The Promise for android

Game description The Promise
And now its the time to make the promise real.
You must work hard and make much descisions for your life.
And it will have influence on the others.
Now that Lisa has received her gift from the boyfriend it is time to see if it has made her happy and perhaps check the immediate effect on those around her.
Is she actually still interested in him or..not? In what way does your wife look at this young man? And how is the mutual respect between you and the kid?
Various questions that we cannot answer now because they were completely determined (Added the penultimate visit of Lisa's boyfriend triggering automatically on the next Saturday)
Rumor has it Michelle's secretary has altered her wardrobe and we don't mean her glasses. We were wondering why, but it might have something to do with an earlier choice you've made.
Apparently Trudy, as she is called, has developed a slight curiosity to know what is going on in and around the office, so better make sure the door is closed to keep out prying eyes. (Added the next scenes for Trudy and your wife at City Hall)
The latest homemade Farm product seems to be a real hit, with customers even coming from outside Landing City to buy it. However there seems to be a strong competitor who is not only trying to keep their customers but also to take yours. You will need to find a way to prevent that somehow.
And what if someone wants to make a lucrative deal just before the end of the day? Will you go along, refuse, or come up with another creative solution to make both parties happy?
Keep this month's goal in mind because this is your last chance to reach it. Good luck. (Added the penultimate scene for the Saturday at the farm)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed the bugs for the townhall and reset back to a certain point if you have reached the critical point
Fixed the bug which prevented progression with Mia's Event after the visit at the farm
Fixed the Lisa bar event interfering the BF event
Fixed the RelationWife variable bug during the last BF event
Fixed being prevented to use the bathroom during weekdays while Lisa was using it.
Trudy loop at 17:00 fixed
Fixed some smaller bugs
Lisa is expecting another visit from her boyfriend, but bad weather has been forecast, will he have prepared for that?
On the other hand a little rain won't make you melt, so that won't stop your wife from going jogging, will she get lucky or get a wetsuit?
A rainy Saturday night can be perfect for watching TV. Especially when it’s just you and the wife. Which channel will you choose? Something you both like, something that only interests you or will you let her pick? And last but not least, who has control of the remote?
Of course, there are also exciting things to think of to kill time in a pleasant way. But whether that happens and how, we'll leave up to you as you're still the one who decides how this Saturday night ends. (Added the next visit of Lisa's boyfriend triggers automatically after the last one on Saturday)
Speaking of ending, the Johnsson's main story has almost reached that point now. All they need is an apartment to move into so they can say goodbye to Landing City for good. You could describe it as waiting for the green light.
Oh, there is an empty space that is still undefined, start imagining what you want to do with it. We know Michelle and Lisa have. Can you come to an agreement? (Added the penultimate Scene for the Main Story. Triggers on a Thursday a few weeks after the last one)
We recommend to save your game after you have so you can still complete the side stories
Jack's mission is not quite complete yet. He also hopes for a happy ending and is now ready for his full body massage. We hope Michelle isn't too ticklish. Then again if she would try to kick him, then this man knows how to handle your wife. And you how far you let him go in this.
Oh, try not to make too much noise to avoid getting caught by innocent bystanders. If it isn't already too late. (Added the penultimate scene at the Pool with Jack)
Your wife will also have to give up her job at Landing City Hall and say goodbye to her secretary. But we haven't gotten that far yet, she's still waiting for your work visits.
Michelle, that is, although Trudy also seems very interested in what you are doing. Maybe she likes to be the center of attention herselves? (Added the next step Trudy at City Hall)
And although the new district has a farm and therefore your job seems a certainty, you will have to finish it properly here in your current hometown. We are in week 3 still in the middle of the bet with your Supervisor, will you make it? Only time will tell. You still have one week to go.
Misses von Richtberg might be helpful she is a teacher after all. The question is what will you pay attention to during her lesson? Are you up for a little quiz or not?
And when good ol' George needs cosmetic advice, what do you look for? Or should we say who?
Same goes for the daughter, you know the one who always passes by with her mother on their bikes. Will you cut her some..cheese? (Added the third week at the farm for the latest product)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed the bugs for the townhall
Fixed some smaller bugs
There is a spy visiting your farm but don't worry even though she's not related to you, you can still have her on your side. If the price is right.
An Asian young lady is coming by too..we're sure you all have seen her somewhere before. This might be the chance to sell the new product we have introduced you to last time. Try to make the best possible deal with her.
Rumours have it there is someone famous visiting Jackson's Field as well..would you like her picture..or have you already taken it before perhaps?
Anyway try to stay focused and not get too much distracted by her 'personality' as you still need to keep track of what you're selling. (Added the next week at the farm for the 5th product)
Lisa is looking for another Saturday night out with the boyfriend. Michelle is looking for a way to hear her out. Maybe her favorite food can do the trick.
And what about you..are you allowing him to score..points with her..just do as you favor or...even leave a strong impression on...your wife?
We all know how much the young lady likes to get gifts..but what would be the perfect one for her? Maybe you can pick something nice for him to buy..or not? (Added the next visit of Lisa's boyfriend)
Because it was a mess at City Hall, she hired a secretary to manage all visits. And by 'she' we mean your wife. It seems like the perfect time to visit your wife again, if you can get past the new watchdog that is, and by 'watchdog' we mean her secretary. Good luck. (Added several new City Hall events based on your choices and timed visits)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Rework the townhall events for Michelle and recode it, it should work now all properly. All are reseted includes the shopping events. (Attention the CQM was not changed)
Fixed the bugs for the townhall
Fixed some smaller bugs
Now that the boyfriend has been around for about a month he feels ready to move further. If and how much further is completely up to you.
And did you know hot sauce leaves stains? Well..your wife does now..will she discover this in time or will someone else point it out for her? ((Added the next Boyfriend visit which triggers automatically on Saturday if Lisa has found one))
Nina is learning how to be more assertive towards the young neighbor..but what will you do when she tries these tactics on you?
Are you going to follow her orders all the a certain extent..or are you going to turn this thing around in your favor?
And what if she has a certain request with that same young neighbor? Each choice has a consequence but we'll rather leave that up to you. ((Added the next scene for Nina if you are on the Young neighbor route. To trigger go to her house on a Monday night after 18:00 o'clock))
Jack has been massaging your wife for several Sunday afternoons and is getting better each time. I that good enough for you or will you show him how it's done?"
And how far is your wife willing to go exactly when asked to return the favor? ((Added the next Massage given by Jack for those who are on that route. Trigger to go swimming on a Sunday afternoon but not solo.))
Did you sell enough cheeses, enough honey and reach the required revenu? Oh, yes? Well then you are in for a treat..and we are not just talking about the new homemade product either.
Your supervisor has thought of a new bet to keep you motivated selling that new product..and we can promise you this is a goal you don't want to miss.
Pay close attention to the information she gives you it might help you sell just a bit more too.
The girl from Texas might know a thing or two..or show you a thing or two..if you play things smart. ((Added the next productline for the Farm on Saturday which triggers as soon as you start your shift there))
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added Renpy Sync, so you can upload your save on the Renpy server and use it on a other device. (Available in the Save/Load menu)
Fixed some smaller bugs
Spring is in the air, which seems to trigger the naughty side, for some of Landing Citiy's residents.
For those who let him, Jack's massages seems to be getting more forward by the 'week'. And what about your wife, is she secretely enjoying this, will this man bring her 'bad' side up? And is it normal for a swimming instructor to be massaged by his student? With as they call it in the business: a full body massage? On the other hand, this could make your intimate life with Michelle very exciting. Well, you can hardly call it intimate when it happens in a place where others can see her in public. (Added a new massage for Jack at the public pool with Michelle you can see on Sunday if you are on this route)
Speaking of bad boys, or good if you're lucky. Lisa's boyfriend is coming to pick her up for a second official date. Fortunately, he knows how to behave at your house. Time for extra instructions. (Added the next visit of Lisa's boyfriend on Saturday night..based on his personality)
Of course there are also the good girls, for example Nina so timid and shy. Although the old neighbor is hoping she can be a bad girl on Monday nights. But we'll leave that up to you. (Added the next visit of the old neighbor for Nina if you are on this route with optional BDSM Training if you are in for that. )
Speaking of bad girls if someone earns a good spanking, then that must be Haley, well spoken figuratively for this route. Nina is the actress and you..... (Added the next steps for Ninas director part on Monday when on that route. Try different positions and options to get the best result until you get the end of this version message)
Is there no one for this version who does not suffer from Spring Jitters? Well maybe if you have drunk a little too much different types of alcohol in the local bar.
How will Michelle respond if you get home drunk during the working week? Will you be able to hide it from her? And what if it happens during the start of the weekend and she is free the next day? The outcome depends entirely on your relationship. Could that even make her 'frisky'? Well, so much for not suffering from Spring Jitters. (Added scene for those on the Wife's Love Route after a solo bar visit)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed several bugs for the Ninaevents
Replaced an incorrect animation for the Events with Michelle and Helene at Helena's house
Fixed some smaller bugs
If your Supervisor keeps raising the goals you might need an extra pair of hands to reach them..and here it is.
Normally, unauthorized persons are not supposed to enter the locker room, not to mention the mine itself. But your supervisor has become willing to make an exception for her own best friend.
With an extra team member, planning shifts becomes that little bit more challenging. Can you keep everyone happy to get the most out of themselves? (Added the next scene at the mine)
Now that you've (hopefully) found the best boyfriend for Lisa, it's time to make clear to him what you do and don't expect. Will you be able to make him do what you want? It's taming time.(Added the next visit of Lisa's boyfriend in which you can opt your preferances depending on the personality.)
If you allowed Jack the swimming instructor to give your wife a breast massage, you would now like to be massaged yourself, in a special way. (Added a new massage for Jack at the public pool with Michelle, if you are on this route. Invite him by visiting the pool on Sunday afternoon.)
With Haley's help, Nina increasingly pushes her boundaries. But now that you are the director and pulling the strings, maybe you can give her that extra push.(Added the next steps for Nina's director part (Try out different combinations until you see the end of this version message)
If you're on the Süecial request route for Nina, Haley will do her best to push Tchanun to his limits with Nina, while you...well, you can only watch. (Added the next step for Ninas on special request route)
Nina and Haley appear to be having a private chat excluding you. About what? You might find out the next Monday. Still the special request route. (Added the optional consequences for the single visits after you finished the special request scene)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed some smaller bugs
A seemingly innocent-looking young woman and her not-so-innocent husband are looking for you to make you pay for something. Do you have the courage to meet him after dark? After taking your money the two take you outside of Landing City to a secluded hotel, what will happen there? It seems like there is some sort of meat inspection going on with the young married woman being exploited by a casting director and Co-Producer. Will it have a happy ending? (Added the next three steps for the alternate route for Bob & Barbara )
A Teenage girl with a dark mind is expecting Nina and you to come to her the other two of the siblings can have some fun with her. If you pay them a visit. For the watcher: The once so innocent girl from the Cinema is now at the mercy of the man craving her voloptueus body and the dirty mind deciding how he can use or abuse her tonight.
After midnight your sweet wife can turn into a..Vamp..with a burning desire for..oh, we should not have told you this..please try to stay calm..before things get out of hand. What if the person on the other side of the door is suspecting something and opens it in the heat of the moment? Maybe it's too late now to run and hide. Or if the one on your side of the door is asking you what the hell you're thinking off? Do you have the guts to give the right answer?(Added the next three scenes for being caught front of the bedroom door)
It's payback time and Mister Peter needs you to go to the trouble maker's house with his wife again. We can promise you one thing it will be your last job as a way or another. Why are you doing this anyway? Maybe it's not all doom and gloom..At least you'll get a farewell present..unless you're really looking for trouble. Then the night might be ending very differently for you. (Added the final scene for the Warehouse route (Repeatable)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated to the latest Ren’Py version
Replaced in the CQM for the Jobs maximum level with maximum wage.
Fixed the bug for the CQM on Android, now the sidebar for the quests should work well.
Fixed a variable bug for Helena in the CQM.
Fixed a bug with Michelle’s Fotoshoot. (Suggest a photoshoot should work now correct)
Fixed some texts displayed incorrectly for Helena in the CQM.
Fixed some smaller bugs
Your wife will make her final decision whether she wants to be treated with the unmentionable experiment again or not. Hearing Steve tell her about the potential risks won't make the choice any easier.
Your brother-in-law and sister-in-law can't wait to see their little niece again, but how will that turn out when they see what's become of her? And aren't you to blame for that?
Knowing that Lisa is accompanying you can't possibly mean that you keep meeting your sister-in-law down the hall in the same way, can it? Or does it just increase tension between the both of you? (Added the Final scene for the Sister Visit if you are still on their route)
Although Michelle may not have the looks right now, she still loves to pose for the camera, depending on whether she is willing to share herself with the world, or present 'them' in the park. Financial encouragement can then be helpful as you can put the money to good use.
When dressed for the occasion you might even attract a spectator. A dubious one at that. (Added the the next photoshoots with your wife in the park for the Moneyroute. Trigger at 22:00 in the Livingroom on Saturdays)
Does your wife not like you enough or are you not interested in having her model for photo shoots? Then you can now meet the young couple. Simply by relaxing on your park bench during the weekend.
