Wicked Rouge for android

Game description Wicked Rouge
After many years of your carefree life traveling around the country, you return home only to find out that someone has murdered your father and sent assassins after you. Barely avoiding certain death, you’re forced to take over the family business in one of the most recognized pleasure districts in Hana city.
However, you realize that your father’s business was struggling and counting its last days before closing the doors, but with the intervention of the local boss-like figure, you’re given a second chance to keep the building. With barely enough money to survive the coming months and a few courtesans in training, you’ve decided to return “The Red Petal” pleasure house to its former glory.
- An event with Kisayo in the garden, surrounded by blooming crimson flowers, where we share our feelings with each other.
- A series of events centered around the Tanabata festival. New sex scenes with all heroines (Kisayo, Otsu, Nekomi) competing for Yaichi's attention. 8 unique new sex animations.
I have made a minor update to reduce the narrative text blocks by approximately 30%. While I don't have precise figures, this is based on my estimation as I went through the entire game story making edits.
This adjustment was intended to alleviate the burden of reading extensive narratives for new players, allowing them to focus more on dialogues, which aligns better with the game format. Additionally, I aimed to eliminate any excessive portions of the narrative without sacrificing important story elements.
v0.13.0 - 2023-12-12
- A new plot story revolves around capturing Guren and transforming her into a sex-crazed maniac, culminating in kinky bondage play featuring Kisayo. Players explore a newly added Sacred Shrine exploration map, meeting familiar faces such as shrine maidens and the head priestess.
- New exploration map consistent of 2 new map levels.
- Fixed some texts issues during some events (including otsu hotspring sex scene)
- Fixed Otsu combat skill "Cleansing" not targeting allies.
- Fixed upgrade "Garden" price.
- Fixed upgrade "Bedrooms" price.
- Increased "Night Services" rewards for both normal and hard difficulty.
v0.12.0 - 2023-10-28
- Added Otsu's hotspring scene which eventually leads to a sex scene with MC. Additional events with Umezou and Toneko, Nekomi with Kiku, and the scheming of the Tomomitsu gang.
- Increased difficulty for boss battles on hard difficulty.
- Fixed lobby upgrade at level 3+ locking game.
- Fixed Satsuki being unavailable even after her.
- Fixed issues with some gallery scenes wrong transfer points.
v0.11.0 - 2023-07-15
- This update is more about gameplay additions. I'll be adding story bits next week or so as new additions are tested out and I'll have time to test out and finish story content.
- Kaede's sex scene with MC.
- Added new gameplay difficulty options (Normal, Hard)
- Added a new gameplay function where mercenaries defend your establishment against enemies by reducing their number of waves.
You can choose to ignore, attack directly, or use mercenaries to reduce enemy numbers before engaging in combat yourself.
- Added Kaede as active oirans.
- Added Mei as active oirans.
- Added new customers to fit Kaede's and Mei's skill sets.
- Changed bedrooms function. Removed reserve system. Now, bedrooms increase max HP/EN of oirans.
- Changed lobby function. Now it'll improve the timer between customers spawn timer during Night Services.
- Hot spring now reduce chances of sickness by 30%, ultimately to only of chance with a max upgrade of 10%.
- Customers during Night services will have a bigger budget and pay more.
- Increased Energy consumption for oirans during Night Services.
- Increased Oirans cooldown timer between customers.
- Some profit and customer types calculations involving night services.
- Fixed game not transferring to some exploration maps.
- Fixed Satsuki Oiran activation condition. (previously she'll be active too soon)
- Lots of tweaks to systems and conditions. Hopefully, this will help to avoid issues with Oirans being locked out of gameplay.
v0.10.1 minor fix
-Mostly Kisayo and Nekomi sex scenes text revisions.
- New EVENT "Tomomitsu gang gathering".
- New EVENT "Otsu cares about you".
- New EVENT "Kisayo scheming against Tomomitsu".
- New EVENT "Kisayo made you supper".
- New EVENT "Rivaling sex battle with Kisayo (sex scene)".
- New EVENT "Kisayo's proposal and plan against Tomomitsu".
- New EVENT "Guren hires assasin".
- New EVENT "Training with Nekomi".
- New EVENT "Conquering Nekomi heart with your shaft (sex scene)".
- New EVENT "Secret spy".
- Fixed wrong daily AP stat.
- New EVENT "Kidnapping. The Red Petal is in trouble!"
