.
Redesigned old locations:
City center
Rose Street
Rose Street library (+ cute library worker)
Redesigned old scenes:
Director and Jill
Ruth's Lessons
Record yourself on video
Solarium scenes
Meeting Ash on the stairs at night.
Some scenes in the Glory Room.
Shared morning with my sister.
Valerie is in the bathroom.
Updated sprites:
Jill's house owner
• Jane's Havana bug has been fixed.
• Alex's unfinished quest bug has been fixed.
• The words and icons from the stats menu have been slightly aligned.
Main plot
Continuation of rehearsals and classes
Purchasing a new guitar
3rd concert on a new stage
Red Quarter
Complete transformation of the "Arctic" cafe under the guidance of the Mistress
"Teaching" Jane and Amanda a new profession
New outfits for Jane and Amanda
The ceremonial opening of the establishment with the participation of the Mistress's closest people.
Jane's Secret Toy Event
Penny's updated appearance on the posters
Possibility to smoke in the casino toilet
The smoking button in cafes and casinos is available not only in the booth, but also in the common room
Jane and Amanda's reaction to the soiled Alex
Reduced frequency of handbag spawn when working in a cafe.
Increased tip for a personal order in a cafe.
Updated old scenes
Valerie Night Toy
Valerie's lingerie presentation
Valerie and the courier
Ash and John in the park
Amanda caught with a plug
Second dream-memory
Updated sprites
Ruth Lane
Some of Jane and Amanda's sprites
Casino boss
0.85.2 Patch:
The second chat bug has been fixed.
Updated scene in the park if you've seen it before.
The tattoo parlor icon will no longer disappear.
A rare bug when visiting an old bus has been fixed.
0.85.1 Patch:
Naked Penny bug has been fixed.
Missing line translations have been fixed
A bug in sms-correspondence in the English version has been fixed.
Scarlet's menu is no longer duplicated.
Michael is unable to continue rehearsals due to personal problems. Get to know his wife and try to resolve the conflict. You will have two options to choose from.
Complete arrangement of the basement, including the construction of a webcam studio, kitchen and toilet.
The builders are doing their rituals again. Perhaps Alex would like to join?
First personal webcam broadcast.
Updated appearance of Tara.
Scenes in the updated basement:
Sleeping on the couch
Cooking and fridge are available in the basement.
Images of smoking in a cafe toilet, walking with Valerie in the center and getting tattoos.
If smoking is accompanied by a special image, the icon will be changed.
Reworked the attack scene in the park and a completely new look for their female leader.
Easy update of some old scenes with Barbara.
The first erotic dream has been updated.
Bonus image with Margie
The random events in the metro have been completely redesigned.
The news about your concert appeared on the phone.
An updated look for the motel room and tattoo parlor.
When it rains, location icons are displayed in the foreground.
And also many small fixes for the interface, sound and gameplay.
First casting in the modeling business and shooting in advertising.
Visit to Jill at the hospital.
Now you can chase away the maniac on the bus or "make friends" with him.
Continuation of acquaintance with Alice Dark.
New sex scene with Jane.
Penny's completely revamped appearance and all the scenes with her.
Updated webcam scenes with Barbara. Including tattoo and renovated room. (WIP)
Using butt plugs in the Glory Room.
Butt plugs during sex with Leo.
Image of sleeping in a motel. You can also select the number of hours.
You can visit Owl at her home. + dressing gown for the Owl.
Change of time of day in China Town
New dialogue with Mrs Benoit if we saw her naked on the beach.
Updated Margie's sprites
Random event in the Red Quarter
3 new NPCs
2 new locations
You can go on a date with Ruby by car.
Barbara sometimes comes to Martina's office.
Some updates to the NPC menu
Updated bench image
Simplified butt plug icon.
Many small fixes.
Main story:
Closer acquaintance with the group
Naked Owl
Second concert
The ability to invite friends to the concert
6 new themes for songs
4 new songs
The opportunity to visit Ruby at home and have fun with her.
Ruby's night at the motel has been updated.
Anal sex with Broom, including butt plugs.
The basketball and all Broom scenes have been updated.
Side activities:
Image of Alex at the barbershop.
Image of Alex smoking at the bar.
3 new selfies. All old selfies have been updated.
Advertising featuring Simone.
Updated scene of eating ice cream.
Updated kitten and stroking scene.
Renewed concert of "Combat Fagots".
Updated college posing scene.
Updated lessons with Falsetto.
New locations:
Southern region
Bus stop
Owl's apartment
Ruby's apartment
Ash and Owl's relationship points are calculated correctly.
Alignment of icons in the characteristics menu.
Money for writing articles is transferred to the card account.
