Hi, my name is Alteus, one of the developers of the the adult game, Fall of Ashenburg. We believe, that it is possible to create games which combine classic adventure game elements with complex combat system and high quality adult content. Our main goal is to provide this experience for the gaming community. We have been holding back a release of our game to public, in order to provide hours of gameplay even with the first release. I hope you will enjoy playing with it as much we have enjoyed creating it.
v0.81 Fixed the skipable error appearing during boss combats.
v0.8 Content Story and scenes Storyline progression, two new scenes (one normal and one animated)
New Dungeon: Cultist Hideout During the gameplay progression the access to the new dungeon will unlock. It contains new enemy types new items and new challenges to overcome.
Note: You may notice that above level 5 and in the Cultist Hideout you won't be able to use the Legendary weapon, Banhammer. This is intentional.
As the story of the game continues to progress, these areas are going to be opened up as well for the quick progression but as for now, we would like to encourage everyone to face the new dungeon in a standard way.
Gameplay Level cap increased to 8.
New feature: Combat talents Upon reaching level 4 and each new level afterwards, players will be granted a talent point on level gain. These points can be spent at the Mysterious Guy during nighttime. Talents are unique abilities enriching the already existing combat skills, potentially adding a new edge to the combat system.
Note: If your old save contains a character who already passed level 4, you should receive the appropriate number of talent points during the save file update to the latest version.
v0.7 Content Story and scenes Storyline progression, one new story scene.
New map area: Featherstone Castle The Castle is now accessible and part of the main story progression. It contains several new places to explore.
Corruption status Corruption status is now displayed in the UI. New portrait and chat options are available for the affected persons.
Gameplay New feature: Events Events are now appearing in Medium and Hard level dungeons and will be the part of the future dungeons as well. These special encounters can provide various bonuses if you can find a way to solve their secrets. Currently there are two different type of event, one for each dungeon type.
XP and gold yield increased Killing an enemy now provides increased XP and gold in order to ease the steep leveling curve at the early levels.
v0.61 Bugs Fixed the bug which caused an error when you speak with the Headmistress.
Content Hall of Mysteries New dialogue option for Vivianna: Hall of Mysteries. Unlock Hall of Mysteries on the map. Once you are there, you can apply various adjustments in order to quickly bypass the RPG combat challenges of the game.
v0.6 Content Story and scenes Storyline progression, one new story and one optional scene.
New Dungeon Boss Second dungeon boss, Lysh the Fallen can be unlocked during the story progression. The fight offer three different challenge mode: Normal, Elite and Champion. Normal difficulty is required for the story progression. Elite and Champion difficulties offer various additional rewards.
Merchant inventory The amount of gold available for each merchant uses a new logic from now on: If by the end of the day the merchant’s purse is equal or below the 10% of its original size (so for example 50 in case it was 500 originally) then the merchant will return with a 500 gold larger purse in the next day (1000 in this example)
This is a cumulative bonus, so if by the end of the next day the purse will be 10% or below again (100 gold) then the following day it will grow with an additional 500 gold (1500) up till the maximum which is 2000 gold at the moment.
If by the end of any day the merchant’s purse will stay above 10% then the bonus will diminish with 500 gold per day, down to the minimum (500 gold). We found that this logic is the closest to a realistic approach where the merchants dynamically adapt to the actual demand of the player character.
Gameplay Leveling Level cap is increased to 6.
Abilities New feature: Barrier Barrier is an invisible shield which can absorb x amount of damage before dissipating. In addition, while the barrier is active the recipient is protected from all negative effects, such as dots or debuffs.
v0.51 Small dot release with minor fixes: - Fixed the glitch where elite boss kills triggered the champion reward. - Fixed bug when fleeing from the champion boss fight triggered the reward incorrectly. - Minor text corrections.
v0.5 Content Story and scenes Storyline progression, one new story and one optional scene. New feature - Dungeon Bosses During the content progression this option will unlock. You can now fight the first dungeon boss, the orc chieftain Zmunda. Bossfights offer three different challenge mode: Normal, Elite and Champion. Normal difficulty is required for the story progression. Elite and Champion difficulties offer various additional rewards. Be warned though, Elite and especially Champion bosses are not for the faint hearted! You'll probably need top notch gear and experience level in order to stand a chance in those fights. Reset skillpoints The Mysterious Guy at night now let you redistribute your skillpoints for a whooping price of 500 gold. Legacy saves In order to avoid various consistency errors on update, loading a legacy save file now transports you to Vivianna's hut. Gameplay Leveling Level cap increased to 5. Abilities The percentage values on the Rage ability have grown increasingly powerful and eventually gamebreaking so we've decided to change them to a flat +10 HP, +2 Damage increase. In the future we plan to introduce additional Rage abilities to provide more variety for different game styles. Skills Decapacitate (slashing weapons special attack): damage increased to 130% from 100% Slice (piercing weapons basic attack): damage increased to 100% from 80% Deep Cut (piercing weapons special attack): damage decreased to 80% from 100%, AP cost reduced to 3 from 4, no cooldown. Consumables Rejuvenation potion is now restricted to one use per turn.
V.0.4 New scene (day) A new skill based daily scene added. Inventory tutorial For new players an additional tutorial added for the inventory and equipment management. Skills are now cap at 100 Tooltip for scenes Skill requirements to unlock the full scene is now displayed for each skill based scene. Monster info A compendium with the current monster types and their short description is available at our Patreon page.
7-01-2024 the english version of the Fall of Ashenburg game has been updated.
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