- New EVENT "Investigate the room"
- New EVENT "Into Hana's streets"
- New EVENT "Mei and Oshi"
- New EVENT "Saka, Yura and Nakako"
- New EVENT "Umezou questions the guards"
- New EVENT "Patrol the streets with Nekomi. Kiku appears. New leads"
- New EVENT "Toneko seduction"
- New EVENT "In the search of missing oiran with full waifu party"
- New EVENT "Victorious. Search party travels onwards."
- New 2 Explorations maps.
- New EVENT "Most important guest. The Red Petal future on the line."
- New EVENT "Kidnapper harasses oiran"
- New EVENT "Confrontation"
- New EVENT "Saka and Yura attends retainer."
- New EVENT "Quick dash back to home"
- New SEX EVENT "In bed with Mei" (4 unique animations/handjob/blowjob/cowgirl/spooning)
- New EVENT "Afternoon with Kisayo. Preparation for war."
- New EVENT "Retainer leaves. Intrigued and hopeful?"
- New EVENT "Torture. Death."
- New EVENT "White Tiger vs The purple Bitch"
- New EVENT "HER (Great Oiran) reminiscent of the past. Second life."
21-story events. ~18.000 words. ~1+ hour of gameplay.
- New party member "Brawler"
- Changed combat skills and level requirements for all combat characters.
Wicked Rouge REFINE v0.8.0 changelog
- New EVENT "Mysterious Pedestrian".
- New EVENT "Early Morning Wakeup".
- New EVENT "Oshi Remembers Significant Occasion".
- New EVENT "Shogun Retainer Arrives to the Hana City".
- New EVENT "Tomomitsu Scheming".
- New EVENT "We can Succeed".
- New EVENT "Guren tries to cooperate with Hideaki, but he's useless".
- New EVENT "Mei talks about Fudeyo with a servant girl".
- New EVENT "Oshi measures oirans".
- New EVENT "Shogun Retainer Punishment".
- New EVENT "MC meets Kiku".
- New EVENT "Hana Festival".
- New EVENT "After the Festival. Guren warning?".
- New EVENT "Otsu talks with Kisayo".
- New EVENT (SEX) "Night servicing the new guest (companion?)".
- New EVENT "Morning talk with Kisayo".
- Fixed various text grammatical mistakes.
- Reduced "Hideaki" Max HP during the boss fight.
- Increased profits by a small margin.
- Removed "Bad Events" and "Mercenaries" mechanics until a better interactive system is implemented.
Wicked Rouge REFINE v0.7.4 changelog
- Added NEW Satsuki sex training.
- Added NEW Satsuki night services.
- Additional ~76 customer types with a focus on Satsuki skills.
- Added EVENT "Saka and Yura meets new Yujo".
- Added EVENT "Night with Kisayo at the garden".
- Added EVENT "Toneko visit".
- Added EVENT "Hideaki visits his family".
- Added EVENT "Kisayo talks with Nekomi at night".
- Added EVENT "Kaede in her chambers".
- Added EVENT "Onizuka Kiku appears".
- Added EVENT "Onizuka Kiku in her room with the oiran".
- Added EVENT "Umezou and MC planning at the office for the raid".
- Added EVENT "Nakatomi family plotting".
- Added EVENT "Arrival at Nakatomi Estate".
- Added EVENT "Kaede's plight".
- Added EVENT "The group infiltration as servants".
- Added EVENT "Shigeru's plans for the family".
- Added EVENT "Getting away with Kaede".
- Added EVENT "Intruders detected".
- Added EVENT "Showdown".
- Added EVENT "Hideaki's and Kade's regrettable past".
- Added EVENT "Finally at home".
- Added EVENT "Nekomi at baths with Kisayo".
- Added EVENT "Murdering of the family".
- Added EVENT "Kaede's wish and plea".
- Added EVENT "Nekomi gets hot with MC. Sex event.".
- Added EVENT "Defiant of Toneko".
- Fixed Nakako's wrong picture display during sex training.
- Fixed Satsuki appearing before her event in the management menu (reserve).
- Fixed oiran portrait HUD with HP/EN, not disappearing when she's sent to reserve.
- Satsuki will no longer appear fully maxed (S+).
- Fixed the issue with missing image folders.
- Fixed "End Day" Good/Bad events appearing daily.
- Fixed Satsuki's missing sex training image.
v0.5.0 Public
- Added EVENT "Guren shames Hideaki".
- Added EVENT "Umezou breakfast with his wife".
- Added EVENT "Chat with Toneko".
- Added EVENT "Nakaka chills with Fudeyo".
- Added EVENT "Takeru punishes delinquent".
- Added EVENT "MC trains in the garden with Fudeyo beside him".
