College Life for android

Game description College Life
He’s so smart, you don’t have to worry about his education, but everything else is in your hands. Main quests serve only as introduction and it is up to you if you want to impress other characters or if you want to just pass by them. Improve your relationships by doing specific activities, hone various skills to get the edge at certain situations. Oh and yes, purse all sexual activites you can find.
due to missing conditions the event to give Kara butt plug started when it wasn't suppose to
the game got stuck if MC failed during solo workout in the gym
fixed bug where MC started duplicating if you changed clothes in gym while wearing the leather jacket
added altered dialog with Mrs. Anderson if mom moved to the city
it was impossible to change out of gym clothes, if MC injured himself in the gym on his own
receiving Joan's 3rd nude selfie was a bit buggy
photo gallery had couple of photos showing incorrectly, causing them to get stuck on the screen
receiving 4th sexy selfie from Joan blocked back and turn off buttons on the phone
edits to phone script to attempt to make opening the phone more consistent, because it sometimes doesn't open when it clearly should
-added over 230 new images
-added 7 new animations (over 680 images)
-added over 180 new image variants of older content
-added 2 new animation variants for older content (over 520 images)
-finished side quest "Plug In!"
-added one big event and one smaller event as part of the side quest
-added one big event that expands visit to the beach
-added really small events that expands studying and finding book at library, walking in the city and traveling by the bus (to the beach), plus small expansion during morning study at Kara's room
-added 4 new conversation topics tied to the overall content of this update
-added 2 new songs to the music player and 1 new ambient track to one of the new events
-edited and updated most (I've probably missed some) of older Kara's events that could be affected by not wearing any underwear (or wearing something else)
-due to various circumstances it was possible to end up in Kara's room after midnight, at which point the MC froze indefinitely. Now she asks you to leave as she's supposed to
-Jessica was at two different spots at the same time in her bedroom due to missing condition check
-it was impossible to get any of Joan's selfies on a day when you've already got a selfie from Kara
-added marker in front of the classroom 201 door, before the very first class starts
-when talking to Kara, if she says "I'm still thinking about it." during "How are you without the sweater", time won't move anymore, as it's a super short conversation and it doesn't make sense
-sleeping at Jessica's after a date caused freezing
-time was moved by two hours onstead of one during first part of Kara's "First Touches"
-it was impossible to go with Jane and buy new clothes for MC, if "Planning the Date" part 1 was finished
-sometimes the game started to lag, after MC picked up Jessica for the threesome date, due to couple of switches being switched in wrong order
-it was impossible to start Kara's "Kink Talk" at the blanket thanks to wrong condition check
-during Joan's "Date Expansion" MC used condom, even when "Go bareback" was selected
From previous hotfixes:
-fixes freezing after MC invites Joan on a date
-fixes random freezes after using the phone
New stuff:
-updated nw.js package for both Win and Mac versions (improves overall stability and performance of the game)
-tweeked the phone button - it's no longer possible to open the phone by rapidly clicking on it, it's not possible to open it by accidental hovering over the button while the left mouse button is pressed, the button shouldn't be invisible as often (it might not work as advertised the first time you try to open the phone with mouse, as some values in the script need to be initialized)
-fixed wrong path to animation files when watching adult vids on MC's laptop
-there has been reports of game frozen on black screen near the end of "Family Reunion" quest and Jessica's "Redeem the Reward" event. I've edited conditions that may be the cause, it has to be tested by those who had the issue. You need to restart the whole event for the fix to work
v0.3.8.2a Hotfix 2
-fixes freezing after MC invites Joan on a date
-fixes random freezes after using the phone
Actual new content
Threesome with Jane and Jessica. Now it's complete ;-)
-added 8 new animations with at least 2 points of view (over 850 images)
-added 150 new images
-added 1 animation to Jane's "Becoming Best Friend" event (another 60 images), plus made it easier to get the sex scene
-added small conversation at the end of the "Two Plus One Equals..." event to bridge the old content with the new
-added 'Planning the Date' event
-added 'Three Is the Way' event
-added around 40 music tracks that play during events
-added 11 songs that play during free roam
-completely remade title screen
-remade most of the player's phone and it's functionality
-added music player and ability to control it to the player's phone
-(finally) created character sprite for dorm receptionist
-changed resolution to 1080p as even higher standards have become norm
-recreated Jane's "in towel" sprite to be more like in towel and less like in a robe
-removed "Where are you?" options from messages, as they were superseded with HUD long time ago
-fixed missing wall shadows in library
-fixed missing conversation menu in Kara's "Beach Visit" event after the unique conversations are seen
-fixed switching between dresses during conversation in Kara's "Beach Visit" event
-fixed buying ticket for opera costs no money
-fix for Jessica's conversation about her apartment that was never set as seen, so it showed everytime while in her apartment
-fixed Kara's status when it gets to the "friends" level.
-Cerid (2nd signature girl) didn't recognized player, if he interupted her and Jessica during first visit to the infirmary
-player will get more massage skill points when repeating the first massage lesson and while the level is "sausage fingers"
-(hopefully) fixed missing phone button on screen be completely remaking the way the phone is shown
-Jane's 'Locker Blowjob' event in gym can now be triggered even at time when she's in women's locker room
-fixed Mrs. Anderson's tab in Characters showing up before meeting her
-fixed bug during Jessica's 'Shower Fun' event, when cumming inside didn't happen, ifif the option was presented after certain amount of repetitions
-during 'Meeting Penny' event sometimes images didn't match the spoken lines. Also time didn't move after the event ended
-game now correctly tracks, if you had first unprotected sex with Joan during 'Afternoon Fun' event or during 'Date Expansion' event
-side quest 'One Last Big Gesture' can be started right after Kara receives her sundress
-fixed a bug during Joan's massage, if the first or second massage happened for the first time, when she's your lover
added 75 new images
added new event called "Pizza Night"
added conversation that leads up to the event
added conversation that unlocks sleeping in Samantha's apartment
updated all internal systems, so the sleeping at her apartment actually works
fixed potentional bugs around dinner event with Samantha and Joan, when MC doesn't join them in time, or if the new "Pizza Night" happens a the same day
I had some other bug reports, but I didn't get to them in time. They are first in line, though
added all (over 190) previously not rendered image variants for the content from 0.3.6 version of the game
added 4 events to the galery (2 for Jessica and 2 for Kara)
with that, the Becoming Best Friends with Kara has been updated to use the 1st/3rd person view system instead of the original choice menu
fixed bug in the same event, when after finishing it, game would still act like MC is in Kara's room, even though he wasn't
0.3.5 HotFix
I've made a mistake while fixing one of the bugs around Joan's sex education, causing the condom lesson to reapeat over and over.
