A talented Battlemage, you are struggling to find work for your type of magic in a post-industrial (Magitek/Magic Punk) world that no longer has much need for battle magic. To be fair, you were warned about this. Your parents, your friends, even your instructors at university all pointed out that Battle Magic, once the most important of all fields, has long lost its purpose. The monsters are all dead or uplifted to being civilized. Dungeons all long since discovered, looted, and destroyed. Even warfare is now dominated by magitek warmachines and tools, all the products of artificers and enchanters.
This build focuses on endings for the Arianna, Trix, and Trix/Revina Routes. Contained in it are:
The Council Session for Each of the aforementioned routes. All slightly different A two stage animation set for each of the three routes. Including an extra Futa/Non-Futa variant for Arianna's. An Epilogue for each of the three routes, compete with 10-12 still images for each one. Replacement of the Submarine Quickie animation set (Week 4, Day 2, Talia's Route) Replacement of the Stage 1 animation for the Sexbot Testing animation set (Week 3, Day 3, Arianna's Route) Typo Corrections and Bug Fixes, including a bug with the Trix/Rev threesome gallery which was not allowing the Post Formal Party scene to be replayed. Credits and Gallery Updates
Build 24 This build focused on finishing out the week 6 weekend events. New to Build 24 are: Arianna/Talia Threesome Route Weekend 6 Event Revina's Route Weekend 6 Event Talia's Route Weekend 6 Event Trix's Route Weekend 6 Event Updated Credits and Gallery Bugfixes and Typo Corrections Build 23P Build 23 focused on finishing up Week 6. Revina got her remaining three days, while the first of the Weekend 6 content was added for Arianna and the Revina/Trix routes. Revina's Week 6, Days 3,4, and 5 were added Arianna's Event 6 was added The Revina/Trix Event 6 was added The Gallery has been updated Bugs, including some with Arianna's Gallery, were squished Lots of typo corrections in various places. Credits have been updated. Build 22P
This build focused on Week 6 content for Trix and Revina's solo routes.
Trix's route now has content for Week 6, Days 3, 4, and 5 Revina's Route now has content for Week 6, Days 1 & 2 The Masturbation Scene in the Intro has been revised with a higher quality version of the same animations. The Gallery has been Updated The Credits have been Updated Various Bug Fixes and Typo Corrections have been implemented
Build 21
This Build focused on the Arianna/Talia Threesome, and Trix Solo routes. There are 11 new animations, covering five in-game days worth of content. Included are:
-Week 6 Days 3,4, and 5 for the Arianna/Talia Threesome Route
-Alternate Futa vs Strapon scene for Arianna/Talia Week 6, Day 5.
-Week 6 Days 1 & 2 for Trix's Solo Route
-Major compression fix of Build 20 images -_-.
-Numerous bug and typo fixes
-Updated Gallery Content
-Updated Credits
-Songs for the Karaoke Scene provided by SirPumpernickel using Suno. Used with his permission.
Build 20P This build supplies the remaining three days of weekday content for the Revina/Trix/MC week 6. It also (per patron voting) gets a start on week 6 for the Arianna/Talia/MC threesome route, with the first two weekdays now available. In total, there are 9 new animations, across 5 new game days. Overall, in this build are:
-Three new scenes (Days 3, 4, and 5) for Week 6 of the Revina/Trix/MC Route -Two new scenes (Days 1 & 2) for Week 6 of the Arianna/Talia/MC Route -A massive set of typo corrections through Talia and Revina's routes. Courtesy of Jaike here on F95zone, who took time out to point out a lot of little (and a few big) errors. -Gallery Updates -Credits Updates -Bug Fixes -Some new music in a few places
Build 19P This build focuses on finishing up Talia's Week 6 Weekday content, as well as starting on the Revina/Trix Threesome Route for Week 6. There are two new days of content for each route. This Build adds:
Talia's Route - Week 6, Days 4 & 5 Revina/Trix Threesome Route - Week 6, Days 1 & 2 A replacement animation for Trix's Spanking scene during the Scavenger Hunt on the Revina/Trix Threesome Route. The new version looks much better. Gallery Updates Credit Updates Bug fixes
Build 18 This build focused on finishing up the weekday content for Arianna's Week 6, as well as getting the first 3 days of Talia's content done for the same week. Along with some other bits and bobs. Arianna's Week 6 Day 3, 4 and 5 are done Talia's Week 6 Day 1, 2, and 3 are done The Spanking animations for the Mira/Trix/Revina Scavenger Hunt have been replaced with something less horrible. The animation of the MC being spanked if final. The one of Trix being spanked is not as I didn't notice a physics issue until it was too late. That one will be replaced again in Build 19 (most likely) A LOT of types in the first four weeks of the game have been fixed. Like, seriously a lot of them. Thanks goes to Jaike, for helping me find a lot of them. Gallery and Credits have both been updated. Android Release improvements! A couple of issues with the android release have been brought to my attention recently. One of them (regarding the cheats) is still an issue for the moment. But the other big one was fixed in this build. Specifically, it is now possible