- Added EVENT "Night at the office with Otsu".
- Added EVENT "Night in the bed with Otsu".
- Added EVENT "Kisayo's feelings".
- Added EVENT "Next day. Otsu embarrassment".
- Added EVENT "Enemies planning. Assassination".
- Added EVENT "Assassin sneaks in to murder MC".
- Added EVENT "Assassin gets fucked".
- Added EVENT "Kisayo's punishment".
- Added EVENT "New oiran".
- Added EVENT "Tomomitsu plans".
-Reduced sickness length.
-Increased successful steal chance.
-Fixed Autosave function.
-Fixed wrong skill display text for sex talents (Nakako)
-Extra fixes to player name entries throughout the intro sequence.
-Fixed and extended entertainment room upgrade to level 5.
-Fixed some events order.
-Added level-up event to natural sex service experience gain.
-Fixed improvement ceramic teapot price.
v0.4.3 Public
- Added EVENT "Sex with Fudeyo - Training Reward A" (Requirement: Fetishism Rank A >1980).
- Extra oiran Nakako sex training and night services events variations.
- Fixed incorrect main character's name display during the messages.
- Fixed oiran Nakako appearing in reserve before the quest is completed.
- Fixed error whenever Fudeyo gets sick.
- Fixed wrong motivation image for Fudeyo.
- Fixed entertainment room event trigger.
- Fixed entertainment room max level upgrade.
Wicked Rouge REFINE v0.4.2 changelog
- Fixed motivation command for NEW Nakako oiran.
- Fixed "sickness" state for NEW Nakako oiran.
Wicked Rouge REFINE v0.4.1 changelog
- Fixed missing "msg_hideaki_smile_2_1" image.
Wicked Rouge REFINE v0.4.0 changelog
- Added EVENT "Nekomi talk about the future".
- Added EVENT "Saka and Yura getting ready for the work".
- Added EVENT "Fudeyo break with Mei".
- Added EVENT "Fudeyo's assessment of MC" (sex event).
- Added EVENT "Tomomitsu gang's brothel"
- Added EVENT "Kisayo asks MC to visit her".
- Added EVENT "Talk with Kisayo about rescue oiran mission" (Quest).
- New Exploration Maps "Yakutori District" and "Fancy Pleasures" with multiple events and fights.
- New combat character "secretary" (support role).
- New Oiran "Nakako".
- Added EVENT "Tonemi Appears".
- Increased combat EXP rates.
- multiple changes to parameters etc.
- Fixed Night Service issue with not proceeding to "End Day".
- Temporal fix to android crashing when visiting the general shop and sacred shrine. Can cause issues to players who started a new game on v0.3.0. This should be fully fixed next week.
- Added function to double-check which oirans should be enabled or disabled. (Fudeyo fix)
- Fixed "Fast Travel" new location update for current saves (should fix android crashes)
- Fixed variable bars to not show wrong values when the menu is open.
- Fixed "Status menu" various issues.
- Fixed Love Score to hide characters players have not met yet.
- Forcing to update management menu values change.
- Fixed shown values when selling items in the shop.
0.3.1 Public
- Added "Workshop" location.
- Added "Pharmacy" location.
- Added "Sacred Shrine location.
- Added NEW "Garden" BG.
- Added NEW "Bedrooms" BG.
- Added NEW "Entertainment Rooms" BG.
- Added NEW "Guest Room" BG.
- Added NEW "Stage" BG.
- Added EVENT "Hot Spring upgrade".
- Added EVENT "Entertainment room upgrade".
- Added EVENT "Stage upgrade".
- Added EVENT "Oiran Room upgrade".
- Added EVENT "Pharmacy visit".
- Added EVENT "Workshop visit".
- Added EVENT "General Shop visit".
- Added EVENT "Sacred Shrine visit".
- Added EVENT "Sacred Shrine donation sex with Kuni".
- Added EVENT "Sex with Saka - Training Reward B" (Requirement: Fetishism Rank B, Served at least 1 customer).
- Added EVENT "Sex with Yura - Training Reward B" (Requirement: Fetishism Rank B, Served at least 1 customer).
- Increased customers' spawn rate during night services by 14%.
- Reduced daily reputation loss by 1% (previous was 5%, now it is 4% of current rep)
- Fixed transitions to the office not loading GUI.
- Fixed rough customers applying sex exhaust ignoring rough sex skill level and talent.
- Fixed stage upgrade costs.
- Fixed issue where "Masochist" talent wouldn't work on rough customers.