added 120 new images
added 2 new animatons (another 60 images)
added new conversations to Jane and Jessica that starts the next event
added new event called "Two Plus One Equals..."
added new event called "This Time You Get New Clothes"
added new event called "Beach Visit"
fixed waiting in Jessica's apartment, if you have the key to it
fixed bug, where HUD didn't show Kara's correct location, when she was in the city
adjusted Jessica's schedule to fit Penny's original schedule
when conversation with Kara ends in the library, the images are cleared from the screen in not very smooth fashion
when player agrees to workout with Jane for the first time, if player tries to talk to Jane before changing clothes, the hud doesn't dissapear
talking to Jane, while she rest on a bench in the gym can result in "missing" image during the conversation
when player visits Jessica in the infirmary, he says that he "read" about the massages, even if the quest is started via the alternative start
spying on Jane in dorm bathroom was broken due to wrong conditions, since "No Television Tonight" was added to the game
spying on random girls in the dorm bathroom was bugged and only two out of four options were ever shown
during 2nd masssage lesson, ability to switch between points of view stayed available, under some conditions, even though it shouldn't have been
it was possible to make Jane cum durring your first sexual interaction due to badly placed condition update
text messages to Joan on day 10 are now more fitting the circumstances
latest update caused issues when spying on Joan in the bathroom
it was possible to fast travel to Crighton Street from Westside before it was intended
closet, where MC has his swimming trunks at Joan's room is now more visible
it was possible to get the conversation with Kim reminding MC the talk with Joan, right after the "First Tub with Joan and Kim", thus being scolded for not doing something just a minute after being told to do something
if talked to Joan, and she mentions that she got the job, her new daily schedule kicks in, and she appears at a new location, but the HUD didn't recognized that
it was possible to trigger a script that handles the start of "Covered Skin" side quest, when visiting the boutique with Jane. Upon returning to Downtown alone, the quest would start, even though the trigger conditions wouldn't have been met anymore
it was possible to give Joan her new underwear while wearing swimming trunks or the suit, even though in the scene MC clearly wears his casual outfit
when player rode by a bus with Joan, time didn't change, if player chose to talk to her and then told her "Never mind..."
it was possible to trigger "Moving Penny" event early on the moving day, if player entered Jessica's apartment previous night after midnight
Jessica's 3rd nude photo couldn't be obtained, unless player just left her apartment at the required time
In "Sexual Education", when MC shows Joan the porn site, time moved by two hours instead of one
In "Sexual Education", time moved even when Joan had no questions. That was unintentional
In rare occasion, a kissing skill +1 got stuck on screen, when MC kissed Kara after giving her new dress for the opera
There were some reports that first sex with Joan led to a crash. I couldn't replicate it, but there was a similar bug like in Jessica's lover event, that I've solved, so I've added a same solution to the Joan's event. Hope that helps
When Joan tells detective, what happened to her, she says it happened at wrong amount of days ago
Added option to throw away condoms to the trash bin MC's room
When buying phone to Samantha, wrong variables are set, causing to receive a notebook on top of the phone when picking up a package
When Samantha's bruises disappear, and MC approaches her during breakfast, he doesn't notice it, even if it the first time he sees her without the bruises
added 35 new images total
2 new selfies from Jane, 4 from Jessica, 1 from Joan, 1 from Kara, and 3 from Samantha
updated random event with new variants - 3 in the Main Hall, 1 in Campus park, 3 in gym
new voyeur opportunities, 2 in women's gym locker room, 1 in stadium locker room, 1 in Mrs. Anderson's apartment bathroom
finished Jessica's free day feature, with new schedule and 3 small events
drawn new sprites for Penny and Jessica
This is Penny
fixed bug, where one of Joan's selfies didn't show up in phone gallery
fixed 2 bugs in Jessica's "Redeem the Reward" event that caused crashes or black screen
reduced size of the Mac version by using different distribution package
Hi everyone.
It has been long time coming, but the update is finally here. The focus in this update is on Jessica, and that's all I'm going to say about it. So, start the download and enjoy.
Things i didn't finish in time
Achievements - you won't see the updated achievements page, but the achievements themselves are registered, so they will appear once I update the page.
Jessica's day off - there is a new feature coming - you'll be able to ask Jess to take a day off of her job, so you could spend some free time with her. Although it's basically finished, there are no new events for you to experience, so I've blocked it for now.
Guide - I will update and release it in a day or two, so don't worry
Wallpapers - I forgot about them completely. Will fix that as soon as possible. But guide has a priority.
And I forgot what else I'd forgotten. Hopefully, it's nothing big.
added over 90 new images (there are like 3 or 4 that you won't be able to see for now)
added 3 new animations (230 images)
added new event "Moving Penny"
added new event "Redeem the Reward"
added two new conversations that tie to the new events (trigger them, basically)
updated "Breakfast Time" event at Jessica's, so you can enjoy it even if you've slept over in the suit (even for the very first time, if you play from the start)
added unique lines to "Shower Fun" and "Breakfast Time" that can be seen on the day of Penny's moving (highly recommend to sleep at Jessica's the night before)
implemented backend logic for future content - Jessica's free day, and Penny's daily schedule
added two small events from Penny's daily schedule - spying in shower, and checking on her in her bedroom
fixed bug where an image got stuck on the screen, if player abruptly ended 3rd massage lesson, instead of satisfying Jessica
Hi everyone,
the new update is here. This time it's focused on Kara. I planned to release the update a few day earlier, but I can't help myself. Everytime I make some kind of a mistake, and this time I've paid with a little bit of crunch time.
