Four Elements Trainer for android

Game description Four Elements Trainer
Everything you see in the game is able to be completed -- content that hasn't been finished isn't included. There's no tease! It's all content!
Дополнение по игровому процессу (ниже перечислены изменения и пояснения, если не хотите спойлеров по игре лучше не читать)
+ Добавил чит на деньги.
Оно вам точно нужно?
Вода: Ночью (когда не идёт снег) пощёлкать мышкой по бочкам у места тренировок (вероятность срабатывания щелчка 1 к 10), количество попыток не ограниченно.
Огонь: Ночью пощёлкать мышкой по правому охраннику у ворот дворца (вероятность срабатывания щелчка 1 к 10), количество попыток не ограниченно.
+ Расширил и объединил ветку слухов.
+ Добавил интересную картинку как приз за конец тренировок у Катары.
+ Добавил картинку с "Книга первая ВОДА и Книга вторая ОГОНЬ" как в сериале.
В игре есть не очень очевидные развилки... скрывающая за собой разные версии прохождения миров!
Вода: В самом начале есть выбор (на четвёртом скриншоте), там не зря написано ответственный выбор, так как это и есть развилка, и дальше игра делится на два пути с разными сюжетными линиями по Катаре (эросцены, диалоги, и т.п. в её доме).
Огонь: В самом начале есть выбор (Зуко или Вор), там не зря уточняется уверены вы или нет, так как это и есть развилка, и дальше игра делится на два пути с совершенно разными сюжетными линиями.
По концовкам Вода: "Уважение" меньше 21 и "Ходила публично" меньше 15 (2-й финал) больше (1-й финал) или наоборот (не помню точно). Аналогично для 3 и 4 финала.
По концовкам Огонь - Вор: Если отдать оружие рабам и не сказать об этом Мэй то это немного меняет (расширяет) предфинальную сцену (вечеринку во дворце).
По концовкам Огонь - Зуко: Частое посещение тронного зала (публичность 15 и более) немного меняет (расширяет) одну из предфинальных сцен (коронация).
Совместимость с английской версией сохранена (но, для чистоты, лучше играть с начала!).
Отличие от английской версии: Полный перевод на русский. Уменьшен размер. Поправлены незначительные ошибки. Чит на деньги. Немного дополнен игровой процесс.
Активация Консоли:
1.Открыть файл renpy/common/00console.rpy
2.Найти строку config.console = False и изменить на True
3.Сохранить изменение
4.В игре нажмите Shift+O чтобы вызвать консоль, если консоль не открывается нажмите Shift+Alt затем Shift+O.
How to activate and open the console:
either u modify ur 00console.rpy with note, which u can find at FourElementsTrainer\renpy\common\, open it and search for "config.console = False" and change it into "config.console = True"
Book 1:
katara_aff =
kpubwalk =
krespect =
money =
potions =
Waterbending =
Book 2:
total_girls =
used_girls =
fmoney =
food =
morality =
aslut =
apublic =
azula_aff =
mai_aff =
potions =
crab_potions =
Book 3:
.bk3_lifepotions =
store.bk3_manapotions =
toph_aff =
emoney = 10000
obsidian = 100
bk3_wood = 100
bk3_steel = 100
bk3_player_life = 1000
bk3_accuracy = 100
bk3_evade = 100
crab1_hp = 10000
enemy_crab1_hp = 1
enemy_crab2_hp = 1
enemy_crab_hp = 1
crab1_move2 = True
crab1_move3 = True
crab1_move4 = True
--- Bughunters! Thanks for your help. There's still some stuff in here which you mentioned and I haven't dealt with yet, but nothing too problematic... I think. I really didn't want to wait for another day to release this build. Anyway, most of the stuff wasn't too bad to begin with(except for one thing), but I still managed to find and fix a bunch of stuff with your help. So what does this version have besides bugfixes? Not much. I would've liked to add the Desna version of the new Eska scene, but didn't manage. I did change/improve some small stuff in the Eska dildo scene and I made some small changes to dialogue. I also changed the pace of the MC's nightly visit of Kya's window after the new girl arrives. You won't be able to see it after Tenzin evaluates your airbending capabilities. I basically slowed it down. So instead of seeing the scene in its entirety(or almost in its entirety) in one night, It'll now take one or two more nights. ---
The game itself contains a short summary of what's new in its main menu and is called "Latest update", but to be quick about it. Senna, Korra, Kya and a new girl! will have new scenes. Plus there's a new mini-game with Ikki. The build ends once Tenzin evaluates your airbending capabilities and Oogi is present.
