Game description Project Myriam - Life and Explorations
You guide Myriam, wife and mother, as her life change in a new city and she find herself pushed out of a sheltered life, will she find embrass her new found independance or will she slip back in the confort of a subservient life; will she venture forth and explore her repress desires and the opportunities that open up to her or will she let herself be submerged by life; will she follow the advice of good people or be manipulate by evil ones; and of all those weird events that she will fall upon... You decide.
Ch. 5.10+p - 2200+ lines of new code and 191 new renders. - 2 scenes. - Only 1 new choice to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (2/2 subscenes). - 2 fixes for the previous update ch5.09 (best to reload a save from ch5.08 or earlier to redo ch5.09 and fix your saves).
Ch. 5.09+p - 3875+ lines of new code and 281 new renders. - 5 scenes. - 7 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (2/2 subscenes).
Ch. 5.08a+p Here's the fixes: - Fixed a few renders due to a break in continuity with the visual of a bag changing from one scene to another. - Rewrote part of scene 2 at the house, now Myriam's choice of not engaging Jarvis the first time is took into consideration, letting the player ignore him again (though not solving the situation fully might have still some consequences). - Fixed a check not made properly in the same scene, which would let you call for help Danny, Dave or Mike even if not on their road (which would create a break in continuity depending on some choices made previously).
Ch. 5.08+p - 5375+ lines of new code and 422 new renders. - 6 scenes. - 4 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (7 subscenes).
Ch. 5.07a+p - 2400+ lines of new code and 213 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 6 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (2 subscenes). - Lots of spellchecking for chapter 5.
Ch. 5.06+p - 2690+ lines of new code and 207 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 10 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (1 subscene).
Ch. 5.05a+p - 2470+ lines of new code and 172 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 9 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (2 subscenes).
Ch. 5.04a+p - 2250+ lines of new code and 168 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 8 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (1 subscene).
Ch5.03+p: - 3350+ lines of new code and 257 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 5 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (5 subscenes).
Ch5.02+p: - 3000+ lines of new code and 245 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 12 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (2 subscenes).
Ch. 5.01a+p - 4300+ lines of new code and 199 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 12 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (4 subscenes).
Ch. 4.10a+p - 2900+ lines of new code and 253 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 5 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (6 subscenes). - Spellchecking up to last version.
Ch. 4.09a+p - 4800+ lines of new code and 408 new renders. - 6 scenes. - 14 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (9 subscenes). - Dialogues reviewed up to the current version.
Ch. 4.08 - 4150+ lines of new code and 353 new renders. - 5 scenes. - 9 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (5 subscenes).
Ch. 4.07
- Short of 3000 lines of new code and 169 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 15 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (3 subscenes).
Ch. 4.06 What's new: - 2650+ lines of new code and 168 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 14 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (3 subscenes).
Ch. 4.05 What's new: - 3350+ lines of new code and 247 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 18 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (3 subscenes). - Multiple spellchecking fixes. - 1 subscene commission.
Ch. 4.04 What's new: - 2700+ lines of new code and 187 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 9 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (3 subscenes). - Multiple spellchecking fixes. Third update of chapter 4 start just after the next one at Eve's loft, with some character and plot development, there and a bit of outside adventures. The first scene is a big one, comprising nearly three scenes, first part is about character and plot development after the last update, as well as preparing the future with some important choices; second part is outside, following Myriam on a run with Cassius; third part is about some time relaxing in the bath, with Marc depending on choices. The second scene is a short scene, starting after a short ellipse concluding what came before and opening on the new coming scenes. On the naughty side, it's a calmer update, only two possibilities with Marc which will depend on previous choices and a possible scene with Cassius during the run (with Prometheus' patch, already included). The update is of a fair size, but sadly may come as short again depending on choices, but at this point of the game it will become a recurring thing, the more the game advance, the more choices become an influence on the events. Chapter 0 through chapter 4.03 dialogues have been reviewed, ch4.04 still waiting for review. A big thanks as always to Kyla Angel for her help, support and special touch, and a big thanks as well to Vilesh Darothar for his extra spellcheck. ^^
Ch. 4.03+p What's new: - 2500+ lines of new code and 205 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 13 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (7 subscenes). - Multiple spellchecking fixes.
Ch4.02a - 3075+ lines of new code and 225 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 16 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (1 scene with 4 subscenes). - Multiple spellchecking fixes.
Ch4.01a+p - 1300+ lines of new code and 126 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 4 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (2 subscenes). - Multiple spellchecking fixes.
Ch3.12a+p - 2000+ lines of new code and 173 new renders. - 2 scenes. - 10 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (4 subscenes). - Multiple code and spellchecking fixes.
ch3.11+p - 2000+ lines of new code and 164 new renders. - 2 scenes (with numerous subscenes). - 12 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (4 subscenes). - Multiple code and spellchecking fixes.
ch3.10a - 4600+ lines of new code and 370 new renders. - 3 scenes (with numerous subscenes). - 24 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (7+ subscenes). - 2 new characters. - Multiple code and spellchecking fixes
ch3.09b - Heavy scrubbing of the dialogues from ch0 to ch2 (a big thank you to one of my patrons, Vilesh Darothar, for his help on that front).
ch3.09a What's new: - 2000+ lines of new code and 156 new renders. - 2 scenes (with numerous subscenes). - 9 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (6 subscenes). - 1 new character. - Added a few lines, renders and one way to go through the second part of the pool scene in the previous update 8 of chapter 3.
Ch3.08a+p - Short of 2000 lines of new code and 189 new renders. - 3 scenes (counting the "weird event"). - Only 3 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (5 scenes). - 1 new "weird event".
