Mythic Manor is a free adult interactive visual novel game offering a new home and a new world. Delve deep into your fantasies and experience the day-to-day life of sharing a manor with five gorgeous “mythic girls”. Spend time and build relationships with the characters you like in currently over 70 unique character events plus special hidden events! The game is developed with Ren'Py solely by me, Jikei
Current $5+ codes: ------CURRENCY RELATED------ mythmoney - gives you $1000 mythmazuma - gives you $10,000 mythmoola - sets your money to $999,999 boobtokens - gives you 100,000 MasturChat tokens ------STAT/SKILL RELATED------ hiresearch - maxes your research skill (once unlocked) masterbaiter - maxes your fishing skill hardworker - maxes your pay raise for article writing profapper - sets your porn watched to 100,000 swoleaf - maxes your strength skill (50) [v0.11+] ------MISC. RELATED------ seenscenes - unlocks all gallery scenes 7days - adds seven days to the calendar usernamechange - changes your username on MasturChat ezjade - sets Jade's donations to $1200 and removes certain donating restrictions glowup - makes Magic Lake glow at night nopill - makes it so that having sex with Jessa never impregnates her (except for in her story event) fixpill - reverts the “nopill” code. Having sex with Jessa will impregnate her again nomilk - if Jessa is pregnant, she will instantly become not pregnant begone - prevents girls from randomly inviting you to do things. Enter the code again to undo it [v0.11+] loomorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom in the morning [v0.11+] loonight - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom at night [v0.11+] poolmorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool in the morning [v0.11+] poolnight - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool at night [v0.11+] Current public codes: namechange - changes your name
Main Girls: 1 main event for Fanora 2 main events for Nefari 1 special event for Esther 1 Sunday event Multi-girl event with Esther and Fanora Side Girls: 1 main event for Astrid 1 main events for Iris 2 main events for Kumi 4 main events for Maeve New character added - Lily 4 main events for Lily Additional Content: Area added - Munch Mart interior Area added - Fairgrounds Area added - Playful Pixels Area added - Museum of Arts Area added - New Lark University Area added - Apartment 2 areas unlocked - (in the manor) Everything Else: Updated the in-game map Updated other UI and added legends Separated Side Girls into Major and Minor Added new music tracks Added $20+ patron names to PC Added new patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs & text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough
v0.21 is a Nefari-heavy update, bringing six new events for your favorite sphinx girl. There's also a new Naira event, a new Sunday event, and a special event for Jade. As for the side girls, Astrid, Iris, Kumi, and a new girl, Maeve, all have one or more new events.
A lot of work has been done on some areas around the city. The mall is now complete, with a new record store, food court, and washroom area (featuring some RNG scenes). New areas include Sakura Park, a pawn shop and alley, Caulkins Lab, and Munch Mart (still in progress).
There also has been a few major UI improvements, such as the new Scene Gallery and the new Character Relationships screen (seen below)! The Character Relationships screen now has stars that show whether or not a girl has any more events left. A yellow star means the girl still has more events in the current version, gray means she has no more left.
The Scene Gallery is now way more organized and scrollable. I recently added captions as well. Also, 27 old manor girl events have been added to the gallery. For one reason or another, we didn't add these events to the gallery back in the day, but they are there now!
Another new thing in v0.21: All the images in the game's intro have been recreated in better quality. These were basically the first images I created for Mythic Manor, so some of them looked a bit dated.
A new passcode has been added for Mythic Admirers to unlock all patron wallpapers at once instead of individually. Check the recent Monthly Art posts for this code!