Other minor fixes.
This time Alex will take part in deciding the fate of the Arctic cafe. Will Paris make her dream come true? What role will the Mistress of the Red Quarter play?
The opportunity to retire in the toilet of the sports complex.
Random event in the cafe toilet.
Random event in the magazine store in the Red Quarter.
Jane has a little secret hidden in the cafe.
Valerie and Monica can now be found in the park.
Lucas returns to the park with his new dog.
New images of Alex with a phone.
The sports store has been updated.
Second attempt to fix a bug with Margie
Blowjob lesson has been fixed
Crash when visiting the gallery has been fixed
Bright Past 0.81 (announcement)
Continuation of Valerie's story. Why is her personal life not going well and what to do about it?
Complete renovation of the basement. Stock up on money. Renovations and good furniture are not cheap. Also, access to the basement now opens much earlier. After a complete renovation, the following functions will be available to you:
- sleep
- storage of things
- wardrobe
- mirror
Alex can retire in her car and masturbate. Available only near the house.
You can repeat the laundry event with high anal sex skill. You can even earn some money.
Alex will be able to buy butt plugs. There are 2 sizes to choose from. To insert the plug, you need to find a quiet place. Some scenes take into account the presence of plugs:
- masturbation in a cafe toilet
- masturbation in the car
- laundry
A new meeting with Evelyn and changes in her life.
Updated renders of deep blowjob lessons.
A shower room has appeared in the gym. You can see Barbara there after her training.
Acquaintance with the seller in the porn magazine store. And also a random event in this store.
You can have free coffee on Rick's bus and the staff room at the college.
Alcohol rates are now rising much faster.
1 new NPC
1 new sexy costume for Valerie
Renovated interior of the laundry room.
New renders of a walk with my sister.
In the red street you can see sex right on the street.
Updated student uniforms on college screen.
Bug fixes, including a critical bug with Margie and the clothing store.
The NPC menu has turned into a kind of guide. I did a lot of work to organize all the quests and events. With rare exceptions, there are all the tips for the game. I ditched the quest system so that you can play events related to a specific NPC. In total, these are almost 60 NPCs of varying degrees of importance.
The sexual orientation system is now working. Some of your choices will influence Alex's sexual preferences. By rejecting men, Alex will become more homosexual and vice versa. A corresponding section has appeared in the characteristics menu.
Added 3 progress bars in the stats menu. They show the number of open NPCs, visited locations and random events.
Messenger system has been added. How often do you talk on the phone these days? Now some NPCs will write messages to you.
Newspapers were also removed from the game. You can now read all the news on your smartphone.
New appearance of achievements. Now they look like achievements in Steam.
Continuation of the story with Penelope. Try to take the lead in your relationship and see what happens.
The sex scene with John and Ash has been expanded. If you don't want to choose between the two, you can just watch. Yes, Alex can now become asexual.
In the Red Quarter, you can use the services of one of the local whores. Why not?
A series of third-party events have been added to Pearl Beach. Now you will not be bored by driving to vocal lessons.
New closed sexy swimsuit has been added.
2 new locations and 1 NPC have been added.
Updated locations:
Red quarter
Pearl Beach
Rose Street on the right
Yoga class
Car showroom
Updated scenes:
Yoga classes
All scenes in the secret room
Communication with a car dealership employee
Observing nudists
Scenes on the beach
Inspection of Evelyn's belongings
Poker event
Playing the guitar at home
Walk with Tanya
Completely changed NPCs:
Guitar player
Car dealership worker
Mrs Benoit
Dolly (student)
Abigail (student)
Simone (model)
Updated NPCs:
Amanda (poses, emotions and lighting)
Martina (poses and new hairstyle)
Katerina (poses and breast position)
Barbara (poses, lighting, new bathrobe)
Falsetto (poses, facial features, facial expressions)
Michael (poses and lighting)
Leila (poses)
Tina (poses, lighting, facial expressions)
Tanya (updated skin, makeup, some poses)
Bonnie (pose, uniform)
Kian (pose, updated costume)
Owl (poses, lighting, facial expressions)
When you first visit Valerie at night, you can get a closer look.
When you have breakfast in Havana with Jane, you can eat.
Amanda will stop snapping if you have a good relationship.
Some outdated location icons have been updated.
I did a global optimization of images without loss of quality. As a result, the game lost about 1.5 GB of volume. It should also improve game optimization on slower computers.
Critical bug in Paris's quest has been fixed. Previously, Alex could not leave the toilet.
Many minor bugs, trivia, typos have also been fixed.
Ryder returns and is about to take revenge.
- Alex is waiting for a dangerous test and new connections in the criminal world.
