Our protagonist is a guy like any other normal guy. Lives a peaceful and uncomplicated life. That uncomplicated life turns into a rather complicated one when he receives a letter from a mafioso, who tell our unfortunate protagonist that due to his parents past, he is now under a mafia contract. He is to serve for a mafia family, but not just any mafia family. The DeLuca family. One of the most dangerous and infamous criminal organization in the country. Minimum 1-2+ hours of gameplay depending on your reading speed.
Season 1 Steam Release: The DeLuca Family Season 1 - Added the Visual Novel (VN) mode - Added Codex section for lore entries
v0.09.6 Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue causing saves to revert to the Lucania intro. You can now complete the event as usual and save after. Resolved an issue that made the TriaQuaedam event playable in Isabel's friendship path. The final story now requires completion of all side events associated with the girls and MC for access. Non-gameplay Related Changes: Players can now access the Bikini Lady from Nimble Finger via Wilfred. All other Bikini Lady events have also been included. Will add all gameplay-related events here in the near future.
v0.09.5 3 events with the bikini girls. 2 animations Added Lucania Free roaming. (text based) Gina's Tavern Intro Soldiers Quarter Intro (Bianca intro) Church Intro (Amita and Amata) Old Man Vincent shop Intro Tina's Brothel Intro Overall, a decent introduction to Lucania. And like the event with the bikini lady. Some story related information on mc's father and mother in it as well. It's a bit shorter content wise than I wanted to be honest, but there were some tough corners to make. Especially with the Lucania part. It's 0.9.5 and not 1.0.0 Because I'm currently working on adding a combat system to the game. I want it to be simple enough, so I can finish in less than 2 weeks, but not simple enough that it won't be fun. It will be a standard turn based with a little twist! Once combat is done, I will work on adding more to Lucania (which is very empty after the introduction) and some of the other contracts. The codex and few images on existing contracts have been moved to be released after the combat is done. That's all from me. Hope ya all have a great week! Oh, lastly, I just got engaged. Congrats me! :)
Changes and New Features:
- TriaQuaedam : Isabel's Main event - Cogwheel : Story 11 from Main story. - Death of a princess: Story 12 from Main story. Season 1 finale.
v0.08.0.3 Fixes and changes: * Fixed missing description on the painter contract * Money UI removed if Gameplay is turned off * Fixed a loading issue regarding energy/hp loss * Fixed portend being playable too early * Some other coding things under the hood
Fixes and changes:
* Cost of tech (Event: Business Toys) reduced from $1000 to $350 * Cost of toys and candies (Event: Business Toys) reduced from $2000 to $1000 * Prevented the consumable tooltip and the money tooltip from getting stuck. -If they are already stuck you will need to select the item in the mission mode and open and close the laptop respectively * Fixed another issue where saving would break temporarily soon after losing health or energy points * Unequip works properly now * All gallery images now properly unlock * When missions are disabled, you now retain your stealth bonus (works after updating even on existing games) * Fixed the sprite shader which was broken on Open GL ES (which includes ANGLE2 renderer. GL2 was fine)
v0.08.0.1 Bugfix * Fixed The Contract not getting assigned when starting new game * Fixed "X Quest Complete" notification when upgrading saved game * Fixed receiving all of the level up messages when you gain XP after upgrading save. * Fixed issue where saved game might fail to load after receiving an item * Fixed player level appearing higher than it should be * Fixed player money display missing in new games
v0.08.0 Changes and new features:
- New sprite idle animations (3 Pood) - Save games can now be renamed - Several new soundtracks added - New MC theme created from scratch by a freelancer music composer for The DeLuca Family
- Luna Event: Fearless Serpent - (bit story about M6 and the other girls from the past + lewd scene with 2 animations.) - Gracie Event: Work Seduction - Gracie Event: I Don't Smoke - Gracie Event: Movie & Dinner - Gracie Event: Morning Job - Gracie Event: Business Toys - Gracie Event: Sessanta Nove - Gracie Event: Arrendersi - Gracie Event: Nepotism - Gracie Event: The Grind
- Fixed performance issue that may happen after prolonged play (3 Pood) - Major code change and optimization (3 Pood) - Equipment/inventory database change (3 Pood)
Changes and new features:
Mission Contracts can now be fully controlled via keyboard shortcuts. Designed so it can be played with only the left hand -navigation: W,S,A,D. Explore: E, Interact: Q, Inventory: Z, Abilities: X, choices: 1-9, Continue: Space, Skip: Ctrl