- Fixed entertainment room upgrade levels (upgrades increased levels too high by +1)
- Fixed issues with screen flicker on some systems.
- Fixed Night Service issue with not proceeding to "End Day".
- Temporal fix to android crashing when visiting the general shop and sacred shrine. Can cause issues to players who started a new game on v0.3.0. This should be fully fixed next week.
v0.2.0 Public
- Added dojo upgrade event with Nekomi.
- Added garden upgrade event with Saka and Yura.
- Added office upgrade event with Otsu.
- Added master room upgrade event with Kisayo.
- Fixed Watanai Alley tile which would disable further tile if clicked for a second time making the progress imposible (deleted the test leftover code to disable tiles).
- Fixed missing animations for android.
- Smooth out End Day transitions and fixed some issues with GUI flicker between events.
- Fixed Lobby MAX upgrade conditions.
- Fixed Hot-Spring MAX upgrade conditions.
- Fixed Master Room MAX upgrade conditions.
- Attempted to fix the "Travel" bug between Office and other locations. The ambiguity of the issue makes it hard to predict if it is fixed or not.
- Fixed Motivate: Gift wrong tip box costs texts.
First public release
v0.2.0 Public
- Added dojo upgrade event with Nekomi.
- Added garden upgrade event with Saka and Yura.
- Added office upgrade event with Otsu.
- Added master room upgrade event with Kisayo.
- Fixed Watanai Alley tile which would disable further tile if clicked for a second time making the progress imposible (deleted the test leftover code to disable tiles).
- Fixed missing animations for android.
- Smooth out End Day transitions and fixed some issues with GUI flicker between events.
- Fixed Lobby MAX upgrade conditions.
- Fixed Hot-Spring MAX upgrade conditions.
- Fixed Master Room MAX upgrade conditions.
- Attempted to fix the "Travel" bug between Office and other locations. The ambiguity of the issue makes it hard to predict if it is fixed or not.
- Fixed Motivate: Gift wrong tip box costs texts.
v0.10.1 B
- Fixed no actors battle UI issue.
- Fixed Saka and Yura events. They didn't start before.
- Part B of the exploration map was added. 2 Maps. ~13.000 words.
Multiple enemy encounters, ~10 events, ~7 loot points, ~2 traps.
- New Saka and Yura event. ~800 words.
- New Saka XXX event. ~ 1200 words.
- Fixed unskippable with the only mouse or touch Kisayo's regional map dialogues.
- Fixed some eventing progression issues (related to the main story).
v0.9.7A Public
- Fixed unskippable with the only mouse or touch Kisayo's regional map dialogues.
- Fixed some eventing progression issues (related to the main story).
v0.9.6A Public
Fixed issue with "Tasks" button not allowed to pay employees debt.
Fixed issue with black squares appearing on a screen when playing on android.
Fixed appearing "hire mercenaries" function which was removed for v0.9.x.
Fixed issue with regional map dialogue not allowing to skip text with a touch of the mouse.
Tweaked combat and reduced combat frustration.
v0.9.5 A
- Fixed issue with the requirement of Nekomi to be in the party and changing her stats during "Shadows In The Dark" quests.
- Fixed issue which would cause the "Shadows In The Dark" quest to be skipped.
Dev Post
v0.9.4 A
- Fixed a crash when meeting shrine maidens under certain conditions during exploration map in Kuromaki Crossings.
v0.9.3 A
- Fixed issue with Umezou battle turn portrait causing a crash for some android devices.
v0.9.2 A
- Removed "Hire Mercenaries" button from regional map. (Mercenaries are being replaced by the story characters like Umezou or Nekomi)
- Fixed Umezou and Nekomi not being added to the party at certain story checks.
- Fixed Umezou and Nekomi not being added to the party at certain story checks and added extra safeguard check during "End Day".
v0.9.1 A
- Fixed requests window buttons not working.
- Added additional check to avoid issues with missing image files references to old "Mercenaries".
- Removed the "AudioStreaming" plugin which potentially causes issues for Android.
v0.9.0 A
- Fast forward combat
- Improved combat, new skills, enemies (18 new types), mechanics and much more.
- Added day indicator.
- New equipment pieces and items.
- Option to upgrade equipment.
* Added Exploration MODE.
- New "Kuromaki Crossings" map.
- New "Bandits Caves" map.
- New "Nakatori Valley" map.
- New "Admin. Hideout" map.
(new content for 1-2 hours Part A)
- Added mercenaries. A way to fight against Tomomitsu henchmen during end-day events.
- New battle backgrounds.