Anal training goes to the next level.
- The fingers no longer give the desired effect. Maybe you should visit the sex shop again?
It became really dangerous to walk on the night streets.
- The masked maniac will come again and again. Alex's parameters will be essential.
Some old scenes have been updated:
- The privacy of Valerie and Matthew.
- Alex shows Barbara a home video.
- Ash and John at the cafe.
- Alex in the subway.
- Binge with Amanda and Jane.
- All events with Paris.
New small scenes:
- Alex and Valerie will go to yoga on the subway.
- Alex can spend time with Valerie in the evening and improve the relationship.
New appearance of John, Paris, Vanessa, second prostitute, gangster.
I continue to refine the NPC menu.
The need to wear a uniform in a cafe for stupid reasons is now gone.
You don't have to wait until Saturday to meet Jane on Rose Street.
Lucas' office has been updated.
1 new animation.
1 new NPC.
3 new items, including weapons.
Some sprites have been updated.
The courier quest has been fixed.
Pharmacy night image.
Fixed some bugs.
Bright Past 0.74
Continuation of the main quest. Why did Michael come to us at night?
The maniac is watching Jane again. To start the event, you need to complete the tasks of Amanda and the Red Quarter.
I continue to rework the NPC menu. Now an indicator will appear for each character icon. So you can find out about the changes in the tasks of this character. The menu still needs some work. Very soon it will replace the quest menu and will be more concise and informative.
Now I am consulting with a designer. In this regard, there have been some visual changes:
- The appearance of the casino and all events associated with it has been changed. And also a complete change in Molly's appearance and Alex's work uniform.
- Updating Valerie and Barbara's rooms, as well as an event with Val and Ruby.
- Updating the appearance of the park.
- Update of the event with Evelyn.
In the intro, Alex will visit a beauty salon and a clothing store.
Some character sprites have been improved.
New sexy outfit for Barbara when she reads a book in the evening.
One new bonus card.
The text input font color has been changed.
Many of the pop-up messages have been redesigned.
Many bugs and shortcomings have been fixed. Including a mistake that prevented the preparation for the concert from starting.
Bright Past 0.73
Webcam event:
New lecherous outfit
New mask for anonymity
The first live communication with the audience.
Includes animation.
Basement renovation started.
Acquaintance with 2 new workers.
Sexy event included.
The event now starts after the first concert.
An opportunity to masturbate on Rick's bus. (Will Alex manage to go unnoticed?)
Updated events:
Shower sex with Penny (including animation)
Sauna and event with Penny and Margie
Night event with Rudo
First date with Ruby and truck rides (also new party dress for Alex)
Choosing a dress for Margie
New locations:
Fast food restaurant in the city center
Locker room in yoga class
Utility room in the cafe
Updated locations:
A cafe
Basketball court
Applying makeup
Updated appearance of Jane and all scenes with her.
Updated sprites for some characters (in progress)
Ruby and Julia branches have been fixed.
The umbrella will now be available at the start of the game
In the store, prices are now visible on product icons.
Displaying sex skills.
The online store is now using your electronic money.
After classes at Penny's house, the mood improves.
The visor disappeared from the tennis suit
Valerie's try-on event starts differently.
1 bonus card
Hotfix 0.7.2:
Pregnancy test
Clothing store
Rock bar fix
Hotfix 0.7.2:
Stress pills
Inventory bugs
Beer for Rick
Naked Alex after training
A rare bug with a taxi
Hotfix 0.7.1:
Dialogue with Leo
Jill's diary
Fatigue rate
Bright Past 0.7 (announcement)
Sports update:
You will find a quest related to some old and one new character.
The quest will have 2 endings. It all depends on your choice.
Both branches have a hot ending.
Two animations are also present.
Some of our old friends will now go to the gym with Alex.
Several new collaborative activities with Margie.
Home training will be redesigned.
Images of the training process are slightly changed, a variant with a tattoo is added.
After training, Alex will take a shower.
The appearance of the reception desk in the sports complex has been changed.
There also appeared a toilet where you can do makeup.
Alcohol update:
This update is for those who really wanted to get drunk.
I added a complex system of intoxication and alcohol addiction. In short, the more often Alex drinks alcohol, the more she can drink. And the further, the more pleasure she will receive. But the negative effects will also be stronger. A very strong addiction can only be cured in a hospital.
In the future I will develop this aspect of the game, right up to the bad Alcoholic ending.
Alex can drink alcohol at the rock bar. First beer and wine, later - something stronger.
The harassment of the local drunk will also be.
Strongly drunk Alex will not control the situation. And the night streets are very dangerous. If you know what I mean...