Everything else in v0.21 can be seen below in the patch notes! New Content in v0.21:
Main Girls: 1 main event for Naira 6 main events for Nefari 1 Sunday event 1 special event for Jade
Side Girls: 1 main event for Astrid 2 main events for Iris 4 main events for Kumi New character added - Maeve 2 main events for Maeve
Additional Content: Areas added - Mall: Record Store, Food Court, Washroom Area added - Sakura Park Area added - Pawn Shop Area added - Caulkins Lab Area added - Munch Mart (in progress) New redone Scene Gallery Added 27 older events to the Scene Gallery New redone Character Relationships screen Recreated all the images in the game's intro
Everything Else: New passcode to unlock all patron wallpapers Updated the in-game map Made bulletin board more obvious at start of game Added code to unlock all patron wallpapers (for $10+ patrons) Altered save/load/main menu text slightly Lowered requirements for Dahlia's and Seren's level 1 events Lowered requirements in Sunday waterpark event Changed some Iris dialogue in Fanora level 18 Updated code to be compatible with Python 3 Added 4 music tracks Added $20+ patron names to PC Added new patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs & text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough
New Content in v0.20: Main Girls:
1 main event for Esther 2 main events for Fanora 1 main event for Naira 1 main event for Jade 1 Sunday event
Side Girls:
1 main event for Iris 2 main events for Vana 1 main event for Beatrix 1 main event for Aliza 1 repeatable event for Aliza New character added - Kumi 6 main events for Kumi New character added - Wren 1 main event for Wren 10 repeatable, random scenes for Wren Added DahliaDarlin's tip menu for her later content
Additional Content:
Areas added - Office Building & inside areas Area added - Mall plant store Area added - Nefari's private library (unlockable) Added a questline to unlock new characters 1 misc. event in the office Other characters added - Aimee & Sylvie
Everything Else:
Added 3 unlockable wall posters for MC's room Updated Natasha's chat image Updated several character cards Fixed Iris animations lacking tattoos Added 1 music track Added $20+ patron names to PC Added new patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs & text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough
v0.19 brings new main events for Fanora, Velle, Iris, Astrid, Vana, Miya, Francene, and The Pantheon girls. We also added several new area to visits - the Backstreets, Alley, Iris' Apartment Inside, Beatrix's House, and The Pantheon!
Main Girls: 5 new main events for Fanora 1 new main event for Naira
Side Girls: 1 new main event for Iris 2 new main events for Vana New character added – Astrid 3 new main events for Astrid
Additional Content: New area added – The Police Station Faye can now be ordered in the Velvet Room Remade 17 old, low quality animations: 3 in Esther lv.8 1 in Fanora lv.8 1 in Naira lv.13 3 in Naira lv.18 3 in Nefari lv.9 6 in Velle lv.10
Everything Else: Added 3 new music tracks Added a new image of Iris at work Reduced Velvet Room prices Added $20+ patron names to PC Added 6 patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs & text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough
Main Girls:
New MAJOR main story event for Nefari (extra long event, equivalent to 3-4 lengthy events) New main story event for Jade New multi-girl event with Fanora & Velle You can now sleep with Nefari, Velle, Esther, or Jade at late night Side Girls:
2 new main story events for Iris 1 new main story event for Paige New character added – Vana 2 new main story events for Vana Additional Content:
New area added – “The Arcade” Added playable arcade game – Street Stunt Added button to change the name of MC in the scene gallery 1 cheat code added for $5+ Patrons (for arcade tokens) Added several new songs and sfx Everything Else:
Added lines clarifying something about Iris’ powers Fixed sfx bug in Esther’s dream event when hitting Skip Event Added $20+ patron names to PC Added 7 patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs & text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough v0.16 Main Girls: - New major main story event for Esther Side Girls: 2 new main story events for Heather 2 new main story events for Anastasia 4 new main story events for Iris 6 new repeatable nightly scenes for Iris Additional Content: Added mini event in the mall to hint toward camsite flyer Added hints for locked characters Everything Else: Fixed Sunday morning porn bug Added Dahlia to the hint screen + new hints Added $20+ patron names to PC Added 2 patron wallpapers to PC Fixed a few minor bugs and text mistakes Updated hints, scene gallery and official walkthrough
Main Girls: 2 new main story events for Naira 2 new main story events for Nefari New multi-girl event with Fanora & Jade 3 repeatable events for Esther 1 repeatable event for Fanora 1 repeatable event for Nefari
Side Girls: New main story event for Paige New main story event for Anastasia 1 repeatable event for Paige
Additional Content: Nefari's surveillance cam can now be installed! Multi-part questline to unlock Nefari's cam added
Everything Else: Added 'content under development' notices Fixed Nefari's level 13 hint to make it more clear Added July, August and September monthly PC wallpapers Added $20+ patron names to PC Fixed several minor bugs and text errors Updated the hints Updated the scene gallery Updated the official walkthrough