to properly 'hide' the textbox/window so that you can gaze on the sexy things happening on screen! I tied the command to a 'gesture.' Swiping 'down' on the screen will hide the textbox now, just like hitting H would on the PC/Linux/Mac versions. Just because I could, I also made it so that swiping 'Up' will open the Menu! Don't hesitate to let me know of other issues. I don't really test the Android version, so I might simply be unaware of them as I was with this one! Build 17 This build focused on finishing up the Weekend 5 Events, as well as getting started on Arianna's Week 6 content! Included are: Revina's Week 5 Event (2 Days, 3 animations) The Arianna/Talia Threesome Weekend Events (2 Day, 3 Animations) Day 1 of Arianna's Week 6 content (1 animation) Day 2 of Arianna's Week 6 content (2 animations) Various Bugfixes/Typo Corrections. A considerable number of typos corrected in the early game in particular. (Thanks to Jaike over on F95 for reporting a TON of typos!) Major overhaul of the Android Version to bring it down in size. Resolution has been lowered to 1920x1080p, but shouldn't be noticeable on most devices. Build 16 Build 16 focused on more Weekend 5 content, adding: Arianna's Weekend 5 Events (2 days, 3 animations) Trix's Weekend 5 Events (2 days, 3 animations) Revina/Trix Weekend 5 Events (2 days, 3 animations) Gallery Update Bug Fixes/Typo corrections Credits Update Build 15 Days 3, 4, 5 of Week 5 for the Arianna/Talia Threesome Route Event 5 for Talia's Route Cheat system overhaul Gallery Update Credits Update Various Bugfixes
Build 14 Build 14 mostly focuses on finishing up weekday content for Week 5. Talia's Route and Revina's Route are now finished through their week 5 weekday content. The Arianna/Talia Threesome Route got it's first two days, as well, leaving just 3 scenes left to do in all of week 5's weekdays. There is also a new Week 4 masturbation option for those stuck in chastity belts!
- Revina's Route: All 5 of Revina's Weekdays for Week 5 are now available. - Talia's Week 5, Day 5, was added to finish up her weekday content - Arianna/Talia/MC Route now has 2/5 days of it's Week 5 content. - Chastity Masturbation Option added for those that do a Research or Training day in Week 4. Previously, there was no chastity-enabled sex scene for that the Library and Firing Range. Now, you can ask Revina for permission to cum...but you'll have to earn it! - Cheat now informs you when it's enabled. Didn't have the free time to do more than that. - Gallery Updated with new scenes - Credits Updated - Various Typo and Bug fixes deployed
- Arianna received all 5 Weekdays of her Week 5 content - Talia received the first 4 of her Week 5 Weekdays - Improvements to the cheat system so it no longer requires additional files - Galley Updates/Minor Changes - Credit Updates - Typo and Bug Corrections
Build 12 - Trix's Week 5 content now covers all weekdays, with two new scenes having been added. - The Revina/Trix Route now extends through all of Week 5 as well, accounting for 5 new scenes. - Credits Updated - Gallery Updated - Old Bugs and Typos Fixed
Build 11 - Revina got her final Week 4 Weekday scene - Revina also got her Weekend 4 event. - The Arianna/Talia Route similarly got it's Weekend 4 Event. - Trix Got Days 1-3 of her Week 5 content - Various Bugfixes - Updated Credits - Updated Gallery
Build 10
- 2 New Scenes for Week 4 Weekdays. Accessible only on the last two days of the week, if you meet their requirements. - Arianna's Weekend 4 Scene - Talia's Weekend 4 Scene - Trix's Weekend 4 Scene - The Revina/Trix/MC threesome route Weekend 4 Scene - An overhaul of Arianna's Gloryhole scene in Week 4 to make it skippable (partially or fully). -Bugfixes/Typo correction - Credits Updated
Build 9 - 2 New Scenes for Week 4 Weekdays. Accessible only on the last two days of the week, if you meet their requirements. - Arianna's Weekend 4 Scene - Talia's Weekend 4 Scene - Trix's Weekend 4 Scene - The Revina/Trix/MC threesome route Weekend 4 Scene - An overhaul of Arianna's Gloryhole scene in Week 4 to make it skippable (partially or fully). -Bugfixes/Typo correction - Credits Updated
Build 8 - Arianna's solo route got it's 4th and final weekday scene for Week 4 - Trix's solo route got all four of it's weekday scenes for Week 4 - A major extension was added to Arianna's Week 1 event, effectively a whole additional scene. - The Talia/Arianna route gained a trigger for an additional animated Talia scene. - Trix's Route gained an alternate scene in Week 3, if you don't have Trix's Chastity Belt Key. - In a variety of places, extra choices/renders were added to increase the number of Dom/Sub points available. - Additional Dom/Sub points were added to scenes that should have had them but didn't. - Some route requirements were changed to make certain routes mutually exclusive. - Gallery Overhauls to add a Page 2 to galleries that need it...as well as finally making it so you don't get kicked directly back to the main menu instead of the Gallery when trying to navigate the Gallery page. Note: Some of the new 'extra' scenes are out of order at the moment. I ran out of time/energy. It will take several hours of effort to put them where in the Gallery they should be, so I put that off for a future build. -Typo and Bug fixes. Credits updated.