The young man likes to show off his lady, it seems, so if you make the right choices, he might just let you into their lives. (Added the the next steps for the alternative route for Bob & Barbara. You can meet them by relaxing a few hours in the park during weekends.)
There is always a small possibility that you will be caught if you spy on someone. After all, you can't look through a keyhole and monitor your surroundings at the same time. But what do you do if you are caught by someone within that environment to whom you happen to be married? (Added the next two scenes if Michelle catches you spying on Lisa)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated for the latest Ren’Py version
Added new music and sounds
Fixed a BUG for the CQM on Android, now the sidebar of the characters should scroll
Fixed some smaller textbugs for the CQM
Fixed some smaller bugs
Release dates
Mister Peter appears to lend a helping hand. Only he's not a doctor, so what can he do for you? (Added the next step at the warehouse for the mainstory if you are on that route)
Remember the promise you made to the old neighbor if he would bring something? Well, he has, but it's not a present for Nina...rather for...himself.
Or The young neighbor can only hope that you will pick him up to use something of high quality on his visit. In any case, Nina won't help him unwrap. (Added the visit for Nina with the Young/Old Neighbor)
Is Lisa enjoying her solo action again? Who put all those thoughts in her head..oh right, it! (Added the last scene where you can watch Lisa at night if she does have a boyfriend. Weekdays at 0:00, during the weekend 7:00 o'clock using the keyhole of her bedroom)
But beware of the big bad..Mom? Try not to get caught while she's fantasizing about her boyfriend in there. (added a surprise RNG based.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated for the latest Ren’Py version
Added an option for you to decide whether you want Misses Peter to give you a 'hand' or not.
Reworked and updated the last photoshoots with your wife from the start to create a better experience
Added some quests to the CQM:
Gloria (complete)
Photoshoots with your wife (complete)
Bob & Barbara (complete)
Added some quality of life pictures
Added new music and sounds
Fixed some typos
Fixed some smaller bugs
v0.89 - 2023-08-07
The old neighbor is waiting for an invitation to visit his girl next door, but this time he wants to do more than just watch. You decide what that 'more' will be.
OR The young neighbor hopes for an invitation to be allowed to visit his girl next door, but this time she wants more than to let him watch. Discuss with Nina beforehand what that 'more' will be.
For those who walk the cuckold path with the siblings, it is now time for the bull to please his mare. Or was that the other way around? ((Added the next visit at Nina's house on a Monday evening for these 3 routes))
Has Mister Peter agreed to help you and your wife? Then go to his warehouse after sunset to see if he has another job for you.
We can't promise whether it's completely legal and safe, but you should be able to experience a good night's sleep at the end of it based on your choice. Although? Nah, we can't even make that promise to you. ((Added the point of no return mission for the Warehouse route which is the alternative for the Sister visits.))
It's a sultry Saturday night, 10 o'clock your wife is watching television in the living room so the perfect time for.. another photo shoot in the park. Don't you agree?
The perv there certainly does, but don't worry you won't find him if you don't go looking for him. There is also the option to have some just us time with the wife.
More is less or less is more, it depends on your wife's mood and her stats of course. Caring is sharing. The evening can end very pleasantly for you, but please drive home safely. ((Added some new scenes for the photoshoots with your wife at the park, 2 out of 3 routes are completed now))
Any Lisa fans out there? Like to keep an eye on her while she's in her room, by using the keyhole? Then we have good news for you. If she's got a boyfriend that is.((Added three new solo action scenes when you watch her at night on weekdays at midnight or during the weekend at 7:00 o'clock. They play RNG style.
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated for the latest Ren’Py version
Added an option to adjust the textbox's opacity in settings
Added some images to improve the home activities.
Added new music and sounds for the ambience
Replaced some incorrect images
Fixed some typos
Fixed some smaller bugs
For those who switched from the Landfill job to the Farm, a familiar face might come to visit the third week of the month. If you haven't met this person, he will be there too, but you just won't know him.
The same is actually true for the older woman, and you will react differently depending on whether you don't know her, vaguely or rather 'intimately'.
The following week you can expect the man's wife to buy something from you, or is it his daughter? Those who have had the Landfill job could know the answer to this question.
One thing is for sure, the last customer of the month you don't know, at least not personally. He wants to prepare a special breakfast for his girlfriend, who you might know through and through. Will you help him? (Added the next steps of the Farm economics system on Saturday. Fingers scrossed you've reached your goal. Which will be continued in a future update.)
Just when your wife has decided to have her treatment done by your brother-in-law, the man comes with shocking facts about this project. Will she change her mind?
And how does 'it' feel after such a natural breast tissue generation treatment? Your sister-in-law knows, but she's never going to allow you to...ehm...right?
Unless of course you were already ehm…bonding…then you have a quick feel yourself. (Added the sixth (penultamite) visit of your sister-in-law, if you are still on that route. Triggers automatically on Thursday morning, one month after the last visit.)
For those who were told by your brother-in-law he did not want to do the treatment, you can still expect a call from your sister-in-law. (Added the closing part of this route. Triggers automatically on Thursday morning one month after the last visit.)
Your wife decided to no longer block the bathroom mirror and starts to wonder what she will look like after what Lisa calls her 'Drastic Surgery', maybe she could use a helping hand?
It might even lead to a steamy bathroom scene, depending on the relationship with Michelle. But keep the noise down, because your adopted daughter wakes up around that time too. (Added a scene which triggers shortly after the sister-in-law visit, for now just if you are on Steve's route, for the warehouse it will add in future updates)
You know your wife can put on a show when she poses in front of your camera lens, but how much of herself is she willing to show when viewers are around, if you want that?
And what if these viewers come up with personal requests? Will she even listen to that? (Added the final part for Michelle's photoshoots at the park. To trigger it go to the Living Room at 22:00 o'clock on a Saturday evening. The spectator depends on previous situations.)
Added new music and sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated the latest Ren’Py version
Bug fixing
Fixed a bug with the CQM and double Quests (Works only for new games)
Fixed the cursor not changing back after you've given Lisa a Massage (Sorry for the inconvience but you will have to massage her again first.)
Fixed some typos
Fixed some smaller bugs
A while ago, Michelle indicated that she couldn't wait to see how the skimpy outfit will look on her. The mail order seemed delayed but now she has received it and is ready to show it off on a Friday night at the park.
But if the response isn't what your wife hoped for, then what will she decide to do during the following week? (Added the final two parts for the park event with Ronny which is repeatable)
Ronny also had another request to collect some photos for him, starting with two ladies from the cinema. If you said yes to him, that's the place to start as a pool paparazzi.
If you succeeded, meet him alone in the park on a Friday night to sell the pictures for booty. Then you will receive the following assignment from him.
After the fifth it ends with the grand finale, do you believe you've got what it takes or perhaps won't dare to take the challenge..that's up to you..good luck. (Added the completed Ronny’s Quest for Booty. Location Friday at the Park, Cinema to start)
Your farm supervisor has a new product to sell, exclusive on Saturdays. And not only that, she also has a goal of how much Novos you will have to earn in the coming month. Sweet.
Minor detail. The local farm is not doing very well with very few customers, luckily a familiar brunette knows a handy trick. If you can find out which product is in high demand that is. It must be one out of three. (Added the follow up for the discount part introducing the Farm economics system created by our Editor and Scene Writer)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added a new tutorial, which explains the new stuff like the CQM
Added new music and sounds
Changed the cursor for the fishing game for better immersion
Updated the fishing game with new images for higher skilled fisherman
Changed the cursor for the game
Fixed the menu for “preferences”
Fixed the blockage where you couldn't take baths due to the NTD with Lisa “LIKE..EEEEWW”
Fixed the Quests in the CQM for Nina (better load an 0.85 save file)
Fixed a lot of typos
Fixed some incorrect images
Fixed some smaller bugs
Are you on the siblings' route? Then you can visit them again in what they call their playroom. The only question is who can play and with whom?
If yes are you just a spectator? Then it's Haley who plays with Nina and her brother joins in to try out her footwork.
Or if you want to watch and play, the big brother is happy to encourage you when you team up with his sister and he with what he thinks is your new young wife. (Added the next visit at the siblings' house for Nina, if you are on one of these routes)
If you don't like the siblings that much and prefer to keep Nina to yourself, that's also possible. (Adjusted the scenes with mc in Nina's house so they're now repeatable)
Oh, Mister Peter was wondering if you're still capable of driving his wife after that little 'incident' at his house last time. If you are and didn't get the trust of your brother-in-law, look him up in his warehouse, will you?
And who knows, he may invite you back to his house on your next work evening. Making sure Misses Peter is home too of course.
But above all he requires discretion from his what needs to be done no questions asked.
The man then generously rewards hard workers… or rather, he lets his wife do that under his supervision. So maybe you are lucky. (Added three new events for those still on the warehouse route)
Vanessa could use some support if you have acces to the VIP area and hopes to get it from support that is.
One good turn deserves another, and if you do, you can expect something in return, a special offer for example. What you do with that, well, that's up to you. (Added the two final events with Vanessa, depending on your descision(s))
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added a new tutorial, to introduce you to the CQM.
Added a lot of Quests to that same CQM:
o Noelle complete
o Nina complete
o Helena complete
o MC some quests
o more in progress
Reworked the fishing game so you can see some fishs (depending on your skill) and improvement of the immersion.
Added new music and sounds, to enhance the gaming experience.
Fixed an image for the start up screen which was introduced in 0.85
Fixed some smaller bugs
Now when you go jogging with your adopted daughter, you can get her into the shape you want by making choices. Her stats of course, we won't touch her shapes.
There is even an old man in the park who likes to watch young women doing exercises. Excellent for increasing one of her hidden stats. And don't worry, Lisa isn't romantically interested in anyone looking at her like a piece of tender meat. It will just help her to show more of herself literally and figuratively speaking. (Reworked the Jogging event for Lisa completely and added new scenes based on corruption level for that. Should now be easier to generate Slutiness points if you want even for those using old saves. And it's repeatable as well.
Just when you're getting used to sharing a shower in the afternoon, you needed to shower alone again. But not anymore, between 16:00 and 17:00 O'clock at least if you managed to make a No Touch Deal. Who'll come first? (Added the final repeatable scene for Lisa’s shower event which requires the NTD)
Haley has new instructions for Nina in their playroom, but whether you are just a spectator or a participant depends on previous choices.
For those who like to watch, Tchanun will be the active one from now on.
Those who love both will get both. Hopefully this also applies to the sister of the siblings. (Added the next two visits at the house of the siblings with Nina, finished three routes, which are repeatable and two new events for the other still active routes.)
Ever heard of the term, it takes two to Tango? Your wife and you are going on another bar date, which will play out completely different for everyone as it is based on previous choices. Will Michelle dance with Greg, Olivia or the somewhat mysterious Man in Red? Or perhaps a combination? And if your wife gets to dance with another man, how far can he go? Until you take action and what about the bar owner?
And what will the night bring for the both of you? Do you do everything your wife wants, or do you completely impose your own will on her? A middle way is, of course, also an option. Will this be gentle or rough? That's up to you..oh and Michelle obviously. (Added the penultimate bar visit with your wife)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added a complete new main menu
Added new music and sounds
Fixed some bugs with the CQM (Unfortunately works only after starting a new game, but it is not required yet so you can keep playing future updates)
Fixed a bug which prevented generating Slutiness points for Lisa
Fixed a bug with MC's Fitness Level, now you can raise it to the right MAX, which will allow new events to trigger.
Fixed a bug where you could just see Jill during your jogging route after reaching her Ultimate goal.
Fixed a lot of typos
Fixed some smaller bugs
For those on the siblings route, both are waiting in their house for your visit. Well, maybe more like Nina than you, but at least you can watch.
Haley and Tchanun (Siblings) give Nina and you access to another room in their house. Can his sister play with her? (Added the next two visits at the house of the siblings with Nina)
Your brother-in-law comes to visit you because he has an important announcement regarding your wife's cosmetic treatment. Has the man changed his mind?
Lucky for you, he's also brought his wife, who wants to talk to you privately about what you did or didn't do during their last visit. She really doesn't like you, now does she? (Added the fifth visit of Michelle’s sister which will trigger automatically after Stevie's second opinion at the Clinic)
And during that visit you can just get a new idea for a role play on a Saturday evening at 22:00 o'clock in the living room. In case your wife would like to play doctor. Do we know one?
Or would you rather play yourself as Michelle takes on the role of a relative you don't have such a good relationship with? That is also possible in the same living room afterwards. (Added TWO of the THREE roleplays in the living room, if you are into this.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Reworked the choice menu in the livingroom with your wife on Saturday's at 22:00 so it's easier to use while snuggling or roleplaying.
Added sounds of some domestic appliances.
Fixed the bug in the CQM with the double quests (Unfortunately works only with a new game)
Fixed some smaller bugs
Helena would like to see you now that she and your wife have become friends. So visit her house by yourself on a weeknight and see what she has to say. (Added a solo visit at Helena's house which is after you and your wife have been visiting her together regularly.)
