The Fixer for android

Game description The Fixer
After playing through one of the origin stories, you find yourself in Blaston, having been rescued by the cities main power base and in return you agree to work for them as a "Fixer". Someone who solves potentially sensitive problems using tact, diplomacy or underhanded means. Will you manage to make a difference to the town and it's power brokers or will you fall into the pit of depravity and despair along with the majority of residents in Blaston?
Added in a hucow outfit. It consists of a bra, pants, gloves, socks, bell collar and ears
Added new NPC to the market. Milkmaid
Added new milkmaid shop to the market
Added new items. Milktabs (enable lactation pill), breast pump, empty milk bottles and full milk bottles
Can use the breast pump in private places to fill up empty milk bottles
Can sell full milk bottles to the milkmaid
Milkmaid stall sells all milk related items including the newly added cow outfit
Added icons for lactating and milky perks
Added somewhat rare random event for broodmother Sammy to suddenly start lactating
Added in an event that triggers some days into the game that lets the player choose to be either baby crazy, child free or neither. Removed the old system that picked for the player. Resets after giving birth and asks again
New bus BG art
Started adding in generic male NPC sprites
Fixed up a whole host of bugs that were introduced in the recent updates
Added male NPC sprites to a lot of the scenes. Mostly noticeable in the pinkroom and whore scenes
Added perks “lactating” and “milky”
Added leaking breasts, milk stained clothes and milking art
Added in a toggle fetish “cumflation”. It is toggled off by default and is not considered canon/supported. I just added it because it was easy to do so and some people like it. Sammys belly will grow bigger the more cum she has inside her
Added in events for lactating, milking, inseminated and preg want/notwant perks
Finished bus BG art
Started adding in generic male NPC sprites
Added in new bus BG with lots of characters and variations. Still wip
Added in drunk events for when Sammy has been drinking. Small ones to being a little drunk to big ones where she goes off and drinks with people
Updated the freeuse tied train event to work without being in the pinkroom. It can now work while in the park/street.
Added in some pass out drunk events where Sammy can wake in certain conditions. One of which being freeuse tied
Added in some random events for if Sammy has high allure o dressed slutty
Some drunk or slutty/sllure events can result in Sammy losing clothes to tie in with the exhibitionist content
Added in more scenes where Sammy is drunk. Some minor and some extreme
Adjusted the slut calculations so that instead of counting amount of times Sammy has sex, it counts unique partners. So can have sex with a few people as much as you want without getting the perk such as soccer boys
Adjusted assault and selling calculations so that if you have multiple people during the same scene, it will count towards selling/assault. Previously it would reset when the guy cums and any following guys would not count as selling/assault. This would often result in getting perks you shouldnt such as slut or baby crazy
Made it so free use Sammy with bindings can choose to tie herself up using the button on the action bar
Added when Sammy is having sex, she has a small chance to get bruised. The rougher the sex the higher the chance
Fixed some issues where you were allowed to be naked (pinkroom) but were being blocked from using the buttons
Added in the button images for new park and school locations
Fixed being unable to perform actions while naked with Rachel or the soccer boys
New locations and location art. School secret entrance and park pathways
Added in a new events picker for exhibitionism where Sammy will hide if low exhibitionism or act more freely
Added in events where Sammy hides to look for new clothes
Added in events where guys who see Sammy naked “offer to help”. Results in getting clothes off the guy in some ways
Added in the ability to look for clothes even if scavving is not unlocked
Sammy can walk while naked or exposed through back walkways
Added in events where if sammy has missing clothes, she can ask friendly NPCs for spares
Added in late night events that result in Sammy losing clothes
Added in random events if Sammy is dressed slutty, she can be propositioned
Added in events where is Sammy is not fully dressed, she will react accordingly
Fixed issues inlayer order where Sammy is covering up and being groped
Lots of fixes to reported issues due to the wardrobe
Readjusted the prologue tutorial so it works properly
Fixed crashes when changing into work clothes
Added smoking. When Sammy smokes a cig, she will have a cig in her hand for around 5 ingame mins. If she smokes too much she will get the smoker perk
Sammy auto smokes if she has the smoker perk and cigs in her inventory
Fixed issue with locked clothing being available in the shops
Added variations to the new bodysuits
Fixed some old save errors
Fixed some Mira quest bug issues preventing it from starting in some cases. Also fixed finding Miras body, quest fail after 40 days if you don’t find her body and Mira being flagged as dead after 20 days of not starting the quest/speaking to Cass
Changed the scavving button to be expanded. If Sammy is covering herself, then she can expand it to look for clothes
Adjusted so that if she is outside, she will cover up even if no one is around.
Fixed issues with picking work outfits
Expanded the colour picker to include skin, eyes, makeup, nipples and others
New surgery screen with new buttons so you can customise your colours from game start or though paying at the hospital
Added 3 new bodysuits
Fixed some bugs that creeped in from last builds. Save games should work fully now
Fixed some pub and other work issues relating to the new features
Dressing up now checks if your alternate outfit is appropriate
Added expand option to some buttons. Shower button now has an “always apply makeup after shower” toggle. The Hangout button has options to smoke, drink beer and take joy and the Passout on the street button has options for drinking an energy drink and taking wakeup
Fixed some bugs with the new wardrobe
Added stuff for old saved games to work
Completely fixed the lag/slowdown that has been reported. The improvement is very significant and noticeable, especially when skipping text. I might have introduced some issues with the avatar, so feedback is appreciated.
Added 3rd bodysuit and added variations to previously added ones
Fixed crashing when trying to work
Added a second variation for each outfit slot. Sammy will dress in either one randomly
Changes to the wardrobe UI. there are now split buttons so I can fit everything on screen. Gloves and socks as well as bra and pants are split buttons
*** NOTE *** I broke old saves for this build, use only a new game for now. I will fix saves later once wardrobe work is fully done
Added the “ruffled pj’s” outfit as an additional top and bottoms set
Added in a checker that looks to see if Sammy is exposed based on what she is wearing. Transparent clothes need to have a certain level of confidence before she is willing to uncover.
Added some of the other tattered clothes to find while scavving for clothes
Added a chain of events where if you walk around exposed enough, you will eventually progress gaining the exhibitionist perk without having to do Rachel’s storyline
Added a bunch of mini events for when you are exposed. What events play depends on how used to exposing yourself you are
Added a new colour picker for the wardrobe
Added new outfit slot “bodysuits”. It takes the bra and pants slot
Added a cheat “unrestrict wardrobe”. It allows you to wear all layers of clothes at once. It will remain a cheat and not a supported feature because you can put some really weird combinations
Added new Rachel CG. Exhibitionist pose
Added new dare for Rachel where she goes outside the school for the first time
New CG for Sammy, standing masturbate. To be used with exhibitionist stuff
Added new revealing top and wrap skirt
Added new abs muscle tone
Added Sammy using her hands to cover up if she is exposed and doesn’t meet the requirements to show off
Added Rachel explaining what she is doing in the gym at night
Added in some beginner dares for exhibition. Nothing too spicy and is just for getting Sammy used to the whole thing
New CG added, Sammy sitting nude with and without man.
NOTE FOR ANDROID USERS * I am using a new computer and android builds can be funny sometimes. Please tell me if you run into any install issues with this version
Changelog from v0.3.3.02 to v0.3.3.04
Fixed the [name] error introduced in the last build
Fixed Sammy’s name and description not always showing correctly in the diary
Fixed a crash when doing soccer dares while robin is around
Fixed being asked to go topless when already topless with soccer dares
Fixed crash when asking Simon about Mira
Removed all curse words for Bambi Sammy and replaced them with lesser versions (eg. Damn > Darn, Arse > Bum)
Changelog from v0.3.3.01 to v0.3.3.02
Fixed Simon crashing
Made it so you can gift Cass or Mira individually when they are together so it’s possible to give spray or poison.
Fixed being able to speak to Kitty without having met her before
Fixed issue with the alarm clock
Fixed issue where some character names were crashing
Fixed some issues where the wrong character is speaking
Fixed reported typos and text errors
Changelog from v0.3.3.0 to v0.3.3.01
Fixed meeting some characters repeatedly for the first time
Fixed an issue with blowjob when there are many men
Changelog from v0.3.2.46 to v0.3.3.0
Added in the “Find Mira” questline where you join forces with Cass to find out what happened to Mira. This questline is quite involved and has many branches. It will trigger during Autumn through Cass
Added the “Street walking” quest which allows Sammy to hang out and advertise her services
Updated the truck stop district with updated BGs, new motel area and slum area.
Added whores to the highway, including the haven whore who is now named “Kitty”
Added other characters to the truck stop district including Haven’s Viktor who sells booze and other goods.
Updated artwork for Mira, Cass and Kitty
Added new characters who play a role in the “Find Mira” quest. P.C.Paige at Security and shop assistant in the Funwear shop
Added an entry to NPCs so they can have whore names. Cass is Gingersnap and Mira is Perra
Added 2 new CGs for when Sammy is whoring
Added new perk “free use” where Sammy will never reject offers of sex or ever accept money for it (available only to slut, sucu, broken or bimbo characters who have unlocked the whore quest). It is a player activated perk and can be turned on/off at will
Added large new sex scenes while streetwalking along with many new CGs
Added a variety of scenes with new CGs to the pink room including train scenes, multiple penetration, gangbangs, tied up and more
Added if Mira is gifted pepper spray at the highway, her entire storyline is prevented and doesn’t trigger.
If “Find Mira” is failed, Cass can become broken with new art. She eventually goes missing and is listed in the diary as dead.
Added in a large amount of Cass general dialogue. It assumes you start talking to her at the start of the same so loading old saves will have things out of sequence
Added music to the game
Added lots of new clothing items
Moved some items from the wardrobe and into inventory such as ballgags
Added new fetish items, lockable ball gag, blindfold and bdsm straps for use in the pink room
Added maternity band item
Rooms can be rented from the motel. There are blue rooms and pink rooms. Functionality to pink rooms to be added soon (blue are normal rooms, pink are whore rooms)
Speaking to the motel receptionist will unlock the motel cleaning job. A much more dangerous version of normal cleaning but can be worked 24/7
Motel receptionist has a small shop offering some energy and sex related items. She also sells the maid outfit. Prices are inflated at +50% of original cost
Added 2 new CGs for Sammy advertising herself from a pink room window
Added in a walkable path between the junkyard abandoned trainyard and the slums. This is the first of many planned routes to different districts so you don’t need to use the bus. You need to have visited the arrival and destination location to be able to discover. Is discovered while scavving.