- Lots of changes to various GUI/Game mechanics (New shop window, option to change characters, mercenary recruitment option removed).
- Changed dojo purpose.
- Increased maintenance fixing costs.
- increased maids daily costs.
- Tomomitsu endgame calculates only when reached 100%.
- Regional map "Fist" action "Night Raid" reduces 50% Tomomitsu influence instead of 30% now.
- Changed Dojo function.
- Removed the "Training" option from the dojo.
- Removed Authorities.
- Improved "Locations" menu.
- Aggressive actions (regional map combat) against Tomomitsu reduces x2 his influence.
- Fixed Yura resting.
- Fixed wrong Dojo LVL 2/3 cost value.
- Gallery crash when the game can't detect a save files fixed.
- Fixed mercenary resting.
- Fixed Kisayo regional map function when canceling the map with "ESC" and cannot access the menu.
- Fixed wrong end day profit value if the player is in debt.
- Fixed event with Nekomi at the lake.
Wicked Rouge v0.8.3 (Proofread Test only) changelog
- Fixed grammar up to v0.7.3. Please report any issues.
- Fixed Yura's resting issue.
The gallery works for new saves, if playing using older saves, just synch "saves" using the "office book" option.
Some events require conditions unlocked. Read the changelog for more in-depth information. Proofreading wasn't applied, things currently are a little bit complicated and I'm in no position to hire additional help currently, but I did my best, hope grammatical errors are not that noticeable.
There was a tiny shift in the writing especially the sex scenes. I still trying to discover my way of writing and the way I realize my scenes. I tried to write them more detailed and hotter, I hope you'll like them.
Also, I utilized some tricks I learned while animating, small details should be noticeable and I'm sure I'll be able to bring you even better scenes with time.
Need testing, I've manually updated some internal RPGM mv code with newer PIXI and some java additions, highly untested, but should result in a more stable game with fewer bugs/crashes. Report any weird thing happening.
Added Tomomitsu influence growth events (He starts attacking establishment), authorities suspicion ending.
Made multiple adjustments and I hope currently the game is more pleasant to play. That includes the separation of "Study" and "Night activities (Lobby & Stage work). Courtesans can study and work simultaneously.
Lots of bugfixes and VIP/End game shouldn't bug out anymore.
- Fixed "Task" button transferring player to request scene.
- Resting mood recovery improved by 30%
- Finest treatment talent percentage changed from 30% to 40%
- Customers spawn formula adjusted. Should result in a more stable random chance to appear resulting in less "empty" nights.
- Health recovers slightly slower and sickness status is more significant.
- Working reduce slightly less HP.
- Slightly higher chance to get sick if health is low.
- Lowered combat difficulty.
- Sen Ieharu encounter should be easier.
- Added crash fix during Sen Ieharu encounter (should fix, but not 100% sure).
- Expanded lobby servicing texts. Descriptions calculate proficiency levels instead of "talents" to show texts and pictures.
- Increased the "study" experience gain.
- Slightly increased "Learn from experience" talent experience gain.
- Corrected wrong encouragement and sex training mood recovery values. 60% more effective now.
- Fixed first step quest.
- Fixed wrong Fudeyo's sex training fetishism experience gain wrong values.
- Fixed wrong values showing how much girls earned during "study".
- Fixed sex training positive mood adding values to Saka instead of Mei.
- Fixed Stage upgrade typos.
- Fixed improvement hair combs price.
Wicked Rouge v0.6.3 changelog
- Building upgrades cost only coins now.
- Different window skin for choices and "improvements".
- Improved establishment upgrade GUI
- Revised starting map
- "Wanderer" and "Pedler" classes crashing the game at the start of "intro".
Wicked Rouge v0.6.2 changelog
- Missing first character in the textbox.
Wicked Rouge v0.6.1 changelog
- Fudeyo biography picture not appearing.
- Skill tree crash
Wicked Rouge v0.6.0 changelog
- New courtesans management GUI added. Total rework.
- New style for some UI elements.
- Save and load menu finished (fixed all minors inconveniences).
- Better organization of the events, end day events should run faster.
- Added the "skip" button during dialogue.
- The enemy level increased relative to the player at a slower pace.
- Reworked buff potions.
- Added office book to office.
- Obedience grows with a higher mood.
- Changed shop behavior. More intuitive UI.
- Changed storage behavior. More intuitive UI.
- Changed item menu behavior. More intuitive UI.
- Added hotkeys to various buttons.
- Added exit button and function to number input UI.
- Some instances when mouse not forwarding the messages upon click.
- Party members disappearing after using items in the regional map.