The issue was a new location that you can see in the image above. It's huge, and I've used parts that are far away from the 0,0,0 coordinates of the scene. What I didn't back then is that if you place characters very far from a center, their eyes will glitch. So after I batch render all new images, I had to go back, move everything closer to the center, and render it again.
Just for fun. I've attached one of the glitchy images to this post, so you can check it out.
I've also attached this month wallpaper.
Anyway, that's all from me. The rest of the information is in the changelog.
See you all later. Have fun and take care, especially these days.
added 50 new images
added 2 new animations (technically 6, which is another 180 new images)
added beginning of a new side quest called "Plug In!", You can't finish it right now, it was an afterthought, but it'll be good.
added new event called "Kink Talk"
added new event called "Beach Visit", there are two versions of this event - you'll see
updated world map, so it a small shoreline
updated side quest "Hot Tub Entry", to accommodate changes made by the "Beach Visit"
added small trigger event that will unlock the beach, just drive the bus towards the sea
added 3rd massage lesson to the galery (here are the two new animations), and updated it to use the 3rd/1st person system I've talked about so much in the past
fixed bug where clicking on an arrow in 1st person would move forward a text
readded missing image in achievements, that I've accidentaly deleted in previous version
fixed bug, where MC's skill would decline after time, even if he improved said skill during that time period
Two new classes - Math and Political Science. Both introduced in a new main quest that happens on day 2. You don't have to start from scratch. I you are past the 2nd day, it'll play out as a dream. I had to cut the repeatable content for both classes, for the time being. It didn't work as intended.
Also, if you have topics in your mind that you want me to cover in any and all of the classes, then write it in the comments. I don't shy away from anything. But it has to be part of the IT, Math or politics.
With the new "skills", or I should rather call them knowledges, comes updated Player menu that now specify real amount of points acquired, when you lose a point if it's time related, or how to gain more, if it's very specific.
You can study at library (click on the table, where Kara sits) or on your computer, once for each subject per day.
You can work out in the gym alone, now. But the first workout has to be with Jane as usual.
And the biggest part is with Cerid (shower girl from day one). You'll be able to get 2nd signature from her, if you pick the right choices, or you may fail the quest completely, or you won't get the signature now, but you'll be able to get it in the future. More about that in the guide.
On that front, I plan to release the guide tomorrow, with polls for content and wallpaper. By the way, sorry for no wallpaper in February. I wanted to make a wallpaper with the new characters that you will see in this update, but I was so upset with slow loading times that I just didn't have will to do it.
I have no new info in the Mac version of the game, so far. If it doesn't work for you, I'm sorry, I can't help you right now. When I have more informations, you'll be the first ones to know.
Anyway, that's it. Have fun, and as always share your thoughts.
added 80 new images
added new main quest called "Next Classes"
with that comes two new classes Math and Political Science (with skills etc.)
added new side quest called "The Matchmaker"
with that comes two events
added second signature event that triggers the side quest
added a lot of new characters, most noticeble are Mr. Park, Mrs. Brighton, Naraya and Heather
added option to work out at gym alone
added option to study on MC's computer and modified option to study at library
added a couple of maps that expands the Main Hall and Dormitory
modified Player menu to give more information
fixed bug where a wrong image was shown at one instance during the event where MC was introduced to Jane
Tackling issues with Mac version of the game
I didn't realised one thing, I had a working version of MacOS on my old computer. And I didn't sell my old PC yet. So I'm going to hook it up and see, if I can solve the most annoying issues you guys have.
Update content
This month should have been split between Jane and side content. In the end it's 95% Jane and two selfies for Jessica. I don't want to spoil it, so I'm not going to say more, but I believe it's one of the most complicated pieces of content I've done since the initial release, technically speaking. So, I hope you like it.
By the way, guide will be tomorrow, with the graphic pack as well.
That's it. Have fun and please comment. I will respond, I promise.
added over 450 new images (including 5 new animations from two points of view)
added missing animation variants from "Bend Over" event with Kara (183 new images)
added new conversation with Jane about the massage in the infirmary
added new event "No Television Tonight" in MC's room
added new side quest "A Whole A Hole" tied to the event above
added 5 new selfies - 3 with Jane, 2 with Jessica
added Joan's 1st three events to the gallery
rerendered part of the Joan's first event
fixed bug, where a player could get stuck in endless loop of message spamming if the player accepted to go with Joan to buy swimsuit at 18:00
fixed possible trigger issues with Kara's "Bend Over" event
fixed bug, where turning on/off fullscreen mode in the options menu wasn't saved
while buying a swimsuit with Joan, if you mention tanning issue with the 3rd suit and then suggesting her to buy that suit, the option should be disabled for next round
damn it! I forgot to update the credits with the newest high tier supporters. Sorry guys. You're names will be there in the next update
added 30 new images
rerendered 100 images for the Locker Blowjob event with Jane
added 1 new animation for the same event (4 variants - total of 120 new images)
The blowjob scene is now available in the gallery
added two new events with Samantha - Unexpected View and Crying In Bed
added directional arrows to the 1st/3rd person view system, and it will be utilized at appropriate situations
finally added all achievements from previous two updates (plus this one)
fixed bug where an image got stuck on the screen after a conversation with Joan on the Campus bench and/or the talk in the bus ride that immediately follows
added 50 new images
rerendered 1st massage lesson (over 40 images)
added two new animations to the "drunken" sex event with Jane
added "Super Smart Phone" side quest
added "Family Dinner" event
added "Getting Job" event
updated "Dinner" event for situation when you organize the "Family Dinner" but go to this one instead
rerendered that "Dinner" event images to match the latest look of Kim and Joan
added first version of the Gallery mode to the main menu
updated the look of other custom menus
updated "Drunken" sex and 2nd massage lesson to utilize latest 3rd/1st point of view system
updated RPG Maker MV engine to the latest version (may fix some issues with the latest version of MacOS). That caused a change of the save files location. Please read article linked in the download post to import save files to the correct folder.
fixed issues with missing image during lates Joan's conversation topics at various locations
Last two weeks
I didn't report on the previous week as I promised to do so, partially because of my birthday and partially because I had to scrap a lot of ideas for this month update.