Also, do not forget to drunkenly come to Valerie.
Inventory and trade:
You did not ask, but I did.
The inventory and trade system has been completely redone. Now all purchases will be carried out in one click, and transferring items to the chest of drawers has become much more convenient. In the future I will still work on this system to make it even more convenient.
What else:
After exercise, Alex will sweat. Do not forget to take a bath.
Several new music tracks. Including in the main menu and at the beginning of the game.
A gas station has been added. Also in emergency situations you can call a tow truck.
In the area of your home, you can now move between locations using the arrows on the keyboard.
Old night event with Valerie. Added images with tattoos.
Sleep for more than 2 hours is available only sleepy Alex.
Updated backgrounds in Alex's room and at night in Valerie's room.
Are you still reading this? Yes, you are just a hero! LIKE if you've read up to this point.
Also, the images of the seats on the bench were updated (the absence of panties was taken into account).
Now you can smoke regular or electronic cigarettes at the same time.
Something else, but I don’t remember everything.
Updated kitchen
Updated Smartbucks, new Kevin, new coffee drinking scenes. Now, Alex will have exactly the coffee that you have chosen.
New bathing screens in the bath.
Deep anal training due to a bug was not available in the previous version. I fixed it.
Also I fixed some translation errors and various minor bugs.
Bright Past 0.68 (announcement)
The main plot:
Alex and her band will finally play their first concert (don't forget to turn on the sound)!
New topics and 3 new songs.
Alex can attend concerts at a rock club. The appearance of the club was also improved.
The inspiration system has been redesigned a bit. Now you can get inspiration every day, but in smaller quantities.
You can improve your not very successful songs.
Alex will visit at Michael’s house.
New events:
Amanda’s new request, a really big plug and a non-standard event with her and Jane.
Alex will continue anal training. Why not add another finger? (animation attached)
We continue to have fun with Valerie in the bathroom. (includes 2 animations)
Animation of masturbation in a solarium.
Added all the missing scenes with black lingerie.
The scene with Ash and John has been redesigned. Now it takes into account new underwear, tattoos and the absence of panties.
When masturbating on the bench and in the quest for finding Kian, the absence of panties is also taken into account.
Images for tattoos and cosmetics was improved: home sports, running (including selfies), handing out flyers, working in a cafe, eating ice cream.
New achievement.
All the missing mini-icons of characters on locations was added .
Tutorial at the beginning of the game was fixed.
I have added some new characters to the NPC menu.
A slight change, but still: The real photos of Evelyn appeared on the wall with photos (so far this is only noticeable in the event with anal training).
Fixed some minor bugs.
Bright Past 0.65 (announcement)
You will meet again with Valerie's sister and meet the big bosses of Jade City.
I completely replaced the gloryhole cabin in the toilet with a better one.
I also replaced all the scenes and Albert's dick. A tattoo option is also included.
4 new animations, including recycling 1 old.
Now you will be able to receive orders for fulfilling piquant tasks. Take a look at the website work.bp.
The deep blowjob lessons were not in vain. You can apply knowledge on Broom.
In a leather dress you can now walk without panties (you need a high level of courage).
Alex can sleep without clothes.
New images of Barbara in the shower in the first scene.
A new image of a clothing store + seller.
New breakfast images (including tattoos).
On the street to the right of the house there are now people.
Dialogue with Margie in the store no longer needs rhetoric.
An elevator appeared in the sports complex.
2 bonus cards.
Alex will be able to attend deep blowjob courses.
Intimate acquaintance with nudists on the beach.
The ability to sunbathe and swim without clothes.
Your group will begin preparations for their first concert.
Alex will be able to get a tattoo. It will be displayed during dialogs and in the wardrobe.
The image of Alex in the wardrobe has been improved.
New location - tattoo studio.
New clothes for performances.
New very hot selfie.
You can use the fuck machine in the secret room for arousal. To do this, you must interrupt the act of masturbation. Event in the casino also increases the arousal.
Starting a teacher job has been simplified. A hot selfie is needed only for the event with Teddy.
Some old scenes have been updated with new underwear.
The save menu in the English version has been fixed.
The condition for opening a sex shop has been fixed.
Fixes for many minor bugs.
Walk with Tanya and sleep together.
Work in college.
Hot event with one of the students.
Posing for artists without clothes.
Sex in the back booth.
New Event in the Red Quarter.
New work clothes.
New appearance of Bonnie.
7 new npc
6 new locations
A washbasin and a mirror will be available at the college
3 new selfies
The center now has a grocery store
Game Interface Changes
World Map Bug Fixes
Sexual orientation changes in a different way (still requires additional balancing)
Medical checkup images have been updated (including new underwear)
2 new collectible cards
I continue to fix old bugs.
