You play the role of The Brave; a young man appointed to fufill an ancient tradition. When the rivers run dry, so does the mountain goddess who controls it. It is up to The Brave to travel alone, grow stronger, and satisfy the goddess, but he'll need to learn a lot to do so. Along the way, many women (but not all) are more than happy to help you gain experience, so that you may please the mountain goddess and restore water to the valley. There are ZERO random encounters, and almost all combat is optional and can be avoided. Combat itself is easy to learn, too. There are also vouyer scenes for you to find at night!
NEW QUEST - The Grozvo Estate -Learn the tragic story of the Grozvos, and attempt to lift the mansions curse! Speak to the Old Patron at Traveller's Rest to begin SMALL CHANGES -The Joogri quest now has it's own image You can also choose to start the quest, rather than having it start as soon as you enter the building. If you're having trouble finding him, try looking around Crawley Came across an error in Maxi's relations quest.Any other feedback about problems encountered on this quest would be appreciated. MAGIC CHANGES -I want magic to be a potent addition to combat, so all spells have had a power increase and an MP decrease. NEW CHARMS -Potent Charm -Swashbuckler's Charm (Can only be found if you finish the Grozvo estate quest in a positive way.) -There's a reason there are so many charms, which will come to use in a big update next year. WHAT'S COMING IN 0.19? -VIvianna's relation quest!
NEW SEX PARTNER - LYRA, THE CAPTURED THIEF In Traveller's Rest, you can now find Lyra, a former thief of renown, now serving out a sentence of debt to Riley, whom she was caught stealing from. For 500 gold (1000 for anal. She's not keen on it) You can have some fun with her! Gallery pictures will come for her at a later date. Speaking of Anal, I've come across a few more errors and fixed them. The first time you learn about Anal (Most likely from Tulle), the switch didn't turn on. If you've done it with her already, simply do it again, and the switch will come on. However, I came across another error that may have prevented the encounter entirely, and now that has been fixed! The item shop on Traveller's Way should now properly display all its items. I've altered the conditions for Ria's Relations quest, they are as follows - Defeat Bon Have sex with Ria ONCE Witness her Voyeur scene These can be done in any order.
What's new? A LOT!!! The intro is a little longer, with a scene from the goddess herself. Traveller's Way is open to explore, after defeating Bon. The map will be updated with more to do over time but I've added some bits in to find, and bits that will elude to what's coming. The music isn't my own creation but I adore it, and may keep it. Almost ever map has been altered in some way. FAST TRAVEL IS NOW A THING! After talking to the Travel Agent at Traveller's Rest, you'll be able to find others in Crawley, outside Vivianna's Inn and the Forest Steppes. Lore entries are now a thing, and can be found throughout the game. I've given some of the older gallery entries a spruce up, even added some new text. Maxi has had a character sprite update Thirst is now a concern. To make it not too annoying to manage, sleeping doesn't drain it, but sex and fighting does. Bottles of water can be found, bought and gained. There's also a new plant that can restore a bit of thirst and hunger. You may also find someone with the ability to create water that can help. Just keep quiet about it! There's now H-scene music! It comes in 3 varieties, depending on the situation. Tulle now has her own h-scenes, too! When Cynthia takes off, and you've done Tulle's quest, you'll have the opportunity to see them. Books that increase stats can now be found in various locations. Keep an eye out for them! (Much like the skill books from Fallout) Wolfs, Orcs and Bon have been made a bit easier. Now that the game is progressing more, I intend these enemies to be more of an early game fight. Cave Things have had a visual change. For better... or for worse! The thief has moved to an easier to find location in the Shadowy Forest Vi's boobjob vid is now named correctly. You can go on two relations quests, one each with Maxi and Ria. They can end in a variety of different ways, depending on your actions. There are several new H-scenes to find within the quests. (And if you can't, you can enjoy them in the movie folder!) If you come out of Maxi's quest with a positive opinion on Orcs, you can prevent fights with them. Ria's quest can be started after seeing her voyeur scene, cumming inside of her 3 times & defeating Bon Maxi's quest can be started after trading with her, seeing her voyeur scene, and asking her about Orcs. Both Ria & Maxi will be gone after each quest. For different reasons, but they'll certainly be coming back, so enjoy them while you can!
v0.1 Initial Release
22-12-2024 the english version of the The Brave game has been updated.
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