I've been working on a lot of animations this month and many haven't turned out that well. Lots of reworking and lots of rerendering caused that I wasn't able to finish what I've started. On the other hand I've made over 800 renders that are in this update, so I'd like to say I've done a lot.
Problem is, they are mostly variants of the same stuff, like the same scene but with different clothing, and such.
I think I was quite overzealous with my new computer. It's amazingly fast and I thought I could do absurd amount of content. I turns out, the computer can do a lot, but I wasted it all on animations.
I'm gonna have to tone it down for the next update.
Now the important part. I've mostly finished the event with Kara for my patron. I still have to finish rendering of one animation with the silk sundress (1st and 3rd person view) and one animation with the same dress, but only the 3rd person view. So, for now the missing images are replaced with the images in the other dress.
For the first time you can switch between views in the middle of the dialog and during the animations. Please, tell me how smooth the transitions are and if it's broken at any time.
Also, for this particullar event I tryed to animate the dress as well. To be exact, I turned on physics for the skirt, so it should flap around, I'd like to say naturally, but I'm not sure.
This update should have been about Joan, but it's more like fifty-fifty between Kara and Joan.
The biggest part of Joan's content is a date expansion. Finally, when you get back from the date, you can have more fun with her. For whatever reason I've made four new animations for that.
I've also added small breakfast event and two new conversation topics. These topics will lead to something very special in the future. I don't want to spoil to much, but I've made a big decision about one of the side characters.
That's also one of the reasons I had to scrap some of the planned content, because it just didn't fit in.
That leaves us with things I didn't had time to finish for this release - Achievements, all the flags and triggers are in place, I just didn't have time to update the actual achievement pages. I'll correct in the next update, most likely in the upcoming week with bug fixes.
Release dates
The last, but very important topic I'd like to talk about are release dates. You may have noticed that I'm unable to follow my own rules. There should have been release for $5+ patrons around the 20th day of a month. Then 7 days later for $3+.
I honestly can't tell you, why I'm unable to stand by those parameters. I think, after every release I slow down a bit instead of staying in that high-octane mode that I'm in before a release. I'm gonna have to focus on that - try to do more work at the beggining of the cycle. If I'm unable to follow the schedule next month, I'm gonna have to change the tier rewards in some way, because right now it's not fair to the $5 tier.
Well, that's it. Try to enjoy this update.
added over 90 new images
added 7 new animations, that's over 700 new images (all the dress, shave/not-shaved and point of view variants)
added new event in Kara's room called "Bend Over"
added new event in Anderson's apartment called "Date Expansion"
added new event in Anderson's apartment called simply "Breakfast" with Joan
added feature to switch between 1st and 3rd person view (only for "Bend Over" event, for now), I will update older compatible events in near the future
fixed bug, where Samantha bruises were healed before they should have been
fixed bug, where Samantha's sprites where showing up randomly in her apartment
I want to say another bug, but I can't remember. I have to write it down when I'm fixing it...
v.0.2.8 FullPack
Hello everyone.
I haven't been around for a while and I have to apologize to all of you for that. Even after my last post, where I said that I'll respond to all messages soon, I just wasn't ready. I need extra few days to put myself together. And then I start working again to the best of my abilities.
That's when I've got a stupid idea that I'll stay silent, so it would look like I'm not working anymore. I hope you got scared a little :-)
But seriously, I'm sorry. I am very introverted person and sometimes it's hard for me to start any kind of communication. For whatever reason I couldn't convince myself to get her (or anywhere else, in a matter of fact) and respond to any of your messages and comments.
Now the interesting stuff
I still don't have my new computer. It took a long time for the store to obtain the new AMD CPU, but today I received a mail and I should receive it on next Monday (2nd of September, if you're reading this a few days later). So when I get it, there will be a few day transition period, when I'll basically copy everything from my old PC to the new one.
To keep my worst behavior in check, I've decided that I am going to make at least one post every Saturday, where I'll recap, what I did that week for the game. Hopefully that will force me to comunicate with you more, or at least regularly.
About the update content
As you all know, this update is about Samantha. It took me a while to outline a path to romance with this character. She's a new character in the game, but MC knows her for a very long time, just like Joan. So I wanted to make the player see that they have a good relationship with each other, that they basically continue from where it stopped.
But I didn't want to the same thing like I did with Joan. I think I've figured it out. Though, it'll be a slow burn, just like with Joan. So what you see in this update will be just the friendly continuation of previous relationship with some hints of sexual tensions, I think.
I don't know, whether I've hit the nail on the head or I completely screwed up. Let me know in the comments. This time I'll respond, I promise. In fact, the entire Saturday I'll be doing nothing else then responding to everyone and updating the guide, because I can't make it today.
I've screwed up several tier rewards with the messy release dates, there's no excuse. It won't happen again.
Please be hard on me, it may upset me, but I won't learn otherwise. I kind of wish I had some kind of boss over my head, who would constantly tell me what to do, because sometimes I just don't know. Anyway, that's it. Enjoy the game.
added over 80 new images
finally rerendered those noisy images with Kara at the opera
added new side quest called "Photo! Shoot!"
added new event called "TV with Wine"
added new event called "Looking For Job"
added new event called "Photoshoot"
added 3 new conversation topics (you should better finish before the second mentioned event ;-)
added small event to recognize Sam's healed face
added small breakfast event
revisioned fix for missing HUD on day 10 (hopefully it'll for for everyone now)
fixed bug, where you could talk with Sam about visiting the headmaster before you actually did
v.0.2.7a Hotfix
Hi everyone.