- Nimble finger now also give Hardened Leather Gloves (R) when getting S - Stats has been changed to icons (Visual change) - Icons has been added in appropriate choices (such as battle choices) - Gallery will stay unlocked even outside of the save game. - Added all missing events to gallery replay - Added new Explore stat for mission contract. Will give an overview of how much of the contract you have explored. - Added a little scene where the dog can save MC during nimble contract fight (Morbil) - Saves now inform people what version the saves is and if it is compatible or not. - Added an image of MC that shows the different gear you wear. Works with all current equipment. - Overhaul of the main mission GUI during contracts - Transparent dialogue box added - Many new translatable huds and gui
Fixes: - Fixed an issue where the Nimble Finger Fight gave the D rank no matter what - Fixed an issue that overlapped a mission and Wilfred when not having enough HP/MP - Fixed an issue where consumable quantities wouldn't update - Fixed an issue where some room hotspots would persist into events - The Painter missing description fixed - New line markers in The Painter fixed - Can fall through to Painter Talk label in mission The Painter fixed - Prevents player discarding the pistol so you always have at least one gun - Peeking stealth bug fixed - Gallery replay bug fixed - Bonanzo Meeting top right broken map fix
- Bonan meeting direction fixed - Sound looping fixed - Gun requirement removed for when you play in story mode only - Gallery bug fixed - Isabel wine quest bug fixed Skipping leads to main game scene during warning and choice screen fixed
- Complete gameplay overhaul - Contracts can now be 'played'. It is all text based and in early development. - 6 Contracts with all but one being associate ranked. The 6th is a high rank which appears during the new event. - You can explore and obtain special renders which can be patreon polls or even commission renders patrons made. - Hidden secrets in some of the contracts that can add to the lore. - Gameplay can be turned off. - Many new character introductions - Mc focused update. We get a bit more about who he truly is and some information regarding his father (Father information can only be gained through the contracts (gameplay)) - Completion of Eiza's rescue sister arc which include two full length events. New animations - 1 BJ - 1 Kissing - 1 Fingering - 1 more - Introduction has been re-rendered and also gotten a new scene (so it's recommended to play through it) - Dinner scene has been fully re-rendered - Lots of new GUI changes
0.06.6 added french translation
Events and special scenes
- One Isabel event (conclusion and end of her current arc)
- One minor flashback event. (Wilfred's flashback)
- Added goodnight kiss for Isabel
- Added three Luna dream scenes
- Added one Isabel character info screen image
- Event log merged with Journal.
- Gallery with replay of all events
- Gallery with special renders
(Kudos to Mr.Qaywesdxc)
- Couple new music tracks
- The Promotion event now require the 'The Contract' to be done first
Bug fixes
- Spelling and grammar errors have been corrected
- Many minor bugfixes
- Old GUI tutorial images (arrows) changed with new images
- Bug: "If your rank is over 13, you get “Unknown rank”. You can also exp yourself to rank elite soldato, while in story you are still soldato."
Fixed "Unknown rank" gone and you now must do the promotion event (from the mission board) to be able to level up.
- Story9 kill count bug fix (again, as last time kept adding to the kill count) - 'The Magic Touch' bug (not triggering) has been fixed.
- bug fix section at laptop has been removed as the known bugs have been fixed
v0.06.1 - FRENCH TRANSLATION ADDED - Removed the day counter (There is no time limit in the game and hence the day counter only adds to confuse players) - Tooltip added - Added no sound camera image for soundless recordings - Fixed story9 not adding +1 kill to mc stat - The laptop now hides the money when watching recordings - Fixed lobby music not playing after luna breast event - Journal wrong order fixed - Bugfix menu added to the laptop
Pure Isabel focused update
6 new Isabel events (varies in length)
- New music
v0.05 - Story 8 - Action Filled - Story 9 - End of Fabio Arc
- One Luna Quest (Very long) - 3 new animation - Over 25 new soundtracks - Many new character introduction (some current some in the past)
0.04.1 - Gracie new info picture (Gracie love point 8) - All sprites rendered and some redone - Bug and typos fix (Thanks to all the people at discord who take their time to point these typos/bugs out and even show corrections) - UI and menu changes (special thanks to Bloo) - 6 Filler recordings for Cordia's Office. - Skip button at the top added (same functions as the laptop "relax" option) - 2 short repeatable Gracie scenes (kiss goodnight) - 3 short repeatable Luna scenes (Hug & kiss forehead)
To reach the second/third stage you need to have high enough love point and reached far enough with their storylines. These are short so are called scenes instead of events. More stages and longer scenes will be added as the progress with the girl's progress.
