Tome of Lust follows Julia, an innocent young woman who is unjustly imprisoned. In her cell, Julia discovers a tome that grants her unparalleled magical power. As you go deeper into the story, you help Julia survive among savage male prisoners and the cruel guards. Hopefully, one day she will manage to escape the prison to reach freedom and seek her revenge.
v0.9 Translation support The translation support is very experimental in this version. v0.9b has much better organization for the support, so don't do any work on this version yet. I’ve restructured the exported files so that translation is easier. See translation section in the walkthrough for more details. Added gemstones digging event. After the library quest (quest 6), you can find a guide to rare gems in the library small room (where the nerd gang is). Read through the guide, which will show you how to find gemstones. Gemstones will be used to upgrade items for bedtime activities. See the gemstone section in the walkthrough for more details. Added a lot more to the self pleasure events and renamed it to be bedtime activities. Toys upgrades You can now upgrade your toys to increase its speed and power. These upgrades require gemstones. See the bedtime options menu in the walkthrough for the crafting recipe. Different outfits in your cell. You will get a bonus if you match the outfit with your mood. Some of the outfits are Regular prisoner outfit. Sexy prisoner outfit. No outfit. Guards may now visit your cell at night if you get caught masturbating too often. They will notify you if they come. If guards say that they’ll come, they may not come. If guards say that they won’t come, they will never come (i.e., they won’t lie about not coming). When guards visit your cell, you need to satisfy them when you doing self pleasure. Otherwise you will need to win them in a battle afterwards. Guards may now order you to get in a certain pose and wait for them to come. It’s a dilemma because they may never come, but it’s up to you to risk getting caught not waiting. If you wait for them, but in the wrong pose, you will get some punishments. When waiting for the guards, you don’t know when they’ll come. They can arrive at any time. I’ve made it so that on average the guards will arrive in 60 seconds. Guards may now order you to get a certain amount of orgasms when waiting for them. This can be at least, at most, or exactly some amount. A special case is that the guards will order you to have no orgasms. In this case you need to keep Julia pleasure low while waiting for the guards. At the beginning of the wait period, there will be a sign whether the guards are watching. If the guards are watching, then they will know whether you follow their order. When the guards arrive, they will ask whether you followed their order. You can choose to tell the truth or lie. From here, there are several scenarios. You can either satisfy their requirements or not. You can either lie or tell the truth. Even if you satisfy their requirements, you can still lie to them and get punished (but why would you do that?). The guards may or may not know the truth (depending on whether they’re watching). If the guards aren’t watching your cell, then they may know the truth 25% of the time, but if they’re watching then they will always know the truth. In total, there are 8 scenarios (2 x 2 x 2). Guards will now whip a lot if they catch you masturbating many times in a row. Guards may now order you to wear certain clothing when you pleasuring yourself. If you wear the wrong outfit, they will punish you. You can choose to hop on the machine and serve the guards afterwards (regardless of whether you satisfy them when self pleasuring). The guards will give you some gold if you do this. You can also choose to bribe the guards so that they will not come to your cell at night. Fixes: Add a block to disallow starting quest 9 without kneeling and crawling stances. Both of those are needed to complete the quest in certain paths. Move more messages to the central localization file. v0.8c Add a self pleasure event. This event will be available after quest 6 completion. You can trigger this in Julia cell before at her bed. This event will decrease (or increase) stamina cost and pleasure gain for the next day depending on the frequency and level of addiction. This event will also have an abstinence streak feature as a penalty once Julia is addicted. In the future, I will add guard interaction (e.g., punishments, watching, …) as well as other accessories that you can use during this activity. Update all the cut-in animations to use higher quality drawings to match the quality and style of the main images. There are around 10 cut-in animations with new drawings. Move all texts into a central location. This will help with any translation effort. In the next release I’ll export a special file containing all the texts so that if you want to translate you’ll only need to change that file. The texts include Skill descriptions for all categories: main skills, secondary, magic. Help texts for the status bar. Stats text for the stats menu. All dialogues in all scenes. v0.8b Add a sample battle to the walkthrough here. A lot of people complain that the battles are too hard. This sample battle proves that it’s not really hard if you pick the right skills. Add crawling pose to quick battles. You can now choose among several crawling poses during normal encounters with inmates or guards. Add layer to quick battles. As you defeat more men in quick battle, you will be covered in more and more. This is most noticeable in the crawling and kneeling quick