Spend time with Penelope and Margie.
+ bonus picture
Alex will finally be able to spend the night with Ruby.
+ bonus picture
Take a bath with Valerie.
Hot random event on the bus.
Hot random event at the casino during work.
New underwear set for Alex.
You can finally return Valerie debt.
The new location is the sauna. Cheers up.
New backgrounds at the casino and at the grocery store.
I fixed a bug with refueling the car. + Now you can refuel with a small amount of money.
A vending machine appeared in the motel.
2 bonus cards.
Some old bugs have been fixed.
Old saves will work without additional action.
Alex will attend stage courses.
You will meet a beautiful instructor and attend 5 classes with different topics.
Sex scene is present. You will have to choose a hetero and a homo line in this quest.
Alex will take the initiative.
You will need to visit a sex shop before this.
Animation is present.
The new event will be repeatable.
Alex will try to prepare for anal sex.
Animation is present.
Consult a specialist first.
Valerie will let you enter her bathroom (you will need a high level of relationship).
Two new products in a sex shop.
New recipe and new ingredients. You will have to find a recipe. The dish will affect the characteristics.
I added icons for all the characteristics.
Cooked food will give you a bonus to your mood.
3 new collectible cards. One of them is hidden.
Bug fixes and minor changes.
- Mac needs adapted security
- Old savegames from 0.35.3 as being mentioned in the announcement for 0.4.2
- savegames from 0.4.2 run without any extra tricks
I added an event with Ash in her secret room.
Alex will be able to use Ash's sex machine.
You can talk heart to heart with Ash and learn more about her.
Bonus image with Ash.
I changed the design of the living room.
The tutorial at the beginning of the game is fixed.
Some minor fixes.
Main story:
The band begins to rehearse.
Alex comes up with a name for the band.
Alex buys a guitar and learns to play.
The band needs a manager.
Preparation for the first concert begins.
New NPCs.
Several new locations.
New sexy events.
Alex will visit Barbara again.
This time you have to visit a sex shop.
It's time to take off the mask.
Alex can use sex toys in all suitable places.
I changed the look of Evelyn again. Now she looks like her sister and has become much prettier.
The transport system is slightly modified and will be redone later.
Now you can go down the subway. There you will find a vending machine.
I completely replaced all the MC images during phone calls (68 images in total).
You can visit Rick and even sleep in his bus. You also have a chance to find something in his locker.
5 new collectible cards. Several cards can be found in books while reading.
Images of the first attack changed. Now clothes and makeup are contextual. Image quality improved.
You can make coffee with honey. It temporarily improves vocals.
You can also buy apples in the store.
Some interface changes.
Many bug fixes.
You can build a relationship with Ruby.
You can go on dates with her, chat and get to know each other better. If you know what I mean...
An animated scene is present.
I completely redid the mood system. Almost every action affects the mood for a while. In a bad mood, Alex will not be able to work. The system is still being tested and I'm waiting for your feedback.
New locations: Old Town and Highway.
It’s best to walk on a highway on a rainy day. Sex scene is present.
In the toilet of a cafe, Alex can do blowjob. Also now she will receive money for this.
At night, the park becomes really dangerous. It would be better for you to avoid this place (or not).
Unprotected sex will now lead to pregnancy. The system has not yet been fully developed.
A full pregnancy in the game will not be. I will tell the details later.
Emergency contraception and a pregnancy test appeared in the pharmacy.
You can close the game menu by pressing ESC.
I modified the relationship system a bit. Now the bonus art will open automatically, and relationship points will accumulate.
I also added 2 bonus images from Ruby.
After the rehearsals start, you can go to Rick at night and talk to him.
New sounds added.
Now, Alex will only wear a jacket outside in the rain and at night.
After the cafe closes, Jane and Amanda will do the cleaning.
The hospital will now be available at the very beginning of the game.
Many bugs have been fixed. Minor fixes are also present
Alex will be closer to the Red Quarter and get to know one of the prostitutes closer.
More interaction with Barbara. Alex can sometimes help her around the house. Hot event is attached.
Alex is time to learn what anal sex is.
The system of relations with the NPC will be completely redone. You will now receive "relationship points" during quests and repetitive events. These points will not affect the plot. From the menu of the NPC, you can spend them on bonus frank pictures with characters. Now available only Valerie and Barbara, and a few pictures with them. Write me your opinion on the new mechanics.
New locations: laundry, cinema, changing room in the gym.
New parameter: endurance. It rises in the gym and while running.
Running in the rain is not possible.
Familiarity with the idol.