Updated character art for Police Chief Campbell, Police Chief Miller and generic police officers
Added icons to the location buttons that show you who is in that location
Updated loiter/hang around events so that if an NPC is around, Sammy might go and talk to that NPC
Made it so if you have the bimbo perk, Sammy speaks a bit more like a bimbo. The more drunk you get, the more slurred Sammy’s speech will get
Added new penetration, cum and orgasm cutin images
Made it so that if you encounter a troublesome customer while whoring, an NPC whore in the same district has a high chance of coming to Sammy’s rescue. The more whores around, the higher the chance
Added in new mood effects. The world will seem a lot brighter and “happier” if Sammy has high mood. It will seem greyer and depressing is she is in a bad mood
Added minor drunk blur effect
Added new perk “Despondent” which can only be gained by dropping below 0 mood. It auto accepts any sex or whore offer. Accepts any offer of drugs, beer or anything else that might boost Sammys mood. With this perk, Sammy will never fight back and fails most other checks
Made it so if you have the right (or wrong) perks, your mood can drop below 0. This will give Sammy a new perk which will make gaining mood easier, but also make Sammy do almost anything to boost her mood
Added a new icon to the top ribbon which shows Sammy’s cycle and how many days left. If she is pregnant then it will instead show how many days left until she gives birth
It’s possible to gift Cass some poison if she is being bullied and she will poison the bullies
Removed ability for Sammy to poison the bullies if Cass is the target
Updated much of the Photography storyline and extended it a bit
Added new CG for the photography quest.Updated dance/photography dance pose to take into account customisation options
Added quest “Promotional material”. This is the intro to the photography questline
Added collectable polaroids which you can sell for Felix. This feature is incomplete
Added 3 new CGs for the volleyball photography
Added the first story chain to the photography questline where you and Felix work to make a new magazine
Felix can sell Sammy a polaroid camera with blank polaroids
After completing “Starting the magazine”, you can now find Felix’s magazine in the needle girls and funwear shops
Added 4 new CGs to the dance troupe
Update the dance troupe storylines to make use of the new CGs. It now randomly picks from 7 avaiable images
Added and updated backgrounds for the school now showing Cass, Mira and random NPCs in the cafeteria, classroom and school exterior
Rachel and Svet now hang out at the school gym even when not dancing
If the gloryhole has been made, Rachel will hang out in the toilets and sometimes occupy the gloryhole stall
New BG characters added to the toilets including Rachel
Characters added to the cafeteria. Rachel, Svet, Dani, Anabel and soccer boys
Adjusted Robins schedule so she has lunch and will be in the cafeteria
Added a new quest “A place to be alone” where Rachel asks you to show her how to get inside the academy at night
Added new bg art for Rachel while she is hanging out at night in the gym
Added new events for Rachel in the gym at night where you eventually catch her naked
Added Private investigators office to revel backstreets with a backroom where Sammy can wash, change and sleep.
Added intro chain where you meet Simon in his office
Updated pub BG with people in the background. If named NPCs are there (Trixie, Dani, Robin, Bob or Simon) they will show in the BG
Made it so your shift in the pub ends close to 3am. Usually each work shift is 4 cycles but if it reaches 3am it will end prematurely
Made it so on weekends, Oskar comes and visits Robin in her room is she has agreed to pay rent through sex
Added dialogue chain with Robin once Sammy sees her having sex with Oskar
Added Dani to the residential area courtyard with unique dialogue chain if you speak to her while there
Added talk chains with Dani where she asks about working in the pub. Some mini events trigger her to ask
Added chain where Dani tells you she got the job at the pub. This only tiggers if she has asked for the job but not actually started yet. (3 days between asking and starting)
Mini events added when you start work if Dani has asked for a job, Trixie asks about her and meeting Dani for the first time while she is working there
Updated Dani side sprite artwork
Added 3 Dani CGs and 4 Trixie CGs while working the pub
Added a collection of mini events while working in the pub where you see what Dani and Trixie are getting up to
Added a quest entry for Robin when she asks you to buy her slutty clothes
Made it so you can buy Robins slutty clothes at the Funwear shop and from the needle girls in the academy in addition to the market
Made it so that if you have discovered Robin enjoys watching or hearing stories, she will rarely turn up to the pub to watch Sammy work
On rare occasions, if Robin went to the pub, she will end up in the motel with someone and not come home until really late
If Robin is still at the pub when you finish your work, she will offer to go home with you
Greatly increases the chances of naughty bus events triggering if you travel with Robin and know she is a bus deviant
A few days after offering Oskar sex for rent, Robin will approach Sammy telling her she got a similar offer.
Robin will start having sex with Oskar for rent in the mornings once she has spoken to Sammy about it (No event yet, just BG art showing it)
Changed Oskars office hours from 9-3 to 8-6 so you can easier meet with him before and after going to the academy
Added in sex scenes with the lake dealer. He will give a discount based on the sex act
Made it so that if you do a sex act with the lake dealer, and dont buy anything. He teases you about it but unlocks the ability to ask for sex from him
Freeuse Sammy will reject the discount from Lake dealer but still have sex
Sammy no longer gets kicked from the dance troupe is pregnant
Added in a scene where if sucubus sammy is too tired, she will go off and find people to have sex with
Blocked succubus from sleeping
Added in scenes where if you are free use and too horny, you will tie yourself up no matter the location. Requires over 1500 desire for any chance to trigger
Made it so being punched loses tired and if you have been punched enough and have low tired, it can trigger sammy being knocked out with various events happening
Fixed up some prologue branches and added a few new minor ones where Sammy can get the slutty dress.
Heavily simplified the speech and int check equation. It now mostly factors in its base stat with only little debuffs based on being drunk
Added so that when Sammy had really low hygiene, her clothes start to go see through and stick to her
Added a new item “tissue” which can be used to clean any visible cum. It can be bought from most shops and found scavving
Fixed being able to rename NPCs
Fixed sound issue in the menu
Fixed a bunch of typos and text errors
Fixed some issues relating to the new whore sex scenes
Added more variety to the generic NPC skin tones
Updated the fight checker, now if you have the broken perk or low confidence, you will be too afraid to fight back. If you have the succubus perk or the broken virgin perk you can choose not to resist
Added in a checker when dressing up to make sure you actually have the items of clothing. Only really affects jobs so you can’t wear things you don’t own
Fixed where if you try to clean the pub without having worked there before, you would be naked.
Made it so that the wardrobe defaults to the outfit section if you are wearing an outfit. Otherwise it defaults to tops
Made light fluid a guaranteed drop in the lounge if scavving while its empty
Adjusted the rate of finding a stall to buy something from in the market. Previously it was 1 in 3, now it’s 2 in 3
Fixed shops not restocking
Changelog from v0.3.2.45 to v0.3.2.46
Added a new icon to the top ribbon which shows Sammy’s cycle and how many days left. If she is pregnant then it will instead show how many days left until she gives birth
Adjusted some perks to allow Sammy to go below 0 mood. Needs a new game to take effect
Blocked being able to whore at shortcut routes. Currently only sewer pipes area
Changelog from v0.3.2.40 to v0.3.2.45
Added in many new cutins and cum images
Made it so if you have the right (or wrong) perks, your mood can drop below 0. This will give Sammy a new perk which will make gaining mood easier, but also make Sammy do almost anything to boost her mood
Added new perk “Despondent” which can only be gained by dropping below 0 mood. It auto accepts any sex or whore offer. Accepts any offer of drugs, beer or anything else that might boost Sammy's mood. With this perk, Sammy will never fight back and fails most other checks
Added in new mood effects. The world will seem a lot brighter and “happier” if Sammy has high mood. It will seem greyer and depressing is she is in a bad mood
Added minor drunk blur effect
If you meet Kitty in Haven, afterwards its possible to get the whore quest from her
Fixed up a bunch of issues in Haven
Fixed up some prologue branches and added a few new minor ones where Sammy can get the slutty dress.
Sammy no longer gets kicked from the dance troupe is pregnant
Fixed up some bugs with the Simon quest.
Fixed so that Emile doesn’t go missing if you need to change your clothes before going out with her
Fixed a lot more reported bugs
Added in scenes where if you are free use and too horny, you will tie yourself up no matter the location. Requires over 1500 desire for any chance to trigger
Blocked succubus from sleeping
Added in a scene where if succubus Sammy is too tired, she will go off and find people to have sex with
Added in some music tracks as a test. Feedback is appreciated.
Added in a train scene using the upside down CG.
Made it so at the end of the upside down scene, the guy may just leave Sammy or even ask her if she wants to be left alone. Free use or succubus perks needed to agree
Made it so that if you encounter the train scene, you get a new option in the pinkroom to tie yourself up and unlock the door. Needs free use or succubus perk
Made it so that if the lake dealer offers sex to a free use Sammy, she will automatically accept while also refusing the discount
Added rare event where if you pass out in the street in the truckstop district, you may wake up tied to the bed in the pinkroom
Updated standing DP image so it can be used in more scenes and the pinkroom
Added a new closeup cowgirl DP CG
Added new events to the pinkroom. Standing DP, on bed DP, Dancing and singing for a single guy or group leading to a variety of outcomes including gangbang
Added in sex scenes with the lake dealer. He will give a discount based on the sex act
Made it so that if you do a sex act with the lake dealer, and dont buy anything. He teases you about it but unlocks the ability to ask for sex from him
Added in upside down sex pinkroom request. If you don't have a gag, plug or blindfold during this scene, the guy may attach one once you are tied up. Possible for him to leave you as free use and you will need to be rescued by the receptionist
Added singing and dancing scene for the pinkroom. Makes use of the dance troupe art assets. Also set up a function so that Sammy when singing at any point will pick from one of 10 songs to sing
Fixed up coats that lacked sleeves and breast variations
Fixed up and added in new branches for the street whore sex events
Adjusted many locations where you go off alone with a customer so it’s not always the back alley. The junkyard makes use of the new shortcut location
Changelog from v0.3.2.34 to v0.3.2.39
Added in a large amount of Cass general dialogue. It assumes you start talking to her at the start of the same so loading old saves will have things out of sequence
Added Cass dialogue for events such as being bullies, poisoning the bullies and sammy meeting the soccer boys
Added events for Cass and the highway whores where if you are attacked, they can come to your rescue based on their location and love stat
Added in Mira conversations
Added in a branch where if you know Mira is a whore, you can talk to her about it and eventually unlock the streetwalking quest through her
Added a bunch of pinkroom special requests. Still a lot more to write.