To be clear this contains nothing but small fixes for bugs/glitches which were still present in version 1.1.0c I'm certain you'll still be able to find some problems(please let me know if you do!) but there should be less now! If you've already played v.1.1.0c without encountering problems, I'd say you're fine as is and there's no need to download this again. It's simply not worth it in that case.
Most bugs should be fixed now.
Bug fix
Some more training will have Korra end up using crutches instead of a wheelchair during the day(if you have the money to buy them).
That will in turn lead to a new scene with Kya involving face sitting and wet hands! Luckily for Kya, Korra isn't wearing rings.
You'll visit Tonraq with Korra and Senna and end up in a snowstorm. Your main aim is to do whatever is needed to survive. And Senna will take one for the team. Thanks Senna!
You'll figure out a way to convince Senna to let you do what she wouldn't before(missionary). There's a new suitcase to open which will allow you to attend a photo session with Eska and obtain a camera.
One of Jinora's lessons will end up with you, Jinora and Ikki making snowmen. Though only Jinora will actually try her best. Some help from Shady girl will also end up in you kissing Jinora. You'll need a camera which you'll find in Eska and Desna's luggage to commemorate it.
All of the mail has disappeared! The culprit has taken up residence in the tower and likes palindromes. Go and demand an explanation!
So an new hj scene with Korra as well as a bj scene. Some handson fun with Kya, Senna gets to appreciate missionary, some kissing with jinora and the opportunity to take close up shots of Eska.
Oh and I've also added an old scene(Katara) to the gallery function if you've unlocked that. It's in book 3, the love route section. In fact I slightly changed that scene, but aren't finished yet.
Fixed a bug in book 4 slave route with the Meelo minigame.
In this build, you'll finally be able to join Katara and Korra's healing water sessions. Jinora will be there and you're not allowed to watch her change. Your training with Korra will progress a little further with Kya getting on her knees and show some but to help Korra. She will also be asked to progress a little further with you by giving you a handjob. Korra will join in on the handjob fun. You can load her mouth with your sperm and have Kya kiss her like that.
Eska and Desna will arrive and as important leaders of the Northern watertribe they get to stay in your old room and you show them around. You can show them how you train with korra, help them with their suitcases and get rewarded with a pic of Eska, Desna or both. It will depend on some dialogue changes. Help them more to find a razor in their luggage and you can help either Eska or Desna to shave their pubes. Again dependent on choices throughout.
Eska and Desna won't be the only visitors, Korra's mom(Senna), dad(Tonraq) and Yoghurt will come too. Senna will sleep with Korra and you can try and pull down her panties while she's asleep. That won't be that easy and you'll need to buy some pills from Shady girl. You can cum all over a naked Korra and her mom, but as soon as you won't to go further that will turn out to be not as easy. But push on and you'll be rewarded with mommy anal fun.
-butt fun with Senna, also a pee scene
-Hand job with Korra, Kya
-Envision Jinora naked during healing water session
-Cum on Senna and Korra (mommy daughter sleepover!
-Shave Eska/Desna (get a pic of them)
This build will continue the slave route epilogue. You're back at the South Pole together with Korra and both still counting on wheelchairs for transportation.
-There will be a butt fun scene with Katara. Korra will join afterwards to clean things up. The abnormal way of course.
-The Shady girl will offer her services. For money. Some light masturbation while looking at her, but also cripple sex for if you're really willing to spend some money on her. But how will you make money? Jobs which involve inflating things.
-Kya will finally get the chance to do some of what she's been fantasizing about during the evenings: feeling up Korra's boobies, and more. You'll be adding some coating afterwards.
-Korra will train hard and make the MC even harder. Some genital rubbing(because she doesn't deserve more!) will be her reward.
-Jinora will work hard to train you! You can see some skin as you go through the mail. And if you're bold during some of Korra's training, a tiny bit more.
