The story follows juvenile delinquent Jimmy Napkins, a young outcast who’s been expelled from every school he’s ever attended. If Jimmy can survive his last school year and outsmart his new rivals, he could rule the entire town. Take control of Jimmy in this graphic adventure full of sex, bad jokes, and wacky stories. Stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girls, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst prep school around, Lustworth Academy, while avoiding being sent to jail for good.
Changelog v0.40.8 - Extended: -Added 2 new animations for Beatrix Lap Dance and Jillian Secret Santa Contest -Added "Dear Satan!" contest! -Added 1 new scene with Cassidy and Christy during infiltration mission. -Added new sprites for Cassidy, Christy and Beatrix. -Added reset system for all the new content so players can check the new stuff if they completed the old version. -Added skip system for players who only want to see the new content. Start a new game and after entering your name, the option will show up. -Added sountrack and new music for the reworked sequences and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.8: -Added 1 new animation for Cassidy's shower at Town House -Added 1 new animation for Ranch girls Cucumber fun. -Reworked Wendy's Mansion Infiltration animation -Added many new dialog sprites for Jillian, Barbara, Dakota, Sally, Grant the Hobo and Mayor Donaguy. -Added New Pier Area Location Map -Added new Police Station background for Cell blocks, Basement, Reception and 2nd Floor. -Retouched Wendy's face to match in different scenes. -Improved breakfast background scene during the weekend. -Reworked Police Station sequence -Added new system to make some money by working at the Ranch during the weekends. -Added reset system for all the new content so players can check the new stuff if they completed the old version. -Added sountrack and new music for the reworked sequences and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.7: -Added 4 new animations for Fiona's storyline -Improved and reworked Fiona's storyline part 1 -Added new Date at the Beach sequence -Added new Derek Hide and Seek sequence -Added 1 new character (Matunga) -Added many new character dialog sprite for Fiona and Derek -Added 2 new locations backgrounds (Boys Dorm Back Alley and Cliff Side Beach) -Added crowd sprites for locations (Boys Dorm Plaza, Entrance Plaza) -Replaced Fiona's Kiosk interior with new background -Fixed bug regarding the minimap being used during the weekends in the town house. -Added new variable for a limit of interactions with characters per day. This way it feels more natural to not be able to trigger the next sequence right after the last one is complete. -Added reset system for Fiona storyline so players can go through the new content if they completed the old version. -Fixed Fiona's dialog bugs and mission setups. -Added sountrack and new music for Fiona storyline and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.6: -Added 3 new animations for Miss Dawson storyline -Improved and reworked Miss Dawson storyline part one. -Added 2 new characters (Edna The Cook and Marlon the Concierge) -Added 1 new characters dialog sprite for Ruby -Added new artwork for Audrey (Staff reunion quest) -Added reset system for Miss Dawson storyline so players can go through the new content if they completed the old version. -Fixed Fiona's dialog bugs and mission setup. -Added sountrack and new music for Miss Dawson storyline and other elements. -Fixed Gallery for new Miss Dawson scenes -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.5 changelog: -Added 1 new storyline for Miku - Part One. -Added 1 new scene with Miku in Art Class. -Added 1 new scene with Miku in Town House. -Added 1 new Library Main Hall background scenery. -Added 1 new Nerds HQ background scenery. -Added 1 new Library Shelves background scenery. -Added 1 new Minigame for Art Class. -Added new model for Aurora, the Art Class teacher. -Added new character, Izumi - Miku's mom. -Added new dialog sprites for Miku in uniform, casual clothes and native suit. -Added new character, Clarissa - The Librarian -Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in