Okay, so your wife likes cosplay and Helena isn't averse to role-playing. That sounds like it mixes nicely. But what part do you play in this triangle? Or is it already the end of a line? (Added the final visit with your wife at Helena's house with three different options where one has different outcomes, all three are repeatable. Go to her house after 18:00 to trigger it like the solo visits.)
Speaking about visits. A visit from your sister-in-law does not necessarily have to be negative, after all she is married to a renowned doctor, who may be willing to help your wife with her appearance. And what's up with that woman? Does she want you to look at her or not? (Added the next visit of Michelle’s sister. Visit number 4 will trigger automatically by the end of the week after you've been to the clinic.)
The Fallen Angel is waiting for you in her shelter to fully reveal herself. Hopefully the key is not lost and will still fit. It appears the lady from the shelter has a double agenda, and you first have to return the favor to gain access. It has nothing to do with money this time, well, sort of. But after you've managed to unlock the lock, the key will always be there for you. Not for free, of course. (Added the next scenes for the Fallen Angel Route at the park)
Those who follow the route of the golden shower siblings will see that the brother is very charmed by Nina. But does that also apply for you towards his sister? And do you want to watch from a distance or even participate? (Added the next visit to the house of the siblings with Nina) (For the other routes at Nina's you can expect more in the next updates)
Marcus is looking for a gift to blow the socks off the mysterious blonde date, and it's not even because of the holidays. Mind your step. Hopefully the errands for a friend helped Marcus score with his date. And if not, it might have helped you to make some extra Novos (Added the fourth and the final errand for a friend, when you visit his News Stand on a Friday)
If your adopted daughter has discovered how to use her well-trained body to make a good impression. Then she will now do that while jogging. Fun to watch in public. (Didn't trigger before due to the bug for slutiness. Just invite her on a weekday when you've skipped work.)
Barowner Dave should have a lot more interesting things to say than just ask you if you want to drink something. That kind of comes with his job description. So we've added subjects based on recent events, the 19 Channel NEWS, your relationship with your wife, and other current stats. (When something has happened or to have a chit-chat, visit the bar during opening hours on a weekday to see if Dave knows what's going on)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed a gamebreaker which prevented you to raise Lisas slutiness.
Fixed the correct choice variables for the last Nina event visiting the golden shower siblings
Fixed a variable bug with the sister event, so it needs to be replayed once more before you can continue after loading a save.
Fixed some smaller bugs
Unless you only spend time indoors with your adopted daughter, you won't be able to avoid boy interest and eventually a boyfriend. But what you can do is give her a gentle nudge in the right direction after she's introduced one. Or in the....opposite direction. ((Added a small cutscene to determine the outcome better. Triggers on Monday after her boyfriend came to dinner))
And if you've made her clear her current boyfriend is'nt the one for her, Lisa will be happy to introduce her new one a few week later to you during a nice family dinner. ((Added the next Boyfriend Scene. Triggers on Friday two weeks after the former scene))
If you've seen the boss's wife half-naked in their private pool, how hard is it to keep the focus on the job, or rather, on the road?
Your boss in the warehouse invites you to their house, but not to go swimming in their private pool. Is he suspecting something or is it just a nice surprise? And is his wife even expecting your visit? ((Added new scenes for those who are on the Warehouse route))
One thing is certain, your sister-in-law and brother-in-law are coming over on a Thursday to hear your wife's big News. But how this goes depends entirely on your previous choices and current stats. It does not necessarily have to be an unpleasant visit. ((Added the 3rd visit from Gabrielle and Stevie. Which will trigger automatically on Thursday morning 3 months are their last visit))
For those on that route you can take another detour to the neighbors' bathroom. They might introduce themselves this time. And the brother is willing to show even more of himself to Nina. Will you allow this, is that a deal? ((Added the next Golde Shower related scene for the neighbor couple when a detour has been taken on Monday at Nina's house))
Your wife is preparing for her second visit to the clinic in Niveria. It is important she is well rested. So if your adopted daughter has something to say, it will have to be to be to ((Added the next Scentek scene which triggers automatically two weeks after her first visit to the clinic))
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed a scene for Lisa and her dinner date from triggering if you're on the park couple route.
Now that you've been caught in the public swimming pool for the umpteenth time, Gloria realizes you require special attention. And that's exactly what you get, but first she needs a comfortable seat.
Do you know the expression feeling whipped? Oh, not yet? Well that will soon change. All you have to do is walk past the lifeguard overly excited again
We think Gloria really doesn't mind as much as she suggests. She's even starting to show the signs of a true...dominatrix. Although she is not afraid to reward you for good behavior. ((Added the next three “visits” in Glorias office. If you've decided to leave it all to the lifeguard when you had that choice))
There seems to be something missing from Misses Peter's outfit, but be careful, that woman has the eyes of a hawk .
Mister Peter, trusts his faithful right hand, but who does he mean by that you or his wife?
Oh, there we have it, the man wants a conversation with you with his wife present and not at the warehouse either. Looks like this isn't going to end well. ((Added the next visits at the warehouse (if you are on this route))
Rebecca always seems to be in a hurry, but if she likes you enough, your boss's sister will have time for a quick chat this time.
And getting to know her a bit better. Maybe Rebecca isn't the decent lady you think she is.
For example, does she want to get ogled in her new dress? ((Added the next scenes for Rebecca at the mine (if you are on this route))
Your wife has invited her sister and your brother-in-law to come over for dinner this time. But there's no worries, as long as your relationship with your wife is good and there are the necessary Novos on your REA, it can be a pleasant visit. (Added the 2nd visit of Michelle's sister triggers automatically after 12 weeks ingame.)
Marcus and his date seem to be getting more serious because now he's looking for something to help him get through the night. Do they actually sell that in the shop? (Added the third errand for a friend at the Newsstand on a Friday morning or afternoon.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated to the latest Ren’Py version
Removed the old stats-system
Removed the Scene Checker
Added a first version of the new Character Quest Manager (CQM) replacing the old stats-system (Click the PDA in the left corner, Thanks to Rodrigo Sarri)
Added the stats for Michelle, Lisa, Nina and the MC(Main Character) to the CQM
Added the Quests for the 4 above based on their available stats
Added the complete Quests for Jenny, Karen and Mia to the CQM
Fixed the sound bug after Lisas’s Bar visit with Candy in the end part.
Fixed some smaller bugs
If you made a bet with the Farm Supervisor last time, now you can try to win it. The prize depends on the result. (Added the end result for those who were lucky enough to get a betting offer. There were three different ones based on the discount after Vanessa's visit.)
Your adopted daughter is paying you a visit at the farm. But the question is who will be the one paying for that? Lisa is pretty smart. Do you think you can outsmart her?
And if even your wife makes her entrance on the farm, there must be something wrong, right? Family discount, does that actually apply at Jackson's Field? (Added two more customers for the Saturday at the Farm event)
Bob and Barbara are happy to be invited again. Whatever choice you made. (Added the next event for all three routes with B&B triggers automatically on Saturday )
For, the Cosplay route at the park, your wife worked on her script to give it a more personal touch. (This route ends here, but will be replayable in a future update. The stats determine how the scene goes.)
Have you convinced them your wife is a real model? Then she will give the young model some tips on how to approach an audience. Although you still have to deal with her husband, also known as 'manager'. (The next week for the model route has been added)
If you lied to them that your wife is active as an actress in erotic films, now is the time to produce new material in a deepfake or with you as an actor playing himself. Do they fall for that? (The next week for the pornstar route has been added)
The Latin Dancer would like to know what you have decided. Can he dance with your wife, now that you know how intimate that will be? And what will bar owner Dave think of this?
It can be a real challenge to avoid drinking too much on a night out, but what if you also have to watch your wife not get drunk? And how does Michelle actually behave if she has or has not had too much to drink?
The old man at the bus stop would appreciate it if your wife kept him some company while waiting for his bus. Will you let him and if so how far can he go? (Added the next Bar visit with your wife including several outcomes. Invite your wife on Sunday at 20:00 o'clock)
If your mc is into BDSM, there's the option to introduce your wife to it a bit. She might even like it and the good part is, that's all up to you. If not, your mc will have a nice night too and focus on something we've introduced last time. (After the bardate on Sunday night)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed a bug with a looping sound after Lisa's Bar event
Fixed some glitches
Fixed some smaller bugs
The ice cream seller has free ice cream for your wife and she pays him for it with an exciting striptease. The young man has trouble keeping his hands off himself, are you going to do something or just let it come to a 'climax'? ((Added the next event for the Cinema Visits when you are on the vendor route))
The vendor seems to have a decent 'Calippo' and has no problem showing it. But will you allow this and what will your wife think of that? ((Added the last repeatable event for the Cinema Visits when you are on the vendor route))
Chris and Ann have one last assignment for your wife. And the good thing is that Michelle doesn't have to do anything. Sounds safe enough, or isn't it? ((Added the final event for the Cinema Visit when you are on the Couple route))
Thanks to Lisa, the bar is busier than ever on Saturdays. Is it her youthful charms or is it the Tyrolean outfit? In any case, your best friend Marcus doesn't know where to look, or rather, is allowed to look. ((Added the next event for Lisa’s Bar event))
Of course, the qualities of her colleague Cindy also have to do with it. And for those who walk her home at night, it's time to examine them more closely. With a little help from your best friend, of course. ((Added next part with Candy in that Bar event))
Didn't we talk about a bet last time? Your supervisor does have an idea to keep you motivated not to give big discounts. Are you up to that challenge? ((Added a bet between you and Melanie based on your former result with Dave on Saturday. ))
It seems that the bar owner is fulfilling his promise through word of mouth. But doesn't the second customer expect more than you can offer?
And speaking of things to offer, try saying no to your third customer. What a bomshell. ((Added 2 new customers to sell to on Saturdays))
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed a bug with the farm selling event (Therefor it had to be reset and starts with Dave)
Fixed some glitches
Fixed some smaller bugs
Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, including your wife. How depends on the can be figuratively, but also...literally. ((Added the next event for B&B (all three routes))
For the Cosplay route: Michelle has found a safe location in the park where you can practice her new script, without being disturbed by some pervert. Everyone will be happy with that, won't they?
For the model route: It's time for Barbara to take the next steps in the modeling world. Although these are still cautious steps. Oh..and this time do forget your camera.
For the Pornstar route: You did mention your wife is in the bizz, but there's only one video of her, and you, available. Strange is it not? Maybe it's time to make, or fake a new one?
From the day she let you 'voluntarily' choose a job, your wife been wanting a new wardrobe. And now she has bought some beautiful clothes and is happy to show you. At least if your relationship allows it. (Added an alternate scene exclusively for those not on the Model route or not on the Bob and Barbara route at all and have at least 8000 on their REA.)
If Helena knows you know there are cameras present in the guest room, then you can take advantage of them now, by taking advantage of her, knowing her husband's watching. Just so you know. Added three new scenes for Helena which are repeatable.
Sometimes you can no longer control that urge and you have to express someone. We understand that, but is it wise to choose Lisa herself? Well..time to find out. (Added the final step with Lisas NTD in the shower)
For the farmjob you can now sell your milk and eggs on Saturdays. We bet you can't do it without a discount. But bet with your Supervisor instead, you might even be rewarded in the future somewhere. (Added the first with a new familiar customer at the farm. Triggers after a month at work on Saturday)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed some smaller bugs
Normally it doesn't matter what time you start your job at the Landfill, you will not miss out. But in this case to solve a little mystery it actually does. (Added a complete new side event for the landfill (After you have seen the blonde woman from behind the window it triggers later on a Monday)
Your sister-in-law, who has been supporting you financially, has invited herself to your house to see how her sister is holding on. A fun visit? Well perhaps for your wife. (Added the first visit of your wife’s sister triggering on Thursday after the first 4 weeks) (Leads to the alternate route for the warehouse)
Your wife has an appointment at the clinic, is she really going through with this? There is only one way to find out and that is to go with her. (Added the next step in the Scentek story which automatically triggers on Thursday)
Now that you've washed Lisa's back and front, only part of it remains, and can she wash you completely? Or not? (Added the next step with Lisas NTD in the shower outside the weekend at 16:00 or 17:00 o'clock)
You can head back to the warehouse after dark to receive a new job from Mr Peter if he trusts you enough. Because this time it's not himself who needs you..but his wife.
Who knows if you do a good job at your new task not only you get lavishly paid but might get to see the inside of the Peter's private pool as well. And Mrs Peter in bathingsuit. But that's just a bonus.
Do you like Michelle's feet? Then perhaps you can handle them while she is handling the dishes.
For those who are not into feet but I like a backdoor entrance you can handle something else while she is doing the dishes.
And for the fans out there following the alternative route of nature..we have something special too. It requires the kitchen with Michelle in it using the dishes and...a bucket (Added some new scenes in the kitchen with your wife (3 possibilities)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Your wife is tired of dancing..alone that is..and guess who is the lucky one who has to solve this issue.