Added event where if you find Mira at the beach washed up, you tell Cass about it
After finding out Mira is dead, Cass becomes “broken” and no longer follows her normal routine. She can only be found at the highway for half the day
Added broken Cass conversations. They are small and do not really go anywhere
Added broken Cass new face art. She has red eyes, running mascara and dead like eyes
Random chance broken Cass gets removed from the game and gets listed in the diary as “missing”
Updated character art for Police Chief Campbell and Police Chief Miller
Updated generic police characters art
Added new location to the slums. Slum row. And moved Viktors still to slum row
Added in a walkable path between the junkyard abandoned trainyard and the slums. This is the first of many planned routes to different districts so you don’t need to use the bus. You need to have visited the arrival and destination location to be able to discover. Is discovered while scavving.
Added missing travel buttons and updates the truckstop and highway buttons
Added rare event when you are walking around the truckstop area at night, you might see Mira whoring before you discover she is a whore
Added facial expressions to Mira
Added a conversation chain with Mira if you talk to her at the highway while she is whoring to get some backstory from her
Added a conversation chain with Mira where she gives advice to a whore Sammy
Added Mira wash ashore CG. Censored and uncensored version
Made it so that if Mira is gifted pepper spray, her kidnap questline is avoided entirely. Nothing interesting happens in this line and is only for those who want to avoid everything entirely.
Updated the checkpoint lobby image to include PC Paige at reception
Made it so you can talk to PC Paige during the Mira quest to find out how to get info from the whores.
Heavily simplified the speech and int check equation. It now mostly factors in its base stat with only little debuffs based on being drunk
Made it so you can now collect intel on Mira and complete that stage of the quest
Every day Cass has a random chance of gathering intel on Mira. When you speak to her she will pass it onto you
Added in the ability to go to security, Cass and Tucker for help with rescuing Mira.
Added being able to tell Cass that Mira is safe and in the hospital
Added event where Sammy and Cass go to visit Mira in the hospital
Made it so 10 days after Mira is rescued, she will continue her previous routine
Added new outfits for Mira.Bandaged and hospital gown
Added a new shop in the slum with new location and BG, Viktors still. He will sell booze and drugs as well as buy any scrap, drugs or cigs you have. Selling non scrap items gets you 70% of the cost. Any non scrap items you sell will go in his inventory where you can buy back later if needed, but at a higher cost than you sold them
Viktor also buys cigs. This doesn’t really earn anything and is just to remove from inventory
Viktor will also buy Felix’s magazines
Changelog from v0.3.2.30 to v0.3.2.34
Added background characters to the highway, motel and truckstop.
Made it so the whores as well as Cass/Mira move around to the motel, truckstop, highway and slums areas
Removed the hotel pool area until I have a use for it.
Added BG for the motel reception.
Added some dialogue to the motel receptionist for if she isnt there when you enter.
Added new BG to the slum area
Updated the BG for the highway
Updated artwork for all Haven men
Added orgasm cutin images
Added penetration cutin images
Added 2 new dressed, new catsocks and knee pads
Due to updated guidelines, added a variable that removes any danger content from the game for public releases
Put a time delay on some events so Sammy doesn’t walk out the house on the first day and get beaten up/mugged
Made snow and rain appear on top of NPCs. Made snow effect much more transparent
Made it so that if you encounter a troublesome customer while whoring, an NPC whore in the same district has a high chance of coming to Sammy’s rescue. The more whores around, the higher the chance
Made it so that if Sammy doesnt have the whore or gamine perk and activates whoring through the Mira quest, she can only whore at the highway until either the quest is complete or she gains the whore perk. All whoring sex stats while doing so will be added to the mira quest stats and not the whore quest stats
Edited the expand/npc buttons so that if there are no buttons in the expand part, the expand button wont show
Added all cowgirl in bed scenes to prostitution
Made it so that people can ask for more specific requests when paying for sex. So if someone asks for non vaginal sex, sammy won’t instantly reject whoring because virgin. If customer asks for creampie and Sammy accepts, she will not complain that he cums inside even if she has perks that would normally not allow
Changelog from v0.3.2.26 to v0.3.2.30
Written some of the whoring scenes. They generally work when on the streets and with some variations. More to be added
Added the whores around the highway. They will eventually protect you if anything bad happens
Added a new item “tissue” which can be used to clean any visible cum. It can be bought from most shops and found scavving
Significantly increased the chances of getting a customer when whoring
Added new CG on back
Added new CG stand behind with some pub vairations
Added new CG, facefuck. Can only be used in bed
Added new CG laying blowjob. This doubles as a spitroast image
Added so that when Sammy had really low hygiene, her clothes start to go see through and stick to her
Changelog from v0.3.2.19 to v0.3.2.26
Added some more to highway whoring. Still heavy WIP
Added new items pink ticket and Mira intel notes
Started added in areas where you can question people about Mira. Still heavy WIP
Made it so weather effects now appear on the top of the screen
Added new CGs. Sammy ass upside down and Sammy on back in bed
Added new items. Bondage gear and blindfold
Moved the ballgag from the accessories wardrobe to the item inventory. Added a lockable version that once on, cannot be taken off by yourself
Added maternity band item
Added some latex dresses, a latex top and bottoms
Fixed haven issues where searching sprinklers would show the entire questlog
Made light fluid a guaranteed drop in the lounge if scavving while its empty
Added 2 new CGs for Sammy advertising herself from a pinkroom window
Added BG art for pinkroom and blue room
Added new BGs for sex locations to the truckstop. Between the trucks and inside the truck carriage
Added new BG to the motel
Added new minor character “motel receptionist”
Rooms can be rented from the motel. There are blue rooms and pink rooms. Functionality to pink rooms to be added soon (blue are normal rooms, pink are whore rooms)
Speaking to the motel receptionist will unlock the motel cleaning job. A much more dangerous version of normal cleaning but can be worked 24/7
Motel receptionist has a small shop offering some energy and sex related items. She also sells the maid outfit. Prices are inflated at +50% of original cost
Fixed some bugs related to cleaning so you should no longer jump to the pub after some events
Added updated BG to the truckstop
Added new locations where Sammy can go away and have sex with a guy (can’t manually go there, only when going off for sex)
Added 2 new CGs for when Sammy is whoring
Added new perk “free use” where Sammy will never reject offers of sex or ever accept money for it (available only to slut, sucu, broken or bimbo characters who have unlocked the whore quest). It is a player activated perk and can be turned on/off at will
Cass gifting now possible. Gifts depends on if she is a whore or not
It’s possible to gift Cass some poison if she is being bullied and she will poison the bullies
Removed ability for Sammy to poison the bullies if Cass is the target
Added Private investigators office to revel backstreets
Added backroom to simons office where Sammy can wash, change and use the mirror
Added intro chain where you meet Simon in his office
Simon can now be met in his office and spoken to while following the Mira missing quest
Added new CG. Robin x Oskar in his office
After completing “Starting the magazine”, you can now find Felix’s magazine in the needle girls and funwear shops
Fixed issue where some shops stock too many items for the menu to show. Only works on new game
Added icons to the location buttons that show you who is in that location
Updated pub BG with people in the background. If named NPCs are there (trixie, dani, robin, bob or simon) they will show in the BG
Made it so your shift in the pub ends close to 3am. Usually each work shift is 4 cycles but if it reaches 3am it will end prematurely
Added BG images for Robin having sex with Oskar in her bedroom
Made it so on weekends, Oskar comes and visits Robin in her room is she has agreed to pay rent through sex
Added dialogue chain with Robin once Sammy sees her having sex with Oskar
Added temp events for Robin x Oskar
Changelog from v0.3.2.14 to v0.3.2.19
Added 3 Dani CGs and 4 Trixie CGs while working the pub
Added a collection of mini events while working in the pub where you see what Dani and Trixie are getting up to
Added a quest entry for Robin when she asks you to buy her slutty clothes
Made it so you can buy Robins slutty clothes at the Funwear shop and from the needle girls in the academy in addition to the market
Made it so that if you have discovered Robin enjoys watching or hearing stories, she will rarely turn up to the pub to watch Sammy work
On rare occasions, if Robin went to the pub, she will end up in the motel with someone and not come home until really late
Fixed issues with Robins slut event where Sammy would walk into the now removed hallway
Fixed issue with Robins slut event where you would be able to see Robins background image while looking for her
If Robin is still at the pub when you finish your work, she will offer to go home with you
Greatly increases the chances of naughty bus events triggering if you travel with Robin and know she is a bus deviant
A few days after offering Oskar sex for rent, Robin will approach Sammy telling her she got a similar offer.