Gym and workouts have been redone. Now Alex can choose the type of exercise. Exercises increase various parameters.
Now Alex can take a shower at home.
New images of masturbation in the cafe and in the shower.
It is possible to masturbate in the toilet casino.
Alex will be able to go to the movies. Random erotic event is present.
Random event in the library
On the beach you can meet nudists.
1 new selfie.
In the morning you can meet your sister and Bonnie near the college.
Several new details of the environment.
Updated makeup for Alex in new scenes.
2 new bonus cards
Come visit Valerie and arrange a party.
Spend the night with Ash and her boyfriend.
Now Alex can ask Valerie to change her hair.
I changed the old scenes with Valerie and added a variant with a new hairstyle.
Now you can repeat events with Penny, Broom and in the toilet of the cafe. Dialogues and some details are logically changed.
Song writing.
Michael will give you a task to write lyrics for 3 songs. Each song has a quality score. It depends on your writing talent and the new parameter "inspiration". The system for raising this parameter is experimental. Please express your opinion.
Notepad for writing lyrics in your smartphone.
2 new orders for writing articles and 2 literary magazines for leveling skill.
New appearance Ash, Claire (administrator beauty salon) and slightly reworked Lucas.
Several random events in the subway, including masturbation to a stranger.
New backgrounds in the bus.
2 random events while working in a cafe. Alex will be able to earn extra tips and find something useful in forgotten bags.
Alex’s facial cum will have a negative effect on charm, and some NPCs will respond to this with cues (WIP)
Alex can wash her hands or face in the sink in the bathroom.
New locations: a pharmacy, a toilet in a casino with a mirror and a cabin, a sex shop, a park bench.
You can buy aspirin and antidepressants in the pharmacy to deal with headaches and stress.
Alex will feel stressed after the big shocks.
You can buy a bottle of wine in the store (useful for going to Valerie.)
After several sex with women, Alex’s orientation will change to bisexual.
Quest "Touching love confession" is a bit simplified.
Now Alex can watch TV.
Random event in the casino toilet.
The NPС menu and the NPС relation are removed for reconstruction.
On Sunday you can meet Barbara on the beach in a swimsuit.
One new achievement.
3 new collection cards.
Jane's number is now added to the contact list.
Laptop interface was changed.
I also fixed a lot of old bugs and shortcomings.
Penelope will suggest that Alex stay for an extra lesson. Animated scene is attached.
Continued webcam stories. Is it Alex's turn?
Play basketball with Rudo and his friends. And not only basketball...
Alex can get a job at the casino. She will have to look good.
Uniform attached.
The masturbation scene in the room is replaced by an animated one.
Excited Alex can masturbate in the solarium.
A younger sister will come to visit Alex.
A vending machine appeared at the hospital. There you can buy a chocolate or cereal bar and eat.
With high courage, Alex will be able to walk around the house in his underwear.
The wardrobe has been redone.
Alex can wear stockings, which gave Barbara.
2 swimsuits and a beach towel are added to the clothing store ..
Beach added. Alex can swim and sunbathe there.
Accidental meeting with a pervert attached.
On the beach you can meet Jane.
A basement appeared near the house. You will have to find the key to it.
In the beauty salon near the mirror, you can now do makeup
Owl can be found in the library, and Valerie - near the newsstand.
You can buy a coffee maker and make coffee yourself.
A pack of coffee can be bought at the store.
Alex can drink coffee and energy drinks only 3 times a day now.
NPC that have new dialogs are now labeled. (while not working everywhere)
NPC that have new dialogs are now labeled. (while not working everywhere)
New girl now helps Owl in the store.
Wet wipes appeared in the store. They are well help wipe sperm.
You can talk to Barbara when she changes clothes in her room.
4 new collectible cards (total 18)
I fixed a few more minor bugs.
Some more clothes bugs are fixed.
Dress change error corrected.
German language added.
Old saves work anywhere.
Alex will try herself in the role of webcam stars.
New quest with Jane. To do this, communicate with her outside work.
Search for a drummer for a band.
Now you can skip the time anywhere! (click on the clock icon)
In Jade City, it sometimes rains. You will have to buy an umbrella.
With low courage Alex can not walk at night.
Alex will meet prostitutes in the Red Quarter and observe their work.
I added help on the game at the very beginning.
During the rain, Alex will wear warm clothes.
2 new locations near the house.
A beer appeared in the store. It will temporarily make Alex a little bolder.
New Havana interior.
Jane before work will go to Havana.
1 new achievement
3 new collectible cards
New look Penelope.
Continuation of the Victor's quest. So far without sex.
The wrong time of many activities has been fixed.
Endless season tickets in the sports complex were fixed.