battles. Add various punishments during quick battles. These punishments will only be enabled in certain quick battles. These include Periodic molesting, slapping, whippings. Dildo or double dildos with vibrations. Add the feature to name your save. By default it’ll say “Unnamed save” on your save. This helps you distinguish between your many save files. Add anal sex for bend over pose. Previously bend over pose only allowed vaginal sex. Now you can do either anal sex or vaginal sex in this pose (but not both). Add more polishing to quest 9: The black gang when they punish you will also ask for the punishment round number. If you answer incorrectly they will restart the count. Add mouth gag sprite during nerd gang punishment. Prevent blinking and teleportation, or going to unrelated areas during certain stages during the quest which may cause weird plot holes (e.g., walking around naked in other unrelated areas). Add a new side job to deliver a large amount of gold to either Brian (black gang leader) or Shawn (Bleachers leader in the shower room). You can do this once per day. This depends on the completion of quest 9, and depends on who got defeated first in the battle. I forgot to save this information, so existing saves that finished quest 9 will have this default to Brian wins (meaning Shawn was defeated first in the battle). You can choose to lie and offer yourself as the payment to keep this gold. Currently it’s a large amount of gold so I can reduce it to avoid easy gold farming in future releases. I can also increase the difficulty of the punishment to make it worth the amount of gold. Fix a lot of bugs: Fix a bug in librarian quest where lewd books are rarely requested. Fix a bug in librarian quest where using cum cleaner doesn’t improve cleaning effectiveness. Fix a bug that allows you to skip the nerd gang punishment before your shift if you meet the nerd gang during book return. Fix a bug when visiting the nerd gang after your library job, both options, on knees or bend over, both start the bend over pose. Fix a bug in quest 6 where a hand sprite is missing, causing you to have an invisible glove floating around. Fix a bug in quest 7 where you can sleep when satisfying the guards while crawling in your cell. Fix a bug in quest 9 when you pass out during black gang punishment doesn’t fail the quest. v0.8 Add a new main quest “Uneasy alliance”. You can start this quest after you finish the quest 5 (“Organizing supplies”). Known issues: you can exit the laundry rooms and the bar when you’re naked. I’ll fix this as a follow up since I don’t have enough time. Add “easy mode” which drastically reduces the difficulty of the game. Here are some features of easy mode. Require less stamina overall to use skills. Orgasm self-damage is reduced by half. Enemies won’t regenerate stamina in battle. However, in easy mode, side quests are disabled, so you don’t get to enjoy the full game. Add a menu to show all the categories and their corresponding books so you know which belongs to which. Increase the number of strokes for quick sex battles. You need more strokes to finish, but you will require less stamina per stroke, and have more time. Overall, I’ve calculated it so that the amount of stamina required is the same, and the time is scaled accordingly, so it’s not harder, just takes more strokes. Fix mana requirement for magic skill in battle and allow freeze to be used freely, instead of limited on a few enemies. Effectively you can freeze everyone as long as you have enough mana. Change battle first turn to be the stance selection turn. Then enemies won’t act during this turn. Change battle so that enemies will select skills after user skill selection. Allow gold and notoriety symbols to be replaced with simple characters to avoid font missing on some systems. You can change this in the Preference menu. Move some localization into a central place. The long term goal is that there will be a file containing all the dialogues in the game. If someone wants to translate the game, they’ll only need to translate that single file. v0.7d Increase super-regen cheat to be regenerating 50% of max stamina & 50% max mana per second when not in battle. Add ability to return the books in the stash early (even if the stash is not full). This is so that if you upgrade the stash with very high capacity you can still manually choose to return the books to the shelves. Nerd gang will demand something before starting the librarian shift, so be prepared to deal with them before each shift. You can now also choose to visit the nerd gang while you’re returning books. They’ll give you some gold if you satisfy them. You now have an option to add posters to the library to increase the number of visitors in the library (taking effect during book returns). This also adds more visitors to each shift, so you’ll get more gold each shift. The tradeoff is that the visitors will require a higher satisfaction threshold (when returning books to shelves). Add logic to display cum layer (with varying level) during librarian quests. Add logic for visitors to approach you if you wear revealing outfits. The more revealing the further away they’ll start approaching you. New mechanism: Add a memory slot to the crafting table. With this, you can now craft items more easily and avoid the tedious crafting process. See details about the memory slots in the crafting table section in the walkthrough. New mechanism: once an item is crafted from the ingredients, it will be automatically moved to your inventory. You can disable this behavior by going to the Preference menu. Balance: lower the