the Town House -Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in Fiona's storyline -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.41 changelog: -Added 1 new animation for Wendy (Feets) at Mansion infiltration -Added 1 new storyline (Heist Plan) The girl in the high castle with quests log update. -Added new dialog sprites for Blair, Kassandra, Alice, Dakota and Antonella. -Added new map for Beach area near Mayor's Mansion. -Added new scenery for School Auditorium. -Improved Mayor speech scene in Auditorium. -Improved and Reworked Wendy's scene in Mayor's Mansion -Improved and Reworked 1st time town visit scene. -Improved and Reworked USB incident scene. -Added new background for Mansion Pool Backyard -Added new interactions with Rocky the dog during infiltration mission. -Added new Police Station background -Added new Mansion Road Gate background -Added new dialog sprites for Grant the Hobo -Added new breakfast scene in Town House. -Changed quest structure for the 1st weekend in town. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
v0.40.3 changelog:
-Added 2 new animations for Christy Shower scene. -Added 1 new animation for Cassidy Locker incident. -Added new reworked scene with Lola in Shop Class. -Added new reworked scene with Cassidy in Town House. -Added new Gym boys locker room background. -Added new shop class background. -Added new Gary's dialog sprites. -Added new Blair dialog sprites. -Added new Lola dialog sprite and intro storyline. -Added new Alice dialog sprite. -Added new Audrey dialog sprite. -Added new background for Cassidy's room at peep hole. -Added new background for Girls' Gym Bathroom. -Added new Miss Dawson dialog sprites. -Added new Cassidy dialog sprites. -Added new Beatrix dialog sprites -Added new Dr. Stapleneck dialog sprites. -Added new Wardrobe clothing interface. -Improved and revamped Spanish Class presentation -Added new images for cutscenes in Prologue. -Added new Headmaster Office background. -Added new soundtrack for intro. -Added new ambience sounds for the schoolgrounds free roam. -Added new soundtrack for Day 1 and Day 2, new sound effects, music and ambience sounds for immersion. -Fixed bugs that didn't let the player start the Halloween event. -Fixed bug with Beatrix herpes dialog sprite. -Fixed some images, bugs and typos.
v0.40.1 Extended: -Added 3 new Mystery Girl animations. -Added New Gallery System accesible from the Preferences Menu (Still accesible from the PC, the library archive and the laptop) -Fixed some code issues from the Standard Edition. -Fixed some bugs and typos -Other stuff I don't remember
v0.40.1 changelog: -Mystery Girl cutscenes, storyline and sex scenes reworked and improved. -Added Jimmy new dialog sprites with casual clothes -Added New Boys Dorm Hallway background -Added New Boys Dorm Main Character Bedroom background -Added New Boys Dorm Plaza background -Improved Boys dorm backgrounds adding different crowds and looks during day times: -Added new Pete Kowalski dialog sprites -Added new Entrance Plaza background -Added new Main Gate background -Added New Girls Dorm Kiosk Background -Added New Gym Plaza background -Improved Spanish Class intro cutscenes and dialogs. -Added new Alice and Mandy intro sprites -Added New Miss Punny dialog sprites -Added New Miss Punny Spanish class reward -Added New Mr. Toord Gym class reward -Added New Main Plot storyline cutscene (The Old Sage) -Added Update warning to pin point the end of the new content. -Added Gallery access in Main Menu and Preferences Menu (Everything is unlocked) -Fixed some code issued with structure -Fixed some bugs and typos -Other stuff I don't remember
v0.30.9 changelog: -Added 1 new scene with Blair (Hangover) -Added 2 new scenes with Kassandra (The Fall and The Bath Tub) -Added 1 new location (Town House Backyard) -Reworked some cutscenes from the prologue (Mistery girl, Spanish class Violet intro) -Reworked some backgrounds (TV room, Harrison Bar) -Reworked some dialogs and edited some scripts. -Added new avatars to the Yearbook (kuroinekota, Jim James, Pidgeon) -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things I don't remember...