- Regional map beggar row events persist even after completing them.
- Added office book to office.
- Values required to upgrade "Stage".
- Values required to buy improvement "Stylish hair comb".
- Hotspring build event if clicked with mouse prompting a UI while Yura massage Saka's breasts.
- Various issues with management window when upgrading etc.
- Kuni bust not displayed during the donation quest.
- Nekomi not appearing in her room.
- Full-screen mode not saving properly.
- Issues with the "Sacred shrine" map when talking with characters second time.
- VN buttons not showing up after whipping.
- Minor fixes to regional map and skull closet.
- (Quest) Wicked maidens, Kuni event, part 1.
Talk to shrine head maiden after donation events.
(8 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Quest) Wicked maidens, Tonemi event, part 2.
Talk to shrine head maiden day after "(Quest) Wicked maidens, Kuni event".
(6 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Quest) Wicked maidens, Sakomi event, part 3.
Talk to shrine head maiden day after "(Quest) Wicked maidens, Tonemi event".
(9 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Skip day event) Tomomitsu spy visits the Red Petal.
Requires day => 45, Chiyo kidnapping quest completion, and Saka working as "courtesan".
(3 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Event) Virility medicine, Shio event, part 1.
Requires day => 12, Talk with the pharmacist in her shop after the initial greeting dialogue.
(8 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Skip day event) Virility medicine, Saka, Yura, Mei event, part 2.
Requires a couple of day skip after "(Event) Virility medicine, Shio event, part 1".
(11 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Request event) Masked man BDSM request, Yura event.
Yura's total sum of general and sexual experience =>1568 for the request to appear.
(7 animations(poses&angles)).
- (Skip day event) Nekomi getting familiar with player's body, part 1.
Requires dojo, day => 42, Chiyo kidnaping quest completion.
- (Skip day event) Nekomi getting familiar with player's body, part 2.
Requires dojo, day => 43, Chiyo kidnaping quest completion.
- (Skip day event) Kisayo & Nekomi romance route, intro.
Requires dojo, day => 46, Chiyo kidnaption quest completion, player combat level => 4.
- (Skip day event) Kisayo & Nekomi romance route, Kisayo route.
Requires to skip day after "Kisayo & Nekomi romance route, intro", choice "Kisayo".
- (Skip day event) Kisayo & Nekomi romance route, Nekomi route.
Requires to skip day after "Kisayo & Nekomi romance route, intro", choice "Nekomi".
- (Skip day event) Cock worshiping festival, part 1 (intro).
Requires dojo, day => 50, Kisayo & Nekomi romance route done.
- (Skip day event) Cock worshiping festival, part 2 (Umezou's noodle).
Requires dojo, day => 50, Kisayo & Nekomi romance route done.
- (Skip day event) Cock worshiping festival, part 3 (free time with Kisayo & Umezou).
Requires dojo, day => 50, Kisayo & Nekomi romance route done.
- (Skip day event) Cock worshiping festival, part 4 (courtesans return).
Requires dojo
Fixed dpad appearing in PC versions.
Quest "The Red Petal revival" minor fix to quest description.
A fix for possible event condition bug which prevented some events from appearing. (kisayo hotspring scene, Nekomi training in backyard, Kisayo night scene in the backyard).
Quicksave will now save a file with different save file/image names to prevent possible bug which makes it unable to load. Rename "autosave" file&picture to "save1".
Fixed an issue preventing talent "Wild and outrageous" from happening.
Fixed the issue with Fudeyo 0 health and not being able to set activity for her.
Fixed new Mei events forcing the game to skip "end day" calculations/profit screen and go directly to "morning".
Corrected AP requirements for sex training.
Fixed mei encouragement options not showing on some occasions when she's overpraised.
Correction to encouragement gift ("sexy dress") text/formula.
Fixed AP decrease amount for regional map activities.
Fixed issue when in "girls overview" or other menu's, mercenaries are displayed by pressing page up/page down.
Text plays smoother now.
New save&load menu.
A new friend in Nekomi's room.
Fixed error occurring in the picture gallery.
New 4 part event: 3 goons, 1 boss battle, new character revealed. Multiple part quest.
New event: Chiyo tries to escape.
New event: Keeping company to Nekomi.
New event: Kisayo gamble (2 animations).
Added mini-game. Card match lottery.
new request for Fudeyo (10 animations).
New request for Mei (5 animations)
Fix various bugs occurring during sex scenes (pressing fast forward and change camera, pressing change camera during scene fade out etc.)
Added collection closet to collect heads.
Small other changes not worth mentioned here.