- French translation updated for 0.04. - German translation updated for 0.04 . - Italian translation updated for 0.04 . - Spanish translation added.
v0.04 Changelog:
- 2 new Gracie Quests - Gracie getting new friends events - 1 one new Gracie dance event
- 1 new story section
- New Family Introduction (The Kaskar)
- New Soldier introduction and event
- 11 new soundtrack
- Three new animations
- Typos fix The DeLuca Family
v0.03a Luna:
- New affection picture (affection +12)
- French translation for 0.03 added (New french translator Tanarius)
- 2 luna affection pictures enhanced
- The "x" button for hiding track quest is now more clear. (color change, size change, and outlines)
- You can now press 'e' to get to help screen
- All submenus can now be exited with the same shortcut key, 'Esc' and right-clicking.
- The start tutorial section updated with new images and information.
- Event logger now has improved requirement descriptions.
- Mission board 'accept' and 'decline' button now has a broader detection box and is easier to click.
- All the girls now have an end of current content message and image to follow. The end image will slowly change as we get further into the girl's storylines.
- Credit scene added. Will play at the last story section in each update.
- You can now change the font of the game (in-game – setting – font)
- The "x" button for hiding track no longer appear under title names.
- Missing image fix
- Giacobbe name fix
- Typos fix
- Three new story sections (New Arc)
- Luna Questline (Romance progress)
- Event Checker now show what requirements are needed to proceed with an event
- Dream images Can be accessed via the bed (right click bed to go to sleep instantly)
- Some renders (story section 4) have been enhanced
- Savegame compatibility bug fixed (Thanks to Palanto, coder of ASLPro3d)
- Typos
v0.02a Fixed - Fixed Isabel Intro - New Event Checker - Others - Removed a Folder Left By The Dev (Smaller File Size On Disk)
v0.02a Added: - Added French translation (Taz44) - Quick menu access (mission board) - You can now press 'right click' to return from menus and sub-menus at the mission board - Event Checker ("?" section top left of the screen) - Luna will now only hug after the promotion if she did the hug after her quest - Crowbar and Spiked bat added for associate rank. Pistol moved up to soldato rank.
Bug fixes: - Gracies night fixed - Luna compliment fixed - Right-click to redo contracts exploit fixed - Old save with translation using english in 0.02 bug fixed
- Isabel: Two Isabel quests and one animation. - Gracie:
One quests (dance) and two events. (One at day and one at night her room)
- Luna One event (promotion event) - One story section - Main contract quest can now be completed. - Laptop have gotten some minor (blurred) backgrounds for immersive reasons. - Afternoon scene in mc's bedroom have been changed slightly. - Salary system - Missions new become available depending on rank level e.g. Shadow: The Snooping Bonans will be available at rank 3. - The mission board have been optimized. The menu now works instantly with no waiting when switching sub menus. - After doing a contract you be instantly taken back to the contract accept page for easy repeat.
- Level cap increased to 10. - promotion event added - New items - New contracts - Fixed inventory name bug - Level keep increasing (Fixed) - not giving the 300 dollars after story section 3(fixed)
Comparability with old saves (READ!):
The update is mostly bug-fixes, some improvement to the GUI and mission balance.
- German Translation added. There are still some minor things like item description that needs to be translated, but ren'py is being a bit annoying with it. All story sections and free-roaming have been translated. - Changed shortcut for character info scene to I from L - Added stats screen for MC. (Shortcut C) - There is a screen for money in both the free-roaming and also when you use the laptop - All mission contracts have their money reward boosted - All mission contracts now also give pity money (small amount of money for failed contracts) - All missions have a threshold of which they will become a 100% success contract. (ex. Nimble finger will always be a success after 25 stealth) - Contract titles will turn green once the threshold has been passed - Mission board text now have hover and idle colors instead of being a single color - Rank Soldier changed to Sgarriste (Means the same thing but makes more sense)
Bug-fixes - Level keeps increasing (Fixed) - Not receiving the 300 dollars after the punishment story section (fixed) Download link at the top of the page. (Heart icon)
9-06-2024 the russian version of the The DeLuca Family game has been updated.
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