Dave seems to have made another bet and even though it's not with you or your wife, he still needs her to win it. But that stays up to you.
Arousal now has a major effect on mc's behavior during the night after the bardate. The higher the hotter the night. (Added the next bar visit with your wife on Sunday evening)
Speaking of arousal..Gloria we know as the Life Guard has returned to keep an eye out for men who are a little bit too excited to get in the pool. But the good part is you can decide the kind of sanction. (Added some new scenes with Gloria if you go swimming when your arousal is too high)
Hey based on your decision with Gloria you might even make it to the newspapers. And if so you know someone owning a News Stand to talk about it. (Added a scene at the News Stand if Gloria has called the police)
The Parole officer plans to impose tougher penalties as well if you continue to fish without a license. So buy one to be safe or keep living on the edge and..don't get caught. (Added a new scene at fishing if you keep trying this unlicensed.)
Swimming with your Daughter is nice and so is taking a stroll or sitting near the pool now, as you have more options to raise her (hidden) stats. (Added options for all bathing outfits to help you max those stats if prefered)
For those following assignments with Chris and Ann..they have come up with one involving the Ice Cream Vendor and it is outside the Cinema Hall this time
For those who are on the route with the Ice Cream Vendor himself mc has come up with something himself (Added the next part for the Cinema Date with your wife on a Sunday evening)
Ever wanted the chance to tell your colleague in the face what you think of him/her? That's what Nancy is about to have you do with yours this time. Oh and don't forget the compliment.. (Added the next goal at the mine)
It's nice if your colleagues think you are okay, but if your Supervisor really likes you, you're in for a great surprise after work. (Added a hot scene if you have at least 6 Nancy points)
Rebecca who claims to be your Boss' sister so Nancy's aunt is having a break during yours. Will you join her for a chat maybe? (Added the next scene with Rebecca from the mine)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added the 'missing' animation for Jill's other breast in the second indoor session.
Fixed a bug with the flowers on the breakfast table
Fixed some wrong pictures for Jill
Fixed some wrong pictures for the Mine
Fixed some variable bugs for the Mine
Fixed a bug in Michelle’s bar events, they should work now. (But the latest one will need to be replayed once first)
Fixed some smaller bugs
We've implemented a new system to improve the meagre breakfast with every 700 Novos you put on your REA. (You can keep track of how far you are by having breakfast at 8:00 o'clock)
And it's a little more difficult to escape Lisa's awareness now when checking her out during this breakfast. (Added more situations for the breakfast peeping thoughts for Lisa)
Met the lady in the green dress yet standing near the mine owner? Now we might get to know about their relationship a bit better. (Added the second scene for the unique job event at the Mine)
Speaking about the mine. Nancy is back to check if you've reached your next goal and make sure there aren't any slackers.
Will she have send you a new selfie? Or is it someone else's turn to show his colleagues what their wifes look like?
You did not follow your supervisor to watch her take a shower last time did you? Because then you will feel the consequences of that this time. (Added the next goal 65 for the minejob)
Helena has once again made her private swimming pool available to you. Of course the lady is present herselves too.. Oh, we hope you don't mind skinny dipping.
And you are invited the following week as well. Although this visit has little to do with swimming. Still, things will get...rather wet. (Added the next two visits at Helena with your wife)
By popular demand we have added some roleplay where you get to act like Jack would. Behaving just like you wanted him to during the swimming lessons (Added some new action at the Living room with your wife)
And some 'solo action' with the wife in Cowgirl Position for the fans.
Jill has returned for her second indoor training session. Anyone who has completed the first one knows what you are going to do with her now. Oh, do be a little careful with her safety word will you? (Added Jill’s second indoor training)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed some bugs with raising Lisa’s hidden stats, so you should now be able to reach maximum level without any problems. (But full work only in 0.76) Our appologies for the former inconveniences.
Fixed some smaller bugs
It took months of work to restore the mine after that unfortunate incident. Now Landing City is looking for brave workmen. Something for you perhaps? (Added an intro scene for the reopening of the Mine which triggers Tuesday 23-05-2045)
After switching jobs at City Hall, if you’re brave enough, it’s time to meet your new colleagues. Well they know each other but don’t know you yet. (Added the first scene for the unique job event at the Mine. Start there at 7 or 8 o’clock)
They sometimes say, the first day at work is always the hardest, well make that the first week, it's like a 7 days job interview. (Added the first week for the job at the Mine. Which is closed in the weekend unlike the other jobs)
If you manage to get through that week, you can expect a house call, so make sure your wife and adopted daughter are behaving their best and there is enough food in the house. (Added an event which triggers automatically on your 7th workday)
Done all that? Good, then it’s time to earn some gold with your team (Developed a mining system based on stamina and cooperation and added an unique story around it with choices to decide the outcome (Three goals currently available))
Helena has decided to help you loosen up Michelle, and being such a decent lady her approach seems to have a positive effect on your wife, or is she mostly helping herself?
Well, if the classy lady is doing something not so classy, she can always blame it on her husband. (Added the next two visits at Helena with your wife)
If you’re still following the challenges during your Cinema dates, Ann and Christian came up with two very daring ones this time. But will your wife accept this challenge? (Added the next two Cinema challenges with your wife)
If you’re challenging the ice cream vendor instead, your wife might be taking advantage to get free ice cream from the young man. But do you really think that’s fair? (Added the next to Cinema scenes for the Vendor while dating your wife)
And if you just want to have some fun with the wife, instead of watching the movie with your well spend money, that is also a possibility of course. (Ending the solo route for dating your wife in the cinema.)
Last time you were allowed to wash Lisa's backside, would she allow you to wash her front now? And the choices you made has been remembered by your adopted daughter, just so you know.
Oh, if she would, with an emphasis on if, please keep in mind a teenager’s nipples can be pretty sensitive, again, just so you know. (Added the next two scenes with Lisa showers after your NTD)
Did you enjoy the swimming lessons with Jack? Nice..And did Michelle enjoy it as well getting his number? Great, then you can now invite him every Sunday for a little swimming fun. (Added a repeatable part for Jack’s storyline to be continued)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added an indication to show you when the Hidden Stats have reached maximum level
Updated the Scene Checker
Reworked something for the Scene Checker to improve the usability
Bug fixing:
Fixed some typos
Fixed a bug with Lin’s last event, so you can now have more scenes at home
Fixed some smaller bugs
Some don't act well in front of the camera, but that doesn't apply to our good old mc. He doesn't seem to be himself when he knows someone is monitoring him.
They sometimes say make yourself at home. Which Helena takes literally, because it's her house. But how does your wife react to this? (Added two visits with your wife at Helena’s house (triggers automatically in the morning if you are on this route)
You expected Helena to reveal to your wife you’ve known each other for a long time. But it looks like she's on your side. What else could she do for you? (Added a new dialogue at Helena’s in the evening after the first visit with your wife)
Greg is back at the bar either to dance with your wife or a friend to dance with. A nice Latin lady in her early twenties. Will he allow you to dance with her (as well)? (Added the next Bar date with your wife. Sunday at 20:00 o’clock. Living room.)
(Added some more fun with your wife in the living room)
Bob and Barbara can’t wait to be invited over for another session. What will your wife have come up with this time? (Added the next session visit of Bob and Barbara. Triggers automatically if you’re on the Park Couple route)
You cannot wash each other with a No Touch Deal. Or can you? Not with your hands of course..but perhaps there is a way for that. Lisa seems to have found a solution for it. (Added the next shower time, for the NTD with Lisa. 16:00-17:00 o’clock)
Depending on the direction you have chosen in this route as you follow it, Nina is slowly introduced to the world of male or female domination. And this time she will tighten or loosen the strings. If you invite the neighbor again.
If you take the optional detour route with Nina, you know she has already peed in their bathtub, but the female resident wants to go one step further this time. (Added scenes for two roads for Nina)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Helena would like to invite you again with your wife. The older woman is not going to tell her about your affair now, is she?
Your wife has just undressed herself to put on her bathing suit in a room secured by camera surveillance. Whatever you decide, remember someone could be watching. (Added two visits with your wife at Helena’s house (if you are on this route)
Greg is hoping for some Dirty Dancing with your wife or at least a decent one, but whether he can do that is up to you. (Added the next Bar visit with your wife)
A whole new world opens up for Nina since she's first been intimate. She has discovered a new position to try. Makes sense to her because she's only 19, but aren't you too old for this Kamasutra stuff?
You can invite the older or younger neighbor as well depending on your previous choice, not yet for the Kama Sutra, but for some fun.
And then there's the couple expecting Nina and you to visit. At least if you go that route to pee with them. (Added scenes for all three roads for Nina)
For those who answered yes or maybe to the special training method Jill had in mind, she is now waiting for you at home. (Added the first indoor mission with Jill (included a small Minigame)
Lisa has no trouble showing more of herself now that you've closed a No Touch Deal. But does that really have to be breakfast with your wife around? (Added some new scenes at breakfast for Lisa (If you have the NTD with her)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed a bug with the last Bar event of Michelle, so you have to play this scene new
Fixed some smaller bugs
Dr Lanceburry may have been a rude, impolite asshole. Still, his words got Michelle thinking. (Added the next Scentek Story Cut Scene which triggers automatically on Thursday morning a few weeks after the Live News Appearance.)
If your wife knows you like her being checked out by others while jogging, she will do a few stretches and exercises under the watchful eye of a curious spectator this time.
For the enthusiasts among you, you could suggest answering the call of nature in plain sight as the Isostar starts kicking in. (Added new scenes for the jogging tour with your wife)
Lisa has trouble controlling her bladder after drinking that energy booster as well. Fortunately, the woods can offer a solution, if you want.
BFFs can just ask each other what one thinks of the other's body. And so does Lisa with you, if your relationship is good enough. (Added the final scenes for the jogging tour with Lisa)
Or you can check it yourself, of course, while Lisa freshens herself up in the bathroom after her run. (Added a next bathroom keyhole scene after jogging)
Your adopted daughter has a good female friend with whom she regularly discusses topics over the phone. It might be worth checking. (Added more cut scenes for reaching Awareness Levels with Lisa. Check her keyhole after you wake up)
Suppose you have a mistress, the last thing you want is for her to meet your wife, right? And if that happens that you are both invited to her house? Well, prepare yourself then. (Added a visit with your wife at Helena’s house (if you are on this route)
Your wife still remembers the song played on your very first date. If she hears it, Michelle wants to dance..with you. But what if another man asks her to dance. Will you allow that? And how far can he go? (Added the next Bar visit with your wife)
Mr Peter, the warehouse manager, has something he likes to show off but it isn't his wife. (Added the next visit at the warehouse (if you are on this route)
Did you notice anything while using Penny's services lately? Perhaps wondered if she did it just for the money? Now the sexy blonde will tell you how she feels about you. Before offering a new one that is.
Spooning is not just a sleeping position..ask Penny. Or better yet she’ll ask you..if you bring 800 Novos of course. (Added the next two services from Penny for the VIP Bar Area.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed a bug with the new cut scenes of Lisa of the last version
Fixed some smaller bugs
With the bar packed every Saturday, it seems inevitable there will be some creepy customers as well. Someone will have to serve them and you get to decide who it will be.
As it is that time of the year. If you know how to play the trick, Candy might have a treat for you (Added the next two workdays for Lisa at the Bar including a Drinking Contest)
For those who took over from Jack, your wife is ready now for her final swimming test. Can she manage with three pairs of strange eyes watching? (Added the final swimming lesson for your wife at the pool)
Barbara has had a few frightening moments due to the lotion. Is she still able to shine? (Added the next photoshoot with Bob & Barbara on a Saturday morning)
At a secret location, a dangerously hot blonde awaits, who can't wait to get her hands on you
What are those panting, moaning noises coming from the back of the bar? Could it be you taking an innocent-looking blonde mercilessly? (Added the next two services from Penny)
Lisa is unsuspectingly on the phone with a female friend when someone looks at her through the shutter hole. Oh, you really scared me there. It's just you. (Added cut scenes for Lisa’s Awareness triggering on Tuesday Morning, go to her room and look through the keyhole.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed a variable with Lisa’s Bar event
Fixed some bugs with the Scene Checker
Fixed some smaller bug
A.G.G.R.A has finally studied all the photos of your wife and will call her soon. Before her working day starts to be precise, that means getting up early. (Triggers automatically on a Thursday morning about 6 weeks after talking to him at the local bar.)