-This build will basically be over once the new guests are about to appear, but they WON'T. I'm also locking down the passing of days on that day. So that's not a bug, it's just me making certain there won't be weird continuity errors in the future.
Okay, so what's inside this build? You get to train with Korra in an effort to regain her mobility. You can smack her ass, knead her boobies, spit in her face and she'll give you a hand job and shake her titties. Katara will also be there and provide a bj and missionary vaginal scene with a small twist. Oh and you can also knead her boobies. There are no granny sex scenes with her. I figured only young versions were a better fit for the slave route mc's character. Kya will be able to be peeked at as she kneads her own boobies and masturbates during the night while fantasizing about girls. There's a book with some new pics of P'li. Tenzin will stay for a short while and after he leaves, Ikki will arrive. That's about it. Like I said it's very much the start of a new route and has a lot of overlap with bk4 love... for now!
Oh, I forgot to mention some of the stuff in other routes. The elder council can use a youth potion now during their sex scene. I added Izumi and Katara's ghost mom to the bonfire love epilogue. nami's blowjob during book 1 has higher res pics. the yoghurt scene during book 4's slave route has an optional "sloppy seconds". A lot of heads(next to dialogue) are higher res and I did a lot more all over the place but didn't keep a proper log of what I did and can't remember most of it. Then again a lot of it isn't really worth mentioning by itself such as bugfixes and small dialogue changes. In fact I think I've taken a bit too much of a "scattershot" approach at the cost of the slave epilogue part. I intend to focus more on the really new parts of the build in future releases.
Okay, so what's inside this build? You get to train with Korra in an effort to regain her mobility. You can smack her ass, knead her boobies and she'll give you a hand job and shake her titties. Katara will also be there and provide a bj and missionary vaginal with a small twist. Oh and you can also knead her boobies. There are no granny sex scenes with her. I considered only young versions a better fit for the slave mc's character. Kya will be able to be peeked at as she kneads her own boobies and masturbates during the night. There's a book with some new pics of P'li. Tenzin will stay for a short while and after he leaves, Ikki will arrive. That's about all. Like I said it's very much the start of a new route and has a lot of overlap with bk4 love.
I'm going to forget a lot of the smaller changes and stuff I did like the changes I did to the volleyball game during book 2's love route on Ember Island, but the biggest changes are as follows.
- You'll be required to find food and drinks for a party. Hint, scenes which take place at the beach are where you'll do most of your searching.
- There will be a scene with Zhuli and Varrick using a bottle
- Sex with katara, while everyone watches.
- Bumfun with Nagina or the spirit depending on whom you chose. If you ended up with the serpent no bumfun because the white serpent doesn't buttocks.
- One of the elder council will show you how to use a stalagmite(optional of course)
-sex with Nami, Una, Lyka, , Anka and mysterious shadow girl(? also optional)
-added the option to come inside Lyka and Anka's mouth during the scene where they enter Nami's store.
-you'll fight a sssserpent!
-meet Sokka
-measure and compare Rei/Ajala's biceps
-Serial fucking everyone on Ember Island island during the party(As you might imagine I took some major shortcuts to make this possible so don't let your fantasy go wild)
I think that should be all. Like I said, once you see Ikki jump(you'll know it when you see it) you'll have reached the end of the build.
Bottle locations. Just some pointers. 2 from the beifong sisters, 2 from opal, 1 from izumi(bj scene), 1 from hawky, 1 from fishtits(talk to asami and ky
a first), 1 from tylee(before handjob scene), 1 from katara on the beach, 1 from zhuli (during the new scene with her and varrick)
Where to stack them?! Somewhere dark!
More Bugfixes
The biggest problem was the possibility to end up with 9 instead of 10 bottles which could stop your progress entirely(Zhuli's bottle part was bugged and you could get that too early). I took out that bug and added a retroactive fix which, if you already "stepped into it", should get you out. walk around the island for it to take effect. You'll get a message you found a bottle when it triggers. Otherwise you'll have to reload the save file before you took Zhuli's bottle.
I added some other minor bugfixes for if you couldn't find enough driftwood, couldn't get enough money for Katara's ring, added some pubes/armpit hair when needed, gave Ikki a properly drawn body when mimicking evil knievel and that sort of minor things.