Possible fix for "freeze" error during management dialogues in the office.
Experimental additional changes to courtesans profit calculations.
Fixed "low maid efficiency" indicator not showing.
Added mental states.
Added requests.
Added talents with additional new features. (use item "reset talents" which is acquired by revisiting the office (inventory>keyitem)).
Now shows when courtesans rank up and gain talent points.
Added erotic performance.
Fixed stage profit calculation. (Fudeyo&Yura were skipping theatrical drums improvement)
Changed energy formulas.
New formulas how profits are calculated all over the board.
If max rank reached while studying, courtesan will rest instead.
Removed establishment maintenance daily cost.
Improvements makeover.
Increased rooms and improvements cost.
Increased materials cost.
Increased potions cost...
Fixed HP regeneration for courtesans when they get sick.
New event(REQ): Fudeyo with a married couple sex scene (req: C rank of all skills or the total sum of 784exp points of skills).
New event: Intro to an erotic dance performance.
New event: Kisayo introduction event remake.
New event: Nekomi intro event.
New event(REQ): Saka lesbian sex with "black widow" (sex scene 4 animations)(req: B rank of all skills or the total sum of 1568exp points of skills).
New event: Kisayo hotspring sex event.
New event: Black widow introduction (req: B rank of all skills or the total sum of 1568exp points of skills).
New event: Master asks Mei how she's doing.
New event: Saka and Yura check on Mei.
New event: Fudeyo talk about courtesans with Mei.
New event: MC and Mei chat in the garden.
New event(REQ): Yura becomes customer "wife". (req: C rank of all skills or the total sum of 784exp points of skills).
New event(REQ): Mei with inexperienced guy. (req: C rank of all skills or total sum of 784exp points of skills).
New event: Kisayo with MC in the garden during night.
Event changed: Added a section of story where mei gets her new room when she becomes a courtesan.
New event: MC trains with Nekomi (requires dojo and day>37).
New event(REQ): Yura with a giant man. (req: B rank of all skills or total sum of 1568exp points of skills).
Small other changes not worth mentioned here.
Fixed "The old dojo" quest completion.
Fixed "Dojo" upgrade bug causing an empty scene if clicking on upgrade lvl 3.
Fixed frame rate drop during scenes with additional bust (for example intro with creepy smiling assassin).
Fixed "Stage" profits.
Minor changes to shrine buffs.
Fixed transparent Umezou pictures in the dojo.
Fixed AP error in Dojo when training.
Multiple fixes to "skip intro" function.
Fixed icons not showing up when maintenance&cleaniness are low.
Added maid efficiency percentage indicator if below 75%
Fixed Fudeyo's not working event after an encounter with her brother.
Slightly better reputation gain.
Fixed "skip intro".
Fixed UI not showing on mobile devices (android).
Fixed "images not found" for linux, mac, android
Fixed off-center text in some of the dialogue choices
Other minor fixes not worth mentioning
Fixed version display on the title screen
Fixed various pictures display bugs during intro's
New title screen.
Added combat.
Added relationship window.
Added parameters window.
Added skill window.
Character class pick screen at the beginning of the game.
New short unique intros to each class.
Fixed fade-in effect opening various menu's/overview screen/when transferring into new maps.
Fixed girls overview screen open/close scene
Fixed bugged mouse cursor when you leave girls overview.
Fixed City Map icon on the selection (added hover effect).
Reworked variable display in overview map etc. Basically new (better) method to display UI management aspects etc.
Added Action Points
Fixed variable display when skills pass their maximum in the girl's overview screen.
Fixed cursor bug when playing windowed mode and you leave game screen/return with the cursor.
Small changes in the story.
Added party hud.
Added dpad for android.
Added party rearrange
Added mercenary hiring
Added Regional Map (gameplay addition)
Added internal pleasure house traveling between rooms
Added 6 girls rooms
Added Dojo
Fixed auto resting incorrect values when checking when to rest and HP restoration.
Fixed End day UI after the first night with Fudeyo.
Fixed auto resting cancelation upon leaving girls overview screen.
Fixed Mei first time giving no money if she's sold to the customer.
Fixed Mei after the first-time event (busts problems)
Added entertainment low food&drinks indicator
Added various visuals indications (low maintenance, low cleanliness, low food, low drink, etc.)
Fixed Fudeyo's brother arm cutting event for android (progress bar not filling up).
Fixed Oshi showing up in the training room.
Fixed sex training scenes restarting/bugging.
Fixed black screen on start up.
Minor income balance changes&small fixes+tweaks.