v0.30.8 changelog: -Added 1 new animated sex scene with Wendy (Goodbye) -Added 1 new special scene with Audrey (Rubber Band) -Added 1 new character for the Nerd Clique (Bucky) -Added 1 new character for the Bullies Clique (Russell) -Added new objectives and plot development for Chapter 2. (The Slingshot and Wendy's Goodbye) -Added 1 new location (Junkyard) -Updated quest tracking system to guide in new missions. -Updated Gallery to show newest scenes and missing thumbnails. -Improved Cassidy's Night scene dialog and content. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
v0.30.7b changelog: -Updated Gallery to show newest scenes and missing thumbnails. -Added 1 new location -Improved Cassidy's night scene dialog and content -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
v0.30.7 changelog: -Added 1 new sex scene with Fiona. (Headmaster's Revenge) -Added 1 new sex scene with Beatrix (Herpes Cured) -Added 1 new sex scene with Miss Dawson (A Good Assistant) -Added 3 new characters for the Nerd Clique (Algie, Earnest and Melvin) -Added Nerd Clique introduction and 1st quest. -Added new objectives and plot development in Halloween event. (Pranks) -Added 1 new location (Nerd Clique Headquarters) -Updated quest tracking system to guide in new missions. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.30.6: -Added 1 new animated sex scene with Cassidy -Added 1 new sex scene with Beatrix (Halloween) -Added 1 new animated sex scene in secret room (Jinx) -Added new access point for the PC in MC's room in the boys dorm. (Reward for completing the Halloween event) -Added new Chemistry teacher and class intro (Mr. White) -Added new Avatars in the Yearbook. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.30.4: -Added New Animations (Antonella Tit Show, Fiona Night Date) -Added New Replay Gallery Access (Library Archive PC) -Replaced some Stock Backgrounds -Fixed some bugs and typos
Changelog v0.30.2: -Added New Replay Gallery in Town House Bedroom PC -Added New Inventory System -Added New Chemistry Class Minigame -Fixed Secret Scene and Geography Bugs -Fixed some bugs and typos
Changelog v0.30: -Added 1 new sex scene with Christy and Mandy (Halloween) -Added 1 new sex scene with Ruby (Halloween) -Added new Quest Tracking System for main plot. -Added new Quest Tracking System for secondary characters. -Added new diary/planner feature with girls bios. -Added new dynamic backgrounds for each time of day. -Added a new way to reach the gym (Parking lot) -Fixed class minigames gameplay mechanics. -Fixed some character dialog bugs. -Added Android Gym minigame buttons. -Fixed Android Layout. -Improvement of core gameplay features. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.28.6: -Fixed save/load game problem. -Added Beatrix's Halloween sex scene. -Added Fiona's Halloween sex scene. -Added Cassidy's Halloween sex scene. -Added Miku's Halloween sex scene. -Added 7 character sprites (Halloween costumes) -Added new location (Harrison House) -Added Skip Button at the Chapter Choice screen to jump directly into the new content for the Halloween Event. -Fixed some bugs and typos -v0.29, with more Halloween content is available on Patreon now.
Changelog v0.27: -Added Halloween costumes items for sale in Fiona's kiosk. -Added Halloween event intro. -Added new Fighting minigame! (Gym class) -Added new diary/planner layout with stats. -Fixed class minigames gameplay mechanics. -Fixed some character dialog bugs. -Fixed Prologue plot structure. -Fixed Chapter 1 free roam structure. -Improvement of core gameplay features. -The new update v0.28.5 and v0.29, with the Halloween event content is available on Patreon now.
Changelog v0.26.1: -1 sex scene with Eunice -1 sex scene with Miku (Photoshoot storyline) -2 sex scenes in secret room (Quiet) -Fix some character dialog bugs. -Fixed Spanish Class block in day 1. -Update Yearbook Avatars. -Update Wall of Prankmasters names.
Changelog v0.25.2 - Patch: -Added Landlady and Roomates custom naming feature. -Added hide/disable quick menu option (thanks Bibifoc) -Added Save Game Naming option (thanks Bibifoc) -Fixed Spanish Class block in day 1. -Update Yearbook Avatars. -Update Wall of Prankmasters names.