amount of stamina required for all skills by 25% (so 75% of the original cost). Increase the number of buttons pressed required for cleaning by 2x, but also increase the effectiveness of cleaning chemicals by 2x. This means it’ll take the same amount of effort to clean with the right chemicals, but will take 2x amount of effort without the correct chemicals. Fix a bug that cleaning chemical doesn’t work with wine stains. v0.7c Add librarian choice of crawling during book returns. This will work for the slutty outfit, panty only outfit, and the naked outfit (I still need to add slutty outfit for the crawling image though). You can also optionally choose to add vibrators while crawling to make it more challenging. When crawling during book return, you'll be able to serve the visitors using the kneeling stance. Add nerd gang payment for librarian. The nerd gang now demands payment because their territory is invaded by more and more library visitors. You can choose to pay gold, or choose an alternative payment mode if you want to keep the gold. For alternative payment mode, see the changes to the 3 sub-modes changes below. Add 3 sub-modes to quick battle mini-game: Speed mode: defeat several rounds of enemies, each within a small amount of time. This is the current quick battle, except that now there can be multiple rounds of enemies. Accuracy mode: defeat several rounds of enemies with max higher pleasure, each within a large amount of time. It is easier than speed mode, but the catch is that your accuracy must not drop below certain threshold at any point. Endurance mode: defeat several rounds of enemies within a large amount of time (in total, not for each enemy). In this mode you can take your time between the rounds instead of having to rush through the enemies. Reduce the cooldown of potions use during quick battle mini-game to 0.5s (normally 1.2s) so that you can recover your stamina faster. v0.7b Enable the cleaning guide after finishing quest 8 so that you can refer to the formulas afterwards. The guide will be where you found it in quest 8 (bottom left of the library, like shown in the image below). Return helper: you can now ask visitors to help return books in the stash so that you don’t have to go return them yourself. Punishment after shift: accept punishment after shift when there are disappointed visitors. You can choose to double down and accept twice the amount of punishments if you’re confident that there will be no disappointed visitors. The later choices will include counting while being punished, so make sure you keep counting. Serving after shift: agree to serve disappointed visitors in other ways to guarantee satisfaction. Make sure you prepare cum cleaner potions. If you fail to clean up afterwards, you will receive no gold. Different outfits when working as a librarian. Choosing different outfits will affect “gold per satisfied visitor” and visitor patience. The different outfits are also available when you walk around and perform different sex acts when returning books in the library. Standard prisoner outfit. [New] slutty prisoner outfit. [New] Panty only outfit Naked Touching allowed: allow visitors to freely molest your body to improve their patience. v0.7a This new side quest is rather complicated and has a lot of interesting features for you to explore. Below are some of them. Add new encounter sex stance for standing bend over. This includes hand job, double hand job, blow job. After pleasing a guard in the library during the quest, you'll need to clean up the floor, so be prepared to use some cleaning potions. Quest upgrade menu with a lot of choices for you to experiment with (e.g., whipping, timeout adjustment, gold gain, ...) This may not seem a lot, but this opened up a lot of possibilities for features that are in v0.7b: A brand new outfit for Julia when working as a librarian. Allow vibrators to be used while doing librarian job. Allow visitors to molest during the job. Punishments in the new bend over stance after shift ends. Full sex battle with the new bend over stance (including all sex skills) after shift ends.
v0.6b - Add a cheat to level up (up to level 10) - Use new sprites for crawling stance in battle, which makes it consistent with the crawling sprites outside battle as well. - Guards in the toilet will now offer gold if you agree to put on dildos when battling them (talk to a guard and choose to serve them). - Rebalance secondary, magic skills and enemy stats: magic skills are now stronger, flaunt is now more effective, and enemies are stronger. - Pleasure now decreases over time. Previously pleasure doesn't decrease over time, and after the library quest, pleasure increases over time. Now, pleasure decreases by default, and after the library quest, pleasure still decreases, but more slowly. - Fix a bug with stamina potions not usable in battle when there are multiple types of potions. - Fix a bug of inmates in the shower room not forcing sex actions. - Fix a bug for magic wand in battle causing fractional pleasure.
General changes
- Add a help scene for the HUD icons (quest icon, skill icons, ...) - The game now has official walthrough. v0.5d official walkthrough is here - The game now supports Android, which I will include an APK release for every new version from now on.
Gameplay changes
- Add a pre-intro greetings scene mentioning artwork redo for better consistency.
- Add specific numerical details for each sex skills and magic skills. You can now view the exact stamina/mana cost and the output pleasure damage at each level. This information is available in the tome skills/magic menu.