The Scentek experiment is big news in Niveria so 13 NEWS is broadcasting live about the this topic..and if it's specifically about your wife's case, you can't miss it. (Triggers automatically on the Thursday evening after the phone call)
A live news broadcast that has been watched so well, is given extra attention the next day. How would Michelle feel about that? (Triggers automatically the day after) (Added three new cut scenes for the background story about Scentek)
Everyone will find themselves in a sticky situation sometimes, figuratively speaking, but apparently it can be literally, as well. (Added the next visit with your wife at the bar after inviting her on a Sunday evening at 20:00 o’clock in the living room)
Women like to compare with each other, swimwear for example or something that is 'hiding' underneath. (Added the next scene for Helena and Michelle)
Helena lets you witness a special yoga session. Though you don't participate yourself, you will leave her place feeling very Zen anyway (Added the next visit for Helena (alone) Ask for a yoga session)
Penny offers a different kind of massage at the bar. One that will not be very common in a normal salon. But it can make you happy. (Added the next service for Penny when the VIP area has been unlocked at the bar)
If you have trained Jill long and hard to look good in her new bikini, you have earned the right to see the end result. Let's meet her at the public pool on a Friday afternoon. (Added a swimming pool scene for Jill)
Now she has reached her ultimate fitness goal, Jill does her best to stay fit herself as well. So there is a chance you might run into her solo jogging at the Park. (Added the possibility to run into Jill while solo jogging)
Mia is back and now that she knows there is a hole in the wall you might as well use it by looking through it. (Added some new scenes with Mia at the pool on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday after 16:00 o’clock)
Probably every one of you will have peed in the bathtub at one point or another. But Nina is specifically requested to do so. (Added the next scenes for Nina’s suburb experiences when visiting her on a Monday evening if you’re on that route)
Nina has now given a show twice by dancing for the visitor. Now it's time to take her things in your own hands again (Added the next scenes with Nina with a special guest when visiting her on a Monday evening if you’re on that route.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updates for the Scene Checker
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Now that the man saw her in her nightgown he’s back for another show without it (Added the next scenes for Nina’s suburb experiences)
Although Nina usually lets you in through the front door, this time you can also make use of her back door. (Added the next one on one scene with Nina at her home on Monday evening)
You can visit the couple, if you chose that route, whom voluntarily offer their bathroom to Nina. But this time it’s not their special toilet they had in mind (Added the next part visiting Nina’s house on Monday evening)
Sometimes a woman passes by and you almost twist your neck to take another look at her. Well, your wife could be one of those women. (Added the next scenes with Ronny after inviting your wife for jogging on Friday evening.)
After just twelve lessons Michelle is ready for her final swimming test. Provided that Jack has been her swimming teacher. you want to reward him for his efforts? (Added the next visit at the Pool (Jacks route) on Sunday afternoon)
For those who took over from Jack your wife is closing in on her final swimming test. Let’s see if she’s able to manoeuvre herself in the pool. And give her a nice massage afterwards. (Added the next visit at the Pool (alone) on Sunday afternoon)
You sometimes hear a massage parlor giving customers a happy ending. Penny does not have such a parlor but she'll happily give you a massage. (Added the next service in the VIp area)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated on the new Ren’Py version
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Nina has bought a new nightgown recently and can't wait to show it off. But is that to you or is a local resident the lucky one? (Added the next scenes for Nina’s suburb experiences with either the older man or the younger guy)
Although Nina was a virgin until recently, she already knows some sex positions, on paper, and the Amazon position aka Cowgirl is the next one to try. (Added the next scenes with Nina at her home on a Monday evening.)
The couple who let Nina use their toilet, if you chose that route, would like to see more of her. (Added the next part for their special toilet when visiting Nina’s house on Monday evening.)
It's normal to put some lotion on the body before a photoshoot. Someone has got to do it. Who will it be Bob, Michelle (Added the next photoshoot with Bob and Barbara (for all three routes)
Ronny is waiting on a Friday night for some nice buttocks to pass him. Preferably your wife's. But what if he doesn't use the wolf whistle on her? Will Michelle miss that or not? (Added the next two scenes with Ronny when you invite your wife to jog)
The new waitress in the bar is getting just a little too much attention to Lisa's liking. Still, she is willing to help her get home safely. Any volunteers? (Added the next visit at Lisa’s workplace)
Those familiar with Lisa’s bar job must have seen her and heard good things about her. Now you can see how Penny handles a pole.
And if you have some Novos left after that, you could get a lap dance from her too. (Added the next two steps with Penny in the VIP area)
Does size really matter? To Lisa it least when it’s served on a platter. (Added a small element to give your wife your caught fish. Try out the different sizes and see what happens.)
For those amongst you who tried hard to share your wife, your wife might have some feelings about that she'd like to share with you. (Added an interactive cut scène with Michelle in the evening after having attempted 10 times or more to share her)
If you didn’t know which a-s answer to pick, there is now an alternative route to get back on track. (Added a new scene in which you can now massage Lisa after the NTD if you have chosen a different turn before)
If you already were on that route and have made the NTD there is a little surprise when you head to her room as well. (Added a new scene checking on her Sunday evening before sleeping)
Added some music and sounds for several events for example the photo shoots. This is directed by maffinmuff the new composer for the team
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Added the next parts of the Scene Checker BETA (Nina, Jenny, Mia, Jill and Bob-Barbara)
Changed some variables for the events with Ronny, because of this its reset to a certain point back
It no longer takes an hour just to refresh yourself in the bathroom.
Bug fixing:
Fixed a bug for Helena’s events in this you missed some text.
Fixed a bug that the diner with Lisa’s boyfriend doesn’t work right
Fixed some smaller bugs
When you're having a cinema date with your wife, take a look under her seat, there might be a new note. (Added the next Cinema Date with your wife if you’ve excepted the challenges)
If the ice cream vendor likes your wife, he'll probably give you a discount. And if you can get a discount, why not try to have it for free? (Added the next Cinema Date with your wife if you’re on the ice cream vendor route)
Love scenes can really fire up your wife, that, or there was some special ingredient in her popcorn. (Added the next Cinema Date with your wife for those who aren’t on the routes mentioned above)
If Mister Peter has already invited you to dinner, you can expect an invitation for a cold drink this time.
Try not to be too friendly with his wife though. Looking is allowed but not touching. (Added the next two scenes at the warehouse (if you are on this route and they trust you enough)
Your boss at the warehouse seems to be well connected too and can always arrange something for you. Even with a stingy bar owner. (Added some small reactions for this when visiting Dave’s Bar)
A 19-year-old girl and a man in his forties, aren't those teenage stories they sell in the Shop? Anyway, for you it's a story with a very happy ending and you're her first.
Nina would have liked to save herself for marriage, but now that's a thing of the past, she would like to try out a new position. (Added the next scenes with Nina at her home)
During suburbs strolls, Nina has given a few shows to a young man and an older one. Is it time for a private one now? And if so, who do you prefer as an audience? (Added the next scenes for Nina’s suburb experiences (Repeat the old one first)
For those who have chosen to make Nina urinate behind the dumpster, she’ll now has the chance to do that in the private room instead. Well private? (Added a scene for Nina using the neighbour’s special toilet)
That cold shower method may be effective, but it sure is suffering. Time to get even, or even take revenge. (Added the next scene in the bathroom with Lisas’s NTD, when taking a shower on a weekday between 16:00 and 18:00 o’clock)
The last time with Jenny may have been a happy ending but wasn’t the ending originally intended. She never got the chance to make that last request. (Extended the last part for the scene with Jenny now with a new animation to finish her story.)
Business is going well on Saturday nights in the bar. Rumor has it owner Dave has hired a new waitress. Some help for Lisa, or is it competition? At least it's an extra pair of hands. (Added the next visit at Lisa’s workplace)
And last but not least the long awaited scene checker is making its first appearance in this version so you can be guided throughout the game if you feel stuck. (Press escape during the game to access. Currently Michelle and Nina are in. In progress.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Replaced the walking animation for Mrs.Peter, I have reset the event to the last update so you can see it without restarting.
There is a fixed day for the photoshoots now to make the story easier to follow. As from now on your wife will only have these on a Saturday.
Replaced some images of Lin, so the darkness should not be so “dark” any longer if you play the game during broad daylight.
Removed the complete old Scene Planner
Added the first steps of the Scene Checker BETA (Nina complete, Michelle: Photoshoots + Cinema Visits)
Fixed a bug which prevented you to gain ‘Hidden Stats’ points when interaction with Michelle in the Living room.
Fixed some smaller bugs
Your wife has their number so let’s call them again, shall we? I’m sure Bob and Barbara can’t wait to find out what’s next in store based on earlier choices. (Added the next shooting with the couple if you are on this route)
There is a place where no man has gone before and it’s in your kitchen. Well..Michelle has to be in there as well. (Added a different option for the steamy cooking part with Michelle in the kitchen)
When your wife needs to go for number 1..why walk all the way to the bathroom when you can use a bucket, right? (Added an optional and avoidable part for those fans out there when Michelle is in the kitchen)
Normally people decide themselves what to wear when visiting the cinema. Unless some order on a note indicates this. (Added the next three assignments from the cinema couple if you’re on that route)
If you buy an ice cream during the movie, this can be distracting for a moment, but usually that goes for the visitor not the vendor himself. (Added the next three cinema dates with your wife on Sunday if her corruption is high)
Why do teenage girls always need to use the bathroom when you are in there? Now it’s time to make clear to Lisa if that is allowed or not. (Added a fourth time for the NT Deal when having a shower weekdays between 16:00 and 18:00 o’clock)
If you chose to give Lisa access to your bathroom with you in it, she will do so while you're taking a hot shower...or a cold one? (Added the fifth time for the NT Deal when having a shower in the afternoon)
Your adopted daughter did however finish High-School so keep in mind she might discover something during this process. Think of it as a science sort of thing. (Added the sixth time for the NT Deal when having a shower in the afternoon)
Another thing with Teenage girls, they can be quite insecure about their body. But Lisa has no reason to does she? (You guys wanted more Lisa? Here is time number 7. When showering in the afternoon once the NT Deal has been made)
Nina is not ready to give up her virginity just yet, but at least you are allowed to go where the action will be. (Added scene inside Nina’s house while Cuddling)
Now that Nina knows what you like you might be in for a surprise during your suburban walks with her. (Added next steps during walks at Nina’s house)
If your boss likes you, you can be invited to dinner just like that. Isn't that happening yet? Then you will have to work harder
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Imagine this: You are having the best dream and are woken up early by someone ringing the doorbell. No one makes an effort to open up for him or her. What would you do? (Triggers Monday after Michelle’s eleventh swimming lesson with Jack)
If you decided to take over from Jack it is time to teach Michelle how to dive. Just think the way her former swimming teacher did, or were you already. (Added the 10th (solo) swimming lesson)
Whatever you’ve made the couple believe, your wife is willing to keep up appearances. How great is that? Time to invite Bob and Barbara over for shoot number two (Added the next photoshoot with the couple (if you are on this road)
Lisa feels so comfortable being in her Eva costume, thanks to your No Touch Deal. Does this work both ways..Adam? (Added a new event for Lisa’s Deal in the bathroom (if you shower on a weekday at 16:00 or 17:00, 3 times so far)
Lisa has learned a new sort of dance she likes to demonstrate to you (Added a new scene for Lisa’s Deal at the pool)
Of course we already knew what kind of woman Helena really is, but now Michelle knows it too. (Added the next steps with Helena (three visits of your wife)
The nice elderly lady seems to have been keeping something from you and it is ready for the confrontation (Visit Helena after your wife has had her third visit)
Speaking about Helena, let’s go watch her do some more yoga. (New yoga session at Helena’s)
There you are on third base with your fake necklace. But to score with Jenny you will have to bring the real deal. Let’s go exchange these for some genuine gems, shall we? (Added Jenny’s final part which is repeatable. Monday at the Cinema.)
If you are her Candyman and Nina your Chocolate you share her if there is another sweet tooth nearby? (Added the next step at Nina’s home for which stay inside)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor & Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed an error on the route without the couple in the park
Fixed the bug where Michelle wouldn't respond normal if the relationship is good and the arousal is high
Fixed some smaller bugs
Your wife can't wait to start her eleventh swimming lesson. And neither can Jack. He has already come up with an activity to get even more physical. (Added the next pool lesson for your wife. Go to the pool on Sunday afternoon and invite her over)
For those who prefer to teach Michelle herself without Jack's intervention, we have an alternative. Progression is just a bit slower. (Added a solo variant for the pool event with your wife starting at lesson 9)
Bob and Barbara are ready for the first photoshoot at your home. Well basically just Barbara, Bob looks pretty…weird in a dress. (Added the first photoshoot of the couple you’ve met in the park)
The couple from the cinema has come up with a second assignment that is slightly more naughty than the first. (Added the next cinema visit with your wife after completing the first note assignment)
For those not participating in the assignments your wife can think of something naughty as well to make the movie nights more exciting. (Added the next cinema visit with your wife after rejecting the note assignments)
Do you remember your wife's wardrobe malfunction when you visited the bar together? No? Well the owner of the bar sure does. (Added the next bar visit with your wife. Invite her to go on a bar date on a Sunday evening)
Last time Michelle received the mysterious phone call from that certain A.G.G.R.A. Time to meet him at Dave’s bar. (Added the next step in the Scentek story Friday 22:00 o’clock at the bar)
Perhaps it can work therapeutically as well to help controlling the nightmares the mc is having. (Added a cut scene one week after the meeting with A.G.G.R.A)
If you decided to forbid Ronny to wolf whistle at your wife we have a new route so you can still become a paparazzo (Added an alternate route for Ronny in the park. Invite her to go jogging on a Friday night)
Dave's bar is getting more and more crowded on Saturdays and it's all thanks to that one waitress aka your adopted daughter. Let’s go see her shall we? (Added next workday for Lisa’s bar event. Saturday during opening times)
· Nina has already shown her less shy side, but there is still room for improvement. Time for a new dress. (Added the next steps with Nina at her house. Pick the option to give her money and she’ll buy the new dress. )
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Reset the pool event with your wife just before lesson 9, so you can decide if you want to follow the solo or the Jack route
Reset the photoshoots for inviting the couple from the park due to a variable error occurring.