After the last post I've immediately turned on hibernation mode and done nothing at all for last few days. I want to thank you all for sticking around even though you'll get almost nothing from me this month. I don't know why are you all so kind to me, but I appreciate you very much.
I've just posted polls for this month wallpaper and next month update focus. Both ends on 18th, so you have enough time to cast your vote.
Hot fix
There has been several reports that the HUD disappears on day 10 after the events with Joan transpire. I'm unable to replicate the bug itself, but i've added command at the end of the event to force the HUD to show, if it is hidden. I've also added the same command to MC's bed, so if you have missing HUD, go sleep to MC's bed and it should fix the problem.
Please, report if you had this problem and if the fix worked for you. The rest, who doesn't have the problem, feel free to ignore this fix, you don't need it.
Save file
Some of you asked for this, so here it is. Everithing is finished in this save, except for the "Family Reunion" quest and some of the selfies are not collected. If you return to your room, you'll be promted to change your name, so you won't have to play as Mike :-)
Well, the's all for now. Enjoy yourselves and see you soon.
fixed rare bug, where part of Joan's "So Here I Live" quest may trigger, when MC enters his room while Jane's changing inside
fixed broken bus navigation on the city map, when player was using a mouse instead of keyboard
fixed embarking the bus from the Crighton Street, where MC teleported for a moment to Downtown
removed scripts from empty doors at the Crighton Street
fixed bug, where it was possible to walk over Sam, when she's in her bed
fixed bug, where the game would freeze when the MC is going to exit a bus during the bad ending of "Family Reunion" quest
fixed Joan's HUD info for the bad ending of "Family Reunion" quest
fixed missing batroom door at Sam's apartment, when she's not in there
fixed bug where HUD would dissapear after spying on Sam
Hotfix for 0.2.6
Sorry, guys.
There's a bug, where the new content won't trigger, if you play with save that is past the day 50. Now the bug should be fixed.
This update contains roughly half of the main quest about the situation that was hinted during the intro of the game and then later, when later Joan arrived at the scene.
There are 4 outcomes (I call them endings, but it's not accurate) of quest and they will be expanded and finished in the next update.
You will be able to save and continue from that spot, once the content is added. You'll be able to postpone this content, so you can do other stuff, before you do this. (This feature will be removed, once the whole quest is implemented)
That's it. Enjoy and please, share your thoughts.
Btw, updated guide will be finished tomorrow, but I think you won't need ;-)
added over 110 new images
added new main quest called "Family Reunion" that will start on day 50 or later after sleeping anywhere except Joan's room
the quest is separated into 4 events (so far) - Phone Call, Train Travel, The Visit and The Outcomes
there are 4 outcomes and one abrupt ending to this quest (so far), so be careful for the wrong options.
there were some bugs, bud did I fix them? I will have to check later...
Hotfix for v0.2.5
Hi guys. Many have encountered the bug with Kara during the lunch, where an image gets stuck on the screen after the scene. I was going to fix in the next update, because I thought it's not such a big deal. After all, there are a lot of places where you can talk to her.
But more and more people reported it, so I'm fixing it now.
Plus I've review the last bug with Jane during lunch, where something similar has happened last month. And I'm not sure, but it looked like I've reintroduced that bug again, so I'm fixing it again too.
Last, but not least, my good buddy Regardie fixed a lot of typos and changed the "actors" to "singers" in the opera scene. So that's in the hot fix too.
If you don't know, how to instal updates on MacOS, read this.
Please, if you load a save during the bugged scene, the bug will reappear, because it is saved in the save file. Load an eariler save for the fix to work.
New content
There's a new side quest that will allow you to see the scene from the image above. But that scene is more of follow up to that quest than a part of it. You'll see.
I've created a repeatable sex scene, that pretty much combines all the previous actions into one scene with a few additions. It is designed to be expanded upon with new positions in the future updates.
Big part is a walking around the city. Now you know, what Kara does, when she's nowhere to be found. You'll be able to "explore" (more like accidentaly stumble upon) couple parts of the city. And one starts the aforementioned side quest.
There are some other bits. You'll be able to see Amber again, Kara's massage is updated and the scene with the blowjob has been enhanced with somewhat new animation. It has been pointed out to me, that her first attempt was too good. So now she sucks a bit more, in sense that she's worse at it. But next time she can do better and suck a bit more, in the literal sense.
There are also four images, that for some reason were rendered for over a seven hours each and still were barely at 50 %. They are there just to paint the whole scene and aren't necessary. But I hate them, so I will edit them and fix them for the next release.
added over 220 new images (including animations)
added 1 completely new animation and 2 animaitons created out of previous ones
added new side quest called "One Last Big Gesture"
added new event called "Walking Around"
added two new events as part of the side quest
added new event called "Going to the Opera"
added new event called "Regular Sex"
extended the massage option at the picnic site
fixed bug where an image was stuck to the screen after finishing the boutique event during "Tub Accessory" side quest, if certain conditions where met
I have a huge feeling that I didn't fix some bug, but I can't figure out what it was. Sorry about that. Hopefully somebody will report it again
This hot fix fixes bug causing to freeze the game during the 'New Casual Outfit' if you approach Jane in the Main Hall from the bottom.
Download and unpack it in your game folder and rewrite when prompted. If not promted at all, you're doing it wrong.
I've added this fix to the original download as well.
Thanks to everyone who reported this so quickly.