I'm going to forget a lot of the smaller changes and stuff I did like the changes I did to the volleyball game during book 2's love route on Ember Island, but the biggest changes are as follows.
- You'll be required to find food and drinks for a party. Hint, scenes which take place at the beach are where you'll do most of your searching.
- There will be a scene with Zhuli and Varrick using a bottle[/QUOTE]
- Sex with katara, while everyone watches.[/QUOTE]
- Bumfun with Nagina or the spirit(left both accessible for bughunt purposes but if you got the white serpernt, that should work too)[/QUOTE]
- One of the elder council will show you how to use a stalagmite(optional of course)[/QUOTE]
-sex with Nami, Una, Lyka, , Anka and mysterious shadow girl(? also optional)[/QUOTE]
-added the option to come inside Lyka and Anka's mouth during the scene where they enter Nami's store.[/QUOTE]
-you'll fight a sssserpent!
-meet Sokka
-measure and compare Rei/Ajala's biceps(only if you already asked rei to measure her before)
-Serial fucking everyone on Ember Island island during the party(As you might imagine I took some major shortcuts to make this possible so don't let your fantasy go wild)
I think that should be all. Like I said, once you see Ikki jump(you'll know it when you see it) you'll have reached the end of the build.
Izumi will lose something which you'll have to help her with. You'll be rewarded by getting a hand and blow something from both her and her mother afterwards. You might be under surveillance while being rewarded though...
All the BeiFongs... all of them... will get something up the bum during a scene.
A new visitor! Korra's mom will arrive on the island. And if you don't interfere with the cardgame, she and her daughter will both provide some missionary fun.
Korra can give you a job... using her feet!
Oogi and Senna(optional of course)... 'nuff said.
Finally, the pregnancies can be ended in an organic way for Korra, Jinora and Kuvira. If they weren't pregnant there will be an option to retroactively make them pregnant. I will probably take that part out in future versions, but for now it's in.
v1.0.5a Bughunt
There will be a foot scene with Korra.
A vaginal scene with Korra and Senna(who'll make her appearance IF you either chose Korra or Korra and Jinora)
All the Bei fongs will get it up the butt. Suyin, Lin, Opal and Toph. The tower of lust will(or will not) be erected!
You'll help Izumi find her glasses. She'll in turn give you a helping hand(job) and she and her mom will suck... on it.
Pregnant bellies will turn unpregnant or vice versa.
Fire nation soldiers will get new orders!
v1.0.4a + b
Good day all! Been "frolicking" with the new build(and uploading it) and finally have some links for you. No alternative links just yet.
This build will continue the love route epilogue. Nothing too fancy, a bunch of scenes I wanted to have in there before I move more into the final story elements. As to what exactly these new scenes are, read about it in the spoiler log at the bottom of this post.
If you find any problems(I'm sure you will) and would like to tell me about it, you can do so by sending me a dm or leaving a comment below. Both are great and appreciated. Of course I'll be happy with any sort of bugs you can find and tell me about, but don't feel limited to just that. Whatever you feel like sharing, I feel like listening to.
Thanks, and I hope this build will make you laugh and fap! Not necessarily at the same time :)
-spoiler log-
This build will contain a boobjob with Asami and a vaginal scene with both her and Kya.
Azula(or Mai) will finally be able to win a card game with your help and of course that means a new scene with her. Just like with the other girls before it'll be a butt fun scene. Speaking of butt fun scenes...
Izumi will have one too and indirectly Ikki will get a new feathery friend because of that.
And finally, now that you can take photos, There's a mother/daughter combo who'll reward you for your efforts(Pema and Jinora will "give you a hand").
Good day everyone, it's time for a real "new FET update"! Last time there were no new scenes etc, but just back-end stuff. Also important but hardly interesting to players.
This time the build will once again continue the love route epilogue with more and new scenes etc. Want to know what's new? Or perhaps check whether you missed anything after playing it first? In that case check the spoiler log at the bottom of this post
Dear bughunters! thanks for your feedback. There were no big problems, but I did find and fix some continuity errors with your help. I also added the option for Kuvira to have armpit hair and a new armpit scene. I added this mainly because I wanted people with a pregnant kuvira to have something visibly new after offering her the earth nation swimsuit, but it can also be seen AFTER you win from her during the fight if she's naked! After that you can pick the scene from her normal day menu. Thanks again for everyone's help! Oh and I also slightly improved Ty Lee's hand walking scene and the tit bouncing of Kuvira etc. Small stuff.