- Rework the orgasm lock skill to be more useful (right now it's pretty much useless) + Now you can enable orgasm lock at any turn, for free (no cost). You can also instantly turn off the spell when it's your turn. + If you're supposed to reach orgasm, and you have orgasm lock on, the spell will reset your pleasure back to a certain percentage (level dependent). + Every time you avoid orgasm, you lose certain amount of mana (level dependent). If you don't have enough mana, then you reach orgasm and lose the spell protection for the rest of the turn. + Orgasm damage (when you don't have enough mana) is dependent on how many orgasms you avoided during orgasm lock. More avoided orgasms means higher stamina damage when you reach orgasm. + There's a text in battle log showing how many orgasms you avoided.
- Lower the pleasure requirement when trying to please enemy during encounter minigame.
- Change encounter minigame and cleaning task to use icons showing the letters instead of colors to make the minigame easier.
- Increase number of allowed potions use per turn in battle from 2 -> 4.
- Make NPC bosses stronger than before. NPC bosses now have more stamina + max pleasure compared to a normal enemy:
+ Geogre: 1.25x -> 1.5x normal enemy
+ Shawn: 1.35x -> 1.6x normal enemy
+ Lucas: 1.4x -> 1.7x normal enemy
+ Steven: 1.4x -> 1.8x normal enemy
+ Wesley: 2x -> 3x normal enemy
New content
- New location men toilet. This location can be unlocked after completing the cleaning quest "Tidying troubles".
- New location alchemy lab with new NPC Wesley. This location can be unlocked after completing the new cleaning quest above.
- New game mechanism: crafting. Crafting is required to complete quest 8 quick and efficiently.
+ New set of cleaning items that you can obtain and mix to produce new items using the new crafting mechanism.
+ New crawling pose with dildo and double dildo.
- After cleaning quest, you can now repeat the toilet cleaning activity as a side quest.
Secret alchemy recipes (Patrons only)
- Add 2 new cheats (cheat code stays the same as other v0.5 releases):
+ Super regen: you regenerate 20% max stamina and 25% max mana per second while not in battle.
+ Skip battles: you automatically win all battles.
Bug fixes
- Fix a bug when encountering nerd gang that prevents you from targeting one of the member.
- Fix cleaning chemicals to be excluded from battle. Right now using them will crash the game.- Fix a dialog bug (wrong face) for cleaning quest.
- Fix quest menu being available during tutorial, which can lead to accidental clicking and cause confusion.
- Fix a bug that causes inmates to have whip. Only guards would have whips now.
- Fix a bug for telekinesis that can't pull/push through certain empty paths.
- Fix a bug that causes game to stop working when paused and reloaded in the middle of a cutscene.
- Rework quest 1 to be more intuitive (you only have to pass out once, and you don't have to lose any battle to complete the quest). - Lower the in-game potion cooldown to 1.2s (from 3s) to allow more frequent use. - Add a new row of icons at the bottom to expose more in game parameters and explanations on how they work. - Add a new minigame for lightweight sex battle (as part of encounters) to expose more H-scenes.
- Rework encounter and notoriety to allow more options. + You now have a lot more encounter choices. Choice availability will depend on the current level of notoriety, skills, and some other parameters. There's a dedicated encounter choice menu which provides explanation on what is needed. + Julia will gain a lot more experience and gold from inmate and guard encounters compared to digging gems. This incentivizes encountering enemies for gold instead of digging gems. (Of course you can still dig gem for gold if you want to).
- Rework enemy count to be much smaller than before to encourage more H-battles. - Change skill usage restrictions in battle: + You can now use multiple skills during battle every turn, as long as there are free enemies (or the enemies are already engaging in the position for the skill). This removes the current restriction that you can only initiate 1 skill on a new enemy every turn. + You can now use the same skill on an enemy twice during battle every turn as long as you have enough stamina to survive. This means that you can use hand job up to 4 times (on 2 different enemies). + Lower the number of usable potions per turn down to 2 (from 3) to avoid skill spamming.
- New quest: the classroom. This quest features some more sexy content such as magic wand, sybian machine, and blindfold. This also contains a sneak mission that makes heavy use of the teleportation blink spell. - New battle improvement: multiple sex skills per turn. + You can now use multiple sex skills on different enemies (if applicable) per turn. + You can also use up to 3 items per turn (multiple potions of different types also work). + Enemy penetration and force hand/blow jobs will have higher priority compared to other skills (e.g. whipping, or grabbing). This is so that the battle can be more focused on these skills and can end in fewer turns. - Add a 3 seconds cooldown for potions (stamina and mana have separate cooldown timers). - Add a strong cheat to finish the current quest. This is so that you can easily skip through certain quests and play the ones that you enjoy. You can use this cheat multiple times to skip through as many quests as you like.
- Fix quest 6 to allow using blink on top of the dirty spots. - Fix quest 6 issue of loading in the middle of the quest causing all the dirty spots to disappear. - Add background music to quest 6. - Fix number of enemies being NaN if you get defeated.