Robin will start having sex with Oskar for rent in the mornings once she has spoken to Sammy about it (No event yet, just BG art showing it)
Changed Oskars office hours from 9-3 to 8-6 so you can easier meet with him before and after going to the academy
Added Dani to the residential area courtyard with unique dialogue chain if you speak to her while there
Updated loiter/hang around events so that if an NPC is around, Sammy might go and talk to that NPC
Added talk chains with Dani where she asks about working in the pub. Some mini events trigger her to ask (if you have completed the 3rd dance quest event, you have to rely on lunch room rng for now to trigger)
Added chain where Dani tells you she got the job at the pub. This only tiggers if she has asked for the job but not actually started yet. (3 days between asking and starting)
Mini events added when you start work if Dani has asked for a job, Trixie asks about her and meeting Dani for the first time while she is working there
Fixed some of the bugs with character images during the troupe storyline. First 6? Events are fixed
Updated Dani side sprite artwork
Rachel and Svet now hang out at the school gym even when not dancing
If the gloryhole has been made, Rachel will hang out in the toilets and sometimes occupy the gloryhole stall
New BG characters added to the toilets including Rachel
Characters added to the cafeteria. Rachel, Svet, Dani, Anabel and soccer boys
Adjusted Robins schedule so she has lunch and will be in the cafeteria
Added a new quest “A place to be alone” where Rachel asks you to show her how to get inside the academy at night
Added new bg art for Rachel while she is hanging out at night in the gym
Added new events for Rachel in the gym at night where you eventually catch her naked
Added 4 new CGs to the dance troupe
Update the dance troupe storylines to make use of the new CGs. It now randomly picks from 7 avaiable images
Added and updated backgrounds for the school now showing Cass, Mira and random NPCs in the cafeteria, classroom and school exterior
The Fixer changelog v0.3.2.14
Fixed crash bug when having sex
The Fixer changelog from v0.3.2.06 to v0.3.2.13
Added Miras quest. During the second season she will go missing. Cass will approach Sammy kicking off the quest
If Sammy has the right perks, she can start the whore quest without the Mira quest. Miras quest will still happen later (no actual whore sex scenes in yet)
Added branches to the Mira quest for if Sammy is already a Highway Whore or if she becomes one during the story
If Mira is not found within a season, she is found washed up on the beach
Added new Mira art
Updated Cass art
Added new minor character to the funwear shop along with art. She has no name as she is too minor to need one. She plays a small role in the Mira quest
Added placeholder BG art to the funwear shop
Added artwork for a new character. P.C. Paige Williams. She will be involved in helping you find Mira. She is also planned to have her own quest in future
Added in a cheat to help you just to each section of the Mira quest.
Added an entry to NPCs so they can have whore names. Cass is Gingersnap, Mira is Perra and Sammy is Doxie (not a final name for Sammy, suggestions welcome)
Added quest “Promotional material”. This is the intro to the photography questline
Updated dance/photography dance pose to take into account customisation options
Added quest “Promotional material”. This is the intro to the photography questline
Added quest “Starting the magazine”. This is the first part of what will be a lengthy photography line
Added new CG for the photography quest. Volleyball pose
New items added. Polaroid camera, blank polaroids, taken polaroids and Blaston special magazine
Added new polaroid feature. If Sammy has a camera and blank polaroids, photos can be taken when she is performing actions then sold to Felix (only soccer polaroids work right now)
Added 3 new CGs for the volleyball photography “Starting the magazine” quest
Added (again) the animated drunk effects and the floating hearts effect now performance has been fixed.
Fixed some save compatibility issues when loading from 3.0.
Fixed performance issues. This shouldn’t just be a minor improvement but a huge one and things should run very smoothly now. Please give feedback on how your performance is now.
Fixed rollback lag caused by the talking character highlight. NOTE. Performance should be SIGNIFICANTLY better. But I can only test on my own devices, so please inform me if you notice the improvements or if you cannot notice a difference. ANOTHER NOTE, If you are loading an old save, you need to move the game forward so none of the old saves rollback memory is in the buffer. The fixer has 50 steps of rollback so progress a bit for the rollback slowdown to be fixed.
Added new cleaning GGs. An upskirt with maid/bar/dungarees variations and a simple generic scene.
Added cleaning events depending on locations.
Edited and expanded the cleaning job so it can be used in all locations.
Added a debug test cleaning event for the bar to test how things work in multiple locations.
Added cleaning quest separate from the “paying rent” quest.
Paying rent cleaning stats/pay switched over to the cleaning quest.
Cleaning quest has a new maid quest image.
Pub can only be cleaned when Sammy cannot work the actual pub. If the time rolls over into actual pub work hours, Sammy is given the choice to switch to working the pub.
Cleaning changed from once a day to once every 4 hours. May switch to being repeatable if there are enough events for it (once prostitution is in).
Added cleaning events at the bar while working normal shifts.
Changelog from .50 to .54:
Completed the 3p on top CG.
Added gags to many of the existing CGs.
Fixed an infinite loop while wearing a gag.
Completed the on desk sex art CG.
Added a gag to some of the other CGs.
Fixed an issue with one of the scenes shown while cleaning where breasts and other bits would display incorrectly.
Added a new receptionist NPC to the hospital with a few mini events with her.
Updated the Psychologist/dr brooker art.
Added unique diary death and location entries for Shane and Marcus.
Added pregnancy classes in school that replaces swimming.
Added addiction random events.
Fixed icons for wanted and unwanted pregnancy.
Fixed a bug when meeting Robin for the first time while naked.
Changelog from .31 to .50:
Renamed nurse Camilla to nurse Lilly as her name was annoyingly long otherwise.
Added a new character sprite for nurse Lily.
Dead NPCs now show up as dead in the diary.
Updated shop interface to show how much discount you are getting if any.
Time of day color changes now change gradually.
Adjusted font for the name tag, made larger and gave slightly different colors for each character so it’s easier to tell when someone new is talking (needs a new game to appear).
Characters who are talking now have their character sprite highlighted and slightly enlarged.
Added a tattoo shop to revel backstreets. You can get tattoos or make body writing permanent (need to have the writing first).
Added a funwear shop to revel backstreets. It sells any clothes tagged as “slutty”.
Shop vendors can now give discounts. Lake dealer will give discounts for sex acts, Jaylee will give discounts on account of being friends, and wandering the market will give random discounts.
Item names and descriptions added to all items and clothes. Needs a new game to update.
Added new items: Energy drink to boost energy, food bar to eat and boost mood, entertainment magazine to boost mood, and porn magazine to max out desire.
NPCs now adjust their color based on time and weather like Sammy does.
Added new sex CGs for Robin: Blowjob and against wall.
Updated soccer boys' talk to account for some Robin stuff.
Added a new BG behind the old locker room.
Added new BG sex character art to the lockers and behind old lockers.
Added more variety to the “I’m horny,” “I’m drunk,” and “cumming” cut-in dialogue.
Added new cut-in dialogue for when Sammy is having sex, selling herself with whore perk, selling herself reluctantly, and being forced.
Adjusted the face flushing effect so it appears progressively with desire. The same with the drunk face flush and the sweat effect.
Updated Shane and Marcus art and added poisoned art for them.
After stealing poison beer from Sammy, Shane and Marcus will progressively get sicker and die after 10 days.
Added in bully suffering events for when you poison the bullies.
Added mini events for after the bullies die of poison.
Reduced the bimbo perk requirements from less than 30 int within 15 days to less than 10 within 15 days.
Added bully comments with Robin when in school.
Added new quest log images for Cosmetic surgery and dance troupe.
Dance troupe now gets added to quest diary as a job. This is mostly to track sex stats and remind players when they can participate.
Added a dance troupe event button to the gym so if you didn't attend class beforehand, you can still take part in the event.
Sammy only showers before the dance quest now if your hygiene is low.
Made it so you can choose to not wear socks/pants while working the pub even if you have the pants/socks in your wardrobe.
Getting groped on the bus no longer has a confidence hit.
Made the sleep, shower, and a few other buttons expandable to clutter the UI less.
Added dance clothes to the upskirt pic and replaced the old one used during the dance storyline.
Robin now sneaks off with one of the boys if she is hanging out and you have told the boys she wants sex.
New button with the soccer boys using the expanding button thing.
New option with the boys to not drink beer.
New option when Robin sneaks off with one of the soccer boys to go and watch her.
Added random mini events to remind Sammy/Player that rent needs to be paid. Events depend on if Sammy has the money or not and if she has had sex with Oskar or not.
Oskar comes to the house on Sunday to collect rent.
If you are behind on rent, Oskar will harass you now and then demanding payment when you are in the home area.
Being too far behind on rent triggers Oskar to threaten to kick you out. After pleading with him he will give the casino job (can’t actually work there yet).
Diary quest entry added for casino work with new bunny girl image.
Diary quest entry added for the photography line and new Sammy modeling image.
You can now wake Robin up when she is drunk on the sofa and shoo her to bed. Doesn’t really mean anything now but will later once more flatmates are in.
Fixed up issues with meeting Felix in the dark room.
Commando perk changed. Can now wear and buy all underwear. Random events will trigger on rare occasions with Sammy complaining about wearing underwear if they are not thong/slutty tagged. Wearing underwear for long enough without these tags will lose the perk.
Updated soccer boys dialogue so perverted comments aimed at Sammy take into account if she is nude.
Update to fix some issues and lore inconsistencies with the Simon pub mission.
Fixed issue where when getting the recovering perk, you got a purple haze in your face.
Fixed issue where some choices should show as being wasted drunk Added new items poison and poisoned beer (only available through cheats for now).
Added events to the bullies where they will rob and take items from Sammy.
Greater chance of being robbed if poison beer is in inventory Added event where sammy uses poison on beer.
Can only happen if the bully line is progressed enough or Cass is being targeted"
In a nutshell…
New breast sizes added. Sammy can now have small, medium or large breasts
New locations, events and characters
All CGs updated for breast sizes, body writing, spanked ass etc.
Inventory added with a whole host of items
Perks added
New way to travel around town and location areas have been restructured
Custom colours for clothes/hair/makeup
Perks added to the game
Origin perks added where the player can select a defining trait for Sammy
There are 8 origin perks picked at the start of the game and many more normal perks
Updated body writing. Sammy now has 2 pens in her inventory, a permanent marker and a felt marker. Permanent writing takes 5 showers to remove while felt marker is removed after one wash. There is also a tattoo variant that cannot be removed but this needs to be applied by someone else.
Added small and large breast variants to the surgery menu
Updated the art for Sammy’s body
Sammy’s stats are now heavily dependent on perks and are no longer capped at 100. Given the right perk balance, Sammy’s desire for example can now each 900, possibly more.
New scavenge mechanic added where Sammy can look around the streets for anything valuable to sell. This is intended to be a non sex sidegrade for prostitution (prostitution will be in an upcoming update)
Vendors added who buy different types of scrap off Sammy
Scav events added where Sammy looks around the streets for junk
Sammy can also collect non scrap items at various locations such as beer/cigs. Some areas have more specific items not available elsewhere
Bus travel menu added. You now need to get the bus to travel to different districts
Added bus travel scenes. These can range from mundane to Sammy leaving naked
School art updated to give the school a more run down feel to it
New rooms added, the library and sew room
School locations have been restructured to accommodate the new classrooms
Can relax in the library or study to boost intelligence
Added new barmaid uniform
Updated all barmaid CGs to use the new uniform and have breasts/preg/tattoo/writing/spank/buttplug variations.