Reset the bar event one step back because of new variables
Bug fixing:
Fixed couple variable preventing them to show up at your house
Fixed Lisa’s bar variable progressing if you use an existing save on Saturday
Fixed Michelle’s bar variable progressing if you use an existing save on Sunday
Fixed some smaller bugs
We have more cooking in the kitchen that isn’t food related (Added the next scenes at the kitchen for your wife)
Remember the clarification you gave the park couple for taking your wife’s photos? Well, that outcome will now be clarified to you. (Added the next scene with the couple from the park (if you are on this road)
The cinema couple knows what you did last Sunday and isn’t afraid to confront you with that. (Added a new twist with your wife at the cinema on a Sunday evening.)
Last time Jack has offered to and massaged your wife’s shoulder. Did that make her feel better? And what more would she like to have massaged? Let’s ask her before starting this 10th swimming lesson. (Added the next lesson at the Pool)
Your adopted daughter's computer is under attack again, save her files. What kind of websites does that girl surf to anyway? (Added the last part for Lisa’s virus which requires Corruption level 3)
Now that Lisa has learned from Marcus how to tap a decent beer, she can focus on other skills a barmaid has. Such as ehm..well..maybe you can give her some advice? (Added bar visit number 5 for Lisa’s Saturday night job)
When you have made a deal not to touch, then at least you can watch (Added some more stuff for Lisa’s deal)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Fixed the message to visit Helena’s house appearing before you even met the woman
Fixed some wrong images in the kitchen based on relationships
Fixed some typos
Fixed some wrong images at the pool
Fixed the barricade preventing to invite Lisa to go swimming on Sunday while her level was still low
Fixed some events showing up at the wrong location
Fixed some smaller bugs
v0.61 Public
Perhaps you have noticed your wife's figure has started to look better over the last months? Well, you're not the only one. (Added a new event at the park, when going jogging on a Friday evening with your wife)
Things are getting heated in the kitchen and it isn’t the food. (Added the next scenes at the kitchen with your wife)
Going to the cinema together is fun, but if your wife is being watched by another couple constantly, will you still be able to concentrate on the film? (Added the next scene at the cinema on a Sunday with your wife)
If you've proven yourself worthy to Mr. Peter at the warehouse, he might have another job for you. (Extended on the story for the warehouse on any day of the week)
When your wife sells bonds it brings her in a good mood and when she’s in a good mood..she will make sure you’ll wake up with a smile as well. (Added a bedroom scene in which your wife explains her happiness.)
Who might be that nice old lady, of whom your wife spoke so enthusiastically? (Added some new scenes at Helena’s home which visits are now repeatable)
Last time it was still innocent, but this time it really seems to be a virus. (Added the next scene for Lisa’s virus on a new Monday)
If you have the Landfill job you’ll be amazed what people put in their trash these days. (Added a system which could bring you something useful working on a Saturday at the Landfill.)
Picking up the trash on Sunday? Yes you can. Didn’t think so did you? Well neither do the people of Landing City but why not give it a try anyway and see what happens? (Added a small event working on the Landfill on a Sunday)
Maybe it’s time to pay the lady of the cinema counter another visit at her place to see how she’s doing? (Added new scenes with Lin on a Friday which visits are now repeatable)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Updated to the latest Ren’Py version
Warning: Saved games before version number 0.50 might not be supported any longer. Use them in version 0.60 and create a new one before you continue with 0.61.
Added some more informations for the hints in the stats
Bug fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed that Lin was at two locations at the same time
Content :
Your Daughter has been looking forward to this moment and now it’s finally there. Who will be the winner? (Added the Cannonball Contest with Lisa. Go to the public pool on a Sunday afternoon)
Lisa doesn’t seem quite herself lately. Can you check on her to see if everything is all right? (Added something Lisa needs your help with in her room after reaching corruption level 1. Go to her room on a Monday when Michelle’s at work.)
Just like with your wife you’ll be able to bond more with your adopted daughter now as well. (Added some more interactions with Lisa in the kitchen. In the morning while she’s doing the dishes.)
And when the wife is taking this task we have some new options to 'bother' her as well.
Photogenic or not, your wife would like to be in front of the camera again. With or without spectators. (Added the next photoshoot with your wife (go see her in the Living room on a Saturday evening)
Michelle took quite a blow on the shoulder last time and is slowly recovering from it. Perhaps massaging her a bit before the swimming lesson when Jack is not around could be good? (Go to the public pool on a Sunday afternoon)
As you may have figured out, this swimming teacher does anything you want to your wife, maybe now is a good time to check how she feels about it. (Added the next two swimming lessons at the public pool with your wife)
You’ve almost literally drilled Jill into shape. But now that she’s reached her goal does that mean the drilling sessions are over? (Added the next event with Jill when she’s reached her 140lbs goal)
How do you make a cute blonde Teenager very happy? By doing something her boyfriend refuses. (Monday Cinema during opening hours)
The 19 year old can be passive, active or initiative. Which one she is, that’s up to you. (Added the next two events with Jenny at the cinema)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Bug fixing:
Fixed Lisa’s massage mini game
Reduced the size of the game and changed improve the stability on Android ( I hope)
Fixed the crashes during the scenes with the wife in the living room where roleplaying was used.
Fixed some errors with a variable for Lisa, but for this the event must take a small step back
Fixed a bug with Jenny’s variables, for this it’s set back to the moment where you have buy her the necklace
Fixed some smaller bugs
Did you think Jack was too strict with your wife or perhaps not strict enough? Let him know. So that our swimming Teacher knows whether to approach her carefully or dominate her completely.
Depending on your personal choices, the lessons and especially the contact between your wife and Jack can have become quite intimate. Just wondering but is Michelle a bit ticklish?" (Added the next two steps with your wife at the pool for her swimming lessons)
Are you one of those who finds it exciting to see his own wife working it with another man? Yes?? Then we will slowly prepare Michelle for this with a little role play. (Added more action with your wife in the living room.)
Imagine you and Michelle are watching a movie in the cinema and a couple in love sneaks out. What would you do? (Added the next cinema visit with your wife)
Mr Finance's ultimate desire: be in your shoes and do everything with your wife, you did during his assignments, while you sit on the bench and watch . Did you give him permission? Then his dream will now come true.(Added final scene with Mr. Finance, it's coming to an end)
How do you make a pair of sexy legs even more irresistible? (Added the next visit at your wifes office)
Are there any fans for the better foot job? Nina would like to try that out with you. In fact, she's already doing almost everything for you now. (Added the next step with Nina)
Last time, Jenny didn't realize your gemstones were made of cut glass. Maybe try to get away with this again. And let her do something else as well. (Added the next step with Jenny at the Cinema)
Jill has already lost quite a bit of weight and is close to achieving her goal. If you succeeded in time, you will now receive a nice gift. So how many training days did it actually take you. (Added the next round with Jill in the park)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Replaced some fault images.
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content (255 new images, 2 animations):
Michelle’s swimming instructor is back to take over from you. Now is the time to clarify what is allowed and what is not. And to talk about the race you won or lost.
What happens when there are two people who want to change and just one booth is available? You do the math. (Added the next two steps with your wife at the pool)
If the television shows are boring, luckily your wife is there to make things more exciting on the couch. (Added more action with your wife in the living room for Saturdays at 22:00 o'clock)
Now that your wife has her new office outfit, that should of course be seen. And by her customers as well. (Added the next steps at your wife office)
Getting a bit of a dry throat? Luckily there is a bar in Landing City and you can go there on Sundays with Michelle as well. (Added the next visit at the bar with your wife, after some weeks automatic)
Now that Nina trusts you completely, you can of course let her do certain things. But it's not necessary. (Added more steps and action with Nina at her home for Mondays in the evening)
Lisa is looking for a willing victim to go and spend her money. Or should we say your money? (Added a new cut scene for Lisa on Monday if you reached Relation Level 3 before that)
Ah that first impression, so important in life. (Added a following up event for Lisa in the clothes store on a Saturday between 12:00 and 14:00 o’clock)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
You can see Nina’s Stats now only if you have met her
You can now change mc’s name on your Stats site
Reworked Lisa’s Bar event and reset it, it is now possible to pass one week which could lead to different outcomes on another visit.
Bug fixing:
Fixed a bug at the office which gave you the wrong message to buy a new outfit
Fixed a bug for Nina’s stats. The side for relation was blank on the first two levels
Fixed the hint in the stats not showing up for Lisa’s massage after you have reached the last night scene
Fixed Lisa’s Bra magically returning while massaging her. Off is off.
Fixed a problem with the stats for the fishing skill
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content (216 new images, 3 animations):
Have you already visited your wife at work about ten times, then it is time for a new office outfit (Added the next shopping tour for a new office outfit with Michelle)
And added the new outfit images when meeting Michelle in the bedroom at 10:00 or the kitchen, additionally some new pictures in the kitchen for the common clothes.
Jack has volunteered to be a swimming teacher for your wife and he doesn't seem to want anything in return or does he? (Added the next three visits with your wife at the public pool)
There is nothing better than a night of watching television with your lovely wife and cuddling together. (Added a tv cuddling part with Michelle)
For the naughty gamers there are some cheeky new kitchen reactions with Michelle. (Added some more pictures and reactions for your wife if you peep at her in the kitchen)
Reworked the social talk with Nina so she has something to say when you chat with her at the Cinema or Public pool. (Added a reply for each level with her relationship)
Nina appreciates it when you visit her house on a Monday evening with a flower or a good book. Well, actually it is a very bad book. (Added the next steps at home with Nina, you have now more choices)
During an innocent walk you can sometimes make someone do not so innocent things. (Added the next walk with Nina triggered from her house on a Monday evening)
Are you sleeping peacefully at night and who is next to your bed again? Exactly your adopted daughter. (Added next massage with Lisa (if you have made the right choices before during earlier massages)
You don't want Lisa getting muscle problems, but you don't want bags under the eyes for it either. Time to make good agreements. (Repeatable massages on Sundays with different outcomes. Try to find out where it hurts in this brand new mini game.
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scenario Writer))
Added the new GUI for your House
Reworked the current Stats and added some new ones.
Reworked the City map a little bit to make navigating easier.
Added therefore some more information in the Tutorial
You can now reach all locations over the map directly and no longer need to go by another location like the park or news stand.
Changed some variables for the first shopping event with the wife
Changed some variables for the office events with the wife so it suits better with her levels.
Changed some variables for Lisa so they suit better with her storyline.
Fixed some bugs with the hints in the stats, some wrong info won’t show up any longer
Fixed a bug triggering the pool event with the wife
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content :227 Images and 12 animations
• Jill’s body is getting tighter. And not just her body. Her outfits also leaves less and less to the imagination. And shouldn’t she be happier reaching her ultimate goal? (Added more Jill Drilling at the park)
• What would you do if a girl like Lisa with such feminine shapes was changing in the booth next to yours? And there is only a wall between you with a peephole in it? (More Pool visits with Lisa and after a
few an offer to consider)
• Vanessa turns out to be an excellent actress able to play many roles. But the girl is only 19 so she can still make a career move. (Added the next three steps with Vanessa, plus a surprise for the third if you
have played your card right before)
• To get some from Jenny the mc is determined to gift the best thing Novos can buy. So let’s go to the shop and see what’s on offer. ( Added a new scene at the shop (important for to continue the story with
• You’ve bought what you needed? Good. Then let the seduction begin. (Added the next steps with Jenny)
• Michelle has never been seen near the public pool. There is a personal reason for that we’re all about to find out. (Added the introduction why your wife doesn’t go to the pool)
• After a bit of convincing from the home front, your wife is persuaded to give it a try. But would her old bathing suit still fit this body? (Added the first visit with her at the pool)
• Added some sounds for Vanessa
• Added some more sounds for Jenny
• Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
• Fixed a bug at the shop with a wrong prize of the charming book
• Fixed some smaller bugs
Content ( 167 new images, 1 animation):
Sometimes things happen in the room that are more worth watching than what is shown on the silver screen. (Added some new steps for the cinema visit with your wife)
Now that Nina has found the right sports bra, she can also do a lot of exercises. (Added the next step with Nina at the park)
If she likes you enough, you can come to her house and Nina will slowly literally expose herself. (Added the first step at her home Her House will be added later on the map. For the moment you can reach it on Monday by heading over to the park)
Only one more assignment to go for Mister Finance. Can you do it? (Added the last scenes with Mr. Finance on Tuesday and finally on Monday)
It has been four weeks now since your daughter started working at the bar. Can she finally tap a decent beer? (Added the fourth workday at the Bar for Lisa)
Have you all bought a Spa Voucher? Good. Then let's quickly take that to the hot young blonde on a Monday afternoon or evening and see how far she wants to go to get that. (Added the next Monday Cinema event for Jenny)
Mr. Peter has some new jobs for you in his warehouse. Some packages need to be delivered for a nice fee. (Added the next steps at the warehouse)
Jill has already lost 20 lbs. Let's see what she’ll look like if we can make her lose 10 more. (Added the next steps with Jill)
Your wife is searching for a way to look at herself in the mirror again. And not because she feels guilty about something. (Added a new cut scene on Thursday for the Scentek story)
Have you also felt you’ve worked hard without anyone realizing it? Your wife has a morning surprise for you. (Added a new cut scene for the MC (if you have a job)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene writer))
Fixed another bug which pushes you back to main menu after clicking on Lin’s house
Fixed several smaller bugs
Content ( 273 new images, 13 animations):
Michelle seemed to have had a good time at the bar on your last date, so why not invite her for another visit? (Added the next Bar visit with your wife)
Or perhaps you’d rather go see the new Thriller with her at Landing City’s Cinema. (Added the first cinema visit with your wife)
If you’re in to that, you can make your wife answer a nature’s call in the woods and even share the moment with her by having her drink Isostar. (Added an optional often requested scene when jogging with your wife)
For those of you who are a bit short on money, we have Niveria’s walking savings bank making his return in this version. If you take your wife out on a jog in the park on Tuesday evenings (Added the next scenes with Mr. Finance)
Marcus got pretty drunk on Lisa’s second workday. Let’s see if she has made any progress tapping beers. And what would have happened if you hadn’t been there to take him home that night? (Added the third workday at the Bar for Lisa)
When there is a friend in need ,mc shows himself a friend indeed. Visit the Newsstand on a Friday to get several errands. (Added two new possibilities to make some easy money early in the game.)
