This game concerns you, the new headmaster, of a former prestigious school. The old headmaster left it in a bad shape and now it is your job to bring the school back to its former glory. But how did you get to be the new headmaster? Well, you are known for your theory of intimate conditioning. You try to revolutionize the world and its people by creating the ultimate most intimate community. According to the motto: Make Love, not War. Of course, you're not just some perverted scum. Your theory of course has its roots in the biology of humans. But you'd have to lie if the change wouldn't also make you excited.
Fixed Event in Courtyard showing for level it is not planned for Fixed error in gym after level 6 has been reached
Version 0.2.0B:
Fixed missing thumbnails for quest Fixed tutorials repeating and not returning to correct screen Fixed missing animations during P.E. teaching warm-up Fixed a missing image in school dorm "Walk in on Girl”-Event Created a temporary fix for certain Buildings or Rules having their probabilities incorrectly calculated by making it 100% by default.
Version 0.2.0A_1:
More fixes for probability calculation
Version 0.2.0A:
Fixed a bug preventing the player from queueing the rule to progress to level 4 and higher Small changes to probability calculation for unlockables (Calculation is still a work in progress) Fix for Mods not being registered correctly
Version 0.2.0:
Stats 3445 more images bringing it up to a total of 5815 54 more animations bringing it up to a total of 182 18 new events Events Added event chain for transitioning the school to level 2 13 new events in transition event chain 2 new events in cafeteria 1 new events in courtyard 2 new events in school dormitory fully reworked all 71 regular events and created variants for these events for all school levels up to level 10 some events now have a spicy animation on the higher levels This was done to conform these events to my new (and hopefully) last workflow for rendering images, which allowed me in the first time to event render the events for all levels Events can now have priority over other events higher level variants of the events can be seen thanks to temporary rules allowing the player to raise the school level higher than 2 New Features Implemented a Modding Framework Implemented a new Quest System Implemented a Character Overview Reworked Main Menu Changes Reworked the Journal Design Improved the Map PTA event system has been improved Gallery Due to reworking all events, the existing replay gallery data will be wiped Added versioning for gallery and individual events Modding A new modding framework has been added The modding framework allows for the creation of new events, characters, and more A manual on how to create a Mod can be found here (WIP) Added a Mod Manager on the Main Menu for activating and deactivating mods Quests A quest system has been implemented for you clueless folks The new quest overview can be found in the journal The overview shows quests for solving current event chains By clicking the small info button in the quest overview more quests can be displayed These quests are for helping people on how to unlock certain stuff or to give a general overview over what events have been seen !!! Some quests might not update correctly or have display issues when using savegames from old versions Character Overview A character overview can now be found in the journal. (Thanks to @Shojua for suggesting this idea on my Discord Server) If you have ideas yourself, leave your suggestion on the discord or if you don’t have discord, just hit me up directly. The Overview shows you a list for all regular in-game characters When clicking on a character a detailed overview about that character together with a small image gallery is shown. By marking an image as favorite, that image will be shown as thumbnail in the overview Main Menu Main Menu has been made nicer. An animated background has been added School Map The school map has now changed highlighting Locations that have an event are now highlighted with a marker Pin-Style markers have been added to better show the location of the different facilities Journal when queuing a proposal that costs money, that money will be stashed until the vote, preventing spending money that is supposed to be used for the proposal added temporary rules to allow the player to raise the games level up to the max of 10 Misc Tons of bugfixes
Version 0.1.4C
Added Changelog in Main Menu Added Social Media Buttons in Main Menu Disabled Cafeteria Upgrade Fixed wrong label used in Aona Bra Event Fixed missing image in one of the Cafeteria Events
Version 0.1.4B
added 1242 images which doubles the image count up to 2370 images total added 128 new animations (most of them are for the Movie Sandbox) added about 10 new regular events added about 5 new work events
added some repeatable naughty time with secretary Improved notification system Improved image system Improved gallery system Implemented Event Composits Introduced Subject Proficiencies for headmaster Introduced new Subject - History Introduced Sandbox Movie System Reworked the tutorial Reworked the school map Reworked the journal Reworked stat changes for some events to make them less brutal Tons of prepwork needed for special project planned for 0.1.5 Lots of bugfixing Lots of improvement to existing systems in game code Added a bit of information about the use of old savegames on game startup Added a bit of information about member credits on game startup
Version 0.1.3B
fixed a Crash when game tries to download Supporter List, while having no internet connection added possibility to deactivate download of supporter list from web in the settings, internal list is then used. possibly fixed a crash on MacOS (can't really test that, so only hope remains) fixed a typo made the bento event more likely to fire.
