Earth Girls is a satire of various genres such as: harem, stat builder, and dating sims. You play as a student trying to answer one of life's elusive questions. What should I do with the rest of my life? NASA has been broadcasting into space looking for other signs of life for ages. Today, the aliens reply.
They've also decided to use Earth as a battleground to settle an ages old dispute. The player is chosen to be Earth's champion and convert as many females(harem or otherwise) to his side. Whoever has the highest score of female conversions wins and gets control of Earth. Do you create an army as the military suggests? Or try and save as many as you can from alien capture. Perhaps finding love along the way.
*Martin & Davina scene. *Charlie, Davina, & Dean scene. *Game theme music added. *Revised Giles & Julia intros. *Made journal available at the start of the game. *Moved Charlie & Nicci intros to hallway interactions options. *Revised the day 1 Chemistry scene. *Revised Davina school office scene if player helped Britney. *Revised Britney locker quests to included player options to solve the riddles. *Revised player bedroom scene to think about Julia. *Revise bedroom scene to think about the Giles dream and the contest. *Revise gadget scene. *Added day 1 scene in which the Eternals review Chet's performance. *Created new library renders to address various issues. *Fixed menu alignment and bar size issues.
Changelog V0.09
*Sports scene that includes character interaction system.
*A long Locker room scene.
*A short hand job animation.
*Added a game mechanics and interface tutorial.
*Revised the Giles background info tutorial.
*Revised the Julia wakeup call scene.
*New main menu image.
*Recreated registration and club images.
*Recreated day one tennis images.
Changelog V0.08
*Martin & Giles contest update scene.
*Investigate the Dean scene.
*Abby & Michelle lesbian scene.
*Lincy remembrance scene.
*Lyra scene.
*Inventory system added.
*Character interaction system added.
*Photography class scene.
v.0.07 Changelog: *Recreated many of the renders to address Iray material issues and character mods. Day One: *Revised the Giles intro to provide info on the Eternal's and the reasons for their Earth invasion. *Revised the Julia wake up scene to better illustrate their relationship. *Revised the school greeting scene. *Revised Lincy's school hallway confrontation scene. *Revised the school registration scene. *Revised Julia school hallway scene. *Revised the Britney Chemistry check out scene to include new images as well as face and breast check out options. *Revised the Lincy English Lit check out scene and to use a new scroll image. *Revised the Britney Marketing check out scene and to use a new scroll image. *New lunch images for Lincy and Julia.
Day Two: *Rewrote and created new images for the Religion scene. *English Lit scene. *Marketing scene. *Compressed most of the images to reduce the game size to roughly half of the previous version.
Changelog V0.05 *Nicci 2 scenes. *Lincy 2 scenes. *Charlie 2 scenes. *Foreign exchange students 1 scene. *Martin 1 scene. *Extended day 1 Julia scenes to address feedback. *Edited the entire game text and made various revision to address feedback. *Studied how to improve my renders to address feedback. Please see the Charlie saber scene and the foreign exchange students(deduction skill >0) for examples of these improvements.
Changelog V0.04 *Aubrey 2 scenes. *Halia 1 scene. *Julia 5 scenes. *Abby 1 scene. *New Interface 1: Added icons to replace text for player stats. The icons stats are now part of a bar that can be displayed or hidden using the stat bar button. A description of each icon will appear when you place your mouse over the icon. This was very time consuming to implement. But does represent a large improvement in the appearance of the interface. I hope you'll like the new look. *New Interface 2: Transparent text box. Revised the text box mod to increase the size of the text. *Moved the close button on the journal in response to player feedback. *Revised the intro again to address feedback. *Rewrote various Britney scenes to address feedback. *Revised various content throughout the game to address feedback.
v0.03 *Expanded the intro tutorial to clarify various game elements. *Revised Julia's wakeup scene. *Recreated various renders of Abby to address skin textures. *Revised the Britney locker scene. *Revised English Literature scene. *Extended Calc fantasy scene with text & renders. *2 animations for the Calc fantasy scene. *Added quests to search for 2 missing items. *Art studio scene. *Locker hack scene. *School office scene. *Corrected the bug in the lunch date with Lincy. *Coffee scene. *Homework scene. *Revised player bedroom scene. *Revised Evermore scene with new text & renders.
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