Build 7 Build 7 extends the Threesome Routes, fleshing them out quite a bit, showing more of what they will be in the long-run. It also contains most of the Weekday content for Arianna's Week 4. In total, the build contains 14 new scenes, with 17 animations. Included are: - An extra Weekday encounter for both Threesome sets in Week 3. - Weekend 3 events for both Threesome sets, truly getting both routes started in full - 3 Week 4, Weekday encounters for each Threesome Routes - 3 Week 4, Weekday encounters for Arianna - 2 Variant Animations depending on Dom/Sub score in specific routes - Weekend 3 Masturbation Event Handling for a MC in Chastity - Major Overhaul to Gallery. Threesomes now have their own Galleries. -Bugfixes, Typo Corrections, Updated Credits
Known Issues: - Previous threesome routes saves that are past Weekend 2 will not work :-( - Arianna's Week 4, Day 3 scene is currently not in the Gallery. I need to add a Page 2... - A few of the routes don't make sense together. (Revina and Trix's solo routes, when combined with the Rev/Trix Threesome Route). This is something that will be address ed long-term. I just can't do every variant at once -_-.
Build 5 Build 5 focuses on the weekday content for Week 3. It add 10 scenes, with a total of 12 animations spread between them.
- 3 New Scenes for Arianna's Solo Route - 3 New Scenes for Revina's Solo Route - 3 New Scenes for Talia's Solo Route - 1 New Scenes for the Talia + Arianna Threesome Route - 3 Relationship/Background dialogues each for Arianna, Revina, and Talia. - Gallery Updates - Credits Updates - Lots and lots of typo corrections, including in old content - Lowered music volume for main menu a bit and rebalanced the volume of a few other tracks as well. - KNOWN ISSUE: Old saves from an Arianna/Talia Threesome Route play through won't be able to trigger the new Arianna/Talia Threesome route content. Sorry :-(. I had to define a new variable. If you have a Threesome route save from just before the Week 2 Threesome content, that will still work. But you need to be able to play through the Week 2 Weekday threesome encounter again.
Build 4 The primary focus of this build was to get the second set of Weekend events into the game. Additionally, per Patron voting, Trix received her Week 3 weekday events.
Included in this build: - 4 New Weekend Events (1 for each girl). These are all rather long dates with dual-stage H-animations. - A second solo/masturbation scene for the MC also available on the weekend. - 3 New Weekday Events for Trix. - A total of 13 new animations, spread across 8 new scenes - 98 new still renders - 7 new Gallery entries - Oodles of character development - Bugfixes and typo correction - Also probably plenty of new bugs -_-
Build 3 This build focused on adding all of the Week 2 content. It contains:
-1 New Non-Lewd Scene for each girl -1 New Lewd-but-not-animated Scene for each girl -1 New Fully Animated Lewd/H-scene for each girl -1 New Fully Animated Lewd/H-scene for each of the two Threesome Routes - 14 New Scenes in Total - A total of 12 new animations (6 animated scenes, two animations per scene) -Updated Gallery and Credits - Various bugfixes, typo corrections, and other small stuff!
vB.2 There's actually quite a lot packed into this build, given that it was a February build. There are two new non-animated 'date' type scenes, plus 7 animated scenes (Total of 9 new scenes). Included are:
3 Dates/Working Days with Talia - This brings her in line with the other girls for weekday content.
14 new animations - Spread between 7 animated scenes.
The First Major Event - This includes a route option for each of the girls.
Unlockable Weekday Threesome - Trix/Revina/MC
Unlockable Weekday Threesome - Arianna/Talia/MC
Introduction of a new minor character (Veronica)
Gallery Updates to make animated scenes repeatable
Bugfixes to the Gallery (it was a mess)
(Note: Gallery is unavailable in Public Version Release)
General Bugfixes
Overhaul of the Credits - They still suck. But they suck slightly less. They'll be overhauled again in a future build, at some point.
vB.1 Initial Rlease
3-03-2025 the english version of the Left Hand Magic game has been updated.
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