Ver 0.70 Changelog: Add: 180 images and 1178 with animations. At least 71 animations. 1 Scene on Sunday Noon, Afternoon. 1 Scene on Monday Morning 1 Scene on Thursday Afternoon. 1 Scene on Friday Noon.
Ver 0.66A Changelog: Add: 111 images and 484 with animations. At least 32 animations. 1 Scenes on Sunday Afternoon. 1 Scenes on Tuesday Morning, 1 Afternoon and 2 Evenings. 1 Scene Thursday Noon.
Ver 0.64A Changelog: Add: 183 images and 1191 with animations. At least 54 animations. 2 Scenes on Monday Apres Midi, One at night. 2 Scenes on Tuesday Morning. 1 Scene Thursday Morning, 2 at Night. 1 Scene Friday at Noon. 1 Scene Saturday Morning, 3 Night.
Ver 0.61 Changelog: Add: 108 images and 946 with animations. At least 36 animations. 3 Scene on Friday Morning.
v0.60A Changelog: Add: 216 images and 1224 with animations. At least 56 animations. 3 Scene on Saturday Morning, 2 at Night. 5 Scenes on Thursday Morning.
You have to download ver 0.50B, 0.54 and 0.57 to be able to play !
v0.57 244 images and 2184 with animations. At least 66 animations. 3 Scenes on Saturday at Noon, 1 at Night. 2 Scenes on Monday afternoon. 1 scene on Evening, 1 scene on Night. 3 Scenes on Tuesday morning, 1 scene at noon, 1 scene after noon.
v0.54 Changelog: Add: 244 images and 2184 with animations. At least 66 animations. 3 Scenes on Saturday at Noon, 1 at Night. 2 Scenes on Monday afternoon. 1 scene on Evening, 1 scene on Night. 3 Scenes on Tuesday morning, 1 scene at noon, 1 scene after noon. #How to install the patch, download the patch, you will have a zip file, unzip the file, copy what is inside the folder, for example MetF_Chapter_3 0.54 etc...., then paste it in an old version of the game, if you have version 0.50B, put it in, if you choose the right directory they will ask you to replace some file, it is quite normal.# You have to download ver 0.50B, to be able to play !
v0.50B 190 images and 962 with animations. At least 56 animations. 4 Scene on Thursday at noon. 1 scene at night. 2 Scenes on Friday at noon. 2 Scenes on Saturday in the afternoon. 2 Scenes on Sunday morning.
v0.38 DLC
Add: 142 images and 656 with animations. At least 29 animations. 6 Scenes on Wednesday morning, 3 scenes at noon, 2 scenes in the afternoon. 1 Scene on Friday at Night.
Ch.3 v36A 226 images and 1613 with animations. At least 58 animations.
2 scenes on Monday in the afternoon. 1 scene on Tuesday morning, 1 scene at night. 1 scene on Wednesday Night.
#You download the ver 0.34/0.32, then you unzip it, you will normally have a file named "MetF_Chapitre_3-0.34/0.32-pc", then you download the ver 0. 36, you do the same thing, you unzip the zip file, you will have a file named "MetF_Chapitre_3-0.36-WIN LiNUX EN UPDATE FILES ONLY", then you copy what there is in this file "game, lib etc..." in the file "MetF_Chapitre_3-0.34/0.32-pc"#
MAC: Only update, must have 0.34 or 0.32
Ch.3 v0.32 Add:
280 images and 1546 with animations. At least 45 animations.
1 scene on Friday at noon.
9 scenes on Saturday morning, 2 scenes at noon, 3 scenes in the afternoon, 1 scene at night.
1 scene on Sunday morning.
3 scenes on Monday evening.
Chapter 3 - v0.28 Add: 92 images and 512 with animations. At least 18 animations.
Chapter 3 v0.26 Add: 223 images and 756 with animations. 6 scenes on Friday morning, 8 scenes at noon, 1 scenes in the afternoon, 1 scenes in the evening, scenes at night. At least 32 animations.
Chapter 3 v0.20 Add: 194 images and 432 with animations. 4 scenes on Thursday morning, 7 scenes at noon, 4 scenes in the afternoon, 3 scenes in the evening. At least 21 animations.
Chapter 3 v0.16 Add: 314 images and 983 with animations. 4 scenes on Sunday morning, 1 scene at noon, 1 scene in the afternoon, 1 scene at night. 1 stage on Monday morning, 2 stages at noon, 1 stage at night. 2 scenes on Tuesday morning, 3 scenes at noon, 1 scene in the afternoon. 2 scenes on Wednesday morning, 3 scenes at noon, 2 scenes in the afternoon, 1 scene at night. At least 28 animations.
0.9B Add: 282 images and 735 with animations. 3 scenes on Monday morning, 2 scenes at noon, 1 scene in the afternoon, 1 scene at night. 1 scene on Tuesday Morning, 2 scenes at Noon. 2 scenes on Wednesday morning. 1 scene on Thursday Morning, 2 scenes at Noon, 1 scene in the afternoon. 1 scene on Friday Afternoon, 1 scene in the evening, 2 scenes at night. At least 21 animations. And some small details added, here and there... Last big update for the Chapter 2.
0.46 (EN) Add: 5 scenes on Sunday, Morning. 2 scenes on Tuesday Morning, and one in the Evening. 2 scenes on Wednesday Morning. One scene on Thursday, Noon, and one in the afternoon. One scene on Saturday morning, 2 in the afternoon and one in the evening. And more? .... And some small details added, here and there...
v0.41 This version contains 1392 images and 1857 with animations. 0.39 Add 171 images and 364 with animations
Add: One scene on Monday, Morning. One scene on Wednesday, Noon. One scene on Wednesday, Afternoon. One scene on Thursday, Morning. One scene ? (Said's House) on Tuesday, Morning. A big scene (The university) on Wednesday, Morning. And some small details added, here and there...
v0.39 This version contains 1221 images and 1664 with animations. 0.39 Add 218 images and 192 with animations
Add: One scene on Sunday, Afternoon. One scene on Monday, Morning. One scene on Monday, Night. One scene on Wednesday, Noon. One scene on Thursday, Noon. A scene (L+72 Yazid Saliha) on Thursday, Noon. A big scene (The Beach) on Tuesday, Noon. A big scene (The RDV) on Thursday, Noon. And some small details added, here and there...
v0.15 Initial English Release
22-01-2025 the english version of the MetF game has been updated.
1) Download the apk file 2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen 3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
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