Added Trixie as a replacement for barmaid
Added in undress CG to the selling socks/pants events
Updated the pub KO event with the new ass up CG
Updates to many of the talking/serving events so you get a red ass when groped/spanked
Added new standing/harass CG for when Sammy is bringing beer to a table or returning from a table.
Updated sex CGs to use the barmaid dress
Updated pub work start where you buy clothes that are missing.
Added a shop to the back room in the pub to buy missing clothes
Added wardrobe and mirror to the back room.
Work in the pub is now started from the back room after your first day. This is in preparation for the dance/topless job that will be there later
Added rare abduction event to the pub if you follow a guy outside into the alleyway
Added in pub harass events when walking to/from the bar.
Added in some flavour comments while working at the bar for male start Sammy as well as comments when you haven't worked there for very long
Added in a few new event branches
Added in perk specific branches to many of the scenes
New junkyard area in the checkpoint district
New characters Jaylee and Ashon added to the scrapyard. Jaylee is a scavenger who will introduce the job and her brother is the manager of the scrapyard
Visiting the junkyard unlocked the Savver quest and the ability to scavenge
Can sell scrap items to Ashon and eventually he opens a shop where you can buy a few items
Intro chain with Jaylee where you see her around the junkyard scavenging
Once friendly with Jaylee, she will invite you to hang out near her trailer
Once very friendly with Jaylee, she will show you the key to her trailer and let you hang out and stay the night.
Many Jaylee conversation topics and conversation chains
When staying the night with Jaylee, she may initiate sex depending on her lust stat
When staying with Jaylee, she may wake you up in the morning through sex depending on her lust stat
Added Jaylee asslick, Jaylee facesit, Jaylee ass pose and Jaylee bed post CG’s
Jaylees trailer is a new player home. It has all the same functionality as Sammy’s home
Jaylee opens a sex shop once you are friendly enough with her
Needle girls
Added new characters Saskia and Feida
Added intro chains when you meet them
Added the intro chain with Nate where he asks you about gloryholes and then tasks you with getting items to make one
Once you have completed Nates gloryhole chain, you can create gloryholes elsewhere
Sammy is able to service created gloryholes
Added in gloryhole artwork
Sammy is able to work the gloryhole at the pub as part of her shift
Haven CGs have been updated to give Sammy a new vagina, add body writing and spank effects. Added new backgrounds to some scenes that can take place in Sammys bunk
New events. Sammy can wake with something being written on her, shower abduction event, drunk abduction event, general harassment and molestation, horny and drunk general events.
If Sammy is a whore, she can find someone waiting for her by her bunk for a good time
If Sammy is a whore and triggers a low mood event. She might sell herself instead of seeing Viktor
If Sammy is a whore and falls fully asleep, she can wake to realise someone “used” her while sleeping and left payment in her bunk
If Sammy is a whore or succubus, she can advertise herself for customers around Haven
Getting fluid/searching the lounge, getting the lighter/searching the bedroom and searching the pipes room now requires scavenging
You can now hang out at the fireplace at night. Gives more mood than loitering
Changed Viktors repeatable scene and the storage caught scene from bent over to present ass CG
Viktor can be asked to pull out
Viktor can be met while hanging out by the fire
Update to Victor, if you go the preg_want route, you now manually collect more brew when you run out instead of getting an infinite amount.
Eavesdropping events can now be farmed endlessly but the chance of triggering them is now lower.
New blowjob repeatable with the peeper
Can enter utilities room regardless of the time
Added Leaking CG after the vent scene
Due to mobile and potato computers struggling, the haven room search point and click has been removed and pushed into the scavenge feature.
Added a new mini mission before Haven where you collect packages in preparation for the Haven mission. This serves to introduce Sammy to the mechanics and people at the market
New perk related branches
New Haven shower scenes for whore/slut/strange pill Sammy
Updated the Haven mission start so Sammy responds to Emile based on perks
Updated the peephole repeatable sex chain for perks and to use the new “where to cum” system
Updated and added in new Haven branches for perks. Exhibitionist Sammy will always agree to exposing herself in return for booze/cigs and strange pill Sammy has unique branches where she readily agrees to sex
Extended the time the guard smokes for from 10 mins to 30 mins
Slave path now gives you Joy and Lebo during the story. Sammy will finish the mission being an alcoholic and Joy addict as well as gaining the broken perk
On the slave path with pregnancy timer being player chosen now, added in new event catchers while in your slave cell where you give birth. It is possible to give birth multiple times
Dance storyline
Added new dance clothes. Miniskirt, knot top and underboob crop
New perk related branches to the story. Most notably the exhibitonist perk
Updated much of the dialogue and scenes to looks/feel smoother
Updated the prologue
Sammy can now pick her appearance at the start of the game
Body confidence stat added. Male start starts at -200, female start starts at -50. It will never be possible to go above 0 or lose confidence outside of the prologue
Prologue updated. Makes use of new body_confidence stat, Emile can be snarky if you pick negative options and more male start dialogue
New choice menu during the prologue when picking what to wear. It now shows icons of the clothing instead of text
Body_confidence now decides if male start Sammy can pick thongs/a dress
Edited Dr. Tucker’s dialogue which suggested he wasn't very important in the institute.
New prologue comments based on breast sizes
Updated dialogue to reflect the lack of phones or other working technology in common use
Removed “no clothes” button. You now undress by de selecting what you are currently wearing
New shop wardrobe interface.
Coats added. Only partially functional right now and just added for testing
Added yellow highlights around colours that are currently applied to your clothes
Added yellow highlight around any clothes currently worn
Added colour picker to the wardrobe, you can now save a selection of your own custom colours
Added the ability to make some clothing more transparent/fishnet
Added jewellery box switcher to the wardrobe
Redid wardrobe code. The wardrobe is now a proper inventory (using the new inventory system) and clothes are now items within the inventory.
Hud and UI
Inventory added
New Diary and stats menu interface
New HUD and travel screen
Updated the upper ribbon, stat numbers are now displayed over the stat icon by default. No need to use the debug menu
Cheat menu has been changed to an image icon on the upper ribbon
Adjusted stat descriptions to better reflect higher stats (desire/allure)
Added inventory. Button is on the top right next to the diary
Items added for the inventory. Items can be used directly from the inventory interface and if they can’t be used, Sammy will have something to say about the item and it’s use
Haven items are now placed in the inventory
Updated main travel UI
Reorganised districts and rolled some districts into others. Park is in the Residential area, commercial area is in Revel street, Highway is in the Truckstop and Industrial is in Checkpoint.
Added new locations to the lake and industrial area
Broke the school into 2 floors and added new locations
Toilets/locker rooms and other gender specific locations now have a new split button.
District locations can now only be accessed through the travel interface where Sammy will get on the bus to that location
Updated the action buttons UI
Action buttons are now attached to the travel UI and not hovering on the location images
Added icons to show what an action will do. If it will boost your mood, boost fitness etc.
Added personal actions. These are actions available anywhere such as relaxing, scavving, whoring and finding somewhere to sleep
Updated diary UI
Added a personal diary for Sammy with a few entries.
Updated quest log. It now tracks all the sex stats that happened during that mission. All the same stats that are available to Sammy
Updated Sammys stats. It now shows how many people came on her, how many times she has been pregnant, how many babies she has birthed and tracks how much she has earned selling herself.
Added new “people” screen. It will show a short biography of everyone important you know as well as any sex stats related to them
Added images for the bio screen, stats screen and for quests
Can rename NPC’s in the bio screen
Added new stats for female NPCs that show their sex stats page
Map backgrounds
Updated park background
Updated bushes background
Updated all school backgrounds to give a more worn feel
Add all items
Pregnancy length. Cycle between v short, short, med and realistic pregnancy lengths. NPCs also follow this timer
Meet all NPCs so they show up in the diary/bio page
NPC timeskip. NPCs pass 2 seasons worth of days without time actually progressing. During this time NPCs will have sex and get pregnant
Player cycle, Progress Sammy’s cycle by 1 day
Gloryhole cheat. Start and progress the gloryhole creation chain with this cheat
General changes or additions
Added a random event picker to the entire game.
Fixed and re added the pass out/sleep drunk event
Updated drunk and tired pass out events. It is also possible to manually sleep rough when tired enough. Some events make use of the new ass up CG
Added loiter events to the park. These are mostly updated walk events from before
Game now starts on Saturday and Sammy stats her cycle at a random point
Added custom colours to accessories and makeup
Added hair dye and contact lenses to the accessories wardrobe. This is basically colour your hair/eyes from the accessories menu
Custom hair and eye colours added
Nail polish, hair dye and contact lenses require an item to be able to use.
Updated soccer boys sex scene to use the new “where to cum” system
Adjusted “where to cum” system to be a lot more lenient. Sammy will fail a lot fewer checks unless she has perks that auto fail her (eg broken, preg_want)
Exhibitionist Sammy can now shower with the boys regardless of stats
Exhibitionist Sammy at night asks the boys if they are fine with her hanging out naked. After asking, Sammy will auto strip when interacting with the boys
Added random exhibitionist event where Sammy will streak through the school
Commando perk Sammy now throws away any underwear from her wardrobe
Exhibitionist Sammy now cannot wear anything for her home wear
Exhibitionist and slutty Sammy can be nude in her home and swim set without issue
Broodmother origin now gets huge boost to sex agree checks if ovulating
Broodmother and creampie lover can never ask for pullout
Broodmother/baby crazy Sammy cant ask for anal unless on period/pregnant
Broodmother can never take morning after pills or abortion pills. Baby crazy Sammy will need to pass a check so the player can “trick” her into taking one (get her drunk). In return, Baby crazy Sammy may mysteriously lose morning after pills or abortion pills
Added back in the drunk swirl and floating hearts now that the slowdown issue seems to be fixed
Removed mall and things can now be bought by wandering the market.
Made it so lap sex gives the choice of what to do based on your stats
Added new item, Joy. It doubles your max happiness and maxes out your happiness and doubles Sammys happiness gain. But is addictive. Getting Joy addicted will lower your max happiness by 60 and make any happiness gains reduced by 80%
Added new item, Lebo. It will max out desire, increase max desire by 200 and made any desire gains 10 times more.