Edit: Don't use a save file, where the lunch event is already in progress. Load an earlier save.
added over 100 new images
added one new animation (another 30 images)
rerendered over 80 images, including Jane's lunch event, one of Joan's animaitons and Jane sitting at the desk in MC's room
added series of events called 'Cheerleading Decision' started at the stadium
added series of events called 'New Casual Outfit' started at the Main Hall
added option to massage Jane's breasts in the room
fixed major that caused crashes/unlocked hidden option, if player opened save menu/save the game on top of the hidden options
fixed bug, when on rare ocassion the game acted like MC was still in Jessica's appartment, even though he wasn't
fixed bug in Kara's 'First Touches' event, where option to look down wasn't working after using option to look even lower
removed almost duplicate lines from Kara's 'First Touches' that may have broken an immersion
fixed Jessica's achievement that was green from the moment her page was unlocked
fixed bug that caused to play repeatable sex scene after the cheerleader training right after you've finished the unique 'New Cheerleader' event
fixed bug that caused the time not to advance after talking to Kara during her lunch in the Main Hall
Thanks everyone, who reported a bug, especially Regardie for his amazing work on reporting a lot of bug and fixing typos and other text issues
Hi there, not much has happened since my last post and I have found only one bug, so no updated with bug fixes today. But the bug is annoying, so there is attached hotfix at the bottom of this post.
it fixes an image stuck on the screen, when/if MC cums at the end of the "Becoming Lovers" event
What's new
Initially there should have been three events. One big event, where you finally "be" with Joan, and other two, where you could have some more fun with her. But the two fun events look so much better together, so I integrated them with "Night Time Fun" event into one big event that evolves with each repetition. So to see all of it, you're going to play it at least three time (not counting the number of times you had to do it before this update).
The important part is, you only need to get a blowjob from Joan to unlock the the main event that will push your relationship to lovers level (finally), and then you can return to the regular night fun.
This update is huge, when it comes to number of images. There is over a 600 new images. A lot of it are animations (nine, if I'm counting correctly) and various variations, like the type of Joan's underwear and whether she's shaved or not. That's probably the biggest reason, why the number of images exploded so much.
That's pretty much it. I'll give you some hints now, so you know what to do before the guide is out.
Hints and tips
If you've done everything from the previous version, then you should sleep over at Joan's. Not just sleep, of course, she has to give you a hand. When she does that, don't finish right away. Let her play with you until she tries something new. After this you can sleep at hers again to unlock more, but that's not important for the next part.
After the blowjob scene, find Joan at her room and try to talk to her, she should tell you that she's ready and will give you a little quest. If you do this quest and you have your relationship points maxed out, the main event will happen, when you get to her room in the evening.
Hope you'll like what you see and don't forget to share your opinion.
Have fun.
added over 600 new images (including animations and various variants)
added 9 new animations
expanded "Night Time Fun" event with content that could have been 2 new events
added little quest called "Doing The Deed" that will bring you closer to Joan
added big event as a conclusion to the new quest that will level up your relationship with Joan to lovers level
Joan is no longer surprised by your morning wood after a date, if she already played with it on a different occasions
fixed bug, where the game acted like you're still in Jessica's apartment after the "Meeting Penny" event ended
New saving
Let's start with the biggest change in this update. The saving location was been changed. Now it saves into a local application directory, or how ever it is called correctly. What it means is that from now on you won't have to import save files from previous version to the new one. You just download the game, start it and load your save. It also fixes ongoing problem with the Mac version, where for some players the game didn't save at all.
But you have to import the save files to his version of the game, otherwise you won't be able to load them. I have written a post that should help you to do that. Read it here
The content
This month I think I've created a good amount and good quality content. There are four new animations. Three of them look quite good. One should have been my best, but it didn't work out, so I had to cut a piece of it out, but it looks decent.
There are three big events and one small event. One of the big ones is unique, the rest can be repeated. I won't go into much details, but to give you some hints, one is an expansion of the running event at 7pm. The rest happens in Jessica's appartment.
added over 220 new images including animations
added 4 new animations (technically 5, one has been split into two, but almost identical animations)
added new event called "Running Fun" that can be started from the infirmary
added new event called "Shower Fun" (originally "Bath Fun") to Jessica's appartment
added new event called "Breakfast Time" to Jessica's appartment
added new event called "Meeting Penny" to Jessica's appartment
overhauled saving location, so save files are stored like in every Ren'Py game (including importing to next version of the game)
fixed some wrongly displayed images in the Characters menu
updated some of the characters' descriptions
fixed Kara's first achievement that wasn't unlocking properly
v.0.2.1 Full
New content
You may know, what some of the new pieces are, but let's go through all of them anyway.
First, there are at least 4 new selfies for every main girl, 21 in total.
Second, there is two-part (three-part, depends how you take it) event and four conversation topics with Mrs. Anderson.
Third, two-part (with 2 animations) event and three new conversation topics with Kimberly
There is updated event with Elisabeth at the dark alley. I've added two animations.
And there is another new event that will allow you to collect first signature for the infamous "Regular User" side quest.
I had some other plans, but there wasn't enough time, so maybe next time.
Personal life
Some of you read what happened to me during July and some of you know this is recurring stuff. So far, it's been managable. In fact I felt so good that I started online dating, lol. I never dated much, so it is kind of a new territory for me. And it has been surprisingly good. So good that I've spent quite a lot of time there this month. So much so that I almost haven't worked for entire week at the beginning of December, lol. I'm sorry, I'll have to check myself more in the future.
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this update as well as those before. Just remember, this is a side content and is meant to be played as the rest of the content unfolds.
There is a reason, why I added option to sleep at Joan's bed at 23:00 (read changelog). Maybe you want to check out one of the bedrooms after waking up.
First event with mrs. Anderson has 50 % chance of triggering, or you'll see just one image.
You have to go through all three conversation topics with Kim to unlock the new event. All conversation topics unlock as you complete tasks with Joan. The third unlocks automatically after day 19.
The signature event happens in the hall way leading to your room during the day. (not morning or evening)
One of the Elisabeth animations plays only after second visit and only if you were dominant the first time.
Last few notes
I'm not sure, how I'm going to incorporate this content in the guide. I'm thinking of not adding it at all (maybe just the selfies) and leave this content purely as a side content until any of the affected girls become part of the main crew, so the speak.
I won't be online for three days or so. I going to visit mom during the holidays an I have no computer or internet there, so keep that in mind, if you want to ask me for advice.