Version 0.1.3A
Version 0.1.3A should be compatible with savefiles from Version 0.1.2
about 500 new images 13 new Events 1 new Location
Cafeteria: Introduced Cafeteria Cafeteria: Added 6 Events to Cafeteria Cafeteria: Added new Rule for Cafeteria or other things (Adelaide seems to be stressed sometimes...) Courtyard: Added 3 Events to Courtyard School Building: Added 3 new Events to School Building School Building: Introduced new Introduction Event when teaching class for first time. Gym: Added new teaching event PTA: Extended PTA Introduction to now introduce all teachers and parents. Characters: All different Schools have now been merged to one school but different classes. No more stat-grinding for all Schools Journal: Added a new budget-overview. Always keep your money in check. (New ways to earn money comes with next update.) Journal: Added Replay Gallery to Journal. (Bottom right tag in Journal) Locations: Replaced all background-images for all locations. Events: Introduced a new System for the determination of values and data used by the events. Particularly useful for adding new Events or modding. Also used for the gallery. Image-System: Improved the image system for more dynamic usage. UI: Small changes to UI for much aesthetics. QoL: Added more information in Journal to prevent players from being confused over what can be unlocked and what not. QoL: Added a bit of extra information during introduction phase. QoL: Special events now are marked. The location will glow red and the action will be marked with red dots, to show where to find the event. Bugfix: Fixed Softlock during introduction phase when saving and loading. (Hopefully) Bugfix: Fixed temporary events being replayed, when they shouldn't. Known Bug: When selecting a value in the gallery, an error occurs sometimes. I wasn't really able to determine why it happens, but it is harmless. Just Rollback once and it's fixed. Journal: Changed the credits page to load the supporter-list from the web Version 0.1.2B
Changed the vote button in the journal to show if the rule or else can be unlocked or if it's not implemented. Added some text to the description of some rules, clubs or buildings, stating that they are not yet implemented and cannot be voted on. Some events were planned and dialogues implemented in advance. These should not have been visible at the time, as they were intended for later stages of the game. These are now locked and inaccessible as they are missing images and are subject to change. The probability of voting on rules and other issues has been changed. Each party now has a base probability of 100% if the necessary requirements are fully met. Please note that students, teachers and parents have different stats, so they must be raised separately. Parents' stats cannot currently be raised and the stats of teachers and parents cannot currently be viewed. This will change in version 0.1.3. However, the current unlockable rule can be unlocked relatively easy. The whole vote calculation is subject to change in version 0.1.3. There was an event in the office that was still firing, even though it was supposed to be obsolete with the passing of a certain rule. This has been fixed. Changed the wording in a single sentence in the intro to make it make more sense, both in content and grammar. Added a message that is displayed after the player has watched all the events that can be watched. Note that some events have multiple variants with different images, which are not tracked. So search for them at your own risk. Added a message that appears after the player has reached a certain level of stats, at which point it is no longer necessary to increase those stats, as there is nothing new to be seen or unlocked by increasing stats beyond that point. Note that the message will pop up once all stats have reached a certain threshold, not for each individual stat, so if you only increase Corruption and leave the rest as they are, the message won't pop up.
Version 0.1.2A
Stat changes were rerolling when saving and loading the game directly after an event UI ratios not fitting in Android variant Version 0.1.2
19 new regular events 1 special event ~2000 new words over 400 new Images navigation per keyboard shortcuts pta-voting individual outfits and names for each character A dedicated page in the journal for all my loving supporters! Version 0.1.1A
Events: Not really a event but I added a small epilogue sequence at the end of the game introduction. The previous description on what role the potion will play in the game seemed to not be clear enough, so that new sequence is hopefully clearing that up a bit :) Characters: The characters now have names! UI: The ability to hide the GUI has been readded after making it work properly UI: Added transitions between the images. You can disable or change the transition speed in the preferences, if you like to hav your juicy transitions a bit faster. UI: The textbox background is now modifiable in the preferences as well. You can choose between original, 50% transparency or no box at all. Images: The image format has been changed so the final size has been reduced by ~70% Bugs: The use of the headmasters name was not consistent throughout the game, this has now been fixed. Bugs: There seemed to be a case where images were missing. I found something that could have been this and fixed it, but I can't 100% confirm that this is definetly fixed as I can't reproduce this problem. Bugs: There was a bug where the first event on day 1 was not firing and the player was thrown into free roaming without anything to do until day 2. Couldn't reproduce that either, but the other events worked fine for the reporter so I just changed the way the day 1 events were called. Version 0.1.1
Introduction to the game up until the free-roaming phase Tutorial Background images for free-roaming 413 Images 8 Animations 6000 Words
14-01-2025 the english version of the Mind the School game has been updated.
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