Added the chance for pub patrons to give you a spiked drink with either Joy or Lebo
Added new item, Wakeup. After taking it your tiredness will be maxed out, but once you come down from it your tiredness will completely tank and you may pass out.
Added random events where if you are a joy addict and have low mood, you will take a joy. If you have beer on you, you will drink something
If you have low mood when ending a shift in the pub, you will be given the choice to boost it by drinking or taking joy before carrying on. Likewise if too tired, you are given the choice to take some wakeup
When triggering the tired/pass out event, you are given the choice to take some Wakeup if you have some
Added bikini shop to the beach
Removed the event where Sammy goes home when its late with low confidence. Now if Sammy is not very confidence and is out late, she will trigger mood lowering random events
Removed the confidence hit when wearing slutty clothes when unconfident and replaced with mood lowering random events
New Emile art added
Added in male start world events and comments
Updated the run events to work globally
Updated the run events to match better with the lore and Sammys character
As male start, once you reach 0 body confidence (from -200), you will trigger an event where you remove the male start origin perk and get to pick a new one.
Emile pregnant prologue brances
Strange pill and a variety of drugs can now be scavenged at the beach. Story explanation for why at the beach to follow
New item added, pepper spray. During any hostile encounter where Sammy is able to resist, the option for using pepper spray will come up and auto win the encounter. Pepper spray cannot be bought and will only be a very rare find while scavenging.
Added a new personal action where if Sammy is stripped of clothes and is exposed, she can scavenge for some rags to wear.
Added in mini events for when it is late at night (replacing the previous “send home” mechanic)
Can do blowjob, vag or anal. Scenes are not properly written yet but are functional
When working at the pub. You can choose to serve the gloryhole instead of doing a shift, then return to work and carry on like normal
There are usually 4 shifts per cycle when working at the pub. Each visit to the gloryhole counts as 1. While there is no limit to how many times you can serve the hole, your colleagues might come looking for you the more you serve.
Expansion of event where you ask Alison what's the issue with her boss (Dez)
Expansion of event where you ask Dez what’s his deal with Alison
Added the ability to add gloryholes elsewhere (still no events yet)
Added in new scrap items for scavenging. Various different scrap materials to sell to vendors
Time now passes during conversations
NPCs now run for 40 days before game start. It is possible to encounter pregnant NPCs now on day 1
Adjusted the game economy so you no longer end up super rich a week into the game. Still being worked on by feedback is appreciated
Added notifications when a perk is giving you a unique branch
Added a new sell clothes checker. Selling something that won’t leave you exposed will auto pass with some comments, selling pants with a skirt will need to pass a poor or will check, selling anything that leaves your underwear exposed also needs a poor or will check. Anything that leaves your breasts/ass exposed will auto refuse unless you have the exhibitionist perk
Added many of the missing location button images
Fixed issues relating to clothes going missing after getting naked
Strange pill Sammy never washes out cum from inside her after showering
Updated the debrief with the psychologist to properly reflect what you did
Added pregnancy length cheat. There are 4 options. 7 days (v short), 21 days (short), 42 days (medium and current default) and 90 days (long, realistic). NOTE** Pregnancy length will also effect NPCs
Reduced the amount of time it takes for your cycle to restart. Previously it was 28 days and it has been reduced to 3
Female NPCs randomly gain morning after pills and abortion pills
Female NPCs who have sex will take a morning after pill if they have one
Female NPCs will take an abortion pill if they have one when they discover they are pregnant if the pregnancy was from being forced or while selling themselves
Added button to the menu that allows you to rename NPCs
Added cheat that advances your cycle
Added new cheats “meet all” which will add all NPCs to your diary and “NPC time skip” which will pass 6 months for all NPCs
NPCs now start living their life from 40 days before game start. This makes it possible to meet pregnant NPCs on day 1
New prologue lines for Emile if she starts the game pregnant
Added many missing perk icons
Added in many missing location button icons
Added art for the cosplay girls. Saskia and Frida plus pregnant variations
Added the event where you pick up clothes from the girls at the market as well as picking up the tracker from the junkyard
Haven mission can now be played after collecting the packages
v0.2.107 Changelog
New character Jaylee and Ashon added to the scrapyard. Jaylee is a scavenger who will introduce the job and her brother is the manager of the scrapyard
Jaylee's trailer added. This is a location that will eventually act as a home for Sammy (one also occupied by Jaylee) when you are friendly enough with Jaylee
Added Jaylee x Sammy art. Kissing scene and two nude poses scenes
Added Dez (Alis boss) art
Updated the scavenge mechanic to now function. No proper events are added for it yet but you can spend time around most outdoor locations scavenging for items
Scavenging can also net you items such as nail polish, hair dye and other tool items as a rare find. Beer and cigs can also be rarely found
Strange pill and a variety of drugs can now be scavenged at the beach. Story explanation for why at the beach to follow
New item added, pepper spray. During any hostile encounter where Sammy is able to resist, the option for using pepper spray will come up and auto win the encounter. Pepper spray cannot be bought and will only be a very rare find while scavenging.
Removed the swap actions button and added personal actions to the main bar. Whoring and scaving needs to be unlocked before it can be done.
Removed the quick change action since this makes being stripped naked by events meaningless since you can just change
Added a new personal action where if Sammy is stripped of clothes and is exposed, she can scavenge for some rags to wear. Events to follow but this will be pretty rough for her
Added in mini events for when it is late at night (replacing the previous “send home” mechanic), Sammy is pregnant or Sammy is exposed
Added in a cheat that allows you to do each step of the gloryhole start chain and gives items
Fixed up issues with the gloryhole start chain, now fully works
Can use the gloryhole and earn money though doing it. 200 per customer is placeholder until I properly do the economy
Can do blowjob, vag or anal. Scenes are not properly written yet but are functional
When working at the pub. You can choose to serve the gloryhole instead of doing a shift, then return to work and carry on like normal
There are usually 4 shifts per cycle when working at the pub. Each visit to the gloryhole counts as 1. While there is no limit to how many times you can serve the hole, your colleagues might come looking for you the more you serve.
Added in the soccer boys/nate gloryhole quest. He will mention it to you where you have to collect the tools able to make a hole. The tools currently need to be cheated in but eventually will be gained either by scavenging or from the mechanic faction.
Added event where you make the gloryhole with Nate with option to service him after or leave him alone there
Tools are later given back to you where you will be able to create your own gloryholes elsewhere (currently cant create or use gloryholes outside of the intro)
New tool items chisel, saw and tape. Tape is a consumable item that is used up in creation of a gloryhole
Expansion of event where you ask Alison what's the issue with her boss (Dez)
Expansion of event where you ask Dez what’s his deal with Alison
Added the ability to add gloryholes elsewhere (still no events yet)
Added in new scrap items for scavenging. Various different scrap materials to sell to vendors
Fixed some soccer boys conversations triggering when they shouldn’t
If you didn't see the mechanics to find out what you need to make the gloryhole and instead got the items though scavenging (or cheats). You can now use the saw or chisel from your inventory to update the quest
New Job quest is started after you complete the Nate gloryhole quest chain. This is so all your glory hole stats can be tracked through that quest in the diary
Added a new mini mission before Haven where you collect packages in preparation for the Haven mission. This serves to introduce Sammy to the mechanics and people at the market
Added the first stage of the Ali/Boss quest. Currently just the setup and intro. It can be started after you collect the package from the mission mentioned above
Fixed an issue where if you played the game with Simon, refused sex, then met with bob and then offered to sell yourself to Simon, it will be reflected properly when talking to the psychologist
Fixed soccer boys/bully bug
Fixed reported typos
Full update to the first Institute mission with Simon in the pub. New branches are an intimidate option, a seduce option and a barmaid option.
Depending on the route you take, Simon can offer you extra work to help him get pictures of you and Bob together.
Update to the striptease game in preparation of having Simon become a recurring character.
Updated the Psychologist session to account for the new routes.
Updated the failure branch of the Simon mission as well as the police sections pre Haven.
Removed almost all restrictions from the wardrobe. Now if the player is too pure/unconfident to wear specific clothing, it incurs a mood hit and possibly confidence hit. But as long as Sammy’s breasts/vagina is not on show, she will wear it.
Can now wear a jacket without a top underneath
Added new surgery options with Dr Nicolas. You can now get birth control, abortion, heal all wounds, regain your virginity, a pregnancy test and rename Samantha.
Added Bob character art and updated Simon, Dr. Tucker and Dr. Nololas’ character art
Can now masturbate yourself in bed or at the showers
Added a few new masturbation scenes with Bob, soccer boys and Shane
Made the pub available from the start of the game. You can now drink and work there from day 1
Added some notifications when a skill check is called and why you can/cant follow a certain branch
Made visible options you are unable to pick and reason why you can’t access these options
Added a new “where to cum” function that checks your stats and conditions and chooses where the guy will cum and if he will pullout if asked.
Sammy will now know she is pregnant after her first missed period
Made the bully scenes trigger based on confidence. Low confidence will trigger them much more frequently
Added cheat to jump directly to meeting Simon in the pub
Added a dynamic colour picker for the skintone. This is a prototype for testing if it works without flaws to be implemented properly later. Access from the cheat menu
Added failsafe trigger that will hide/remove any groping hands or beer mugs I forgot to remove
Removed floating hearts, drunk bubbles and drunk swirl
Archived images. This should significantly help with game slowdown. If you suffered from slowdown, tell me if this improved things.
Raised prices for surgery from 500 to 5000
Fixed so the soccer boys only ask you to wear your waitress/dance outfit if you have unlocked them
Stopped some conversations triggering if the bullies have been dealt with
Cut up some longer sentences to fit better on smaller/mobile screens
Fixed crashes relating to the soccer boys
Fixed long hair not displaying properly during the spitroast scene
Fixed issues during the Haven mission with setting your stats
Fixed missing events during lunch
Fixed crash while doing one of the photoshoots
Fixed bug while doing a striptease
Fixed gloves going missing after undressing and redressing
Fixed reported typos
v0.2.36 Changelog
Note – Loading an old save will reset some of your stats, including intelligence, confidence and fitness. Sex stats will remain fine.