By the way, since I'm not going to be here I want to wish Merry Christmas to all of you. If you're not celebrating Christmas, then happy holidays. And if you don't have any holidays, then just have beautiful few days.
See you soon
added over 70 new images
added 4 new animations (another 140 images)
added new event to collect signature to dormitory 2nd floor hallway
added new event for mrs. Anderson in her bedroom
added another new event for mrs. Anderson in her bedroom as a continuation to previous event
added 4 new conversation topics to acompany these two events
added 3 new conversation topics for Kimberly
added new event for Kimberly in her bedroom as conclusion to the conversation topics
added 2 new small voyeur events in Anderson apartment bathroom (1 for Kim, 1 for mrs. Anderson)
updated Elisabeth's event in the dark alley with 2 of the mentioned animations
reconstructed Jane's "Drunk Sex" event and Joan's "Sexual Education" events to fix saving issues (it should be save to save the game there)
it is now possible to sleep at Joan's bed at 11pm any day (click on the empty part of the bed)
fixed bug, where it wasn't possible to save game after giving Kara her sundress
v.0.2.0a Full
The big change
The big change is about activites in the quest log, or better say, no more activities in the quest log. From now one these activities are treated like any other event. Unfortunately this change isn't retroactive, but thankfully it has no repercussion on existing save files, so you don't have to restart the game.
Unfixable bugs - read this, please
I was afraid of these. One of my patrons QuantumSciGuy has been thoroughly testing my game for a while and I've very grateful for that. But he has discovered several bugs, or dare I say one big bug that causes a lot of problems. If you save a game in a global (in rpg maker called common) event right before an choice box, the save does something to the game and if you reload game, you can't pick a choice. Better say, you can, but it acts like you didn't or it skips the entire section and continue from there.
One place that it happens is right after you select 'Talk to her' and stops happening after selected conversation topic ends. Also Jane's friday night "drunken" sex has this problem.
So don't save right before choices in these instances. If you save when a simple text box is on the screen, then the save will work fine.
Just to be clear, in any other instance you can save right before choice box, no problem has been reported there.
So please, be careful and use multiple save slots when you play.
The bad news is that I'm unable to fix it and it looks like I won't be anytime soon. Maybe I'll just block saving in those instances altogether.
Other interesting stuff
New feature, text display is now instant, but if you like, you can change it in options.
The game window size has been changed to 1280x720 pixels from standard 816x624 pixels. Still, you can switch to full screen with F4 or via options tab, if you like.
Disabled reloading quicksave with R key. It caused errors when loading to a specifics map from another maps. Use S or L keys, that works alright.
Updated guide is up and also a new graphic pack for higher tiers.
added new images to Joan's older content, where "shaved" variant was required
rerendered all images tied to Joan in the college main hall
changed an image in "Bush Decision" event, where Joan wears leggings, when she clearly shouldn't
the text now shows instantaneous (no pauses between letters)
fixed bug that forced the choice boxes to show only 4 rows instead of all of them
fixed stuck image in the "Handjob" event in Joan's room at night
adjusted time for the "growing" animation at the "Handjob" event, so the end of the animation isn't cut
dissabled reloading quicksave with 'R', because it caused errors at various locations. Use 'S' and 'L' keys instead
for very quick players it was possible to enter MC's room on day 1 before visiting headmaster by fast traveling and holding up arrow, before dorm receptionist started talking to him. That caused black screen until player somehow left the room. That is now fixed.
removed 'Activities' from quest log, because it wasn't consistent with the rest of the content. Now activities are treated as any other repeatable events (in the new guide as well). Only works for new game. This change doesn't have impact on old saves.
small edits on how to unlock voyeur content
changed the size of the game window to 1 280×720 pixels
unlocking library fast travel point also unlocked gym fast travel point
fixed bug, where player could get stuck at entrance to women's locker room at stadium, if MC's spyed that day and haven't high confidence to do it again
fixed bug, where an image got stuck on screen, if player decided to fall asleep, when Jane returned to room on friday night and woke him
v.0.2.0 Full
New content
In this update there are four big events (Two bigger then the others), one small side quest, 5 new animations and one big decision. The decision is about shaving Joan's pubes. I want you to have the option not to do it, but of course it will lock one of the events for you. I tried to add some small event for those, who don't want to shave it, so it shouldn't feel that much like there is missing too much of the content.
Remastered content
If you've missed last several posts, then you don't know that Joan received a small make over. Her skin isn't that grey anymore and I will slowly update her older content with this new look. For now only the massage event has been updated.
The updated guide will be ready before the end of the month, but I don't know when, because I have some other stuff that I'll have to do in the upcoming days. So here are some tips on how to see the new content.
If you have completed everything from previous version, you'll get a new conversation topic at Joan's room. Based on your decision you'll either have to do a little side quest, or you'll be able to have a new "Sexual Education" lesson. If you've gained the side quest, finish it and you'll be able to access the lesson too in a day or two. If you've the aforementioned conversation topic, you should be able to get the night event with Joan. There's a 50 % chance it'll trigger, when you enter her room and go to sleep after midnight.
Have fun and tell me how everything works, especially the animations. I had some problems with them to work as I wanted, but it should work fine.