Thanks everyone and I hope you'll like this new build! If you find problems or just want to let me know about something else, you can always dm me or write about it in the comments. Both are great and appreciated.
Okay, so what's new in this? First off it's is a continuation of the love route epilogue.
-Both Korra and jinora will be able to win at cards during the evening. This will result in the standard butt fun reward for winning at cards. I added vaginal as well. Scenes for both of them will be much alike so if you picked only one of them during your time in book 4's love route, don't feel like you're missing out.
-Kya and asami will continue to try and get pregnant with your help, but this time they'll have to lick and suck their way to getting some of the mc's "milk".
-You'll find out what that little book with a lock is all about. The one you found in the treasure chest in the grotto. Was it really left behind by pirates in the past?! you'll find out.
-Zhu li get's to try out different swimsuits! But there's a problem and you'll have to help her and Varrick get some privacy to do what they need to do. The reward will be Zhu li shaking your and Varricks'... something... while other things bounce up and down. Doing different outfits is fun(but a lot of extra work). My personal favorite is the pink one.
-Speaking of bouncing, if Ravka is present and you buy her a swimsuit... she'll also show you something bounce when you engage in a friendly fight with her. PS, if she's pregnant that won't work because that was just... not an option. You'll understand once you see. Don't forget you can undo that pregnancy in the shack. Small tip during the fights, a mouse click only registers when you release the button, pushing enter though immediately registers.
I added Korra's pubes on Ember Island. Not everywhere yet though, but the new scene has it.
I slightly changed and added an older Opal butt fun scene.
Last but not least. What's a nude beach without Ty Lee walking by... on her hands!
I think that's about it. I kept things pretty straightforward.
- As I said this will continue the love route's epilogue where you're on Ember Island with the main girls and some from book 4.
In the last build a yacht arrived at Ember Island.
- In this build you can have sex(vag) with Kya and Asami.
- Zhu li and Varrick will ask you to relive the past with them(vag and buttfun)
- Katara will want you to help her win at cards resulting in butt fun in the night!
- The Bei Fong's will blow/lick something hard... mysterious!
- Katara decides to help Ikki get candy by having some women participate in an old and (almost) forgotten tradition. It's the Halloween part I talked about.
- This will result in a small vaginal scene with Ty Lee, a dick kissing scene with Suyin and Opal feeding you bananas without you (or her!) using hands. Pema will ask you to carefully aim when you unload on her so as not to ruin her costume.
- There are a few new idles for Kuvira during Halloween, but don't be fooled into thinking there's more to it than that. Oh and I've finally given Kuvira pubes for the beach scene. In the last build you couldn't play that beach scene without her having to lose her pubes, but that's not mandatory anymore. If you take her to the beach again you'll be asked whether you want to see her with pubes or without. ...And that should be about it.
- I feel like I could've done a lot more interesting stuff for the Halloween part, but if there's something I hate it's releasing a build like this after Halloween has already come and gone. I hope you'll find this entertaining nonetheless. Thanks!
- Asami Kya Impregnation
- Zhu Li Varrick Threesome
- Halloween Event
-- Ty Lee Sex
-- Suyin Dick Kiss
-- Opal Shares a Banana
-- Lots of costumes
- Beifong Girls Blowjob
- Ikki Sexy Swimsuit Sex
v.1.0.1a - Bughunt
There are basically four new scenes in this build, vaginal with Kuvira on the beach, butt stuff with Toph at night, Two new/old girls can be found and they'll give you a hand. I'm also finally giving you the often alluded to Beifong Boobs on the beach scene. There's a job to be done and it involves boobs! The grotto can be explored. It's a small grotto.
A few more spoilers for if you want. You can help Ikki find real treasure, an old snake statue, cum on Pema and meet two other new/old characters who will arrive "on the island". All you can do right now is look at their idles though. Oh, I added a small new thingy to the pema/Oogi scene and probably did some other things here and there too which I can't remember. ps. the stuff you can find in the treasure doesn't have any consequences right now in this build.