Many changes in the interface.
I fixed a lot of minor bugs.
Perhaps something else.
Support for old saves. (Instructions included)
Alex is getting more naughty.
She still can find a bass player. For the first time, Alex will be able to use open seduction.
Someone will invite her on a date, and everything can end up with something hot. (+ 1 sex animation)
Alex was inspired by the work of Babrara. Why not try?
You will learn the secret of Falsetto and Leila.
Alex will remember her first sex and tell how it was.
Barbara will tell you why she doesn't have a husband.
I added 3 new collectible cards.
The daily routine of Valerie and Barbara has changed. Now in the morning and in the evening they will eat together. Alex will be able to them join and eat for free.
The kitchen is completely changed.
New suit for Alex. At the moment it is used only by the quest.
The phone now displays air temperature. In the future I want to add a change of weather.
I changed the inventory system. Same products are not duplicated now.
I also added the ability to transfer some items from the bag to the drawer and back.
New location "Car Dealership". Alex will go there for the plot.
I fixed a lot of minor bugs.
Perhaps something else.
German language added.
Alex will complete Falsetto's task and start to singing lessons.
Alex will gain experience and receive her first invitation to the band.
Alex needs to find the first musician for the band.
But she will visit terrible and dangerous place to do this.
Characteristics and interface:
Now "charm" matters. With a sufficient level, it will help you complete some quests.
Added the ability to use perfumes.
In the beauty salon appeared the services of a hairdresser. Hairstyle change will not work, but Alex will be able to cut a little the hair and temporarily enhance the "charm".
Interface changed. Now you will always see 3 main characteristics.
Now you have the option of fast food. You just need to click on the hunger icon and select food. Same system with drowsiness and energy drinks.
The coffee shop has the opportunity to buy coffee to go.
The effect of hunger is changed. Now Alex can work in a state of hunger. But hunger has a negligible effect on work efficiency and on wages.
If Alex forgets to smoke before work, it also reduces income a little.
"Amadeus" has become a Spanish restaurant and is now called "Havana". Alex can eat there. The food in "Havana" gives a "gourmet bonus", which will increase your efficiency at work.
The salary in the cafe has been increased.
Alex can do make up and apply perfume only near the mirror (in the bathroom or in the cafe toilet)
Some icons are replaced with luminous surfaces.
Alex will be able to work as an articles creator. This will give extra money and a small increase in some characteristics.
Alex will be able to watch porn. The internet offers many categories of adult films.
The online store will be added.
Online store :
Here you can buy an electronic cigarette that replaces regular cigarettes. In future versions, this will help Alex quit smoking. Liquid for e-cigs is sold at the newsstand.
A dressing table is also sold here. This will let you do cosmetic procedures in you room. Also there will be an opportunity to set up automatic makeup every morning.
Alex can also buy expensive perfumes here to choose from.
With a high level of courage and excitement, Alex will be able to visit the far cabin in the toilet.
2 new animations was added. One of them replaces the old scene in the quest with Evelyn.
1 achievement has been added.
Now you can take a taxi to Pearl Beach and Rose Street
New appearance of Owl.
Every night the game will automatically be saved.
Fixed bug with call Jane.
Changed most tooltips.
Fixed many minor bugs.
Alex learned how to do makeup. For now, this only affects the appearance.
New bonus points system. You can get points for completing quests. You can spend points on hints and special bonuses (only 1 is available now).
The continuation of the story of Barbara. Alex will be able to personally observe her "workflow".
New girl Ruby and piquant quest with her participation.
New looks Amanda and the quest, during which Alex learns her secret.
A new, lively part of Rose Street, where you can meet a violinist and a guy handing out flyers.
A sports field appeared in the center, where you can meet Valerie, Margie and Ruby.
New location "Red Quarter", where the most depraved events will unfold in the future.
The mood option is deleted.
Main characteristics have icons now.
The quest log displays requirements for some quests.
Some backgrounds have been replaced by improved ones.
Images in the erotic sleep event was replaced.
In his laptop, Alex can register on the social network.
Many interface fixes and small nuances.
Main plot. Alex will go to his first rehearsal and find out about the vocal teacher.
In one of the voting you said that you like Margie (the administrator in the sports complex). I added an event with her. I will make her more important NPC in the future.
If Alex falls asleep with high arousal, she will have a good dream. And something after waking up.
Alex has new nightie now. She can wear it outside the room. Images of sleep have also changed.
If Alex comes home late, there is a chance that a maniac will attack her ... a sex maniac ... With consequences.
I added some people to locations to make it more realistic.
New locations: college of Arts (porch, corridor, Rector's office), hospital.