added over 110 new images
added 5 new animations (another 215 images)
added new side quest "Kill the Beaver"
added new unique event called "Bush Decision" in Joan's room
added new unique event called"Virginity Check" in Joan's room
added new unique event called "Shave the Beaver" at the end of the new side quest
added small unique event, if you don't shave the beaver personally, to Joan's room
added new unique event and repeatable variation, while sleeping at Joan's room
added new repeatable event on Joan's bed (not at night)
maybe fixed some bugs, but I'm not sure, it's been a few week and I haven't written it down :-D
v.0.1.9 Full
added over 120 new images
added new event called "Caught Masturbating" in Joan's room
added new event called "Night Wrestling" in Joan's room
added new event that autostats after "Night Wrestling"
added new event as a part of an ongoing series of events "Sexual Educations"
unlocked next part of the massage event after finishing the above
fixed bug that prevented restarting Joan's date, if player picked her up in his casual clothes
fixed crash caused by deleting save file from the save/load menu
fixed bug that corrupted loading autosaves, if no other save was ever created before
(hopefully) fixed bug that randomly corrupted some save files
fixed missing image at Jane's animation, while watching TV in MC's room
fixed bug, where Jane would act, like she has never talked to Kim at the lunch event
Changelog 0.1.8 to 0.1.8a
fixed bug, where save file would disappear if player saved game twice in a row during conversation without leaving the menu
fixed bug where an image stays sticked on a screen after talking to dorm receptionist on Day 1, if certain choices are selected
edited library event with Kara, so the images doesn't flicker at some situations
fixed Jane's lunch event, where it wasn't possible to continue, if player wanted to pay for the lunch at the beginning of the event
fixed bug in Jane's first gym session, where it was possible to break the event under very specific combo of choices, confidence and relationship points
fixed couple wrong image references in the dorm 2nd floor bathroom voyeur event
added missing image to event that starts "IT Advisor" side quest
added missing image to event, when you give Kara her new sundress
added missing image to first class event
added missing image at Joan's date (back at the apartment)
added missing image to dinner event at the apartment
added missing image to Joan's event at her desk
fixed "undefined is not a function" error that may kick in when opening main menu after some events (caused by implementing the new animation system)
fixed a trigger for Joan's bathroom event at the Main Hall, so it won't happen every time (if no random event was triggered in the Main Hall that day)
fixed bug that prevented from updating Jane's schedule around the football stadium
it is now possible to open save menu with 'S' key anywhere
in similar way you can press 'L' key, where the first highlited option is load instead
fixed bug where it was not possible to postpone the Kara's "Losing Virginity" event, if player desired to do so
fixed bug at the infirmary. One of the clients had a wrong variable assigned to them
reduced size by removing some unused/old assets from the pack
removed many text pauses from older events (many more to go)
converted all animations to the new system
HOT FIX for v0.1.8
there is a bug in the new "licking" scene, where if you select stop during the action, it will never end.
v.0.1.8 Full
What's new?
I've mentioned it in the last post, but let me say it again. New animation system is in place. The animations should load more smoothly (it's not perfect, it's the RPG Maker after all). It also gives me more control over, how the animations are played. I'm still tweaking it, because in some situations the animations are ending a bit sooner the intended, but overall I think it's alright. I can live with it the way it is for a moment.
When it comes to new content, I can tell you about two new repeatable actions with Kara in her bed. And then there is this big event. All I can tell you now is that you'll have to go back to the classroom to really start it ;-)
added 70 new images
added 6 new animations (another 206 images)
added repeatable blowjob event in Kara's room
added repeatable "licking" event in Kara's room
added new system for animations (only new animations for now)
rerendered all images in classroom to fit my latest trends
added new big event, that will push relationship with Kara to another level
I bet I've fixed some bugs, but what were they?
Changelog from v0.1.7 to v0.1.7a
remade tutorial at the beginning of the game
updated Jane's achievements tab with the latest events
fixed bug where it was possible to go on a date with Joan by buying her new underwear but not giving it to her
fixed bug where the Friday night date with Jane was never considered as done, thus always played like it was for the first time
reworked cheerleader training event to play out differently based on the hour it was started
I have feeling like I have fixed something else, but it eludes me (or I've forgotten to fix it?), anyway, that's all folks!
Changelog 0.1.7
New Content
added over 80 new images
added 4 new animations (another 120 images)
added small "Cheerleaders' training" event in the stadium
added event "New Cheerleader" triggered by the previous event
added event "Friday Party" started in MC's room
added repeatable variation for both big events
fixed bug in Jane's lunch event, so she refers to Joan properly, if she met her during Joan's college tour
Remastered content
rerendered intire headmaster scene (10 images + 1 new animation)
rerendered first encounter with Kara (8 images)
rerendered images from dorm bathroom that were too dark (10 images)
replaced Jane's busts in the first encounter with Jane (27 new images)
replaced Jane's busts in the first night event - waking up part (4 new images)
parsed and removed unnecessary commands from text in these events (amongst others small ones): Study with Kara in library, One of the workouts with Jane, all events on day one, all events in classroom
fixed bug where the 'Buying sex toy' event would trigger day after MC's last visit in the apartment, no matter what events are finished
at was also possible to start that event in a suit or swimming trunks
fixed bug where it was possible to watch porn with Joan right after she received her laptop
fixed left entrance door to the library, it had set wrong closing time
fixed a few missing lines in the sex edu chain of event, if MC hasn't talked about a porn the first time he had a chance
fixed few typos that I have noticed
added 4 new animations (have to learn it somehow)
added over 120 new images (plus 120 for the animations)
added side quest "So Here I Live" (contains 4 new events)
added massage event for Joan in her room
added 2.5 sex edu lessons (the .5 depends is when you don't do the 2nd lesson and gives you the option to do the 2nd lesson)
added repeatable event derived from one of the new lessons
added event starting at Joans room leading to the sex shop
added event at the Main Hall tied to Joan's work
added option to sleep at Joan's bed
added repeatable version of the date with Joan
slightly changed Jessica's repeatable date, so it should be easier to get a kiss at the end
fixed the Westside mark on the global map, where it wouldn't show up after unlocking the location
fixed Kim's sprite poking through the darkness in the apartment (you have to leave the apartment to apply this fix)
added 5 new animations (2 for Kara, 3 for Jessica, 170 images total)
added over 60 new images
added one big repeatable event for Jessica
added two middlesized events for Kara
added new part of the city - the Westside with Jessica's apartment
updated Jessica's schedule outside of the Campus
fixed bug where it was almost impossible to encounter Kim's event to start the sex ed for Joan at the Anderson apartment due to small space where it could trigger. Now it's should be easier.
it looks smalls, doesn't it? Well, you're right
and now I remember what I've forget to do... damn it
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