Content update
Added new main menu UI and animation
Added character art for the Soccer boys, Drake, Nate and Dan, Shane and Marcus the bullies and Felix the photographer
Updated character art for Cass with new outfits and pregnancy variations in preparation for her storylines
Added 3 new CGs. An againstwall variant and 2 doggy/spitroast CGs
Added bully sex chain. Includes hand, oral, vaginal, anal, spitroast and guys paying to take turns.
Added events to the bully chain where they write on you, threaten Cass and steal some clothing.
Added events 8-12 to the dance storyline as well as some conversations at school with Dani following this part of the story. This brings us to the penultimate event
Changed dance troupe events from every Friday to after dance gym class on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that the even chain doesn’t span so many weeks
Changes to school classes. You now have to go to class/lunch/gym yourself, allowing you to only attend what you want. Also means you can be late to school and still participate in later lessons. Lessons in progress are marked by the intelligence icon
If you arrive early to morning class, you will hang out with friends until class stars
Added morning class events with cass+mira, cass alone, mira alone, soccer boys, dance girls and felix
Added more morning lesson events
Removed the teachers name and replaced it with the subject of the lesson
Added Cass chain of bully events including 3 Cass CGs. This chain triggers if the soccer boys scared off the bullies from you or if the bullies have not managed to target you after 42 days (6 weeks)
Added random old shower events. If the boys are hanging out and lust is high enough, they may join
Added spitroast branch with the soccer boys
Added more conversation topics with the soccer boys. You can now hear about them having sex with Rachel, Photo stuff including nate trying to get/having gotten your special photos and Nate having got Dani’s photos
Added male toilet random events
Added girls shower random mini events
Made it possible to lose your clothes. Currently if you run away from the bullies while not having all your clothes on, anything you left behind will be lost. Only possible with the bullies for now (NOTE it is possible to soft lock your game because of this. If for example you lose all your tops, Sammy will refuse to go outside. If this happens, use the clothes cheat for now)
Added BG for behind the soccer pitch along with the boys hanging out there
Added BG for the darkroom, the photo set and the bus interior
Added a screen darken effect for whenever a CG or talking character is in focus. This is purely experimental and feedback is appreciated
Added NPC lust calculations. Now whenever you speak to them, your appearance will raise (or lower) their lust for you. Higher lust means sex events are more likley to trigger. Lust gain is blocked if the NPC came within the past 2 hours.
Added NPC love/friendship calculations.
Added so that if you keep Sammy happy over time, she gains confidence and loses confidence if unhappy. (Tracks the mood of the past 10 hours and rolls a d1000 against the total)
Named female NPCs now have autonomous sex and can get pregnant
Rachel autonomously now seeks out the soccer boys for fun
Dani now autonomously gets photos taken by Felix and if Dani is a whore, will have sex photo sessions with him
Minor additions/fixes
If you are a virgin, agreeing to sex is a lot harder. This has been significantly reduced if you have had anal sex
Stats how use floats to keep track of things better
Can now work in the pub until 3am
Wearing slutty clothes, being exposed or having really high allure will add for the chances of you agreeing to sex
Removed the restriction on walking/running/relaxing in the park at night (No new events yet but there will be)
Made it possible to agree to prostitution if you are a virgin but have had anal sex. Chances of agreeing is still rare so will need high desire/alcohol to agree
Changed the requirements to offer yourself to the soccer boys. Now you need to either have done something naughty with each of them or have a combined love of 180 (previously was have done something naughty with each of them and have all of them at max love)
New pass week cheat for testing NPC sex and pregnancy
Fixed description telling you who took your virginity
Adjusted the soccer boys shower events to almost always play an event
When offering yourself to the soccer boys, who joins you is based on lust. If all of their lust is too low, you will be rejected
Updated the soccer play events so that at night only dialogue of the person you are playing with will trigger
Showering with the soccer boys will give a large boost to their lust for you
Chances of the soccer boys joining you and who joins you in the shower is now based on their lust
Lewd comments from the soccer boys is now based on their lust
Pitch sex when winning a dare match is based on the players lust for you
You can now respond to and agree to some of the lewd comments from the soccer boys
Bully sex events are now triggered based on lust. It’s possible to avoid the worst situations if you stick to modest clothes when interacting with them
When the bullies demand your pants from you, they are removed from the wardrobe
Added a new cheat. Toggle avatar. It will hide or unhide Sammy from the side of the screen
Fixed the ass body writing to correctly count the amount of people you have had sex with
Fixed the school repeatable sex event virgin branch incorectly playing the forced scene
Fixed so that the bully event chain no longer fires the into event when loading your game
Fixed the post bully "removed" events. They should trigger correctly now
Fixed an error when doing the nude photoshoots
Fixed an error if you decide to "finish yourself off" while showering with the soccer boys
Fixed wrong text being shown when having sex with the soccer boys
Fixed an error when checking out your body during the prologue
Fixed your hair in Haven changing when going for a shower
Fixed so if you are kicked out of The Sweet Girls, you can no longer join them on Friday until you are allowed back
Fixed when starting your first shift then going home without starting a new one, the next time you went to work it would start the first time working intro again
Fixed issue where you sit on a guys lap who previously was exposing himself, “it” wouldn’t be showing
Fixed when sitting on a patrons lap, your hand turns the race of the man and not your own
Fixed the handjob scene showing two hands
Added a note after seeing Tucker that the train station and checkpoint missions are not ingame yet
Corrected a large amount of reported typos
Santa photoshoot (Normal, Tasteful nude and topless)
Elf photoshoot (Normal, Tasteful nude and topless)
Added a new cheat that disables pregnancy. It can be toggled on/off at any time. Wont help you if you are already pregnant.
Fixed bug where you would end up crazy drunk
Fixed certain skin tones on the NPCs not being able to show
Fixed crash bug with Simon if you give him a blowjob
Psychologist correctly talks about what you did with Simon
Fixed busstops not taking you to your location
Fixed bug while talking to the soccer boys
Fixed some typos
Content update
Soccer boys quest chains added. You can;
- Hang out and drink with them. Talking on a huge variety of topics dependant on what you have done while playing and how far into the story you are
Play dare matches vs one of the boys and perform a forfeit if you lose. Includes naughty scenes
Shower with the boys after playing a match. Includes naughty scenes
Be shown a hidden entrance so you can sneak to the field at night
Offer yourself to them. Includes naughty scenes
Rough implementation where the soccer boys get run of the bullies for you and the consequences of it
Photography quest;
Introduction chain
3 photoshoots (wip)
"special request" framework added
New clothes added;
Hooker dress
3 uniform jackets.
New shirt body/collar options
Flared skirt
Catgirl outfit consisting of catgirl pants, catgirl top, bell choker and cat ears
Witch outfit consisting of a dress, socks and a witches hat
A pair of high sleeved gloves
Added bodywriting. Note, this is not meant for the player to apply them but more of a punishment that others might subject you to, forcing changes to Sammy before she might unlock the ability to do it naturally;
forehead/whore gives temp iswhore perk
face/heart/slut gives temp isslut perk
belly/fertile gives temp boost to preg desire and doubles fertility
pubic/cumhere makes it so guys never pull out even if you ask
anus/analqueen makes it so you can always ask for anal
ass/counter counts every guy you had sex with until you wash it off and gives +10 desire per guy
breasts/milkme adds to desire, allure and chances of agreeing to sex
Added new againstwall CG to replace the one used throughout the learning centre. It now shows Sammys face and full body
Updated the show breasts CG to include customisation options
Updated show rear end CG to include customisations
Updated the oral CG to include more positions
New shower DP CG
Updated learning centre naughty scenes to use the newly added CGs
Added suntans with tanlines. Only usable via the cheat menu for now
Nipples now poke through your top if it is of thin material. Need to be outside or with high desire
Sammys rear end turns red if spanked a lot
Length of days changed. Summer days are longer and winter days are shorter
New mirror button to adjust your front and back hair as well as apply makeup
You can now work at the bar while pregnant. Art or dialogue has not been updated to reflect this
Minor additions/fixes.
Made it so if you are punched while broken, you do not lose mood or confidence and desire is maxed out
Fixed so that the front shower scene has an equal chance of showing as the back one
Fixed a bunch of bugs relating to the button images in haven only showing the day variant.
Fixed some bugs relating to the crazy man in Haven who attacks you.
Made it so if you are a virgin, you can always ask for anal
Fixed an error when Sammy is feeling more confident staying out late, depending on your location it used to crash
Made the cheat menu smaller so it can fit on mobile screens
New cheats added. Add to suntan, bodywriting and soccer boys scenes
Fixed bug that was preventing all the classes from triggering
Large typo pass
Content update
Added 8 events for the dance troupe questline. This event chain introduces 3 new characters to the game, Dani, Anabel and Rachel.
Added the soccer boys to the school field who you can play and hang out with in the afternoon.
Added some thugs to the school. You will bump into them now and then and if your confidence is too low, they will harass you and generally try to make your life miserable
School sandbox sex event chain added to tie in with the random events.
Added new lunchtime events. You will now have lunch with Cass alone if Mira is away for the day and if you are part of the dance troupe, you can also have lunch with them
Added random events throughout the school. These range from overhearing people talking to dragging someone into the changing rooms if desire is too high.
New dance troupe outfit consisting of a micromini skirt and a knotted tee.
Fishnet tights added and changed the waistline of all tights so they fit better with low rise bottoms
Hair changes. There are now 6 variations of bangs to choose from and 4 lengths of hair. Hair can now be styled as loose, pony, bun or pigtails at the bathroom mirror.
Updated the classroom, field and gym backgrounds. They also now have people in the background to show if certain events are available (eg. You can see the boys playing soccer in the field)
Added action images for when you do some sport. Running will now show a Sammy running image, dance shows a dance image and soccer shows Sammy kicking a ball
Minor additions and fixes
New cheats added. Cosmetic surgery, spank, punch and the ability to jump straight to some of the new events. The events jump is just for testing and will be removed in future
Reduced the fitness requirement to join the dance troupe from 60 to 40
Removed "go for a run" from the soccer field. It is now only available if the boys are not playing. Playing with the boys provides all the same fitness buffs as well as extra mood buffs so no point in running alone if they are there.
