
Author: admin | 4-03-2025 | Comments: (4) | Views: 95 029  

Serenity for android

Serenity for android
Russian language Yes | English language Yes
User rating No votes
QR Code
 Version: Game engine
Ch.2 v0.3 | Ch.2 v0.4
Russian language Yes  |  English language Yes

Game description Serenity

MC's mom got cancer when he was 15. She fought for 5 years and finally died. During this time, MC did nothing but care for his mom. Didn't meet girls or date, didn't make many friends. His only friend is a girl who practically grew up with him, and she's in love with him... but he has (so far) not accepted her advances. Meanwhile, he learns that his Mom wrote a book for him.

She started on it when she first got sick. He learns that if he reads the book, it will take him to another place that his Mom wrote for him to live out his fantasies for the rest of his life. She had a magical gift he never knew about. Later he'll learn a lot more things about his Mom's past, as well as the power he has stored deep within himself
Serenity island is a place full of mysteries he'll need to unlock in order to learn more about himself and his Mother's past. As well, he'll have to defend the girls from a dark presence that will make itself known. The MC will have to break through is shyness and "grow a pair"... become a man, protect his harem of girls, and fight to keep his new home

Ch.2 v0.3 Rus / Ch.2 v0.4 Eng
Serenity-Ch.2 v0.4-Eng-release.apk

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Video and screenshots Installation help
Serenity — porn game Serenity — sex game Serenity — ero game Serenity — adult game Serenity — 18+ game Serenity — top game

How to install Serenity for android

1) Download the apk file
2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security

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Porn Games for Android

Looking to enjoy adult entertainment right on your Android device? Then you should download Serenity for Android. Our site offers an extensive android porm games collection in multiple languages, available for download and installation on your device. Most games are available in APK format, ensuring convenience in installation and use.

If you have questions about installation, feel free to refer to the "installation help" section for detailed instructions. Don't forget to also share your impressions and leave a review of the game Serenity, the latest update of which took place on 4-03-2025.

Many of our android porn games are also available in a PC version, so you can enjoy the game on both your mobile device and your computer. Click the link to browse the full catalog of games in the section Adult Games APK for Android.

On AndroidMO you'll find an extensive catalog of games across various genres and only the best Porn Games for Android. However, don't limit yourself to browsing only adult games on Android. Try Sex Games 3D for Android for a unique visual experience. Also, check out our Porn App for Android for even more variety and enjoyment.

Download Serenity
Updated: 4-03-2025
Size: 1GB
Android version: Ch.2 v0.3 | Ch.2 v0.4

PC version: Ch.1 v1.6c | Ch.2 v0.3 | Ch.2 v0.4


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Comments (4)
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9 October 2024 18:13
У мина всегда пишут что игра с ошыбкой обнавите кагда разработчик исправит ошыбки ... вы саберайтес исправит ашыбки или решыли забит на ету игру?
9 October 2024 17:16
Кто то может обйеснит мне где я могу саачать ету игру на русском языке? В етом сайте всегда вазникает проблема посли скачване требуют очистит кеш а затем игра вобше не открваетса СУКА .. а просда вылитает .. где тагдйа мне скачать игру на русском йесли в етом сайте пробйлема с етой игрой.. кто то мож1цет дать сылку где скачать что бы ета СУКА наконец работало как надо
29 May 2022 17:12
Liked the game...there should be prologue because game started with that he has powers and other things,when we don't know all other side characters,girls..who is the that best friend of mc is she kat or who..so many confusion... should have made prologue first
I download update with ch2 but I could only play ch1 .... anyway can't wait for next update
10 March 2021 05:36
no  se juega con el cancer muy mala historia
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