-Pema and Jinora have a shared backdoor scene.
-Pema also has a solo vaginal scene and when making the right(wrong?) choices, Pema milks Oogi. The choices are super clear so it's obvious and very easy to circumvent.
-Ravka(Kuvira) has two new scenes, both anaI. The difference lies in whether she or YOU get it up the ass : )
-Lin, Opal and Suyin have a vaginal scene on the beach.
Like I said in an earlier art update, if you play beyond the final credits you'll be able to start a new game, pick the yin/yang sign at the center of the screen and immediately start the final chapter.
Small warning, I didn't have that setup in the previous build, so you'll need to load an older save game on Ember island or the compound during the final chapter and walk around for a bit and the proper variable should be triggered and the yin/yang symbol will appear when starting a new game.
The shortcut will give you a few simple choices for the final chapter when starting a new game, but there are still some things which you'll simply have to play through the books for to unlock them. Things like pregnancy and pubes etc.
You can travel to the past(book 1, book 2 and 3) when you end up with either Nagina or the Spirit, but right now that's a stump. I tried hooking them into the real ending of previous books (if you finished those), but that turned out to be a lot more difficult and I didn't manage to do so.
If you play this build using a save file in which you didn't let Kuvira escape during book 4's love route or only chose Korra, you won't see any of the new Kuvira/Pema stuff on Ember Island naturally, but that's what the shortcut is for.
Okay, so what did I change/add? I kept my changes mostly to a minimum and instead filled in some gaps. In this build you won't be directly transported to Mai/Azula or Toph when Shady sends you to the past. Just like with Katara you'll have to walk around in the city/village first. Their parts are still very small though.
The elder council has a new scene when you visit Katara in the past.
When picking the love route, the story will continue after the Wedding of you and Jinora/Korra. You'll go to Ember Island and there will be a scene with Izumi and there will also be a joined scene with the four/five main girls on the beach. That last part was something most people felt was missing from the love route.
Afterwards you'll be able to visit Katara/Toph/Azula/Mai again in the past for a moment and tell them about the fairly big change I made. It's a story decision which is only text based. HOWEVER that won't happen if you manage to unsplit the white serpent.
I left the development menus available (just like in the pie version) to make it easier to bughunt for myself and you.
The slave end is pretty much the same with the exception that you can also go back in the past afterwards for a very short time (provided the white serpent is still split).
There are only three new sex scenes. One with the elder council, a beach scene with the main girls and one with Izumi. I would've liked to include more... but that'll have to wait for a future build.
"Most people who played 0.9.9b till the end already can safely skip this version.
I basically had to fix one bug which could cause an infinite loop bug. The bug happens if both Jinora and Korra give you a blowjob and you pick "babies" from the menu. If you pick "cum inside" afterwards the game crashes . Should be fixed now. I hope so, because I'm pumped to start working on the final chapter!"
__Summary of new build scenes. Naturally there will be spoilers in this__
-The already existing Pema condom scene now has the option to go in raw(if you called her a babe when first meeting her).
-Korra can be fucked doggy style (when you picked both Korra and Jinora). You can see it after having sex with Jinora without a condom.
-Kuvira can be boob slapped and will give you a boobjob(if you free her). I also added a different angle during vaginal sex with her.
-Kyoshi and Yang chen, will have an anul and vaginal scene.(Anul is misspelled on purpose, because patreon's auto nanny function is give me shit...badum tssh... about it)
-When doing anul with Korra there's a new sperm option when Jinora is present after a certain point (you'll need to have chosen the both of them)
-I added some pornlove pages.
-You can see Pema and Tenzin go at it.
-I added the option to have Jinora/Korra present during the sex scenes after a certain point when you've chosen the both of them. Just minor stuff like a few lines and a new pic or two.
-I've also added other things here and there, but those are mostly small improvements to already existing drawings.
Like I said it's not a big build.
The already existing Pema condom scene now has the option to go in raw(if you called her a babe when first meeting her).
Korra can be fucked doggy style (when you picked both Korra and Jinora). You can see it after having sex with Jinora without a condom.