Reworked how the lower travel buttons are displayed to reduce the amount of image files
Fixed if you press escape while having the wardrobe open, then returning the game and closing the wardrobe menu, the text will stay onscreen
Fixed missing phair colours from the front shower scene
Removed cut off jeans shorts from the school uniform
Fixed highway and checkpoint bus stop backgrounds not showing
Various other big fixes
Content update
New clothes. An off the shoulder, ruffled crop top, a tight sports tee and sports vest (transparent and mesh variations), cutoff jeans shorts, cargo trousers and bra versions of the mesh tee and vest.
Night time "Fun alone time" events added with 2 new CGs. Sammy fantasises about past events while pleasuring herself (more to come)
Updated the shower scene to factor in nip colour, tattoos and piercings
Added new art for a shower scene. Showering will now randomly pick between the two images
Updated the sleeping event and re added morning sickness and hangover sickness mini scenes
Added a new penetration effect. It plays whenever Sammy gets penetrated (currently vaginal and anal)
Added a new cum popup effect which shows whenever Sammy is ejaculated in and where(currently vaginal and anal)
Added eyeliners to the accessories wardrobe. 2 new eyeliners added (4 total) and eyeliner is now colourable
Updated the juices effect on the side character. There are now 3 levels of amount for each location
New colours added to the wardrobe. Brighter red, an ocean blue, a bright cyan and hot pink.
New dyed/bleached hair colours added as well as unnatural eye colours
Update of the wardrobes. Selected tabs are now highlighted and new buttons added
Minor additions/fixes.
Sammy side picture is now coloured based on the time of day/weather/season
Adjustments to how the backgrounds are displayed. Summer is now much brighter, overcast more gloomy and winter more colourless
Wardrobes now show what tab is currently selected
Any "juices" on or in the body now degrade over time and take away from your hygiene
When drunk, Sammy now has bubbles come out her mouth
When blackout drunk, the swirl behind Sammy now spins
When Sammy has high desire, love hearts float around her
Adjusted the broken perk to also give you a minimum base desire of 50 and allows you to leave the house at night regardless of confidence level
Updated the spank image
Added arms for the school cardigan. It now works correctly with holding beer or an umbrella
Added drunk, shower, bukake and toggle makeup cheats to cheat menu and drunk levels to the toggle debug display. Moved hunger and hygiene to the debug display
Added an alarm icon to show you were woke by your alarm clock (I do not like this but have kept it in to get feedback on it)
Period cycle adjusted to be a little more realistic and fertility rates adjusted in preparation for perks to alter the base rates (If loading a previous save, this will reset your cycle)
After giving birth, it will take 2 weeks for your cycle to restart
Night time fun time now needs 80+ desire to trigger
Fixed the Psychologist not responding to your actions if you pried the gate bars in Haven
Fixed patching error on load if you load a save when you have activated the Haven mission but not started it yet
Fixed so you wont get the Haven wait message when waiting outside of Haven
Fixed the zip hoodies left arm when holding a beer
Fixed the school showers so you exit to the locker room after a shower
I have updated to the latest version of Ren'py to take advantage of some of it's newer features. There may be some teething issues I am unaware of due to the transition. Please report any bugs you come across.
Major content update
Added the second part of the Haven quest. There are many path combinations you can follow to achieve the goal of your mission.
Haven pt 2 has the continuation of the quest to speak to "Big Al", more ending combinations than I can count, leaving Haven, another session with the psychologist, mission debrief and mission wrap up.
Many new CG's and naughty scenes to go with some of the paths or outcomes
Added the "Broken" perk available through one of the Haven endings. It allows you to always agree to sell yourself, massive buff to sex agree dice rolls, makes you fail all willpower checks, unlocks all confidence related clothing options and caps your max confidence at 40
Added art for the Institute psychologist, 4 Haven guards, Viktor the brewmaster and the girl who shows you your bed when you arrive to Haven
Minor additions/fixes.
Updated the punch effect when Sammy gets hit
Added blood for when Sammy gets punched in the face.
Added rain and snow back in. It was removed when testing weather effects and forgot to be put back in
Made breaking the pipes in Haven considerably easier
Reduced the time between talking to the gate guard by 1 hour from 4 to 3
Made it so you can also be caught by the blackmailer while stealing the lighter fluid from the lounge and increased the chances of getting caught from 1 in 8 to 1 in 6
Made gathering intel slightly harder to make it more unlikely you will trigger the ending while aiming for another.
Fixed issue in the bar where Sammy would offer company to a patron when she isn't a whore
Fixed issue where the pub patron has sex with Sammy while she still has her pants on
Fixed issue where you sleep in Haven and the black screen remains
Fixed issue where you hover over the belly and will be teleported or sent to the main menu
Added the random haven join room events.
Unblocked the repeatable events. Now if you have gained all the intel you can still do the event but Sammy will comment that she has all the intel she is likly to get.
The more drunk and tired you are, the higher your chance of passing out.
Decreased the chance you get intel in Haven so it is less likely to trigger the intel ending when you are aiming for another one.
Fixed the haven waiting image so Sammy's top has a strap, added the missing eye shadow and inverted the sock stripes.
Sammy when stuck in the vent, sleeping, blow, storage and on the stool now has a shoulder strap on her top
Added phair to the image where Sammy is getting the naval ring and the image where she is plugged. Adjusted the colour of her nips to match the side avatar when she is getting the nipple rings.
Removed the not implemented message that appears after getting paperwork from the police station prior to the Haven mission
Fixed Sammy having a missing head when refusing to listen to the peepers intel
Fixed an error when waiting in a room (old spider)
Fixed the wrong image being loaded when blowing Viktor (old spider)
Fixed the black screen rarely not going away when going to sleep in haven
Dressing for haven now correctly removes any accessories you were wearing
Removed the collar from the peeping images
- Added the Haven mission. Infiltrate a homeless community and investigate whether Dr Curse is hiding out in Haven and, if not, where he has gone.
- The Haven mission has the intro, preparation for mission, arrival to Haven and the sandbox/searching for Doctor Curse. Content ends once you trigger one of the endings.
- Haven has more naughty events than I can count. Some small and some larger chains.
- 5 Different paths you can take to complete the mission. Some easier than others and depend a lot on Sammy's stats and experience.
Minor additions/fixes.
- Fixed not being able to buy school jackets or gloves from the shops.
- Made some thin material tops slightly see though so that bras underneath are shown slightly.
- Fixed the bus stop screen not showing.
- Fixed not being able to wait when you unlocked the Haven mission
- Added a trigger so you can get the slut flag.
- Adjusted some descriptions in the stats menu based on if Sammy wants a baby or not.
- Adjusted description in stats menu if Sammy is an anal virgin but has a butt plug in
- Fixed the minidress and the maternity dress not colouring in the party tab
- Very low hygiene now lowers your mood (sweaty state)
- Added new blackout drunk effect. This will only show when you are drunk enough you might pass out at any moment.
New female protagonist origin.
Many small adjustments and improvements to the male origin.
New clothing - New sexy top, 3 new skirts and a new jacket and shirt for school wear.
Added new hairstyles and modified old ones. There are now 5 front and 5 back styles
Added Ginger hair
Added xray hover effect to the belly when pregnant
Added hover descriptions to outfit types and clothing types for the wardrobe
Added small bits of flavour dialogue depending on your origin choice
Adjusted Sammy's expressions when you hover the mouse over her or open the stats menu
fixed hoodie icons in the wardrobe being switched
fixed self voicing issue repeating your latest quest update
fixed Santa socks not working with the school uniform
Fixed the cosmetic surgery looping an event if you followed the highway route on Simon's quest
Fixed a typo on the diary
Fixed the school shirt clipping with larger bodies
Fixed the diary not always giving you the correct description of clothing worn
Fixed dialogue with the psychologist if simon got you pregnant and you know you are pregnant
First part of a new Institute quest. This quest will take you to the security offices to find out where one of their missing scientists might be hiding out.
New body features. Colourable nipples, nipple sizes and muscle definition based on fitness.
Adjusted Sammys skin tones to match a bit better the race they intend to represent. Later on suntans will be used to effect them further.
New choker, nipple rings and navel ring added to the accessories wardrobe.
New shorts, top and gloves added.
Put the pub lap sitting sex scene behind a very high drunk check and a very high desire check.
Fixed prologue pants going missing if you asked about thongs.
Adjusted the code behind how the wardrobe and shops work. This should have solved most wardrobe related bugs.
Added functionality for head shape changes, eye changes and tattoos. Not ingame yet but are testable via console.
Fixed possible issue relating to the location of sex in the pub.
Fixed pants going missing when working in the bar
Fixed sports outfit not working properly
Fixed error during rare sleeping outside event
Made the sitting on lap event trigger less frequently
Miss Santa dress can now be correctly bought
Fixed stat menu creampies/facials/swallow not counting up.
Fixed an error when setting the price for your body.
Fixed leaving work sometimes still in your work clothes.
Fixed an event where the guy is having sex with you, but the art didn't reflect this.
Fixed error when opening the school wardrobe if had a collar or glasses on.
Add clothes cheat now adds the hats.
Removed the ability to enter the police station, getting yourself stuck
New feature. Accessories wardrobe. This is where you will put on things such as chokers, necklaces, choose your make up and later on will be where you put other jewellery and piercings on. Accessories are independent of your outfit choice.
New feature. Hats. Hats have been added to the clothing wardrobe and can be added to your outfit choices.
New feature. Stats diary and quest log.
New clothing. Beanie hat (Meow shop) and a miss Santa outfit added(hat, dress and socks added to Cosplay club).
New shop. Cosplay club. It is where you will be able to buy all the seasonal items and any cosplay outfits.
New accessories. Simple choker and a pair of glasses added to test the new accessories wardrobe.
Make up is now separated into four slots, customisable from the accessories wardrobe. Eye shadow, blush, lipstick and nail polish. All are colourable.
Huge amount of adjustments to the bar job. Main points are you can choose the hole to have sex in and agreeing to sexual encounters now use the same check calculations for consistency
New player variables that check if you are an experienced whore, if you are a slut, if you want or don't want a baby. These are calculated by your sexual encounters
New variables mentioned mean that you will always pass or bypass certain checks. If you are a whore you will always pass checks where people offer you money for sex. If you want a baby you will never be given the choice of where a guy cums.
A few new encounters to the bar job if you are a whore or want a baby.
Expanded some of the virgin sex events.
How to install The Fixer for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
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