Fixed black screen issue during animations.
Fixed "Pray for knowledge" bug resulting in insane exp rate.
Fixed "The Red Petal revival" quest failing bug.
Fixed option to call Fudeyo even though she's in "trauma".
Small tweaks&fixes
Added touch support to sex training heart mini-game
Added touch support to expanded dialogue choices
Fixed map travel arrow keys leading to an empty list
New event: Saka talks with the client (1 sex scene (2 animations/Anal scenes))
New event: Talks about religion, unlocks Sacred shrine.
New map: Sacred shrine
New function: Pray for various buffs
Added sex scene: Donate to the shrine to get sexy with shrine maidens (2sex scenes (4sex animations)). Additional content will be added later.
Added 12 new animations to sex training.
New event: Yura is bored
New event: Fudeyo's asks Saka how she's doing
New event: New sheets
New event: Talk about reputation
New event: Fudeyo's murderous brother
New event: Saka&Yura at the beach
New event: Dream
New event: Yura's group sex
New event: Talk with Fudeyo&Mei asks
New event: Mei trips
New event: Mei scolded
New event: Umezou about finances&Mei start
New event: Everyone finds out about Mei
New event: Mei virginity check (1sex animation)
New event: Choice [take Mei virginity yourself || sell her virginity to the client] (2 animations)
Mei prostitution & training unlocked!
New event: Mei&Yura interaction
Small income balance
Grammar fix thanks to NINJAOFORTHANC and Marutain.
Fixed the issue with the quest log showing wrong variables for "The Red Petal revival".
Fixed the issue with a mouse click, not forwarding the message and message buttons not showing up. (can occur again, use "Enter" and inform me which scene causes trouble)
Corrected overview display of choice of study. (studying "beauty" previously showed as "charm")
Fixed Saka/Yura quest "first step" competition.
Fixed variable display for Yura's energy during the resting end day event.
Starting a reputation increased, resulting in better profits. (no need start over, it'll be applied automatically)
Fixed capitalization of some images for Linux support.
Added scroll bar to various menus.
Increased total savegame slots to 35.
Reduced sickness effect to health regeneration reduction from /2 to /1.4.
Increased profit for an entertainment room.
Increased profit for the guest room.
Increased profit for the hot spring room.
Increased profit for ordinary yujo.
Decreased profit for courtesans.
Added a bonus to Fudeyo prostitution earning. (professional trait)
Fixed problem with not updating correct variables upon upgrading rooms/buildings. (bedrooms max girl slot or office income bonus)
Fixed issue with not updating the correct variable's popularity.
Added low maintenance and cleanliness notification about reputation loss.
Low maintenance can trigger bad events. (girls get hurt, low profit for that day)
Girls dialogues at the office and training room are merged now (Training room/Office room use the same dialogue tree). You can issue activity commands in the training room now, except sexual training is still exclusive to it. Quest etc. can be activated in both rooms.
Fixed Oshi management report.
Reduced micromanagement in dialogues.
Used different zip method for mac version. It should work now.
Added an option for girls to rest and return to work automatically when their health reaches your designated threshold.
Removed damage to reputation if customers not served in the entertainment rooms. (if 0 food/drink)
Lowered reputation gain for all activities.
Reduced food/drinks consumption rate for entertainment room by 2x
Rebalancing all rooms/building/courtesans/ordinary yujo profits to less dramatic. (previously early game was too hard, end-game too easy with insane profits)
Reduced damage to health after sex training for the player
Increased player energy amount.
Removed daily exp loss.
Rebalanced sex training. Carresing&Service will require more energy (10).
Reduced training sex night. service gain.
Improved training sex fetishism gain.
Added skill tree framework accessible through the overview window.
Added additional window at the "end day" event. It'll display profits after wage/maintenance deduction to get a better idea of how much you earn or lose from a certain activity.
Added a "Joyous Day!" event. Occasionally this event starts and for straight two days profits and reputation gain increase.
Increased resting regeneration speed.
Added notification to sexual training once your hp is below 50% informing about efficiency.
Changed how building upgrades display materials needed.
Other small fixes&tweaks.
First public release
How to install Wicked Rouge for android
1) Download the apk file2) Install the downloaded APK file by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification screen
3) If this is the first time you install apps not from Google Play, you will need to give the appropriate permission. It is necessary to enable (allow) the installation of applications from unknown sources (unknown sources) in the phone settings. Usually this item is located in the section Security
If you don't see the channel, open web.telegram.org in your browser, log in, then Menu > Settings > Privacy and Security > Disable Filtering

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