Garbage collectors are sometimes regarded as the heroes of Niveria. And in this case, you really need to rescue someone from distress. (Added a complete new side event for the landfill.)
Jill looks different somehow. Is it just her outfit or is your hard training starting to pay off? (Added more drilling for Jill. You can now train until she weighs 161 lbs.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
Removed several parts of the old Scene Planner in preparation for the new Scene Checker which can be used as a checklist in a future version
Fixed a bug in which Lisa’s second bathing suit images were shown before buying it
Fixed a bug that threw you back to the main menu after clicking on Lin’s house.
Fixed a variable bug at City Hall which blocked events with your wife there
Fixed some smaller bugs and issues.
Vanessa took some time grieving over her grandmother, but now she’s back and ready for it. (Added the next menu options Vanessa has to offer in the Bar’s private area.)
You thought getting kicked out of the public pool was bad? Then wait what the Life Guard will do when she catches you aroused too often. It should keep you busy for weeks to come. (Added part of the story line for her by popular demand.)
For those who found her secret hiding place, the Fallen Angel has more to offer if you have the Novos. (Added more action with the Shelter Girl)
Is our lovely shy Nina opening up a bit more to you, now that she is really starting to like you? (Added more for Nina’s story at the park)
In case you’ve missed her first time, no worries. Your friend Marcus has been there and will gladly bring you up to date. Now is the chance to see Lisa in action on her second week at the bar. (Added week 2 for Lisa’s bar job on Saturday.)
When there is friend in need mc shows himself a friend indeed. Visit the Newsstand on a Friday to get several errands. (Added four new possibilities to make some easy money early in the game.)
Jenny became one of your most popular inhabitants of Landing City, so we couldn't leave her out. Four weeks of her story added. (Made some small adjustments for her storyline so instead of a Spa Voucher the Porn on Paper will do for now.)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scenario Writer))
Fixed the curfew preventing the bar story bug
Fixed some typos
Fixed some images not showing up correctly
Fixed a variable bug for the bar visiting with your wife
Fixed a bug that Mr. Finance couldn’t give you your money. You get it automatic if you load your save
Fixed another small bug about Mr. Finance
Fixed a bug with the arousal variable for the Lifeguard scene, now it should work correct
Fixed some smaller bugs
Mister Finance has more money for you, if you are willing to complete his assignments (Added the second five tasks at the park for your wife, which you can trigger by going jogging on Tuesday)
It seems nobody in Landing City visits the cinema on Mondays. Maybe you can and get some extra attention from that hot young blonde. (Added the first scenes at the Cinema)
Jill is back and waiting for her next training session(s), if you're fit enough and she feels like it. (Added two new scenes at the park for Jill.) Training day still on Friday after Sunset. )
Lisa will start working on Saturday at the bar. She could use a little support during her first time. Michelle won’t go there so guess who will? (Added the day for Lisa at the bar)
When you finish your book, Lisa is always there for you to check on your progress. (Added a new cut scene for reaching the third charm level)
Helena might be a bit older but she’s still so flexible. How does that woman do that? Time to discover her secret. (Added the next step for Helena)
Added more sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene writer))
Made the Android version more useable (Thanks to Mankinder)
The android version uses gestures (Swipe down to hide textbox, Swipe up to access) menu
Fixed some minor bugs to improve gameplay
Content ( 161 new images, 2 animations):
There is a familiar MILF in this version for you farmers out there. And if you play your cards right it won't stay at 'like to' either. (You’ll need the farm job and seen the other scenes with the woman to trigger this one.)
Remember helping out the wife selecting something to wear or not to wear for her special meeting? Well now is the time to collect the bonus for that. (Added a new cut scene which starts one month after the meeting)
Check out the park on a Monday evening to find a man in suit observing the area. Isn't he too rich to be in this part of town? What is the deal here? (A new event with five new scenes at the park. You can trigger it by jogging on Monday evening and afterwards on Tuesday evenings)
A desperate woman is strolling through the park on Fridays after sunset. She's looking for a really fit man. Could that be you? (Three new scenes at the park, you can trigger if you go jogging after 18:00 on Fridays)
Who wants to go squirrel ‘hunting’ again? Lisa does and while you’re there, you might as well have a bit of fun at the pool. (Added a new scene with Lisa at the public pool)
It is time for Lisa to earn her own money now so she can take you to the bar instead of the other way around. Maybe you can tag along to negotiate a nice salary for her? (Added the next step for Lisa’s Bar event)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor & Scene writer))
Changed the stats info system a little, to make it easier to check if a scene is still available or not
You will now be properly informed when you reach an “end of this build” part.
Fixed the bounce back bug at Helena’s house
Fixed the bug for Nina’s progression
Fixed the “Back” button so it won’t appear behind the text on the stats page
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content ( 227 new images, 3 animations
It looks like your wife is in a heroic mood during this next photoshoot. Can you take advantage of that and see how brave she actually is?
There is more interaction now if you enter the kitchen before breakfast. Show your wife some affection or start the day by teasing her a little.
Helena is waiting at home for your visit after workhours. Initially to have a good conversation but it might lead to more if you both want it badly enough.
If you have been visiting Helena’s home often enough there could be a surprising outcome in the form of a new cut scene
Did you spend time with Nina a lot at the Cinema? Not a very romantic place is it? This time you can go somewhere the air is fresh and the scenery much nicer.
The Scentek Story continues today. Your wife is about to make a life changing decision. (Two new cut scenes on Thursdays)
It can be hard to focus on your book when Lisa is distracting you. Or maybe she can make herself a little bit useful and test how well you’re doing. (One new cut scene when reaching charm level 2)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Stats now have more information to make it easier finding certain events and situations. (most of them just show after a scene is available)
Sick of watching too much tv? Marcus will now send you a message if there are new TV News items.
Reduced some RNG values to increase the change triggering some events or situations
Replaced some incorrect images of Lisa in her room
Changed the variables for Nina to involve the new scenes
Changed some buttons to make the menu for Android easier to use.
Fixed the wrong prizes in the Shelter
Fixed some logical bugs
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content (208 new images, 1 animation):
Added the Bar event for Lisa
Added the Warehouse and the first order (For the moment repeatable)
Added a new cut scene for Lisa before the second shopping event
Added the second shopping event with Lisa
Added the next swim tour with Lisa
Added the pictures at breakfast for Lisa’s new Corruption Level 3
Added new pictures in her room if you look through the keyhole
Added the next three cut scenes in which your wife knows what happened with Lisa
Added the next step with the Shelter girl
Added a new cut scene for reaching Charm Level 1
Added a new cut scene for the Scentek Story
Added two new cut scenes for the Job searching in the early game
Added a new cut scene after a workday for the early game (You will still see it but it doesn’t fit in the story if you have been playing the game for a while)
Replaced 9 incorrect images for the first shopping event with Lisa at the clothing store if you would buy the first new swimwear for Lisa
Replaced two incorrect images for Lisa at the public pool
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Reduced the arousal raising at the pool while you are there with Lisa, so you won’t get caught by the lifeguard that easily
Reduced the interval of the bar visit events a little and the prizes in the VIP area for better access
Added nameable save games
Added a higher maximum for the Fitness level. You can now raise your to 50
Added Charm Level 3 and made it a little more difficult to reach it
Bug fixing:
Fixed a bug with Vanessa at the Bar
Fixed a time bug at the park
Fixed a small Hygiene bug at the pool when going there with Lisa
Fixed some bugs with the shop
Fixed some variable bugs
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content ( 112 new images, 1 animation):
Added two new cut scenes for Lisa if she reaches Corruption Level 3
Added new pictures for Lisa in the kitchen
Added new pictures for Lisa in her room
Added a new cut scene after you have visited the cinema with Lisa
Added a follow up scene for Mia at the farm
Added two new TV News items
Added a new Newsstand scene after the second new TV News has been shown
Added 4 “commercials” while watching TV, 5 after you have seen the second new TV News
Added a new scene with Vanessa at the Bar
Added music for the Bar
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Fixed a big bug at the Bar which stopped any further progress
Fixed a time bug in the bathroom at 23:00 o’clock
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content (149 new images):
Added the option to go fishing now.
Added a new scene with Vanessa if you have met her at the Bar
Added a new cut scene for your wife when reaching Corruption level 3, with different possibilities depending on your previous choices
Added a new event in your wife’s office (only if you have seen the new cut scene and payed her a visit at the given time)
Added a new side event for the farm job (which is triggered after you have been caught bit ‘too excited’ by the lifeguard, after 0.48.5)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Reworked the shop interface
Updated Ren’Py to the latest version
Fixed some smaller bugs
Content (144 new images):
Added a different “guest” for the last photoshoot with your wife (the guest based on RNG). Because of this I have reset it
Added a complete new breakfast scene for the kitchen in the morning
Added a new scene for Lisa if you have meet often other people with her
Added new scenes for peeking at night at Lisas room if you trigger the new scene above
Added first scenes for Lisa in the bathroom at 23:00 o’clock
Added two new cutscenes for reaching fitness levels
Added a new cutscene after you have read the book for charm first time
Added a new cutscene if Lisa reached Corruption level 2
Added some music & sounds
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Updated to the new Ren’Py version (Fixed some loadbugs)
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed the variable bug at the bar
Content ( 226 new images, 3 animations):
Added a new photoshoot with your wife with different outcomes.
Added a new book, the fishing set, jewellery and a Spa Voucher at the shop (only the book is currently useable)
Added some action at night at the park (To get the password you have to trigger the scenes with Marcus there.)
Added some scenes with Marcus in the park for certain situations, and the ability to send him a message for the invite. (After 20:00 sitting on the bench)
Added some more scenes for the couple in the park
Added two cut scenes for your wife (Reaching Corruption Level 1 and 2, available in the bedroom before she goes to work in the morning)
Added three cut scenes for Lisa (Reaching Relation Level 2 and Corruption Level 2 and after buying her a new Bikini)
Added the next jogging tour with Lisa
Added the Cinema event for Lisa
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Added “fishing” at the stats site
Added the possibility to take a shower.
Added an explanation to inform you if you have forgotten the meeting with your wife and what the result of it.
Changed the book reading a little, now you can read a book more than one time until it’s finished. After this you will receive a Knowledge point.
Raised the hygiene values for brushing teeth and refresh yourself
Changed a little bit the Arousal/Hygiene system (BETA)
Updated the Tutorial
Removed the old Charm system, now you have to read books to increase your charm
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed some bugs with the park events
Fixed a problem with Nina’s corruption level (The real max is 2)
Fixed some bugs with the Bar
Fixed a bug with the Scene Planner
Fixed a bug with Michelle’s Cut scenes
Fixed the wrong bikini picture shown in Lisa’s shopping event
Fixed Lisa’s picture shown during the weekend at 18:00 inside the kitchen
Fixed that couldn’t read the fishing books, because of this it is reseted
Fixed some bugs with the pictures on the map
Content (310 new images, 1 animation):
Added you can now watch the News on the TV to get more information about the world and the global/individual story. It works in combination with the Newsstand, because of this I have reset the Newsstand Events.