Changelog v0.25a: -1 sexy scene with Miss Dawson -2 sexy scenes with Eunice -1 sexy scene with Miku -1 sexy scene with Beatrix Trudeau -1 sexy scene with Christy -Added Free roam gameplay mechanic in Chapter 1. -Added 7 new locations (Library, Parking Lot, Girls Dorm, Main Building Hallways, Cafeteria, Secretary Office) -Added Change name feature. -Polished some mechanics, dialogs, backgrounds, etc. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.23.2a - Extended: -Add 2 sex scenes with Fiona. -Add 1 shower scene with Mandy. -Add 2 more classes (Art and Music) -Add new avatars to the Yearbook (Thank you!). -Add new names to Wall of Prankmasters. -Added sound effects and music. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -New update v0.25a coming out next week on Patreon
Changelog v0.23.1a: -Added 5 special scenes (Antonella, Dakota daughters, Miku Sato, Eunice, Miss Dawson) -Added 5 new female characters (Miku, Miss Jones, Sally, Barbara, Eunice). -Added school cliques presentation. -Added 1 new explorable location (Dakota's Ranch) -Added 1 new class minigame (Geography) and reward. -Replaced some stock backgrounds with pixel art scenery. -Moved Cassidy's intro scene location to the gym's boys bathroom. -Updated skip button to new content. -Updated diary entries to show clues of where to go in school. -Updated Mini map to allow travel to library.d -Fixed bugs and typos.
v0.22a - Extended Edition: -Unlocked Patreon content -Added 4 animated versions of newest scenes (Tatsumaki and Claire) -Added new names to Wall of Prankmasters. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.22a - Public: -Added 4 new sex scenes in secret room (Tatsumaki and Claire). -Added 2 new character intros (Antonella and Dakota). -Added a Scene Replayer and Special Gallery in Jimmy's PC interface. -Added HUD and variable system for Day Time, Calendar and Money. -Replaced some stock backgrounds with pixel art scenery. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.21a - Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content -Added animated versions of 4 newer scenes (Jill mast and grope, Cassidy shower and Blair's video) -Added Skip button at the beginning of the game, so you can fast forward to recent content. -Added v0.21 soundtrack, sound effects and new music. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.21a - Public: -Added 4 new scenes (Officer Jill masturbation and grope, Blair secret and Cassidy shower). -Added 2 new quests (Prison Break and the USB stick dilemma) and 2 special scenes (Blair Sleeping, Alice reading). -Added 1 new character (Grant The Hobo) and 6 new character dialog sprites. -Added 2 new explorable locations (Jimmy's town house at day, Police Station) -Started Chapter 1 storyline. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.2.0 - Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content -Fixed music error during Lola garage scene.
Changelog v0.2.0a: -Added 4 new sex scenes (Cassidy and Wendy) -Added 2 new sex scenes in secret room (Ivana's Doggystyle and Throat Deep) (Extended Edition) -Added 2 new characters and 4 new character sprites (Kassandra the Landlady, Cassidy, Wendy, Alice and Jill) -Added 3 new explorable locations (Jimmy's town room, Town House Hallway and Mansion's Backyard) -Added 1 New quest (Cassidy Missing Dildo) -Finished Prologue storyline. -Added 2 New avatars to the Yearbook (Gabriel and Matheus Keyes) -Added 2 new location (Town House and Mayor's Mansion) -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.6a: -Added 2 NEW animated loops (Violet Shower). -Added 1 NEW female character with dialog (Blair) -Added 2 NEW characters with dialog (Derek, Mayor Donaguy) -Added 1 new location (The auditorium) -Refurbished 2 locations with background animations (Boys' dorm entrance and halway) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.5b: -Unlocked Patreon content.