New NPCs: nurse, two police officers, rector, maniac, vocal teacher.
New appearance of Valerie's sister.
Now you can add money on your card. It will protect them from being stolen. There are 2 ATMs in a game.
When entering the location, you will see which NPCs are there.
Alex can sleep 1, 2, 4 or 8 hours now.
The work isn't a grind anymore. You will work until the evening by one click now.
Jane can call on a weekday now, not just a day off.
You will see a special marker next to the icon when new NPCs and quests are added.
Some old events will now be added to the quest menu.
2 collectible cards have been added.
Bug in the solarium was fixed.
Bug with the game on the phone was fixed .
Some minor fixes.
A big event with Valerie will be available after we catch her with a guy.
Accidental event at a bus stop at night.
An inventory bag was added to the game.
NPC menu with information about each friend is added.
A mood system was improved. Now it's influenced by hunger, smoking, eating ice cream.
Orgasms get your mood to the maximum for several hours.
Alex can't work in low mood. Same with hunger and sleepiness.
You can buy cookies and energy drinks in the store, which increase satiety and remove drowsiness.
Untranslated strings were fixed.
Prices in stores were changed.
The taxi was added. You can call it from the phone book.
You won't be able to sleep in the center at night. Alex will call a taxi.
A work schedule of different places was added.
Alex has a passport now.
An interface was changed. There is a left menu with actions now. And you can see not only the mood, but also the current outfit on the Alex icon on the right side.
A dialog interface was changed.
Alex may get undressed in some places.
The scale of sexual arousal is completely remade.
A sports shop was added. There you can buy a yoga mat and sneakers.
A music store was added.
Alex can do sports at home and in the park.
The second edition of the newspaper was added.
You can buy a laptop (ad in the newspaper). But for now this is a decoration only.
Alex may have a headache. For now, it will only be in one place of the plot. (may need aspirin)
Collectible cards boost arousal.
A quest with rock couple was simplified.
Some additions and bug fixes
About the plot: It's not that easy to get into rock-club. You have to make new acquaintances to do this.
New locations near home: park, lane, basketball court and abandoned building.
A total of 7 new NPCs.
You can meet Lucas in the park and talk to him.
There you will make another acquaintance, and find events connected to it.
It's good to talk to basketball players too. Quite useful acquaintance.
Now you have an opportunity to look at the main character in underwear and without it in the wardrobe.
If the NPS has new dialogs, you will see a special sign.
Valerie introduces us to her new boyfriend. He will come and visit on the weekends. Watch them.
Now you have an opportunity to sign up for yoga. Talk to Valerie about it. After yoga you will find new content in the shower.
You can buy a newspaper in the newsstand. They will be weekly in the future.
You can visit the solarium.
3 new collectible cards appeared.
Edited bugs and made minor changes.
Fixed a bug with the phone.
Fixed a meeting with Jane after work
The telephone conversation was translated into English
Alex has a scale of "excitement".
If Alex is very excited, she can masturbate in some places: room, bathroom, toilet in the cafe.
The "characteristics" menu is added (click on the Alex icon).
New locations: Mall, beauty studio, clothing store, living room in the apartment, newspaper stand, Rose street, Library, "Amadeus" restaurant.
Continuation of the main quest, acquaintance with a pair of new NPCs
The main quest is now not interrupted.
Mechanics of cooking. There are several recipes.
New emotions for Alex, a new pose of the "talking head" + a new sexy home suit (put on and removed automatically).
At work, too, you need to change clothes. The costume is automatically removed when you leave the cafe.
Added a new waitress who works on weekends.
The ability to read books in the library is added. Reading picks up rhetoric.
In some places you can skip the time.
Opportunity to open a bank account at interest.
Barbara now has a schedule.
Removed pop-up messages that indicated how much time had passed.
Classes in the gym.
To do this, you have to buy a tracksuit.
Very hot event with Barbara.
For collectors, I added collector cards, which can be found in various unexpected places. Now added 3 pieces.
The new version was ready on August 1. I'm still waiting for the translator to give me the English version. I'm still in an active search for an interpreter. I want the new versions to come out without delay. For this, I need your help.
In the meantime, I do not sit idly by, but actively working on a new version of LA.
Not available yet.
Added city center and transport system.
Night background of locations.
The menu of tasks and tips.
List of contacts in the smartphone.
The UI has become more convenient and informative.
A few new selfies.
The daily routine and new costumes for Valeria. Now she does yoga, and sometimes she works in the kitchen.
In the game there is no sex. Now I'm creating a game skeleton. When it's ready, I'll add a role-based system. I'll talk about it later.
After that we can begin plotting the story.
How to install Bright Past for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
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