Kuvira can be boob slapped and will give you a boobjob(if you free her). I also added a different angle during vaginal sex with her.
Kyoshi and Yang chen, will have an anul and vaginal scene.(Anul is misspelled on purpose, because patreon's auto nanny function is give me shit...badum tssh... about it)
When doing anul with Korra there's a new sperm option when Jinora is present after a certain point (you'll need to have chosen the both of them)
I added some pornlove pages.
You can see Pema and Tenzin go at it.
I added the option to have Jinora/Korra present during the sex scenes after a certain point when you've chosen the both of them. Just minor stuff like a few lines and a new pic or two.
I've also added other things here and there, but those are mostly small improvements to already existing drawings.
What's in this build? Clearly there will be some spoilers here so... perhaps not look at this until you've finished playing the build.
-There's an anal scene(two versions) with Opal.
-There's a one on one vaginal scene with Suyin.
-Two handjobs(Kuvira and Zhuli)
-A vaginal scene with Zhuli.
-Another possible scene with Suyin. If you turned down Baatar's threesome suggestion you won't see it.
-Two of the player's previous incarnations will lick dick!
- Your dick will get slapped!
And a couple of other smaller things along the way.
- a few less typo's.
- minor bugfixes (super short dreams can't be missed now)
- added a bigger "back"- button for android
- added a slider to control opacity of the dialogue box in preferences.
-Two new scenes with Jinora and one old repurposed version so it can also be seen in Zoafu.
-Three scenes with Suyin(two can be missed).
-Two new scenes with Opal.
-And a bunch of other nick knacks along the way. I don't like calling things scenes when they don't have any animation.
Patreon complains when I write as much as even some of the abbreviations of the scenes so you'll just have to see them yourself to figure out what they are.
So what can you expect to see in this version? There will be a message telling you when you've reached the end of the build when you go to sleep, but to give you a general idea.
Two new scenes with Jinora(plus one older repurposed scene just so you can see it again ).
Two new scenes with Opal.
And Suyin gets two scenes, but one will be optional and can be missed.
And then there's a couple of other nick knacks along the way.
That's right, no sexy Korra this time though you will see her for a few short moments.
If you thought you'd never see a new version of FET again... well, I've had those kind of moments too. It has been a long time since we could set foot in our perverted version of the avatar world and I've missed her a lot. 18Titans is fun to work on too, but it was still there to fill the hole FET had left.
After such a long time, you won't be able to NOT expect a lot out of this build and I'm going to have to disappoint you right there. This isn't the result of many months of work. This is a build where a member of our little team is carefully trying to pick up where we left and this build will reflect that.
Since Cbob told us all in the last sokka tier post that this week was "a go" and since a lot of you guys have been waiting for a very long time, I decided to push forward extra hard and finished the early access build in record time. I'm not entirely certain what that will mean for it's stability, but since the bughunt was reasonably stable I think it will be fine. *crosses fingers*
In the future we'll allow ourselves the usual three days of close scrutiny again. Sooo.. if Cbob is talking about dates again in the future, ask for a receipt from Marty!
BUGHUNTERS!! You awesome all-dancing all-singing finders of faults... we managed to get a lot fixed in the short, short time we had because of you. Of course we also incorporated some other feedback you gave us.
There are small changes all over the place, but the biggest take place before/during the snowstorm, the first time you see Jinora wearing orange, but the biggest change is that we added a short Jinora scene at the end during day 11.
It's a very small one and not really sexy, but it's another important step to getting in her panties eventually. A pic of it is in the header.
Should you download this build again just for that? Only if you are really curious and don't have a data cap. Speaking of caps. I managed to shrink the file a fair deal so that should help.
I think that's all I needed to say... but if not I'll add to this post later.
As much as I dislike having to release these new versions with only minor bugfixes, the last one still had a bug which can potentially lock players out of progressing.
You might not have encountered it, but the problem occurs when talking with Korra about the Equalists during book 4's love route. Doing so would make her not want to talk anymore for that day in version 0.9.0b.
Not a problem the first time, but it can cause BIG problems later on if you repeat the conversation again and is able to lock you out of progressing. It's fixed in this new version, but as long as you don't repeat the Equalist conversation later you should be safe in the old one as well.