Changelog v0.1.5b: -Fixed startup errors and Windows Defender alert issue. -Added 2 NEW animated scenes (Angie's Poll winners). -Added secret passage behind Wall of Prankmasters. (Roses are red...) -Added secret room in girl's dorm (Secret girl's gallery) -Added 1 NEW character with dialog (Angie Sato) -Updated all of Prankmasters and Yearbook Avatars. -Refurbished 1 location (Girl's dorm entrance) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.4b: -Added 2 NEW sexy scenes (Miss Dawson Reward and Lola's Intro). -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Math Class) -Added 1 NEW character with dialog (Lola Bombardi) -Added 1 explorable location (School Gym) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added Minimap on Day 2 to make traveling less tedious. -Improved Fiona's Blow artwork. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.3b Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content. -Added 2 NEW animated scenes (Mistery Girl 2nd Scene and Fiona's Blow Reward) -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Gym Class)*. -Added 2 NEW characters with dialog (Mr. Toord, Gary). -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added 2 Scenery Animations (Boys Dorm TV Room, Jimmy's Room Day 2) -Updated Lusworth's Yearbook (Main building hall) to immortalize new Tier 4 avatars. THANKS! -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.2b - Extended: -Added 2 NEW scenes (Cassidy's Intro and Christy's Shower) -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Spanish Class)*. -Added 6 NEW characters with special sprite (Violet, Mandy, Alice, Cassidy, Miss Punny, and Pete Kowalski). -Added 2 NEW explorable locations (Boys Dorm Entrance, Main Building Hall). -Added NEW GUI with a Diary to give you an idea of where to go. -Added 2 Scenery Animations (Boys Dorm TV Room, Jimmy's Room Day 2) -Added Lusworth's Yearbook (Main building hall) to immortalize Tier 4 Patrons in the game with their custom avatar (Fill the form!). THANKS! -Added new names to the 1st Wall of Prankmasters (Boy's dorm) to honor Tier 3 and above Patrons. THANKS! -Added some Sound Effects for gameplay purposes. -Improved GUI and other details.* -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.1b: -Added 1 Quest and introduction to new girl (Fiona)*. -Added 1 NEW animated reward scene (Fiona). -Added NEW character sprites and locations (Fiona, Boys TV Room, Fiona's Kiosk*, Dorms Plaza, New Jimmy's Room, New Boys Dorm Hallway). -Add Wall of Prankmasters to honor Tier 3 and above Patrons. (THANKS!) -Add Wall of Loyalty Honors for most loyal Patrons in the last few months. (THANKS!) -Improved GUI and fixed readability problem.* -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.0b (Reboot Initial Release): -Restarted development of this game on Ren'py from scratch. -Added a NEW intro for the story. -Added NEW character sprites and talking animations (Jimmy, Miss Dawson, Dr. Staplaneck, and Beatrix Trudeau). -Added 1 NEW animated scene. -Added 1 NEW sexy scene with Miss Dawson. -Exported NEW Android version. -Added new soundtracks.
Changelog v0.1.4E: -Improved Gameplay in Police Station stage. -Added 3 new sprites (Jill, Alice, Steamy Christmas). -Unlocked Extended Scenes for the public. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added Spanish translation. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.2b: -Fixed Fatal Crash Error (I had to use another engine, therefore start from scratch). -Added 2 gameplay scenes in Police Station and MC House (Check Walkthrough). -Added 3 new lewd/sex scenes (Jill, Cassidy, Alice). -Revamped Scenery: MC Room. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added Save/Load Game Option. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.1Extended: -Added 1 gameplay scene in Mansion Pool Side (Check Walkthrough). -Added 2 new sprites to Wendy's sex scene. -Added new Jill Valentino sprite. -Revamped Scenery: Mayor's Mansion. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added sound effects and music. -Added "how to play" sprite. -Added Spanish translation. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
22-02-2025 the english version of the Lustworth Academy game has been updated.
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