- New quest 6: the library. In this quest Julia will be cleaning the library, and discover some new content inside the tome. - New enemy gang: nerd gang. Nerd gang will be a new enemy group in the library 2 once you finish quest 6. Nerd gang members are unconventional in that they're not trying to have sex with our main character, so they won't initiate any sex penetration skills. - New menu for quest management. From this release, you will need to manually start a new quest after finishing a quest. This is to facilitate future releases in which quest completion is not linear, and you can choose to complete (or skip) certain quests if you want. - Cheats menu for higher tier Patrons as part of their benefits. - Display the total number of enemies in battle to set the right expectation (avoid creating a perception of endless battles). - Fix bugs when trying to use item but you don't have any item (at the beginning of the game inside the Items menu). - Fix bugs for inmate encounters not working in the shower if you try to let them have fun or strip. - Add a menu for non-consumable items purchases. This sets up for future releases where you can buy different non-consumable items (e.g. vibrator, sexy outfits, ...). - Remember purchase/sell quantity preference in shop so that you don't have to click again.
Known issues: - If you lose a battle, the number of enemies can be NaN at the end for a brief moment. - If you save and load in the middle of quest 6, all the dirty tiles will become invisible. They're still there and you can interact with them, but they're invisible. - You can't use the blink spells on top of the dirty tiles in quest 6. - There's no music and background sound for the library yet. I'm still looking for good fitting music
- Add a minigame to dig gems faster. You can max out gems within 30s of playing this game. - Rework enemy encounters. Before it's automatically a sex battle. Now enemy will have 60% asking to molest, 30% asking to strip, and 10% asking to initiate a sex battle. In any of the case, you can choose to escape, or engage in the sex act. Escaping will cost stamina and you gain nothing. Engaging in sex acts will grant money and experience (depending on the sex act or battle). - Rework notoriety. a) Notoriety now goes up slowly outside battle after every enemy encounter, regardless of you choose to escape or engaging in sex act or not. b) Higher notoriety requires more stamina to escape from enemy at encounter time. c) Notoriety still affects the total number of enemies in battle. d) After sleeping, notoriety will decrease a lot if you don't engage in any battle, or win at least 1 battle. If you win all battles, notoriety decreases significantly. If you lose the battle, notoriety only decreases slightly. - Add 3 preference options to skip through the content. You can find these in the "Preferences" game menu. a) You can automatically sell all gems to Green every time you talk to him after the first quest. b) You can automatically skip the sex animation on the bottom left corner. It won't even show. c) You can automatically attempt escape from enemy if you have enough stamina. - Some other minor changes a) You now can get gold after each quest completion. b) Notoriety resets to 0 after each quest completion. c) You can also get gold by winning sex battle vs the bosses outside of the quest (Geogre, Shawn, ...).
Known issues: - Fractional stamina, pleasure, and mana numbers for level 2 and above. The game should continue to function, just that the display is a bit weird. - Cannot strip or "let the men have fun" in the shower (all rooms). Other places shouldn't be affected. Battle scene isn't affected by this as far as I know.
v0.1 - Add boob job to kneeling stance. Fix some small logic with sex skill incompatibility when using kneeling stance. - Add lying stance in which you can use all unlockable sex skills in Act I. - Add underwear to the stripping scene and sleeping scene. - Rebalance the game to be less grinding: a) Potions now heal more stamina and mana b) Julia now starts with more max pleasure points. c) Enemies now give more XP so level up is faster. d) Enemies now have slightly less max pleasure. e) Green now gives free healing if Julia stamina is too low. f) Julia can now immediately cast telekinesis (push/pull) without having to wait for previous telekinesis spell to finish. g) Blink now has a shorter animation, so Julia can cast blink and move around faster. - In quest 5, add a mechanism to unblock if stuck inside the boxes without any mana. - Fix error not being able to use items in the menu. - Fix glitches when transitioning between menu and main game.
v0.0.3 - Added new battle stance: kneeling stance. - Added butt grab, butt squeeze, and butt slapping animations. - Updated the skill and magic spell menus to align the icons and improve keyboard navigation on these menus. - Change quest 4 to force using kneeling stance if available. - Rebalance the enemy skill damage. - Fix some small issues with teleportation skills. - Fix status description window in battle to be in front of images to be readable.
v0.0.2 - Added 2 new quests with 1 water measurement mini game. - Added Julia's battle defeated image. - Added 9 new battle sexy image animations. - Guards now have whips that they can use at the end of quest 5.
v0.0.1 Initial Release
8-11-2024 the english version of the Tome of Lust game has been updated.
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