Added a new photoshoot with your wife, the outcome depends on your earlier choices
Added some new scenes at the park (night)
Added three new cut scenes for the Scentek Story
Added new cut scenes for Lisa when reaching Relationship Level 1 and Corruption Level 2
Added new cut scenes for Michelle reaching Relationship Level 0, 1, 2 and 3 (+ 1 Event and one after that)
Added a new cutscene for Michelle if you reached a hidden stat
Added a new book in the shop, you can read it in the living room
Added some sound and music
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor))
Added the first things of the new GUI
Added thumbnails for some npcs to the map so you can easier find them at the given time
Added the colour blue in dialogues, so you can see when a hidden stat will be raised
Added that you can see now which point you have exactly raised (not for the hidden stats, you see only that a hidden stat is raised, not which one)
Added tat you can see all options in the choice menu even if they aren't available to you now. What the option does remains a mystery until you have reached the required number of points.
Added that you can see now an available option in a menu although you don’t have enough points for that option, but not what is needed for that
Added an option in the bedroom that you can now sleep until tomorrow
Added the option to interrupt the erotic scene with Lin if you want be really faithful to your wife.
Added that you now have to go jogging once a week or your fitness level will lower
Added that you can now earn Perks for some situations (BETA)
Activated the Hygiene system (BETA)
Activated the Arousal system (BETA)
Reduced the problems with the update interruption (Now the mouse wheel is disabled when the game is updating ingame)
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed a bug with the photoshoot with your wife, now they work right
Fixed that you couldn’t help Lisa with the dishes at 20 o’clock
Content ( 234 new images, 10 new animations):
Added more about your wife in the kitchen and the bedroom (To see all of it you need 5000 on the REA, but first you should raise the relationship to the third level to see all this new stuff)
Added more pictures for Lisa in the kitchen (morning and afternoon) and in her room
Added the next step with Lin
Added more for the last Helena scene in the last update
Added that you can now relax on a bench in the park (some small events, later more)
Added three new “cutscenes “
Added some sounds for the new scenes
Changed some dialogues
Improved some dialogues (Thanks to SDevil, too)
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed that you couldn't reach Nina's current max level and the crash at the pool
Fixed a endless bug in the bar, now the next scene should be trigger lately at 5-8 visits
Fixed some image issues at the second day for the cutscene with Lisa
Fixed that Nina say in the public pool that sje see you in the pool, now she is really in the pool
Fixed some text issues at the clothes store
Fixed a bug that you couldn’t trigger the last office event with your wife.
Fixed that you can get more stat points than currently required
Content (175 new images):
Added some action with Lin (Trigger it in the cinema and raise your charm)
Added some action with Helena if you finished the waste event with her (With the right choices of course)
Added more information at the first and the second day for better understanding the story and what is to do
Added more information after you get the first job for better understanding the story and what is to do
Changed some dialogues in the Bar and add more information for better understanding the VIP Area and the access to it
Improved some dialogues (Thanks to SDevil, too)
Changed Coolness into Charm because it suits better
Changed the variables for the VIP Area in the Bar to make it easier to enter
Added some time information in the choicemenu in the dialogues for better information
Bug Fixing:
Fixed some smaller bugs
Fixed the bug with the actions at the pool with Lisa
Content (170 new images, 14 animations):
Added more pictures for the frame at home with more background informations about your wife
Added more action with your wife after you give her a massage
Added more action with you wife in the bathroom
Added the next step with your wife in the living room
Added more with Nina in the Cinema
Added more action with Vanessa in the bar
Added more about the global main story (Trigger at the Newsstand)
Improved some dialogues (Thanks to SDevil, too)
Removed the old stats system
Added some first things of the new stats system
Reduced the game size over 50 %
Fixed the bug that you can give a gift often at the same day.
Fixed some smaller Bugs
Additional Infos:
Over 1.400 images
Over 24.000 words completly proofreaded by SDevil (95 % of the game)
Animations for some situations
Two jobs (Waste Collector, Farmer) with unique events, the outcome depends on your decisions and small side events.
Some locations to explore : 3 Districts with townhall, shop, bar, clothesstore, cinema, public pool, farm , park and landfill
Depended on your interests and gameplay some hours of playtime
v0.30b Hotfix
Content (394 new images, 5 animations):
Added 95 % proofreaded dialogues (Thanks to SDevil)
Added the last step for the unique farm event
Added the first shopping tour with Lisa at Saturday between 12 and 14 o’clock at the clothes store
Added that you can now go to swim with Lisa at Sunday between 12 and 14 o’clock at the pool
Added a new location with first events: The Bar (You need a lot of Novos)
Added the second office event with your wife
Added that you can go at 10:00 to your wife in the sleeping room, if she goes to work
Added a new gift (chocolate for Nina)
Added some more stuff and replaced some pictures for Nina (cinema and pool)
Added some music and some sounds
Added the “Scene Planer” BETA (Ready for Helena, Nina and Melanie)
Changed something in the script, dialogues and more for the cinema
Changed something in the script, dialogues and more for the public pool
Changed that the sideevents for the farm and the landfill, they are no longer shuffle, rather depends on how often you worked
Changed some variables for the unique landfill event
Reseted the farm and the landfill sideevents , because of the above changes
Fixed some script bugs, it is possible that you get furthermore an error message, then it is necessary you start a new game, sorry.
Fixed some variable bugs with the farm event
Fixed a lot of smaller bugs
Content (127 new images):
· Added a new complete shuffle event for the unique farm event (33% chance)
· Added some missing pictures for the jogging events
· Added the first office outfit for the kitchen scenes (if you buy it)
· Added the next fotoshooting with your wife
· Added some idle pictures during sex with your wife (more comes into 0.30)
· Replaced some pictures in the first office event with your wife
· Changed that the clothesstore is now closed at sunday
· Changed the dialogues for the first shopping event with your wife, now you can better see what raise relation or corruption
· Changed some variables for the shopping event that makes it necessary to play it again (Please go for it if you want have the right variables)
· Fixed the camera bug for the doggystyle sex scene with your wife
· Fixed the wrong picture of Lisa in the week at the evening, she is in the kitchen not in the living room
· Fixed the sexmenue, it should work right now
· Fixed some farm variables bugs
· Fixed the fotoshootingscript bug
Known issues and plans for the later future:
· Rework some images because of bad light or image issues
· Rework some animations because they are not so good
v0.20bH Fix
Fixed the sexmenue and the farm bug.
Content (over 190 new images, 5 new animations):
• Added the last waste event
• Adde more idle images and small events for the waste event
• Added the next step for the farm event
• Added the first shopping tour
• Replaced the complete images for the fourth waste event
• Reworked the farm event after the second event. If you have played the third event it will be reseted.
• Updated the intro with new informations
• Added an information after the massage event, because it isn’t finish. It can be confusing that you can only have sex with your wife at 00:00 without massage
• Added an option after load your save to reset the event for your wife in the office if you didn’t trigger it and get finally a HJ
• Added options after reseting the farm event to hold your choices for the first two events
• Added that you can now see in the shop which things you have in your inventory
• Removed the maximum relationship limit for the visiting in your wifes office, in the last version, if you are above the limit you couldn’t trigger the first event
• Fixed the clock bug again and for the last time i hope
• Fixed looking through the keyhole of Lisa’s room
• Fixed different smaller bugs
Known issues and plans:
• Rework some images because of bad light or image issues
• Rework some animations because they are not so good
• Added more images for Lisa’s room
• Added more images for Lisa in the kitchen and for breakfast
• Added the possibility to look through Lisa’s room keyhole (shuffle pictures)
• Added some idle images for the MC in the bath and living room
• Added some images for house chores
• Added the first step with the “new“ girl (Cinema Thur-Sat, Pool Tue)
• Added one step for the waste event
• Added music for the waste event
• Added one step for the farm event
• Replaced the first walk animation for the waste event
• Replaced some of old pictures
• Removed some unused pictures
• Add the first version of the credits
• Fixed the clock bug again
• Fixed smaller bugs
• Fixed the bug that you see the char pictures at the wrong places
· Fix the inventory picture bug
· Fix the crash when you have more than 80 relationship with your wife at breakfast
· Fix that you could help your wife on Sunday any time with the chores
· Fix the shop bug
· Fix that you could give a gift all time without ending
· Fix the clock bug
· Change some images in the kitchen and for breakfast
· The shop has now more stuff
· Rework some of the old sex and jogging scenes from RPG Maker
· You have now more options when you go jogging
· More sex options with your wife
· 95% from the “old“ stuff of the RPG Maker version are now in the game
· You can now visit your wife at work
· Now you can see in the stats screen how many points are needed for the next level
· Change a lot of variables that make it necessary to starting a new game!
· Now you see on the map where Michelle and Lisa are
· Now you see with which options in dialogues you can raise relationship and corruption (see tutorial for more)
· Add more hidden stats
· The game has now two tutorials
· Now you can see a little bit easier when you reach a build ending for some scenes (i hope)
· Added the inventory
· Rework the shop
· The fotoevents should work right now
· Fix some dialogue bugs in the kitchen
· Fix smaller bugs
Current in game:
Over 400 Images
Over 15 animations
Two jobs (Waste Collector, Farmer) with unique events, the outcome depends on your decision
Some locations to explore (per example: Park, Cinema, Public pool, 2 Districts, Shop and more).
First Ren'Py release
It is made with Ren‘Py and with 3D renders and animations (DAZ3D). The game has an individual main story (The Promise) and a global main story. (But you musn’t follow it when you didn’t like it). It give much sidestories and smaller events which based on your descisions. It is possible that you close a route or get a different outcome.
Current in game:
Over 350 Images
Over 10 animations
Two jobs (Waste Collector, Farmer) with unique events, the outcome depends on your decision
Some locations to explore (per example: Park, Cinema, Public pool, 2 Districts, Shop and more)
Fix some bugs in the clothes store that stuck the game
Fix the black Screen bug for the garbage at the pool (Waste Job)
Now the clothes store should be open, when you go with your wife to it.
Content 0.25:
· Add the clothing store
· Add the changing rooms in the public pool
· Add the 3 step of the waste event
· Add 2 new fotoshootings with your wife
· Add 118 images (2 bathroom, 34 fotoshooting, 42 public pool, 19 waste event, 21 clothing store)
· Add one animation (waste Event)
· Make it easier to find the exit from different maps
· Fix that the message comes after jogging “bring her home“ when you click on your house door
· Fix that after you reach a relationship with Lisa about 30 you couldn’t ask her about her day
Known issues: Fixed and rework in next versions:
· Rework images with mistakes or with i’m not satisfied
· Rework some animations because they have mistakes or with i’m not satisfied
· All things like dialogs, storyparts, will be overhauled, this are only the first steps.
Plans for 0.3 (Planed release date at the beginning of June):
· More about Lisa
· Many minor improvements (Skip function in some situations and much tips from the community more)
· Change the grinding
· More about the global main story
· Some other Things
Content 0.20:
Replace some images for the farm event in step 2
Rework more than 10 images
More than 60 new images
Add step 1 and 2 of 5 for the waste deponie event
Add different sex animations with your wife (different camera angles, sounds and more)
Add the cinema (introducing)
Add the public pool (introducing)
Change different values for some events
Change the farm event a little bit ( its start from the first step for all)
Fix the stuck bug at the keyhole in Lisa’s room
Fix that you musn’t work and get the money immediately for the farm and the deponie jobs
Fix some pictures in the living room when you look at your wife
Fix some file name issues
Fix some smaller bugs
Fix some map bugs
Known issues: Fixed and rework in next versions:
Skipable jogging animations
Corruption values to buy the erotic books ar missing
Rework images with mistakes or with i’m not satisfied
Rework some animations because they have mistakes or with i’m not satisfied
Plans for 0.25 (Planed release date end of April):
Expand the farm event
Expand the waste event
More actions at the cinema
More actions at the public pool
More actions at jogging
Focus on your wife
Changelog 0.15
The balance was changend it is strongly recommended that you start a new game. Because of the new music, its a little advice that you look the intro again. ;)
New content:
Different pictures for thinking about your wife in the bath
Different pictures when your wife is in bath
Different pictures for the living room
Different pictures for the massage event with your wife
Different pictures for the gift scenes
Some new music tracks
The first Real Estate Account event
New jogging animations
One Sex Scene
The waste collector job
Add the information which stats are not in use
Add some signs on the map for better information
Add the information that its the end of an event in the current build
Change some processes in the bathroom
Change some processes for Lisas room
Change the process for sleeping and cuddle
Change the money system for better useability
Change the shop system
Some bugs in Lisas room
Some smaller bugs
The bug that you could jogging after start to work at the farm
All the jogging bugs
Some bugs in the gift scenes
Update the information dog
Update the credit
Some improvements (different revised pictures)
Make the events for Lisas room more clearly and easier to find. (look what shes doing)
Changelog 0.1b
Now it isn't possible to go jogging with Lisa and Michelle at the same time
The jogging events with Lisa and Michelle should work now right
Some text improvements
Changelog 0.1a
It's easier to leave the Townhall
After jogging and work you could not finish the work quest
Make the info dog more likeable. ;) (no shuffle route)
Some text improvements
First Release
How to install The Promise for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
If you don't see the channel, open in your browser, log in, then Menu > Settings > Privacy and Security > Disable Filtering

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