You are soon to be married to Emma. You have only 2 weeks. She is your high school sweetheart. But you were separated for a long time. Will these two weeks separate you? Will these two weeks make your relationship stronger.
- Bugfixes v1.02 beta - Ending 56 corrected v1.01 beta -"ENI?" error corrected. 31 times - Missing label added serchforlili2 v1.0 beta - Bugfixes - 65 endings - There is some BDSM and vore so if you don't like it avoid Jana "Ending 0 - Prison" "Ending 2 - Bob has a family with Emma. She does not know that you are a billionare." "Ending 3 - Elon has a family with Emma. She does not know that you are a billionare." "Ending 4 - Mr.Brown has a family with Emma. She does not know that you are a billionaire." "Ending 1 - Elon has a family with Emma" "Ending 39 - A whore killed you." "Ending 40 - You died of a 400 dollar ring." "Ending 39 - A whore killed you." "Ending 22 - Your bloodline is over. You have only one child who was fathered by your bully." "Ending 21 - You married a real slut who has Asian fetish. Your bloodline is over. All your children look Asian. cannot be happier." "Ending 14 - Your bloodline is saved. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 15 - Your replaced your bloodline by Bob's. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 17 - Your replaced your bloodline by Simon's. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 19 - Your replaced your bloodline by Elon's. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 18 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Simon. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 20 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Elon. Your wife is Becky." "Ending 12 - Emma left you. You are castrated yourself. Jana could not take revenge. Just siled at you." "Ending 38 - Double shame. You were castrated by elastrator while wearing a chastity device. Emma left you forever." "Ending 13 - Shame. You were castrated by elastrator. Emma left you forever." "Ending 5 - Your bloodline is saved. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 6 - Your replaced your bloodline by Bob's. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 8 - Your replaced your bloodline by Simon's. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 10 - Your replaced your bloodline by Elon's. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 9 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Simon. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 7 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Bob. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 11 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Elon. Your wife is Jana." "Ending 23 - You were killed by Elon for the inheritance." "Ending 24 - You were killed by Simon for the inheritance." "Ending 25 - You married to Lili - pregnancy fetish from other men." "Ending 26 - Your bloodline is saved. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 27 - Your replaced your bloodline by Bob's. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 28 - Your replaced your bloodline by Simon's. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 29 - Your replaced your bloodline by Elon's. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 30 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Simon. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 32 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Bob. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 31 - Your children are not yours. You don't know who the fathers are. They look like Elon. Your wife is Lili." "Ending 41 - Your wife left you for Bob. The baby she was carrying was yours. She aborted it. You could do nothing." "Ending 42 - Your wife left you for Bob. The baby she was carrying was Bob's." "Ending 43 - Your wife left you for Bob. The baby she was carrying was not yours neither Bob's." "Ending 33 - I aborted my child for Bob's Baby." "Ending 34 - My seed fathered my own son. My seed was stronger than Bob's." "Ending 35 - We have a black baby. Poliamory failed." "Ending 37 - We have a white baby which is not mine. Poliamoourus relationship." "Ending 36 - Your bull ordered your wife to abort your Baby." "Ending 44 - We have a black baby. Cuckold relationship failed with Bob." "Ending 45 - We have a white baby which is not mine. Cuckold relationship." "Ending 46 - Marcus ordered your wife to abort your Baby." "Ending 47 - We have a black baby. Malcoln fathers a few more babies for your wife. You are a proud cuckold." "Ending 48 - We have a white baby. Malcoln fathers a few more babies for your wife. You are a proud cuckold." "Ending 49 - She is cheating behind your back too. You have never found it out. The baby is black." "Ending 50 - She is cheating behind your back too. You have never found it out. The baby is white." "Ending 51 - She is cheating behind your back too. Probably you are taking care of your boss's black baby." "Ending 52 - She was cheating with your boss. The baby is white. You strongly hope that the baby is yours." "Ending 53 - You used a funnel to fill up her womb. And the baby is black." "Ending 54 - You used a funnel to fill up her womb. And the baby is white." "Ending 55 - Your wife probably inseminated in the sex club. And the baby is black." "Ending 56 - You used a funnel to fill up her womb. And the baby is white." "Ending 57 - I don't know how it could have happened. You have a black baby. You don't know how it could have happened. You know that behind your back she cheated on you with Bob." "Ending 58 - You have some doubt it is not your baby. She cheated with Bob behind your back. And you found it out." "Ending 59 - I don't know how it could have happened. You have a black baby. You don't know how it could have happened." "Ending 60 - YOU HAVE A baby." "Ending 60 - You have no doubt it is not your baby. (But...It can be Bob's , too. but you don't know about it.)" "Ending 61 - You end up as a woman. cannot be happier. Maybe this sharing things of yours are from here." "Ending 62 - New life with Elisabeth." "Ending 63 - New life from zero." "Ending 64 - We have a black baby. Elon will father a few more babies for your wife. You are a proud cuckold." "Ending 66 - We have a white baby. Elon fathers a few more babies for your wife. You are a proud cuckold." "Ending 65 - We have a black baby. You are totally sure it is Elon's. You are a proud cuckold, but you don't care." "Ending 67 - We have a white baby. Elon fathers a few more babies for your wife. You are a proud cuckold. I can be yours. don't want to test it." "Ending 60 - You have no doubt it is not your baby." "Ending 60 - You hope it is your baby." v0.921 prefinal Bugfixes v0.92 prefinal Bugfixes v0.91 prefinal Bugfix v0.9 prefinal Initial release for public
31-07-2022 the russian and english version of the Newlywed to be game has been updated.
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