This is basically 0,9.0a with a few small bugfixes. I would've uploaded this way earlier but for the very first time ever cbob's email got caught by my spam filter and I was just waiting patiently for him to send me something which he had already sent!
Quick recap, this build contains the start of book 4's love route. The main differences between this version and 0.9.0a is the fact we added some music and fixed some parts of the sexdoll mini-game. For some people the mini-game was over the second it started and for others, the clicks wouldn't always properly register. Should be fixed in this version.
So if you didn't have trouble with the mini-game earlier it's probably not worth downloading this version.
- extra dog walking scene
- extra end scene (fly high in the sky)
- washroom scene (gotta get clean!)
- new versions of old korra scenes (indicated with a heart)
- new version of old equalist scene (visit the cells)
[same as 0.8.7a]
Oh no those are saggy breasts that you chose to see despite all of my warnings
Equalists invade! Oh no!
Face-to-face with Amon! Will this be the end?!?!?!!?!?!11111111111
You're on a blimp! And what's that? Korra's naked? What's she doing? Oh. OH. That's nice.
Help Asami in a way she doesn't even know she needs! Get rewarded! Friendship is magic!
Southpole adventures continue! A surprise for you, and a birthday party! (can you create the best birthday party ever?!? Probably not!)
Squash Pema and Lin's beef!
Be a terrible pseudo-daddy! A couple times! Don't get caught!
Help Shady make a sexy city-wide Movers with lasers!
Take Korra on a walk!
Did you get Korra pregnant? Why did you do that?
Finish the slave route!
more equalists in prison!
Fixed the Goblin bug
The mask is now properly 3 respect
Bunch of bug fixes and various small edits
Bunch of bug fixes and various small edits
v0.8.4 [a-b-etc]:
- visit a cold island!
- Visit Katara and don't have sex with her!
- Visit the sauna
- Finger Korra during a visit to the sauna
- Force Korra to walk around with her panties filled with sperm
- Korra gets it in the ass!
- Korra's mom get's it in the ass!
- Eska get's in the ass!
- Yes, there's a lot of ass-action going on!
- Zhu Li poses for you in the nude.
- Get a blow/handjob from Eska/Desna (never forget, twins can't be trusted!)
- Help Shady make some kick-ass tea.
- Senna inserts Korra's college funds indirectly... in her ass (this build's subtitle could be "anal-island"!)
- Look at a bunch of "spirit papers" after earning them through card-battle! (there's no additional reward for collecting them all though. This isn't pokemon! Wait... did pokemon actually have a reward for catching them all??)
Spoiler/change Log:
- Call asami for a blowjob
- Make lin inadvertently (even more) jealous of your wife (pussyrub)
- A day at the park with your wife and kids. (Give Pema what she is craving. Something for in her *bleeep*)
- korra blowjob
- korra footjob
- Make Korra's ass.... RED! Slappity slap slap.....slap !
- Slip your finger into Korra (during the ass slapping)
- Asami and Korra' titsucking. Asami discovers a new side to her!
- Discover an old hideout of Amon and some more dirt on Future industries
- Help Lin with her investigation into the equalizers
- Be mean to Tom!
- Receive fan service from Kyoshi?!
New walking around sections (Statue Island, City Streets, Dream/Meditation)!
Zhuli idle
Ginger idle
Jinora idles
Korra idle
Appa idle
Player idle
Lin - Buttjob
Asami/Korra - Tit scenes
Korra - Protein
Pema - Blowjob
Korra - Titjob
Ginger - Sex
Continuation of story
Various quests/conversations
Well, this should fix the main error report that's popping up (and a couple lesser bugs).
. Lin buttjob
. New location (City streets and Aang statue island)
. Zhu li mover quest
. Ginger doggystyle
. More Korra meditation bullying
. Asami blackmail and titsucking (little bit of Korra lesbo shit here as well)
. Give Jinora and Korra a taste of your "Protein Shake"
. Loads of Jinora teasing (Alabama 100 here boy's)
. Korra titjob
. Pema blowjob (and another tease depending on how your chat goes with Jinora)
. Korra dress up (only swimsuit and nude so far though)
. Some lore stuff
How to install Four Elements Trainer for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
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