v0.14 Main Girls: New main story event for Esther New main story event for Fanora New main story event for Velle New main story event for Jade Repeatable events added for Esther, Fanora, Naira and Velle Sleepover sex event added for Naira (in MC's room) Side Girls: New story event for Anastasia New story event for Paige 2 year anniversary winner's cameo character added: Fuyumi 4 new story events for Fuyumi 2 repeatable events for Fuyumi 1 repeatable event for Paige Additional Content: Jade's surveillance cam can now be installed New map location added: Tsundora Everything Else: Added new character cards for Fuyumi and Miya Added bulletin board related dialogue for Esther when your repair skill is 0 Clicking on a closed location on the map now tells you what times it is open Entering Naira's room alone is easier (no longer requires a cam or clicking on her door) Altered Naira level 22 and 23 requirements to make them a bit easier Fixed animation bug in the Esther/Velle multi-event Added May and June monthly PC wallpapers Added $20+ patron names to PC Updated the hints Updated the scene gallery Updated the official walkthrough
New Content in v0.13: Main Girls: New main story event with Esther New main story event with Naira Two new main story events with Nefari New main story event with Velle New Sunday event with all manor girls Side Characters: New story event with Paige New story event with Seren Quality of Life: Increased the size of the "X" buttons on MC's PC "Next", "Continue", etc. buttons are now skippable with space button Patch notes added to start screen of game Adult videos are no longer random, now you can choose what to watch Everything Else: Updated animations for 7 adult videos on MC's PC Fixed dialogue in Velle level 27 Changed and added dialogue in Velle level 14 Added default Sunday event image that includes Jade Fixed a bug when trying to enter the bathroom when it's locked Fixed time of day text mistakes for Esther and Iris hints Some minor changes to UI Added 2 year anniversary wallpaper Added 3 monthly PC wallpapers Added $20+ patron names to PC Updated the hints Updated the scene gallery Updated the official walkthrough
Hello everyone, Mythic Manor v0.12 is here! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are excited to play the newest update of Mythic Manor!
v0.12 is a mix of manor girl events, a couple of lewd multi-girl events, and many new events for Iris and Nurse Andrea.
We also improved the Hints System quite a bit, making the hints much easier and adding a "time of day" indicator, so you know what time of day each event takes place at. You'll also notice we created a new transition when a new day starts. On top of that, we made the main menu animated for PC and Mac. We'll extend this to Android once it is more efficient.
New Content in v0.12: Main Girls: New main story event with Esther New main story event with Nefari New main story event with Velle New multi-girl event with Esther and Velle New multi-girl event with Fanora and Naira Side Characters: 5 story events with Iris 1 story event with Nurse Andrea 5 repeatable events at the Doctor's Office Added new Receptionist character Others: Revamped & Improved HINT SYSTEM - Much easier hints & time of day is provided for all levels with a revamped look New transition when a new day starts New animated main menu (Windows/Mac only for now) Added 3 monthly PC wallpapers Added $20+ patron names to PC Updated the hints Updated the scene gallery Updated the official walkthrough Changes to the game: Content changes: Fixed certain Jade-related content and dialogue Made the right hall arrow glowing (so it's more noticeable) Added playtime to the Stats screen Added a few other stats to the Stats screen Added a button to clean Esther's cam for Android users who could not progress her story Changed requirements for Fanora level 25 and Esther level 25 (made easier) Lessened requirements for Natasha level 1 Changed Naira's diary for Android users so the menu doesn't go out of bounds Minor changes to past dialogue of characters Other minor things fixed
New Content in v0.11: Main Girls: New main story event with Fanora New main story event with Nefari Special event for Naira Random activity invites from all manor residents! Side Characters: 6 storyline events with Jade 4 Repeatable events with Jade 2 location-based RNG scenes with Jade 4 storyline events with Paige 1 repeatable event with Paige 1 storyline event with Heather 1 storyline event with Anastasia Relationships cards for Paige, Heather, and Anastasia Game World: Right hallway (mythic manor) Lounge area (mythic manor) New shared laundry room (mythic manor) Another new room Added a "Your Room" button on the map that lets you warp straight to your room Others: New video format scene for two scenes (improved scene quality) Added a toggle in the Options menu to skip Sundays when there are no new Sunday events to show Bound M key to map Bound Q key to quick save Bound C key to character relationship screen Bound I key to inventory Bound R key to return to your room Bound T key to time skip Added 6 more $5+ patrons cheat codes Added 5 monthly PC wallpapers Added $20+ patron names to PC Updated the hints Updated the scene gallery Updated the official walkthrough Changes to the game: Content changes: Upgraded MC's penis texture for all new scenes Added an additional way to obtain panties for Fanora level 20 When Fanora is asleep in her room, she will no longer answer the door Increased money gain from article writing Minor changes to past dialogue of characters Other minor bugs fixed
18-11-2024 the russian and english version of the Mythic Manor game has been updated.
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