Ch3.07a+p - Short of 3000 lines of new code and 215 new renders. - 3 scenes (with multiple sub-scenes). - 11 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (5 scenes). - 1 new character.
Ch3.06a+p What's new: - Around 4000 lines of code and 313 new renders. - 4 scenes (with multiple sub-scenes). - 14 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (6 scenes).
Ch3.05b - 2 variable fixes that will make problems in the future (on the second and third scenes of update ch3.05).
Ch3.05a What's new: - Around a 2100+ lines of code and 177 new renders. - 3 scenes (with multiple sub-scenes). - 13 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - A little more naughty content (2 scenes and a few teasing situations). - 1 new character.
Ch3.04a - Around a 3200+ lines of code and 211 new renders. - 3 scenes (with multiple sub-scenes). - 13 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content of course (around 4 scenes and situations). - 1 new character.
Ch3.03b What's new: - Around a 2300+ lines of code and 183 new renders. - 3 scenes (with multiple sub-scenes). - Around 14 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (around 3 scenes and situations) .
Ch3.02a What's new: - Around a 2200+ lines of code and 202 new renders. - 1 big scenes (with numerous sub-scenes). - Around 10 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content (around 5 scenes and situations). - Dialogues reviewed up to date.
Ch3.01a - Around a 2050+ lines of code and 173 new renders. - 3 scenes. - Around 12 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content.
Ch2.08 Here what's new: - Around a 3200+ lines of code and 249 new renders. - 4 scenes (with lots of subscenes and 4 potential naughty scenes). - 1 new character introduced (well not really new, she was glimpsed in chapter 1). - Around 16 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content.
Ch.2.07a - The reviewed dialogues from the last update ch2.07.
Ch.2.07 - Around a 4800+ lines of code and 331 new renders. - 4 scenes (with lots of subscenes and 5 potential naughty scenes). - 1 new character introduced. - Around 11 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story. - Some more naughty content.
Ch. 2.06b - Around a whooping 6300+ lines of code (so double a usual update) and 373 new renders (biggest so far). - 1 really big scene (with around 7 subscenes and 5 naughty scenes). - 1 new character introduced. - 1 new weird event. - Around 30+ choices to make Myriam more your own (so one third of the full chapter 2). - Some new variables for Myriam (Addiction, Drinks and Drugs). - Some more naughty content.
Ch. 2.05b Around 2900 lines of code and 246 new renders. - 4 scenes (4 small/regular scenes with a few different paths depending on choices during the game). - 2 new characters introduced. - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content.
Ch. 2.04a - Around 3800+ lines of code and 310 new renders. - 2 scenes (2 big scenes with multiple subscenes, 1 with consequences of previous choices and 1 introducing new event lines) . - 3 new characters introduced (and a 4 others brushed over) . - First draft of the ingame bios. - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content.
Ch. 2.03a - Around 3300 lines of code and 215 new renders. - 2 scenes (1 small interlude and 1 big event with multiple pathway). - 1 new character introduced (and a 2 others brushed over). - First draft of the ingame bios. - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content. EDIT 1: Added the reviewed dialogues for this update, and added back some important variables for the future (so you need to redo the update at least from the laundry room's first choice if you want to get your saves right - of course just ignore if it's your first play through the update).
Ch2.02b - Around 2300 lines of code and 209 new renders. - 3 scenes (2 normal and 1 "weird event'). - 2 new characters introduced (and 2 others in the "weird event"). - Introduction of the first "weird event". - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content but only in the "weird event". - Review of some variables level needed on some choices. - All renders converted into webp.
Ch2.01a - Around 2300 lines of code and 209 new renders. - 3 scenes (2 normal and 1 "weird event'). - 2 new characters introduced (and 2 others in the "weird event"). - Introduction of the first "weird event". - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content but only in the "weird event". - Review of some variables level needed on some choices.
Ch2. v01a - Around 2900 lines of code and 232 new renders. - 3 scenes. - 3 new characters introduced and 2 others just brushed over. - Introduced the skeleton of the bio system. - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content. - A full review of the dialogues.
v0.3.a - Around 2900 lines of code and 244 new renders - 3 scenes. - 2 new characters introduced and 2 others just brushed over. - 1 major choice for Myriam which will impact her life considerably. - Lots of minor choices to make Myriam more your own. - Some more naughty content.
v0.2.5.a - Around 2500 lines of code and 228 new renders - 3 scenes, 2 small and 1 big - 5 new characters introduced and 5 others just brushed over - Lots of choices to make Myriam more your own - Some more naughty content - Totally reorganized the notification system and the game variables to help the clarity of the script and so you won't have to restart the game every time I update it. - Correction of some misspellings and a line of code to better the notification system (thanks again Kostik Penguin). - Added a musical theme specially written for Myriam on the main page of the game, kindly written and offered by a fan (thanks Enrico ' Trinciapapere ' Bolgan) and changed the main page background to go better with it. Hope you enjoy it as well.
v0.2.a -2000 lines of code and 166 new renders -Added 3 scenes (2 short, 1 big with naughty parts) -Partitioned the script as suggested (for better clarity and navigation on my part ^^) -Introducing 5 new characters -Lots of choices to make Myriam more your own -A few choices limited by your stats
v0.1.5 -Added 2 scenes, with 5 subscenes (including 2 naughty scenes depending on choices) -Added a few changes to the script to prepare for future updates (and hope to avoid to have to restart the game too much because of incompatible save files) -Introducing 2 new characters (including William)
v0.1a -denoised all the renders -losed the age of the kids
v0.1 Release
22-03-2025 the russian version of the Project Myriam - Life and Explorations game has been updated.
How to install Project Myriam - Life and Explorations for android
1) Download the apk file 2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen 3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
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